Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Trump Factor

During the last election cycle in the state of Virginia the Democrat, Terry McAuliffe, won the Governors race because a "Libertarian" candidate split the Republican vote. It was not discovered that the Libertarian was actually a Democratic plant funded by the DNC until days before the election and by then it was too late to alert the electorate. Dirty politics is common in both parties and no candidate and neither party can be trusted.

I often have what I call a "gut feeling" about things and that feeling is more often right than wrong. I have a "Check in my gut" about Donald Trump. Like the "Libertarian" candidate, Mr. Trump is saying a lot of things that catch the attention of the republican base and is causing the establishment GOP to crap in their Depends, but his record suggests he is no true conservative. I fear he may well split the vote even if he is not a "plant". I will not vote for an establishment Republican and if they shove one on us again I will write in either Ted Cruz or Allan West.
Mr. Trump is saying nothing that Ted Cruz is not saying but he is getting all the press because of the way he is saying it. He is anything but politically correct which is a good thing, but he is, in my humble opinion, too inflammatory and will only further divide the country with his over zealous antics and Christy-like harshness.

America does not need a celebrity figure or a politician who will feed the already existing anger in the streets with rhetoric and name calling. What we need is a true statesman who can speak truth to power without stooping to the level of the current administration only with a "conservative slant" to the divisive narrative.

Cruz is the only true conservative in the GOP race with the record to prove it. He has kept every campaign promise he made and is not afraid to call out even those in his own party as was seen when he called the Majority leader a liar from the floor of the Senate this week. He has the debating skills of a master and the wisdom of one who has been mentored by a strong father with sound moral convictions. He comes from humble beginnings and has not forgotten his roots. He has shown time and again that he can destroy the Progressive machine on both sides of the isle using truth and logic not hostile confrontation.

I may be wrong about Trump being a "Plant" but I do not believe he is not dangerous to the country. I believe he would be an excellent UN ambassador or Treasury Secretary but he does not have the statesmanship needed to be Commander-In-Chief. Considering the current condition of America and the world we desperately need a statesman like Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson or Winston Churchill and I believe Ted Cruz fits that description.

Just an observation and opinion....don't shoot me.....My first post since my wife was diagnosed and died from cancer in January...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Overwhelming Grace

There are times when we need to hear from the Lord because things seem to be more than we can handle and it "feels" like we have been abandoned. I thank God that at those times He has ways to reassure us that He has not left us or forsaken us. At times it is not enough to just have the scriptures to comfort us, though the scriptures are alive and contain the words of life that sustain us.

God knows our frames and our weaknesses and at the times we begin to wonder if He knows we are going through difficult situations He sends us the comfort and affirmation we need. More than once He spoke to Jesus saying "This is my Son....." and when John the Baptizer was in prison needing reassurance Jesus sent Him a 'practical' word from the natural world saying "...the dead are raised the sick are healed....".

This morning as I was getting dressed to go out for a walk I was telling the Lord I needed to hear from Him and after 3 hours in the word and prayer I heard nothing and was feeling a bit overwhelmed by circumstances, He still said nothing. I walked out the door and was shocked and immediately depressed at the sight of snow on the ground and in the air coming down at an incredible rate. Out of my mouth came "OH GOD, I HATE SNOW!!!", I looked up and was about to ask Him why He was doing this to me now, I am not feeling well, Toots is sick and needs to go to the dr. today and I can't deal with this now. But as I looked up I saw the stars in the sky shining bright and yet it was snowing like crazy. Immediately I 'heard' the Lord say that no matter how bad things appear He is there and no amount of discouragement the enemy tries to bring my way will be able to blind me to His presence.

He is not "in" the storm that comes into our lives but He is in the midst of it with us giving us peace and the assurance we need. He will always show us the thing we need to see or send someone with the word we need to hear to strengthen us and encourage our hearts. As quickly as I saw the stars through the snow and heard Him speak to me the snow ended. In the midst of this current storm He spoke and though there is snow on the ground, He is still on the throne and in control.....

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NLT

Truth Or Consequences

"I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him."

I received a word from the Lord a couple months ago that reveals what is happening in the world and in certain factions within the Church. He said "your priority must become to know truth not to be right. If you are walking in truth you will never have to worry about being right."

When Jesus told the disciples He would send the Holy Spirit He said He would lead us into all truth, "all truth" is something the world has no desire to know, in fact no truth is desired by the world today. The powers that be want to use facts to support an agenda and truth interferes with that plan. It is because facts can be manipulated to prove a position, but truth cannot, that truth is rejected. Pride and prejudice are driving the world, and many believers, toward destruction and unless the desire to know truth becomes stronger than the desire to be right that destruction is certain.

Today I believe the Lord would have us all ask Him to lead us into truth and to open our hearts to receive it. In many cases that will mean our theology must become flexible, and in some cases rejected. Biblical doctrine must override personal/Church doctrine if we are going to walk in all truth. Being right will not matter if we are walking with the Holy Spirit desiring only to know truth. We cannot expect the world to accept "Truth" because it is not part of their agenda but it must be our only agenda because it is truth that will ensure our freedom.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord (truth) is there is freedom" but where the need to be right is there is oppression and despair.


A wise man once said "Blessed are the flexible for they shall bend and not break". Today flexibility is something we must have when searching for truth in our walk with God. I believe we are entering a time when much of what we believe is going to be challenged and if we are too dogmatic in those beliefs we will not see what the Spirit doing in His Church.

Being flexible does not mean being tolerant of what is clearly not truth, it means that we are willing to accept the possibility that we may be wrong in some of our doctrinal positions and that we are willing to study the scriptures to discover and apply truth to our own lives.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Unity Will Prevail

“Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.”

I can't help but believe we are about to see the one promised in this passage from Malachi appear on the scene the restoration of the family in every aspect of that relationship will be restored. All the turmoil in our nation is, to me, evidence that there is a fierce battle taking place in the heavens. Many believers have been praying for the restoration of unity in America and just as it took weeks for Daniels prayer to be answered because of a battle in the 2nd heaven our prayers will come to fruition if we continue to press in.

I continue to dare to believe it is not coincidence that the day Bart and I stood in the city of David and prayed for the Lord to restore unity and favor to our nation that all hell broke out in the streets of America. The enemy knows his time is short and he is throwing all he has into the battle for the soul of America. He knows that this nation has a destiny to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and that we are the biggest obstacle in the natural realm to him destroying Israel and the Jewish people so we must be destroyed for his mission to succeed. It is also no surprise that my wife and I are being attacked like never before. I was the one who God chose to initiate the mission to Israel last month and the enemy is trying to destroy my faith so that he can reverse what was done in Jerusalem, he will not prevail! I will honor and serve Him because He is worthy!

We cannot allow the evil emanating from those in positions of authority who are sowing division among the people to discourage us. The scripture tells us that if we pray according to His will we can be confident that He hears us and because He hears us we know we will have what we have asked for. There is no doubt that His will is that we would dwell together in unity and if we pray without wavering we will see His Spirit bring victory.

We must become militant in our prayers asking God to destroy His enemies and to restore the Republic He established. Those who seek to divide America and those who are perverting the word of God, Al Sharpton in particular, are enemies of the gospel and they will be brought to their knees publically and either repent or be destroyed. There is innocent blood on the hands of those who have sown division for their own profit and they will be destroyed.

The word of the Lord for the Church is "Pray without ceasing", pray as though the destiny of this nation and the lives of those you love are at stake because they are. If we fail to battle for this nation our posterity will suffer greatly and we will be guilty of the pain and suffering they endure.......Pray for the destruction of our enemies....

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Fathers Heart

A few years ago while watching my father go through the process of dying I witnessed many of his medical procedures. This morning while walking outside in the dark one test he had came to my mind like a 3D movie. It was so clear and real that it startled me.

He had pneumonia and his doctors thought he might have fluid building up in the sack around his heart so they ordered a sonogram of his heart and lungs. As I watched the technician perform the test I saw my fathers heart in real time. I could see every blood vessel and every beat of his heart. The dye they put in his blood showed it being pumped through the chambers and out to his body. It was an amazing sight that I will never forget.

As the vision played out in my mind I asked the Lord why He brought that experience to my mind and what He wanted me to do with it. As suddenly as I asked He spoke and said "Pray that you will be able to see My heart as clearly as you saw your natural fathers heart as you face the future."

I believe what I saw and what the Lord spoke is a "word" we are all going to need in the days ahead. If you, like me and my family, are facing difficulties in this world pray that through it all we will "see" the heart of God as it beats strong and healthy while pumping life and love to the entire body. We are Our beloveds and His love is always toward us.........

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Confession Of A Broken Heart

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."

When I read this and other passages that explain what a believer should be I cringe at how miserably I fail to reach this bar. While I try to be kind and I don't believe I am jealous or boastful or rude toward people I wonder how often I have been perceived as or have been guilty of being prideful and I know I have been irritable more than a few times which is to say I want "my own way" over the needs or wants of others. I know that I have in my mind a record of some of the wrongs that have been done to me or those I love and care for.

With all that is corrupt and wicked within my heart I could easily fall into hopelessness and run away hoping to die so as to bring no more shame to Jesus or His church. But I rejoice when the Spirit of God whispers "louder" than the voice that speaks condemnation into my mind. He reminds me that love (Jesus) never gives up on me, He never loses faith in me and He always imparts hope to my heart.

It is because He has revealed His faithfulness to me that I have Hope for the future and that hope is what gives me the courage to endure the trials of life. While faith and hope are essential to living a full life, without love it is all for nothing. It is "Love" Who is the author of our faith and hope. Love must be our highest goal.....