“My people are destroyed because of a lack
of knowledge”. These are sobering words but they are none the less as true
today as the day they were spoken. Willful ignorance has been the cause of many
tragic and catastrophic events throughout human history.
societies have been destroyed and entire people groups have been enslaved or
targeted for mass slaughter because their leaders refused to define their
enemies. The classic example of this took place during the Second World War
when England sent Neville Chamberlain to negotiate with Hitler and all but
excommunicated Winston Churchill.
Chamberlain was the more popular and
politically correct politician but Churchill, though not a ‘traditional
‘believer, was a realist and recognized the threat Hitler posed. The people of
England chose to believe the words of the progressive idealist and took the
word of a murdering mad man over the logic of Churchill.
Chamberlin went to meet with Hitler and signed
an agreement with him for leaving England alone and free from his plans to
conquer the world. The fools who refused to see the reality of the evil that
was just across the English Channel were soon being brutalized by the
relationship they had just heralded as a great friendship. The smiling
ideologues who rejected Churchill were soon calling on him to save the nation
from annihilation. Churchill, being a visionary and a realist, was actively preparing
for the onslaught he knew would come to England. When he was called back to
serve he was prepared because he was building a coalition to govern and defend
the country he loved while he was in virtual exile.
I believe history is repeating itself today
in America. The names and places have been changed, to “protect the innocent”
(just kidding there), but the story is the same. Today we have made covenant
with a terror group and have given sanctuary to many who are actively plotting
the destruction of America and replacing it with an Islamic Caliphate. Though
there is not a single voice proclaiming the danger ahead there are many who are
trying to warn the masses.
The masses however are uninterested or
uninvolved, or both, with the issues facing the worlds stability. There has not
been a greater threat to western civilization since the cold war ended. I even
find myself growing weary of trying to wake people up to the threat of Shariah
and the oppression of free expression.
realizing what is happening, nearly the entire western population has willingly
submitted to Shariah by complying with political correctness. The brainwashing
and indoctrination of our children is nearly completed and the adult population
keeps right on electing and re-electing politicians who are as clueless as they
are, or worse who are sympathizers with Islam. They proclaim Islam as a
religion of peace and go out of their way to accommodate their every whim. They
are quick to condemn any voice that dares to speak the truth about the evils
that are an inherent fundamental of Islam.
With the threat of Islam growing on a daily
basis, worldwide, we must follow Winston Churchill’s example and build a coalition
of patriots who will step up and save the butts of the rest of the nation when
the strikes begin. I say ‘when’ because I believe the words spoken by the
spiritual leaders of Islam must be taken literally. The goals of Islam are
manifested through violence and there will be no mercy for the infidels, even,
and especially, for those who betrayed the constitution to help further the
Islamist rule. Those who betrayed their country, either through ignorance or
deceit will be among the first to be eliminated by the fundamentalists.
I do not know who, or how many people will be
needed but it will be many, to fight the coming war. War must come in order to
eliminate America and implement a Caliphate. There will be many who will just
roll over and comply but there will be many more that will not, and those who
resist must connect and be aware of who is loyal to America and who is not. If
the republic is to survive an Islamic assault there must be a coalition built
overthrow of the west is not a new goal for Islam; they have tried to destroy
western nation’s right from their inception some 1400 years ago. They were
pushed back many times but they never gave up their quest. They have suffered
many defeats and they have learned much from them. The speed at which they are
advancing is nothing short of a satanic miracle. Our building of a patriotic
coalition must be equally as fast in its forming. It will be an act of God if
we are able to catch up and unite as one force to save America. I
DO NOT believe it is time to take up arms to defeat them and I pray
to God it never comes to that but, we must be prepared to act when THEY start the violence. God will not honor a war of aggression
but I believe He will aid in a just war to protect and preserve the nation He
birthed. The times we are living in are like no other in the history of the
republic and it will continue to worsen as time goes on and the Progressives
are in power. It is the duty of every American to rise up in defense of our
founding principles because SAVING AMERICA is not an option.