Friday, November 23, 2012

   “My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge”. These are sobering words but they are none the less as true today as the day they were spoken. Willful ignorance has been the cause of many tragic and catastrophic events throughout human history.

    Whole societies have been destroyed and entire people groups have been enslaved or targeted for mass slaughter because their leaders refused to define their enemies. The classic example of this took place during the Second World War when England sent Neville Chamberlain to negotiate with Hitler and all but excommunicated Winston Churchill.

   Chamberlain was the more popular and politically correct politician but Churchill, though not a ‘traditional ‘believer, was a realist and recognized the threat Hitler posed. The people of England chose to believe the words of the progressive idealist and took the word of a murdering mad man over the logic of Churchill.

  Chamberlin went to meet with Hitler and signed an agreement with him for leaving England alone and free from his plans to conquer the world. The fools who refused to see the reality of the evil that was just across the English Channel were soon being brutalized by the relationship they had just heralded as a great friendship. The smiling ideologues who rejected Churchill were soon calling on him to save the nation from annihilation. Churchill, being a visionary and a realist, was actively preparing for the onslaught he knew would come to England. When he was called back to serve he was prepared because he was building a coalition to govern and defend the country he loved while he was in virtual exile.

  I believe history is repeating itself today in America. The names and places have been changed, to “protect the innocent” (just kidding there), but the story is the same. Today we have made covenant with a terror group and have given sanctuary to many who are actively plotting the destruction of America and replacing it with an Islamic Caliphate. Though there is not a single voice proclaiming the danger ahead there are many who are trying to warn the masses.

  The masses however are uninterested or uninvolved, or both, with the issues facing the worlds stability. There has not been a greater threat to western civilization since the cold war ended. I even find myself growing weary of trying to wake people up to the threat of Shariah and the oppression of free expression.

  Without realizing what is happening, nearly the entire western population has willingly submitted to Shariah by complying with political correctness. The brainwashing and indoctrination of our children is nearly completed and the adult population keeps right on electing and re-electing politicians who are as clueless as they are, or worse who are sympathizers with Islam. They proclaim Islam as a religion of peace and go out of their way to accommodate their every whim. They are quick to condemn any voice that dares to speak the truth about the evils that are an inherent fundamental of Islam. 

 With the threat of Islam growing on a daily basis, worldwide, we must follow Winston Churchill’s example and build a coalition of patriots who will step up and save the butts of the rest of the nation when the strikes begin. I say ‘when’ because I believe the words spoken by the spiritual leaders of Islam must be taken literally. The goals of Islam are manifested through violence and there will be no mercy for the infidels, even, and especially, for those who betrayed the constitution to help further the Islamist rule. Those who betrayed their country, either through ignorance or deceit will be among the first to be eliminated by the fundamentalists.

  I do not know who, or how many people will be needed but it will be many, to fight the coming war. War must come in order to eliminate America and implement a Caliphate. There will be many who will just roll over and comply but there will be many more that will not, and those who resist must connect and be aware of who is loyal to America and who is not. If the republic is to survive an Islamic assault there must be a coalition built soon.

   The overthrow of the west is not a new goal for Islam; they have tried to destroy western nation’s right from their inception some 1400 years ago. They were pushed back many times but they never gave up their quest. They have suffered many defeats and they have learned much from them. The speed at which they are advancing is nothing short of a satanic miracle. Our building of a patriotic coalition must be equally as fast in its forming. It will be an act of God if we are able to catch up and unite as one force to save America. I DO NOT believe it is time to take up arms to defeat them and I pray to God it never comes to that but, we must be prepared to act when THEY start the violence. God will not honor a war of aggression but I believe He will aid in a just war to protect and preserve the nation He birthed. The times we are living in are like no other in the history of the republic and it will continue to worsen as time goes on and the Progressives are in power. It is the duty of every American to rise up in defense of our founding principles because SAVING AMERICA is not an option.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

                                  Bound By Covenant

  There is such a deep unrest in my spirit about the state of our country. I can only liken America’s current condition to a marriage that has broken apart. When a man and woman are united in marriage there is a very tangible spiritual bonding that occurs. This bond is something that mystifies both the couple that makes the commitment and those who witness that commitment play out in their lives and in the case of America to those who have marveled at her history.

   Sometimes after years of sharing every aspect of life, from the birth of children to the deaths of friends and loved ones, the relationship begins to become rote, and without any noticeable warning signs it becomes cold and uninteresting. One partner begins to feel alienated or unimportant and gradually begins to look outside the relationship for that place of importance once felt deeply within their being. Over time the extra-marital relationship has taken over the heart of the partner and the marriage ends in separation.

  The other partner has been unaware anything has been so bad in their marriage that it would come to the point of separation let alone divorce. His taking for granted that she would always “just be there” has allowed him to lose touch with the fact that he was forsaking her need of constant communication and intimacy. His own narcissism had alienated her and driven her into the arms of another who had evil intent.

  The spiritual bond that happens in the ceremony of marriage remains entwined within the spirit of both partners. In one there is a sense that they have been wounded and hurt and there is a justification or rationalization process taking place in their mind to look elsewhere for attention. They very often become bitter and resentful toward the one they feel has betrayed them, and the pendulum swings from a relationship of total commitment to the covenant to one of total denial of it.

  In the other there is a realization that they indeed bear much of the responsibility for the marriage falling apart and he desperately wants to restore it to where it was when it was young and fresh. He goes to extremes to get back the one he has allowed to drift away but she will have no part of it. He has such turmoil and anxiety caused by the spiritual bond and tries to force her to return but she cannot be made to love again. The relationship can only be restored when both husband and wife are in agreement and have a renewed commitment to the vows taken and to their partner. There has to be involvement in the everyday affairs of the marriage with special attention to the needs of the other being elevated above their own.

  The turmoil I have in my spirit is much like that of one whose narcissistic life has forsaken an oath taken as a young man to a young woman in marriage. The oath was one which was intended to endure for life. The oath I took was to this country when I volunteered to serve in the armed forces and it, like the marriage covenant, had no expiration date attached but death.

  For most of my life after leaving active duty I left all my responsibility to protect and defend the constitution behind and sought self-gratification while enjoying the liberty and freedom this great nation affords its citizens. Now I know I am responsible for forsaking the covenant and for the ‘adulterous’ condition America is in.

  One part of me wants desperately to take up arms and retake the country that so many fought and died to preserve and protect from the ideologies that now control her. I know that if left to her own devises she will be completely destroyed so I spend all my time trying to get her attention and expose the true identity of the one who has seduced her into believing she can have peace and prosperity if she just renounces the foundation she is built upon. But it seems that the more pressure I apply and the louder I scream the farther away she pulls.

   To others it may seem that the spiritual bond I speak of is ridiculous and extreme but I have experienced the reality of both bonds I describe. One is no stronger than the other in the realm of covenant. Both are sworn oaths before God and man and both are active until death. Both will have a profound effect on generations of Americans yet to be born. The responsibility to honor the covenant made is overwhelming my spirit and sense of duty and honor.

  I know that taking up arms will only lead to a “French” Revolution and the further destruction and rejection of the foundational principles of America, so what is the answer to bringing America/Americans back to sanity and civility? There is only one thing that will save America now, me and others like me, living life to its fullest while reaching out to others one person at a time.

 Because America’s problem is a severe moral failure at every level, we must strive to restore morality to society. Our founders said ‘the republic will only survive if we remain a moral people’. Our moral values are those given by our creator and must be restored to the mainstream of society. It has taken the better part of 100 years to bring us to this state of depravity and it cannot be reversed any time soon, save a sovereign move of God, which has happened many times throughout history so there is hope!

  The only hope for a restored America is a restored people. The gospel of Jesus Christ is where this nation began and is where we must return. Each believer needs to seek God for forgiveness for being self-centered and poor stewards of the land He has given us. We need to literally beg Him not to hold our sins of omission and commission against us. There must be a renewing of the “Kingdom first” mentality. God wants souls for His kingdom and until “We the People” once again become the “people called by His name” we will have no peace or prosperity in America.

  The stressful turmoil felt by patriots like myself will only be relieved when we lay that burden down and seek the face of the King. As we seek Him He will show us what to do and how to do it. The pain we feel is from broken covenant and we must renew that covenant with God. He has not and cannot break covenant and will pursue this nation to the gates of hell to draw us back to Him. We have been given many chances through ‘natural’ disasters and terrorist attacks, but have only briefly turned toward Him but never to Him.

  What we are about to go through with the re-election of Barack Obama will bring this nation to its knees and if we do not turn to God and acknowledge Him and ask His Divine presence in our Land, He will allow our destruction to take place and He will raise another generation who will  earnestly turn to Him.

  The oath I took as a young man has been refreshed and renewed within my spirit and I hereby proclaim that I will honor the oath to protect and defend the constitution. I would ask that every American who understands freedom and liberty to renew the oath within your heart and if you have never taken it upon entering service to the country Google the oath and make it to this great land and then get out there and do your part to bring one American “home” and then another and another. If we work together we will eventually change the course of the nation. If we are successful, SAVING AMERICA will not have to be a war generations to come will have to fight and we will have saved our own sacred honor and not died as cowards!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

   Insanity springs eternal, at least in the United States of America. When the results of the 2012 elections we released I, like many other hopeful Americans, could not believe what America had done to herself. The self-inflicted wound will definitely cause much pain and will leave a mark that I hope remains evident for centuries to come. I would have preferred to have seen the Progressive machine defeated and a new president elected but that did not happen. Instead America sold what was left of her heritage for a “bowl of porage” in the form of Food stamps, free birth control and a variety of other government freebies.  

   It is astounding to consider how a nation, as great as America is, with more potential than any other on earth to be self-sufficient, could succumb to an ideology that believes to take from one to give to another is the best way to succeed. It appears that all our founders fought and died to secure has been betrayed by an uninformed, misled, and narcissistic society.

  The moral standards that have defined America for hundreds of years are now a thing of the past. Sodomy is now not only an acceptable alternate lifestyle but is becoming a focal point in the schools our children attend and our tax dollars support. Same sex marriage is now legal in many states and the current administration has declared support for it and, if given the chance, would sign a constitutional amendment supporting it as a nation. Wealth redistribution is at the heart of the ruling party’s fiscal ideology which is a complete reversal of the capitalist principals that made Americans the most individually prosperous people in the entire world. Government mandated health insurance is required of every citizen, but not of the millions of illegal aliens that are putting the bulk of the fiscal burden on the healthcare industry. Abortion on demand must be paid for with the tax dollars of multiple millions of citizens whose moral values preclude them from supporting the killing of innocent human life at any stage. Selective (in)justice is administered for political gains. Free speech is being blamed for the murder of an American ambassador and three other Americans. Islam is controlling foreign policy and is beginning to dictate domestic affairs and threatens the first amendment of the constitution. The recreational use of marijuana has been legalized for the purpose of raising revenues.

  The list of ungodly, un/anti-American, and blatantly Marxist, Communist, Socialist and Fascist policies America has adopted as part of her new identity is much longer than the afore mentioned crimes against the moral values of our founding fathers. Needless to say many good citizens are devastated by the choice that the majority of Americans made for the future of our beloved and God ordained nation.

  So what lays ahead for what was the greatest nation the Earth has ever seen? The answer to that question I believe will be revealed soon and as painful as the near future will be there is still hope for this wounded land. Our restoration and reconciliation with the God who ordained this land, in my opinion, could not or would not have been possible had we elected anyone but Barack H. Obama.

  Had Mitt Romney been elected the fiscal state of affairs would most probably have been put back on track. A financial boom and a reformed tax code would likely have industry and the job market excited as unemployment fell to pre-recession rates. All of the economic benefits of a President Romney would have done nothing to fix the REAL problem with America.

  The aspects of our society that are an abomination to God would only have been better financed by the new economic recovery. Just as Manna and Quail from heaven only satisfied the stomachs of the Jews in the desert, financial recovery would only have delayed the journey to the Promised Land. It is likely that the hardhearted grumbling generation that refuses to fight for liberty in order to enjoy God’s blessings will be destroyed in the wilderness and only the Joshua’s and Caleb’s will survive to lead the next generation across the Jordan and into the land of freedom and prosperity promised to their forefathers. The journey to those blessings is going to be long and very difficult but it must be made for our sacred honor and our posterity.

  We who have been sounding the alarm warning of impending doom were born for such a time as this. We know and can identify the “Giants in the Land”. We have vision to impart to the next generation so that they can take back the high places and destroy the strongholds held by those giants for far too long. We must continue to make our voices heard with boldness and without fear of reprisal.

  This new generation of patriots will need everything we can give them in terms of time, spiritual guidance and all the encouragement we can give them. History shows that when left to fend for themselves, the young and inexperienced will not survive the pressures of a fallen society. The Lord has been faithful to keep a remnant in the land for the purpose of keeping the vision for America alive and those of us who are members of that remnant must be willing to give our all to any who are willing to join the battle.

  The task before us is that of restoring America to her place on the world stage as a beacon of light and a land of opportunity for all who long for the liberty and freedom to succeed or to fail!

 I said at the beginning that I hoped the scar from the self-inflicted wound would remain evident for centuries. I say this because a scar is a reminder to all who see it of the turmoil that had befallen us and gives opportunity to tell the history of our fall and rise from near destruction. The more gruesome the scar is, the more likely the choices made that caused it will be avoided. If we do not resist the work God is about to do in America we will be the Joshua’s and Caleb’s, and though we may not see the work completed in this life we will receive the most incredible reward anyone could hope for as we hear the words “Well done my faithful servant” from the one who birthed this land. I believe with all that is in me that SAVING AMERICA is a very high priority for the Lord and I am humbled to be able to play even this small role in His Divine plan.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

 “The goodness of God leads to repentance”, these words are true and will never change! The ominous truth that lies within them however, is that sometimes when a father sees his child choose to reject his commands his goodness comes in the form of a spanking. America chose to re-elect Barack H. Obama for a ‘second’ term and for that we will be sorry.

  The responsibility for the trouble we face is largely due to the bias media coverage and cover-up for the President and the Progressive agenda. The complete lack of vetting of Barack H. Obama led to his election in 2008 and re-election in 2012. The bias media will bear the responsibility for the blood that will be shed and the damage to liberty in every corner of the world.

  Had the media been as ardent in holding this president to account as they were his predecessor, he would likely not have been elected president to begin with. Had they exposed his ties, and those he surrounds himself with, to Communists, Marxist, anarchists and domestic terrorists he would never have been elected to the Illinois Senate which would have also kept him from the presidency. If there had been unbiased coverage of his energy policies and regulatory intentions the likelihood of him being in office today would be slim to none. If the same pressure had been given to Barack H. Obama as was given to G.W. Bush when gas prices rose above $2.50 per gallon he would have not seen an approval rating above 35%.

  Had the media covered the scandal of “Fast and Furious” the Attorney General would have been ousted from the position he still holds. Were they to do the investigative work they ought to be doing there would likely have been an impeachment proceeding taking place over the Benghazi murders instead of a re-election campaign. The same would be true if there were investigations taking place into ‘crony capitalism’ and the grants and loans to his campaign bundlers.

  All that lies ahead of America in the form of judgment is in reality the fault of the American Church adopting and proclaiming a social gospel and refusing to be engaged in the affairs of the nation. The increasing darkness for the past 50 plus years is and has been allowed because of the absence of light.

  To say that if God had wanted Romney to win he would have won, in my opinion exposes the lack of Biblical understanding and a way to excuse apathy in the body of Christ. I in no way, shape or form believe God wanted Barack H. Obama to win this election or his first one. God was, is and forever will be pro-choice, “choose you this day who you will serve”. His word says that though the Earth is His, He has given it over to man for a time, it was not God who put Barack H. Obama in power in America it was the citizens of this country who made the choice to put him there. I also do not believe that this is the end of the matter concerning the choice we have made unless we allow it to be.

 The Church, myself included, must do several things to rectify what has been allowed to happen and we must do them immediately. To begin, we must earnestly repent for the apathetic, self-centered arrogance in our thinking and actions.

  You may have been on the front lines giving all you had but so was Daniel when he repented for the sins of Israel, and though Jesus never sinned He suffered for the sins of others and in doing so He purchased their salvation. We have no less an obligation than to stand in the gap and repent, pray and plead for mercy from God. We must accept responsibility for having not been involved in the political process as we watched the Progressives undermine the foundation of our culture.

  Second we must take action and reverse the pattern of complacency and apathy toward the decline of our society. There is much that can be done to accomplish this; for starters there is a fundamental issue that has eroded the commitment of parents to ensure the spiritual growth of their children. For many years the ‘happiness’ of our children has trumped their spiritual growth.

 It used to be a taboo to have sports on Sunday but over time we have allowed the secular community to erase our and their commitment to Church. It is time for parents to stand up to the establishment and refuse to allow their kids to be involved in or have practice for sports on Sundays. If the local sports programs refuse to go along then the parents need to use their talents and time to co-ordinate a league of their own and encourage others to join with them. Many Christians are currently actively involved in the coaching staff of student sports programs that mandate Sunday involvement, this must end! Everything we do has an effect on our children and forms the principles they will go through life with.

  We must become involved in the airways also. It is time to start to hold the media to account for their support of the Progressive agenda in America. We must organize a campaign to change the news media and their biased coverage of politicians. This can be accomplished if enough people will commit to doing a few simple things. The next time you watch one of the major networks do so with a pen and note pad so you can record the various sponsors of the programs, including the news programming. Once you have a list compiled use it to make your feelings known to both the networks and the sponsors and then contact everyone you know and give them the information. Post the lists on Face Book and twitter and email everyone you know and explain what you are doing and why. Tell the sponsors that you will refuse to buy and use their products and that you will encourage your friends and family to stop purchasing them also.

  This one will be difficult for many but it will have a huge impact on the culture. We have to collectively contact the Hollywood crowd and let them know we will boycott any actor/actress who openly displays anti-American ideals and that we will stop our children from supporting the film industry.

  These steps will likely cause trouble in some homes but if, as responsible parents and grandparents, we will explain what the stakes are I believe many of our young people will understand and comply, especially if they see their parents and grandparents not only telling them to do this but actually see them doing these things.

 One of the most important things we must do is contact our elected officials and demand action on some very critical issues. The investigations into Fast and Furious MUST continue and there must be a full investigation into the Libyan embassy attacks and the murders of our Ambassador and three other brave Americans. We must demand to know who ordered the cuts to security at the embassy, who ordered the assets necessary to assist the Seals to stand down, who is responsible for propagating the notion that a YouTube video was what caused the protest that did not exist , and we must demand to know who knew what and when did they know it! I believe that the Obama administration has covered up their involvement in treasonous activities and I will not be silent until the truth is known and those responsible are held accountable. Treason is a capital offence and whoever is tried and found to be guilty of this crime against America, from the president to any of his advisors, should be publically executed. Let no one say America could not survive such an action, if these charges are proven we will not survive without imposing capital punishment!

 This is of the utmost importance and cannot be left for someone else to do. There is no room for timidity or political correctness, the future of the United States and the entire world is at stake. I have attached a link to contact members of congress and I urge you to use it now and often! Share this on Face Book and email it to everyone you know. We may have just lost a very big battle but the war is far from over. My mission remains the same, SAVING AMERICA!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The recent “Perfect Storm” was a tragic event for the Eastern third of the U.S. and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost so much because of it. As I watched the coverage of the devastation I was struck by the extent of the damage done. It reminded me of the devastation I witnessed in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast.

   But this afternoon I was taken aback by how out front the President was in assuring his assistance and that of the government. He appeared in the “Situation Room” with his team looking as though they were really 100% on top of things, as I am sure they are.

  What I was taken aback by was how “Presidential” he was in this situation as he led from the “front”. I was amazed by the comment he made in which he said “We will leave no one behind”. I could not help but think “Why was this not the case when our embassy was being attacked and the Navy Seals were begging for backup as they fought the Al-Qaida fighters completely out numbered.” It seemed like a clear attempt divert national attention from the atrocity he appears to have allowed to happen.

 I have been following this story, which most of the media has kept the public in the dark about, and I find it unbelievable that the Commander-in-Chief would not allow the assets available to be used to assist in saving our ambassador and others during the attack. Instead of commending the efforts of General Ham for ordering a “go” to the backup, President Obama fired him as well as an Admiral. WHY? I am more than sure these highly decorated General Officers were confident that the situation warranted the aid requested. I would think their quick action in responding to the request for assistance would be rewarded with, at the very least, an honorable mention, but instead they were punished by a President who never served in the military, and according to his own words, knew nothing about the attack in real time.  So why would the assistance be stopped midstream and by whom? I have my own theory about the answers to these questions. There is no doubt that this president is an Islamic sympathizer if not a member in good standing of the Muslim Brotherhood and this puts America in danger on many levels. I, like many Americans, do not want to believe that our president, or any other member of the government, would actually be an enemy of the American ideal and be actively involved in trying to replace it with a system of individual control like Shariah law and a global caliphate but the evidence for this being true is undeniable.   

   I am not alone in wanting to see justice for, not just those murdered in Libya, but also those murdered in the “Fast and Furious” scandal, for the doctor who has been imprisoned for aiding this President in the killing of Binladen, the families of those killed and wounded in the “Workplace Violence” at Ft. Hood, for the families STILL WAITING for the 9/11 terrorists to be tried, for we taxpayers whose money was wasted in Hawaii by federal officials, for the stockholders who had their contracts broken in favor of giving benefits to the big unions when the government took control of GM, and for the 43,000 dollars in debt my unborn grandchild will owe as soon as breath enter its lungs. Believe me the list of injustice is much longer but I think my point has been made.

 This administration is the most corrupt I have ever seen, the lies, deception, and divisive tactics continue daily. The intelligence of women is assaulted at every turn by focusing on $20.00 per month birth control and abortion instead of the issues that we all face every day. The average American is treated as a though they are part of a colony of morons with the inability to do anything without the help of the elite in government. I am fed up with being patronized and lied to and having my ability to comprehend what is right for America challenged.

  The scale of lies, division and deception are unprecedented and embarrassing to the nation. It is inconceivable to me that this man could be re-elected considering the number of Christians and others with similar moral values. The Democrat’s platform alone would, in my mind, preclude any Christian from supporting any democrat for public office. The democrats in attendance at their convention in North Carolina voted to remove any mention of God from the platform and to remove our support of Israel as it has been since it was founded in 1948. They voted to make same sex marriage and taxpayer funded late term abortion on demand a signature issue for America and nearly had a fit when the media pointed out the depravity of their platform. President Obama, as the leader of the Progressive/Democratic party, had to have reviewed and approved of this platform before it was presented for approval by the party at large.  They did change the exclusion of the mention of God in the platform but it took three votes and some microphone manipulating to make it sound like the yeas out- numbered the nays. It was a disgrace to lifelong democrats who for the most part are decent, however misguided, people. I believe it was the death blow to the Democratic Party that my father’s generation knew.

 I may again be verbally assaulted for saying these things but truth is truth and hiding one’s head in the sand will only serve to clog one’s nostrils and in this case further the progress toward an America that is a Marxist State, which I guarantee will eventually end like every other in history, mass graves and an enslaved citizenry. There is little time left to take action to restore America to her former state and the task is seemingly insurmountable but we must try. If we simply throw up our hands and give up the fight we will be sentencing future generations to slavery and extreme poverty. This nation is worth fighting for and fight we must even if it means, at some point, taking to the streets to demand our constitutional rights! SAVING AMERICA is our mandate and we will not fail!