Monday, February 25, 2013


 In 2007 Americans of every demographic group (legal and not so much) voted for Barack Husain Obama to assume the Presidency of the United States because they were tired of the status quo in politics. It was an amazing campaign full of promises of hope for the future of America and a change in the political atmosphere in Washington. The claims that were made through the media and Obama’s campaign touted the “Bi-Partisanship” of the Senator from Chicago and his ability to unite a politically fractured society.

  The media coverage of the campaign was more than biased; it was pro-Obama. The media became the Progressive candidate’s personal propaganda machine almost overnight, even turning against the self-proclaimed “early 20th century Progressive”, Hilary Clinton. Any attempt at vetting Obama by anyone was swiftly met with a barrage of claims of racism and a rabid demonization of the perpetrator by both The Obama campaign and the media (which by the time Hillary dropped out of the race, became an essential part of the Obama machine and his reelection effort, and remains an integral tool in Obama’s progressive plan).

 The few conservatives that made an attempt to show who Obama was/is were unable to get their message out to the public because of the Medias’ bully pulpit. The tried and true method of Progressives is to marginalize and demonize all of their opponents through their media propaganda machine. There is nothing more dangerous to the republic than a compliant news media and that danger has become a reality that is a ‘clear and present danger’.

  It is my belief, based on the information I have been able to compile, that Obama is a devout follower of Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven. The strategy devised by the two Columbia University professors is Marxist and thereby anti-capitalists at its root. The goal of their strategy is to destroy capitalism and implement a Marxist state.

  Obamas ties to both Communists and Marxists are undeniable, and at any other time in America’s history would be grounds for immediate impeachment and possibly imprisonment for treason. However the slow and methodical indoctrination of society by Progressives through the media and indoctrination centers known as the public education system has been successful in destroying our national identity as a democratic republic.

  All the pieces are now in place to bring down western capitalism with only one real obstacle remaining, the 2nd amendment of the Constitution. Before the agenda can be fully implemented and enforced society must be disarmed. The recent assault on the 2nd amendment is by design and not due to the “crisis” of gun violence in society. Every statistic shows that gun violence is reduced when restrictions are lowered and guns are abundant.

  The goal is not to disarm Americans it is to control them, disarming is only one of many bricks in a wall that is being built to separate us from the Constitution and our national identity. The goal is complete control of wealth and power.

  The fact that the Senate has not passed a budget in nearly 4 years is also by design. In order to bring capitalism down the Cloward and Piven strategy demands that America be bankrupted. A budget would slow the bankrupting process down. The refusal to accept any deal that does not raise the national debt limit is also part of the strategy. When the “Sequestration” deal was made in 2011 Obama was giddy and proclaimed he would veto any attempt by Republicans to stop it. Every nickel the Progressives can spend or borrow hastens the point of bankruptcy and default on our debt.

  Republican Progressives are no different in their reckless spending though I am not completely convinced that they, with the exception of a few, are true Progressives but rather they are useful idiots of the Marxists.

  The president and his Progressive colleges will continue to demonize Republicans and sow fear and blame for the manufactured crisis when sequestration takes place and automatic spending cuts kick in. I believe that behind the scenes Obama is excited about the ‘crisis’ and will exploit it and he will manipulate public opinion with the help of his propaganda machine, the mainstream media.

  Gas and food prices on top of taxes are pushing the average family to the brink of ruin and fear is replacing hope for a better life for the next generation. Printing BILLIONS of dollars every month has devalued the buying power of the dollar and families are struggling to make ends meet and they are being forced to live from paycheck to paycheck. The so-called Affordable Health Care Act taxes are beginning to come into effect and there will be another few dollars a week coming out of our paychecks.

  Obama seemed nervous when he came out to a press conference and said that spending cuts could not be allowed unless there were tax hikes to offset them and Republicans were threatening to stop those hikes. He was nervous and upset not because he was worried about the economy but because ANY spending cuts will slow the financial ruin of America. He has been inciting anger toward conservatives and is hoping for civil unrest so there will be a public outcry for more government control of the economy, which means spending more money which quickens the fall.

  As the day sequestration kicks in draws nearer the rhetoric will intensify and upon arrival of that day he will make life as miserable as he possibly can for as many as he can. He will make as visible a crisis as he can and use the pain of American families as a means of promoting more hatred of republicans and as a tool for the 2014 elections in hopes of regaining the House and thereby total control of the government.

  All of this is part of the Cloward and Piven plan and it is coming to fruition much sooner than any of us can imagine. We who are conservatives will have to take a stand and many will be falsely charged and demonized but even if it means standing alone we must take that stand.

  We are indeed fighting an evil unlike we have ever faced on our own soil and we must devote our lives to the principles of our founding documents for the sake of the republic. At this point I feel we have passed the point of no return as far as civil unrest and possibly conflict with an administration capable of committing atrocities we cannot imagine is concerned.  It is incumbent upon us to never show fear or to become bitter within or we will lose the respect of those who are on the sidelines watching how we conduct ourselves.

  Very little time is remaining for making up our minds as to whether or not we speak out or cower in silence for fear of reprisal from Progressives. I will not remain silent and I would hope that every American who has enjoyed the liberties the last generation fought to secure will make the decision that SAVING AMERICA is a cause worth fighting for.

Monday, February 11, 2013


                   IS IT REALLY ABOUT GUNS?


 I admit that over the last four or so years I have begun to be critical of anything and everything that is either said or done by public figures including and especially politicians. I believe the case can be made easily that there is an un-American agenda underway in the halls of congress and without a doubt in the White House (I wonder how long it will be before they change that racist term).

  It should be obvious to most intellectually alert people that there are distractions being thrown out in the political world that, I believe, are intentional diversionary tactics to keep the public from focusing on the real issues facing America. It seems like I have heard the president and members of both houses say dozens of times that “Our NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IS JOBS”, but where are the jobs and what happened to the “Jobs Council”?

  I have been studying two political groups for the last few years, Progressives, formerly known as Democrats, and Islamists. They share some common characteristics that have become highly developed over the passage of time. Both groups are aware that they cannot achieve their goals quickly so they have set generational goals. They are devoted to completing their purpose through subsequent generations and have been training their successors to take the baton and pass it to the next generation.

  Both Progressives and Islamists want to achieve total control and domination of the population and both have been in the shadows making inroads into culture until recently but now they are advancing their agenda at breakneck speed. The two groups have a long history of working together. I could show how the Nazis were inspired by the early Progressive movement known as the “Fabian Socialists” and that they actually adopted much of their ideology for use in their efforts to destroy the Jews and other “undesirable” elements of society, but I don’t want to take the time to go into that aspect here, you’ll have to take my word on that and do your own research.

 With the notion that Progressives were a powerful influence in Hitler’s regime it is important to note that it was joined in the effort to gain control of the world by Islam. Under Hitler’s influence Persia changed its name to Iran and they assisted in the effort to kill Jews and destroy the west.

  One of the most powerfully effective tools Hitler used was developed by the Progressives. ‘Propaganda’ was perfected by Hitler’s men after reading about how Woodrow Wilson’s administration had used it successfully at the turn of the 20th century against Americans. Propaganda was outlawed in America shortly after the 2nd world war but was made legal once again last year (2012) by adding an amendment to the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act).

  So what does all this have to do with guns you may ask. Well you’ll have to use some critical thinking to follow what is happening in our culture by means of distraction and indoctrination with the use of propaganda.

  Just as Hitler knew he had to disarm Germany, except for the government, because what he had planned was going against the natural instinct of survival and self-defense and would have to be enforced at gun point, the progressives understand that to control people they will have to use force also. But our founders were aware of what it was like to live under tyranny so they penned the second amendment to protect Americans from its government.

  The Progressives have taken advantage of every crisis to try to gain control of firearms but have always met stiff resistance from the majority of the American public and this is true at the present time as well, so how do they gain total control of “OUR” guns? The answer is simple, they CAN’T and they WON’T! BUT, and this is a very big BUT, they will gain control of the culture if we remain silent after the current crisis is over by using indoctrination and propaganda on our children.  

  If you have been watching the news for any length of time you may have noticed that over the last several weeks or months there have been many stories of children being reprimanded for “gun related” offences in a school setting. A zero gun tolerance policy has been enacted at many schools across the nation, which to a degree is ok, but the instances being reported go beyond any semblance of common sense or any risk to security. 

  Some of the offences are; a child was suspended for tearing a piece of paper into an “L” shape and holding the “L” by the short end to give it the appearance of a gun, another child was reprimanded for having a bubble making gun, another was suspended for bringing a toy gun (complete with the Progressive’s mandated orange muzzle to identify it as a toy) to school and now faces expulsion from school, and yet another child has been punished for using his finger as a gun. It is not that they are just getting ‘scolded’, school officials have actually called in the police to deal with these very young children.

  I again want to point out that just as the Islamists have been strategizing for nearly a hundred years to build a global Caliphate the Progressives have been doing the same to gain control of the West. Both are patient and both are committed to their cause. Progressives have mastered the use of propaganda and phycology to manipulate society. They understand that they cannot take our guns away in one swift act of legislation, though that won’t stop them from trying, so they have adopted a strategy of indoctrinating of our children through propaganda and fear, fear of not only being in possession of a gun but a fear of guns in general.

  Our children are being bombarded in secular indoctrination centers know as public schools with the Progressive agenda of disarmament. Our children are being infused with fear of guns and indoctrinated with the belief that gun owners are some kind of haters and dangerous members of a subculture bent on the killing of innocents. This tactic is frightening and at the same time is an effective means of gaining the obedience of future generations.

  In another little twist of the Progressive tactic of disarmament through indoctrination of the next generation, they have joined forces once again with Islam. It is no coincidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has almost total control of the textbook industry in America. The textbook companies they don’t own or control are controlled by Progressives. These two groups have their eyes set on indoctrinating our children with an antigun mentality.

 These two groups are attacking the essence of who and what America is. If they are successful in convincing our children that an armed society is a dangerous society they will have succeeded in removing and or confusing our children’s identity as free thinking interdependent people who are endowed by God to pursue happiness with equal opportunity to succeed or to FAIL. Just as our founders were free thinking people who realized they were under tyranny and had a right to confront those in authority we must instill that knowledge into our children.

  If we are going to stop this assault on the identity of America we must counter this effort by our enemies (Progressives/Democrats and Islam) with the truth about guns and gun owners. There are numerous organizations that are combating the assault on the 2nd amendment but that is only one aspect of where the problem lies.

  It is imperative that our children are taught the true history of America and the truth about the founding fathers. This is a Biblical principle that has been ignored for more than fifty years. Jews were commanded to teach their children about their history because God did not want them to lose their sense of uniqueness as a people. The progressives have been attacking America’s history since the beginning of the 20th century and are nearing their goal of destroying our national identity. Parents must make sure their children are being taught American history from genuine historical documents and not from some Progressive Professors/teacher’s biased concept of truth.

  Secondly we must be sure we are making it a priority to instill the value of human life to our young people. Here again the Progressives have made huge advances in lessening the value of each individual life.

  A major concept that has been taught to our children is  Darwin’s “theory” of evolution. To teach a person that life evolved from some primordial slime pit is to remove the truth of life being created by God and it removes any hope for a future. When hope is removed life becomes meaningless and people become expendable.

  We have been witnessing the results of Darwinism in society through the mass killings and suicides. To counter this heinous attack on society we as rational human beings must begin to put time and effort into reaching out to our young people with the hope that we hold dear. Our children must have hope and ‘vision’ or they will regress and fall victim to the Progressive agenda of total control.

   To go back to the premise of this article (the Progressive agenda of disarmament of society) the only way America can be disarmed is to indoctrinate our children with fear. I don’t believe we will see this fulfilled in our lifetime barring some radical move via the federal government, but if we remain silent any longer we most assuredly will be the cause of future generations being enslaved by an elite class of tyrants. The only hope Progressives have in fulfilling their agenda is to disarm us because Americans believe in the principles of freedom and personal liberty rooted in our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The knowledge of freedom is in the DNA of all freedom loving peoples and America is the shining example of that freedom in the world.   SAVING AMERICA is in our hands and we will be held accountable for the outcome of this war against freedom.

  I implore every one reading this to find a young person if you do not have a child of your own and spend some time with them. Show them they are important and that you have faith in them and their ability to make a difference in the world because of their individual personalities. Take them hunting or to a shooting range or out in your back yard and target shoot with them. Teach the real purpose of the 2nd amendment. Teach them the discipline needed to be a good marksman and assure them that guns are no more of a threat than a baseball bat or a hockey stick. Teach them about God and His creation and the show them the beauty of nature and the intricate design of every aspect of nature. Just do something, anything that will give hope and purpose to a young life and do it today. Progressives are spending billions on our children but we can wipe out all their money with just a few well spent hours a week with a child!

 To answer the title of this post, “Is it really about guns”, the answer is NO! Everything that is happening is a cold and calculated attempt to enslave the masses to serve the elite! It is an evil agenda straight from the pit of hell itself and it must be confronted head on with a righteous anger toward those responsible and an unconditional love for those being deceived.