Thursday, May 30, 2013

                Credibility and Corruption

  Credibility has been completely lost for anyone with the ability to process thought when it comes to the value the current administration puts in the Constitution of the United States.

  I have long believed that Progressives have no love for America or its founding documents and longstanding values. In light of current events surrounding the Obama administration I believe my doubts have been validated.

  As events continue to unfold and the corruption and “potential” crimes committed by members of Obama’s staff and cabinet, if not Obama himself, become public the clearer it becomes that there is a coordinated strategy to implement a Marxist type government in America.

 One of Obama’s supporters, Adam Levine of NBC’s program “The Voice”, was caught on a hot mic saying “I hate this country” which is the truest definition of every Progressives feelings towards America. While I believe he has every right to feel that way and will defend his right to harbor those sentiments, I find it reprehensible that he and Progressives at large are promoting their agenda of anti-American sentiment under the guise of journalism and entertainment. If they believe their hatred is justified and America is in need of a fundamental transformation they should have the courage to bring their agenda to the public for open debate, not hide in the shadows and undermine public confidence with Marxist propaganda.

  In a very real way using the platform of the news and entertainment media they are violating the first amendments “free press” clause and the fundamental purpose of the press to hold government accountable to those they are elected to represent. Their credibility has been destroyed and most Americans are unaware of their involvement in helping Progressives transform America.

  For too long Americans have sat back indulging in self-gratification and narcissistic living while Progressives have been undermining the Constitution and Bill of Rights to help bring us under their control.

   Perhaps the most frightening aspect of their agenda was implemented on May 30, 2013, the grand opening of the “Data Mining Center” in the desert of Utah. This complex has the capability of storing EVERY electronic communication of every person on earth for as long as they want to keep the records.

   This means that every aspect of the lives of everyone, from banking information, health records to text messages will now be in the possession of the federal government. As the new “Affordable Healthcare Act” is implemented in January the enforcement arm of the government, the IRS will know and have the ability to “Target” all of us for scrutiny (of course we can trust that they won’t share any personal information with any other agencies either private or governmental!).

  The feds say it has developed this data center to help protect us but in light of their scandalous actions the center should be directed towards the government so WE THE PEOPLE can know what they are doing. I have no insight as to what can be done to stop this clear violation of our rights except to warn everyone that EXTREME caution should be used when making ANY electronic footprint.

 We are now living in 1984 and “Big Brother” just got a lot bigger. I fear SAVING AMERICA just became more difficult than anyone ever thought possible. Our only hope is Divine intervention. Pray and help others know the threat we now face.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Our military has always been a reflection of who America is as a whole. During WWll men made sacrifices beyond anything many of us can imagine. Still today those who serve in the military are making sacrifices daily for the liberties patriots love and cherish. The difference in America today is not those who serve but those who are served.
Though there are millions of patriots who love and appr...eciate this great land, millions more could care less about what America stands for and curse her at every turn because they are not being "given" the things they want. Their leaders speak ill of their political opposition and promise to give every thing these people desire to them if they will only help get them elected or re-elected to office. Both parties are guilty of this pathetically dishonest tactic.
The citizenry of America were once a noble and proud people who willingly made sacrifices of everything from the amount of gas they used to the amount of food they would purchase because they knew our military might benefit from their reduction in self fulfillment. This happened on a grand scale and our politicians inspired, encouraged and praised Americans for their efforts.
I long for the day when a politician once again says "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country". My father's generation is rapidly dying out and with them is what once were America's common traits, patriotism, honor and national pride. Chester W. Nimitz rightly described the greatest generation, both those who served in the military and those who supported them from the homeland when he said "Uncommon valor was a common virtue".
I know some very wonderful young people who make me proud and give me some hope for the republic but sadly they are in the minority and if we who love this nation will make the sacrifice of time for these young people we may be able to turn America back to a land of honorable people but we must act now. It has to start with us reaching out to them because they are so distracted by the things the world has to offer.
Pray or just think for a while and see if a young person comes to mind and then make an effort to strike up a conversation with them. Find out what they like to do and do it with them. Develop a relationship with them and show them you care about them so you can develop a strong level of trust. Once you have their trust they will begin to take interest in your opinions. It will only happen if we make the effort and it will only happen if we take on one young person. One by one they will be won!
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Friday, May 24, 2013

The Know Nothing Administration And The Silent Majority

 The idea that a YouTube video was given as the reason our ambassador and three other Americans were murdered has been debunked and the Obama administration themselves have admitted that the information was incorrect.

  The person who made the ridiculous video, and it is ridiculous, is in prison today and the administration has ‘expressed’ their determination to find out what really happened and bring justice to those responsible for the attack and deaths of those Americans.

  The stated outrage over the incident is by no stretch of the imagination anything but a ruse. To my knowledge the person responsible for telling the president and every member of his administration that the “BEST” intelligence they had was that this video was responsible for the attack has not been fired or named by anyone who has been questioned by the press or given testimony before Congress. The FBI says they have identified as many as 15 people connected to the attack and none of them have even been questioned because they don’t have enough evidence to convict them in a CIVILIAN court.  We keep hearing the same thing from everyone who SHOULD know what happened that they were not told by anyone under their command and were unaware of any potential threat to the consulate. The blame was put on an unknown or unnamed subordinate.

  The Justice Department has been seizing the records of AP reporters, Fox News reporters and CBS reporters because of what Atty. General Eric Holder says was one of the most dangerous threats to America since 1973. There was, according to Holder, no other way to track the leaks from somewhere in the government and it was absolutely necessary. Yet after saying that in a press conference he said he had ‘recused’ himself from the case and was and is unaware of any of the details of the seizures. But now we learn that he actually signed off on the warrant against the Fox News reporter. When questioned about the scandal the president repeated the same mantra as he did with the Benghazi questions “I certainly did not know anything about it”.

  Let me get this straight, it is the MOST DANGEROUS threat, “or at least one of the top 2 or 3”, to national security and the president was not informed of it? The president said in a press conference that he learned about the assault on the free press from a news article and he expects me to believe that no one told him anything about it.

  The IRS scandal has been going on for more than two years and no one in the administration was aware of the targeting of conservatives. The BEST INTELLIGENCE they had said that it was done by a couple rouge IRS subordinates in Ohio and involved no one in the administration.

  After some news reporters, who have since been targeted by the Justice Department, started digging it was learned that most of the White House senior staff were alerted to the investigation and were indeed working with the IRS on how to break the story to the public. But once again no one informed the president that a scandal that could be fatal to his presidency was coming to light along with the Benghazi and Justice Dept. scandals. And once again we are told that the president learned about the scandal through the news media. 

   The president today gave an hour long speech in which he discussed ‘national security’. During the speech Mr. Obama declared that the ‘Global War on Terror’ is over and that we are not at war with Islam. Again the president seems to be uninformed by his subordinates. In 1996 Fundamental Islamic groups declared war on the United States and have been planning and carrying out acts of war against the west and America in particular and no one has told the commander in chief!

  If Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. holder are and were uninformed and really did not know anything about the scandals going on within their command then I have to ask who is really in control of our government and why are we paying these peoples salary?

  Call me cynical but I am not buying what this administration is selling. I do not believe for a minute that Mr. Obama and his former Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton and current Atty. General Eric Holder do not know what is going on and I will go so far as to say that they are indeed in control of everything that is happening. It is not plausible that there can be the amount of incompetence and innocent ignorance in this White House. The ‘machine’ from Chicago that beat the Clinton machine to get this president elected the first time (I believe he stole the second election with massive voter fraud and poll corruption, but that is another blog post) is not ignorant of the things being done to stop conservatives and shut down the free press, they are directing the entire ‘operation’ hoping the American people are too apathetic to try to stop them.

   If Americans do not start getting more involved with the political system then there will be no avenue left in which to assemble for a redress of our grievances. The most important and powerful voice in America is also the least involved; the Christian community. More than 80% of the more than 350,000,000 citizens claim to be Christians of one sect or other yet the other 15% of the population is imposing the most influence in government and that is just not right.

  I have been an associate pastor for nearly 20 years and I am fortunate to have a very mature body of believers to serve. They hold the senior pastor and me accountable for leading them to truth and encouraging them to be involved in the political system as well as the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately that is not the norm today. I do not blame the pastors and priests for separating their congregations from political involvement any more than I do the members of their churches for not encouraging if not demanding to be informed of the dangers that face the republic that God has entrusted to their stewardship.

  It is time for the church to rise up and be heard by those who have been chosen to represent them and to remove from office those who seek to deceive and divide Americans. The current administration is full of deceiving men and women who are operating in an anti-christ spirit attacking Christian principles while funding and promoting sworn enemies of everything we, as believers, believe in.

  I call on every Christian to begin to challenge their pastors and priests to quit being politically correct and start acting like Jesus Christ and challenge the governing authorities who are not treating American citizens as being created equal and meeting out equal justice under the law to all. I also call on every pastor and priest to study the Bible and see how Jesus reacted to the Sanhedrin’s unjust treatment of the people of God and to begin acting more like Him and stop the politically correct destruction of America.  

  While the Church is sitting silent the administration is sitting silent while Christians are being slaughtered by entities we are funding with our tax dollars making us guilty of murder by apathy. Islam is on a rampage around the world and here in America and we sit silent because we are afraid of offending a “religion” of evil. Every Christian who sits silent is aiding and abetting the enemies of God, “You are either with me or you are against me”, Jesus Christ.


Saturday, May 18, 2013


  As far as I can tell the planet has not been healed the oceans have not receded and Washington politics have not been changed, for the better any way. The only campaign promise Obama has succeeded to fulfill is to fundamentally transform America, for the worse.

  We heard that a man who abused his free speech was responsible for the attack on our embassy in Benghazi that ended in the deaths of at least four Americans. We later find out that the video the man had made actually had no role in the attacks at all. It has been more than 8 months and we still do not know who is responsible for the lies told to us by the Obama administration concerning the cover-up and we have no idea what the president was doing during the attacks or where he was at the time. This is in total contrast to the Bin Laden raid, we know where he “said” he was, and we have pictures of him and the Sec. of State, Defense, Homeland Security and the Joint Chiefs in the “Situation Room. Everything that was wrong was done by “underlings” and subordinates and those who head the departments were unaware and not informed.

  Then we are confronted with the news that the IRS was/is targeting conservative groups who opposed the reelection of Obama on a scale not seen since the Nixon administration. It was once again a handful of underlings and subordinates who were responsible and no one in the White was aware of it happening. Then we learn that the Inspector General had informed the Secretary of the Treasury in June of 2012 of the IRS investigation.  Five months before the election the president’s cabinet is made aware of the scandal but they do not tell their boss that there is a potential impeachable scandal on the horizon, I think not!

  Move ahead a couple days and we learn that the Department of “Justice” has seized phone records of reporters on so-called national security concerns. And once again the buck gets passed from the man in charge of the D.O.J., Eric Holder, to an underling leaving the boss unaware of any wrong doing by his subordinates. Upon further investigation we learn that the phone records of Congress were also seized and the Attorney General has no recollection or written evidence of having ‘recused’ himself from the case that led up to the seizures.

   Just this week we heard that for the second time a federal judge has ruled that Obama violated the constitution by appointing people to the National Labor Relations Board without congressional consent. His appointments were done while Congress was technically still in session but that made no difference the president, who by the way claims to be a Constitutional scholar. The appointments he made were ideologues with more than a slight bent toward Progressivism.

  We have seen the hiring of Goldman Sachs executives, campaign bundlers and lobbyists which is a very clear reversal of Senator Obama’s 2008 campaign promise to not allow ANY of these people in “his” White House. We have watched as he authorized tax dollars and weapons of war given to a group that declared war on the United States, and our ally Israel, during the Clinton administration and they never reversed that declaration.  He has hired members of the Muslim Brotherhood with ties to terrorism to work in our national security departments and as advisors to our military and as his personal advisors.     

  The Justice Department has also refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for blatant voter intimidation and continues to this day to refuse to label the Fort Hood massacre an act of terror and insists it was an incident of ‘workplace violence’, which denies the soldiers killed and wounded any benefits related to combat, which it most assuredly was! Every act of terrorism tied to Islam is treated like a crime and not an act of war, which is insane and promotes a political correctness doctrine that is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

  The list of what I would call crimes and acts of treason committed by this administration is much longer than what I have listed here and is growing at an alarming rate.

  How long will the American People remain silent and how much more freedom will be surrendered before we rise up and demand that this president and his administration be held accountable for their incompetence and corruption. If we continue to remain silent and apathetic we will soon be a Communist or Marxist state with our children enslaved by an elitist ideology.

  SAVING AMERICA from Progressives and Islamists has got to rise to exceed the desire they have to destroy America. We must launch a media campaign on every politicians Facebook and twitter page demanding action. We must flood every mainstream medias page also with promises, not threats, of boycotts. The same must be done to every sponsor of those networks with the same promise of boycott if they do not pressure the news media to do their job and actually report the news in a factual manner. Time is short and thankfully we have been seeing some results from our efforts to contact our representatives and the media outlets, but we cannot stop or slow down those efforts. Now that progress is being made in exposing the corruption in government we must accelerate our efforts and encourage others to do the same. The future of the republic depends on the actions we take or do not take in this hour. Each and every one of us was born for such a time as this and we must fulfill our destiny to ensure our children’s future is one of freedom and personal liberty.

  I urge everyone to take some kind of action today before it is too late and SAVING AMERICA becomes an impossibility for this generation and we no longer are that shining city on the hill that the poor and oppressed of the world can look to for an example and inspiration to resist tyranny and fight for liberty.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

 What you are about to read is what the law says about what has been happening within the Obama administration concerning the investigation into the Benghazi consulate attacks that left four Americans dead and several seriously wounded;

“18 USC § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy”

“Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

  Unlike many laws made by Congress this one is plain and simple, you impede an investigation you get fined or go to prison, or both, end of discussion!

  Recent revelations of the falsification of documents and outright lies coming directly from the White House would, in my humble opinion, qualify many in this administration and in Congress to be recipients of both fines and imprisonment. This administration lied to protect the president and his political agenda from public scrutiny and they must be held accountable for their actions.

  Even IF, and it is a HUGE IF, the president was not involved directly at the beginning he was most assuredly aware of the efforts of his staff and advisors to alter facts within two to three days of the incident (he should have been aware within the first day but of course he has plausible deniability because he ‘had’ to travel to Nevada the following morning for a campaign event and wasn’t on site for the briefings that morning).

  Certainly in the last EIGHT months the president has had more than ample time to do what he promised the families of the dead and wounded and the American public he would do, get the facts and give them to us as soon as they are known and to bring those responsible to JUSTICE. He obviously thought those promises were in the same category as his campaign promise to heal the planet and stop the rise of the oceans!

   It is up to WE THE PEOPLE to take action through the use of the law mentioned at the beginning of this blog. We must ALL copy this law to every Congressman’s Facebook and Twitter pages (and share it with all of our friends) demanding that this President and ALL those who have impeded this investigation be held responsible and prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law. If we do not demand accountability from our government based on the law THEY wrote and passed then we might as well declare the president “king” and Congress the elite ruling class and every other citizen as serfs.

 In the Nixon/Watergate scandal no one died, the crime was solely for political gain. Nixon had the guts to realize he would be impeached so he resigned from office in disgrace. He should have been prosecuted for the crimes he committed but instead he was let off the hook by President Ford by way of a presidential Pardon. Fords pardon set a ‘precedent’ that Presidents are above the law. Had Nixon been held accountable for his actions it would have put the fear of WE THE PEOPLE in the minds of politicians and we would not have the cesspool of a government we now have.  

  Please take action and demand that Congress hold EVERYONE who has in ANY way impeded this investigation be accountable and made to face the appropriate federal charges and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law regardless of their party affiliation or the office they hold.

  We must all do our part to cause the fear that breeds liberty or SAVING AMERICA will be an unattainable goal and we condemn future generations to oppression and enslavement to an elitist ideology.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

  Benghazi ‘will’ be the thing that brings the Obama administration down but it will NOT stop the Progressive agenda. As I have said before Progressives think generationally not in the here and now. Once the truth is out and the impeachment and trials take place Progressives will do what they have always done, go underground, and wait for an opportune time to resurface under another name.  We must never forget what their goals are and to what lengths they will go to fulfill them.

  We all know they want to disarm the public and control every aspect of our lives so we must stay on guard and stay involved with our government and teach upcoming generations the lessons we have learned from Progressive history.

  I want to remind everyone of one particular move that Obama and Hillary made that did not get any traction but seeds were planted. On September 12th 2012 both Obama and Clinton came to the Rose Garden to give an announcement about the Benghazi attacks and stated unequivocally that the attack that killed our ambassador and at least three others was the result of one individual “ABUSING FREESPEECH”. The term “Abusing Free Speech” was used at least three times by the president and Hillary to the best of my memory and each time the seed was ‘watered’

 Free speech is and has been a goal of Progressives to gain control of the narrative. It was tried by Congress under the guise of the “Fairness Doctrine” which was simply an attempt to shut down conservative talk radio by demanding that an equal amount of time be given to opposing views on every show. Thank God that piece of legislation was shot down.

  Ground has been lost to Progressives in and through the National Defense Authorization Act.  Attempts to limit or control the internet are going to prove to be another part of the puzzle if we do not respond with a unified response against politicians, from both parties, legislating our rights away.

  It is imperative that we begin to put our critical thinking on the front burner and listen to EVERY word Progressives use and DON’T use. If we do what we have always done, become self-absorbed, we will see a fresh resurgence of Progressivism much sooner than normal.  

  The first line of offense is of course prayer but we must also take action in the natural realm. The most powerful tool Progressives have is the media. Every media outlet has a Facebook and or Twitter page that millions see every day so we must begin posting on their walls demanding that they tell the truth to us and stop schilling for the administration.

  We should also find out who their sponsors are and tell them we will boycott their products if they too do not demand integrity in broadcast news.

  Together we can and will make a difference for the force of good in America. If we just sit back and renounce our responsibility to defend the Republic then SAVING AMERICA will be impossible. During our previous non-involvement our rights were severely infringed upon but this time we will lose the first amendment and our ability to peaceably assemble to petition our government for a redress of grievances.

 Our non-involvement will result in millions of people WORLD-WIDE dying and their blood will be on our hands.