Monday, August 26, 2013

Can anyone say "Wag the dog"? It is horrible that any have died in Syria but to suddenly say that one hundred killed by chemical weapons is any worse than the tens of thousands that have been killed by 'conventional' weapons just doesn't cut it with me. Why did we say nothing while millions were being butchered in Africa? Thousands of Christians are currently being killed in Egypt and other Muslim countries in the Middle East and no more than a passing gratuitous word from Obama about those human rights violations.
Call me a skeptic but I don't think it is co-incidence that as Benghazi and Fast and Furious are beginning to gain steam in the public eye and Obama's poll numbers are crashing that suddenly we are being led down the path of another distraction. It would not be a stretch for me to believe that Obama is complicit with the chemical weapons attacks in Syria. His Chicago politics opens the door for believing anything is possible from this administration.
I will not allow Benghazi or Fast and Furious fall to the side, nor will I allow the NSA or the IRS scandals be forgotten. Obama and his minions must be held accountable for their treasonous actions.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I am shocked by the atrocities taking place against Christians in the Middle East. I have been struck by the reversal of history in that Jews are usually the first targeted group in violent revolutions. The only logical conclusion is that for the last one hundred years of world history each time genocide or ethnic cleansing has happened Christians, mainly American Christians, have risen to the res...cue of the oppressed.
Our enemy is both patient and wise. He has learned that Christians are the only people group standing in the way of destroying the Jew and Israel (or so he thinks). Violence is taking the lives of millions of Christians in the Middle East and Africa but here in America there is, at least for now, a different kind of attack on Christians; we are being silenced by our government. They are using the courts and media to demonize us and our efforts to maintain a moral anchor in America. They are succeeding only because the Church is, for the most part, allowing political correctness to silence us.
As citizens of this nation we have a right and responsibility to be involved in our government. As Christians we have the responsibility to be good stewards of the nation God gave us. We cannot remain silent while our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in their homelands and our government sends aid to groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood who are killing them. 80 Churches were burned and hundreds of believers have been murdered, including a 10 year old girl on her way home from a Bible study, in one week in Egypt.
We must make our voices heard by our representatives and tell them to stand up for Christians around the world and stop sending our tax dollars to support anti-Christian and anti-American countries.
  We must demand justice from our government and plead with our God to intervene on behalf of our brothers and sisters. Please pray and please do your civic duty and contact your representatives today.
And so it begins! Fox news is starting to give the Republican establishment candidate early and excessive exposure as the "ONLY" one who can beat Hillary Clinton. A republican fundraiser was so excited I thought she would pee her britches on set! We must not allow 'Big Money' and the media tell us what America needs. A moderate Republican is not what America needs, she needs an American who believes in and respects our Constitution above and beyond all else when it comes to governing this great republic, and that American is NOT Chris Christie!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1. I don't know where to begin with this, but there needs to be a massive public outcry and soon. The e-mails between the Fort Hood Shooter and his terrorist mentor are not admissible as evidence in court. The judge ordered that his bent toward “Jihad” is not to be brought up in the court room, even after he plainly said he acted on behalf Allah. He went on to say that all the evidence would prove that he was the shooter.

2.  The military and the Obama administration refuse to allow this murdering Muslim to be called a terrorist and continue to label this as "Workplace Violence". By refusing to call it terrorism those who were wounded and the families of those who were killed are being denied the support and aid they deserve. Many of the wounded are being forced to cover their own medical care.

3.     Every Americans e-mails, phone calls, texts, tweets and any other communications are collected and held by the NSA and if we commit a crime those collected bits of data will be used to convict us, but a Muslim terrorist......not so much!

4.    We are being told that the government does not ‘store’ our communications but that they only “Retrieve” it after a crime is committed. My question is ‘How can you “Retrieve” something that is not stored somewhere?’ My second question is ‘How stupid do you think Americans are Mr. President?’

5.   The President and Congress need to be recalled and replaced with Americans who believe in the Constitution! The Constitution is being violated by nearly every politician in both parties and it must stop.

6.    FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) was meant to monitor "Foreign" intelligence, hence the letter "F"! The President and Congress have turned it into the "Domestic" ISA and We The People are being spied on and being treated as though we are guilty until proven innocent, that is of course, if they decide you can have a trial.

7.    The passing of the ‘National Defense Authorization Act’ has put every American at risk of being arrested without due process and held indefinitely without any representation or notification of anyone that you have been detained. All that is necessary for anyone to be arrested and detained is that “Someone” deems them a ‘threat’.

8.    We are fast becoming a police state and if we do not end this madness soon Nazi Germany will look like a simple bullying of a small group of people on a school playground. We have the ability to make the entire world into Hitler's Germany and if we do not regain control of OUR government soon we will lose control and spiral into complete self-destruction.

9.   The United States government is completely out of control in their quest for power over We The People. We must awaken to reality and resist any and all power grabs from people who are supposed to be working for us and are to be accountable to us. By remaining silent while people like the mayor of NYC and other Progressive elitists impose their agenda on us we surrender America and render useless all the blood shed by every American who fought to secure our liberty.

 SAVING AMERICA is not going to be easy but we must fight or we will die. Progressives will not stop their quest for control and we must not stop our resistance to them and their agenda.

Friday, August 16, 2013

                          ISLAM IN AMERICA

 With England, France, Germany, Spain, Hungry and virtually every other European country suffering violence and cultural destruction at the hands of Muslims it should come as no surprise to anyone that Islam is a clear and present danger everywhere it is found. Everywhere in the world where terrorism exists Islam is at the center of it.

 For hundreds of years Muslims have been involved in “Civilization Jihad” throughout the European continent and it is happening here in America as I write this blog.

   Many countries are experiencing great civil unrest from young people who have realized that their leaders in government have allowed Islam to become dominate to the detriment of their cultural heritage. Young people around the world are demanding that their leaders put an end to Islam’s push for preeminence in their nations. Repeated protests and political marches to reclaim their heritage are being met by deaf ears from politicians who have sold their souls and succumbed to the fear that ALWAYS accompanies Muslim majorities.

  America is not as far along in the Islamic revolution as Europe but we are fast approaching the point of no return. The current administration has accelerated what past administrations had begun in regards to embracing Islam as a peaceful religion.

  Because of the Obama administration’s embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood we are now in danger of falling into the same death grip of Islam as Europe. The situation in America is by far more dangerous because of the fact that we hold the world’s most powerful and destructive technology and weapons.

  Few Americans are aware that there are dozens of Muslim Brotherhood operatives actively employed in the highest levels of our national security agencies with access to the most sensitive information we have.

  The Brotherhood has succeeded in scrubbing any and all references to fundamental Islam (which is without any doubt anti-America) from all training manuals for our military and security departments. Allowing them to have access to classified information puts every American at risk and will, at some point, cause the death of many innocent people.

   This infiltration is all part of a grand scheme to overthrow western civilization and impose Sharia Law and a global caliphate. The mode of operation that has been used by Muslims very successfully everywhere it is implemented is called ‘Civilization Jihad’.

  Civilization Jihad is a strategy that involves three stages to take control of nations. The first stage is simply to populate a society with sheer numbers; taking one neighborhood at a time by buying homes and businesses and building Mosques ie. Dearborn Michigan. In this stage Muslims are friendly and unobtrusive within their respective communities.

  Very often during this stage Muslims will build relationships with their neighbors earning a good reputation by being involved with community projects and charitable acts. After establishing themselves as part of the community they transition to stage two whereby they begin to enter the political arena at low level positions to begin with and gradually obtain higher offices; Keith Ellison Congressman from Minnesota.

   Once they begin to become a majority in a community’s demographic they execute stage two of their agenda. There will be complaints of inequality in the community beginning with trivial matters and slowly but steadily becoming more demanding in nature. They will start pointing out areas where they are supposedly being discriminated against, usually in regards to the ‘religious’ aspects of Islam, and they will demand that their needs be addressed. Soon after they receive their trivial requests they will move on to demanding more special privileges and rights be granted to them because of their religious practices.

  Each time they progress in their efforts to gain special favor they become bolder in their demands.

  This pattern is evident in each country they have emigrated to from Europe to Canada and now in America. As they achieve more influence and become more involved in the political realm they begin to demand cultural superiority over the indigenous population. If they are unsuccessful in achieving superiority through the laws of the land they have populated they then phase in stage three.

 Stage three is all-out conflict using any means necessary to be the ruling power. The goal is a Global Caliphate and nothing short of that is acceptable. Islam teaches patience when implementing the first two stages of Civilization Jihad but once Muslims are in the majority or they feel they have the ability to overcome their enemy, violence is the recommended means.

  The proof that America is transitioning from stage two to stage three is rise of Muslim demands of more tolerance for their religious practices in our schools, universities, airports and in government buildings. One example of their demands is the building of private prayer rooms and Halal foods in our school and prisons.

   One of the first examples of a peaceful demand/request was the building of the Time Square Mosque. They lost that battle but they have not given up their demands for special treatment.

  On September 11, 2013 Muslim leaders are planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington D.C. to demand that their 1st amendment rights be protected. They have dropped the word Muslim from the event due to public recognition of the significance of the date but the goal is the same; dominance.

 The march is designed to demand an end to the so-called discrimination of Muslims since the attacks of September 11, 2001 and to expose the “Truth” about said attacks.

  The group behind the event, the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), is led by M.D. Rabbi Alam. He is a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther who believes that Jews were somehow behind the plot to fly planes into buildings killing thousands.

  Alam, who is associated with a radical Islamic cleric, is also a Missouri-based Democratic activist who chairs the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus. He ran, unsuccessfully, for Missouri’s secretary of state in 2012.   

  I do not believe they will be successful in pulling this march off but have no doubt it will not be the last such event that will be planned. Each successive demonstration will become more radical until America either wakes up to what is happening or surrenders to the evil that is Islam.

  We are witnessing the transition from stage two to stage three with this march being organized and promoted. If it does not succeed and the demands for “equality” are not met, acts of violence WILL begin to happen and become frequent. If anyone doubts what I am charging just go to a European news outlet and research the pattern. There is an agenda called “The Project”, the stated agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood that will verify everything I have stated. What is happening in Egypt now is one of the clearest examples of the goal the Brotherhood has for America.

 SAVING AMERICA depends on patriots awakening to the realization that our Constitution is being used against us to end our freedoms and to enslave us to Islam. If we do not take a very vocal stand against the perversion of our foundation we will be crushed by its crumbling walls. Willful blindness, ignorance, apathy and political correctness are allowing for the destruction of America from within. Patriots must awaken and resist Islam and name it as the evil it is or we will cease to be America.

Monday, August 12, 2013

A few years ago after meeting General Boykin I became aware of the depth of danger Islam poses to not only America but to the entire world. 9/11/01 was just a precursor to what is in store for the world.

 When researching what Islam is all about I discovered the Muslim Brotherhood and researched them. In doing my homework on the Brotherhood I discovered the Sunni/Shia sects and began to put things together and realized that the world is about to see the third world war centered around Jerusalem. It will be made to look as though it is a conflict between Islamic states and divisions among Islamic nations, but it WILL be Jerusalem at the core.

  Right now Libya is about to fall (thanks to Obama/Clinton), Egypt is at or near total civil war (thank you Mr. President), Turkey just dismantled its military and imprisoned its generals for life, as well as many journalists, which sets the stage for an Islamic take over. Islamists are marching toward the Caliphate I warned about and was ridiculed for a couple years ago.

  John McRINO and Lindsey Graham are in Egypt and are "Shocked" at the instability in the Middle East! Really John? Really Lindsey? How is it that you can have access to the intelligence capabilities of the US government and still be clueless to what is going on with Islam's push toward a caliphate?  OH, that's right ...You two remained silent while ALL references to Islam were scrubbed from the military and intelligence community. I believe you two were leading the charge against those like Sarah Palin and Louie Gohmert for even suggesting Islam was a threat and that the Brotherhood was infiltrating our government at the highest levels.

   Well guess what fellas; your foolish political correctness has brought America to the brink of disaster and the world to near all-out war. Thousands and most probably millions of innocents are going to die because you refused to see the “Arab Spring” for what it was; the beginning of the restoration of the Islamic caliphate. It is too late to stop this madness from going forward so all we can do is prepare for the after effects of the terror that IS coming.

  I am more than willing to accept the ridicule that is coming for my warning against Islam and the willful blindness and stupidity of many who follow or are involved with the Progressive party. We are going to see a third world war and it is coming soon. The ONLY thing that will stop the rising threat to America is for her to fall to her knees and cry out to God with a repentant heart and ask for forgiveness and His intervention. I just don’t see that happening so I warn you, get ready for global conflict. Buy food, store water, get medicine and medical supplies and whatever you may think of as being necessary to survive.

  Do your research and know where all the Islamic strongholds are near you. Don’t be too stupid to think there aren’t any Islamic centers near you that are radical, they are everywhere. Don’t trust your government, do your own research and share your findings with everyone you can. Be prepared to defend yourself and your family and friends from violent attacks. Arm yourself and know how to use those arms. I believe it has been the grace of God that has stopped the disarming of citizens before this war starts. Make sure you have enough ammunition for defense and to hunt food.
  I believe we are going to be the last resistance and those responsible for SAVING AMERICA from all-out war from within, and it will be fought on many levels. I do not know the time or dates for this war to start but it will start, and I will not be responsible for the blood of those who refuse to heed this warning.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

  It should come as no surprise to anyone that Progressives are willing to go to any extreme to further their agenda, even if it means some in their ranks must die. They think generationally and know they are only one link in a very long chain. This is a trait that we must adopt or we will continue to lose ground in our fight to reclaim America.
   As I have been trying desperately to awaken as many people as possible to the threat we face as a republic I have been encouraged by the number of people
beginning to realize the deception being perpetrated on the masses. I have also seen the same realization being recognized by Progressives. As that knowledge becomes common among them I am also beginning to see a frightening scenario take shape.
     Progressives are developing a scorched earth policy and it is  being readied for release on America. Both parties are showing signs of fear that they are about to be revealed as traitors and will, if necessary, create a national crisis, even a global war, to slow or stop their opponents from being able to remove them from power. They have spent generations preparing for the destruction of America and they will not relinquish their power through the electoral process. They stole the last election and will continue to steal them to gain more political positions.
  Americans must awaken and become involved in local and state  elections. Progressives are masters of deception and persistent in pursuing their agenda as well as being master strategists. The number one goal for their future political agenda is not the acquisition of more Congressional or Senate seats, although they most certainly will try to win or more correctly stated, steal them. Their most treasured and profitable political gains will be to acquire as many state Attorney Generals positions as possible because it is the attorney general who certifies all elections i.e. Al Franken.  
   We must not allow them to succeed in distracting us from exposing them. I believe we have crossed the point of no return for the electoral process and will be unable to take back the republic until we take back the "Free Press". If we are going to win the ideological war we are in we must begin on the most basic level, the local news media. Your local paper, radio stations and TV networks must be assaulted with your calls, letters, Facebook posts on their pages and letters to the editor of your local paper. We must control the narrative or we will lose the war.
   We are going to be demonized but we must stick together and defend our fellow patriots from being falsely accused. Progressives will fabricate crimes and use any means of deception to paint us as evil and as threats to America. Do NOT believe ANY reports by any media or government agencies that would discredit those of us who are fighting them, let God be our judge and our advocate. Pray for Him to reveal the truth and for justice to prevail.
  SAVING AMERICA is only going to be accomplished if we first save our communities from a corrupt and complicit media.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Incase you, like I, have wondered why the top GOP leadership is not trying to get to the bottom of Benghazi, I think I have an idea/theory. I have said from the first day or two that Obama was involved in arms running, which is a violation of international law. I would bet almost everything I have that the GOP leaders knew about it and signed off on it and they know that if they "Get to the bottom... of the scandal" they will themselves be found out and be thrown out on their ears or be prosecuted (at some point in the future by an honest administration) for what could be treasonous activities when it is learned that the people they were arming were Al Qaeda. I also believe the ambassador was being used (willingly) for a "Kidnapping" plot to be used in a prisoner swap for the Blind Sheik and when the deal went wrong he was killed.
No one will say why he was not at the normal place for him to be or why he was meeting with the official from Turkey (where a huge shipment of arms was sent the following day) hours before the 'attack'. No knows who was responsible for making the 'Stand down' order or given a 'credible' reason for that call. No one knows where Obama was during the attack. No one knows what Boehner and those on the intelligence committees knew or when they knew it. No one involved in the attack is under arrest, though several 'news' reporters have interviewed them in public. The only person be held accountable for the murders is a man who had NOTHING to do with it. The only thing the man in jail did was make a VERY STUPID internet video.
It is time to push an all out assault on every representatives Face book and twitter page demanding the truth and demanding answers to ALL the questions we have. They need to be promised that we will not drop this issue and we will fight against their re-election with every asset we have. Our government is, with only a small handful of exceptions, completely corrupt and they must be stopped and ALL who are guilty of covering for this president must be prosecuted. SAVING AMERICA is our highest goal and we must pursue that goal viciously!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

  I'm not a well educated man in the traditional sense but I have been becoming more and more enlightened with each passing day. I have been made aware of the cost of my ignorance and complacency in civic responsibility. 
  Over the last five years I have been watching the Progressive machine under President Obama shift into high gear and destroy more of Americas liberties than any previous anti-American organization has ever thought possible in such a short time.
  The tactics being used are blatantly simple to see but with the blackout of their treasonous activities by the news media the number of Americans aware of what is happening is frightening and dangerous. We have been lied to and distracted so often that truth is likely not to be recognized even if it is ever told by any one in this administration.
  One of the mantras of Progressives is "Never let a crisis go to waste". We have seen this play out several times with this administration as atrocities have occurred they have been exploited to further an agenda. I have no proof but would not doubt that these people have created situations to help sell their ideology. 
  As events have heated up and some media outlets have begun to speak about the cover up of  the Benghazi scandal we suddenly hear about the closing of some 22 embassies world-wide due to a threat from fundamentalists Islamists. All during the 2013 campaign we were told (lied to) that Osama was dead and his organization is on the run.
 Knowing how Progressives think and operate I have to ask 
what is going on with this "Worldwide Terror Alert" and the closing of embassies and consulates? I find it odd that these facilities are closed for business but none of the staff or ambassadors have been evacuated from the grounds. I also find it disturbing that America is "Standing down" in the face of a threat from some Islamic terror group. In my opinion we should "Stand our ground" and kill any and all who dare to challenge us. But the terms "Stand Down" and "Stand Our Ground" would be offensive to our Islamic appeasing President and his squad of Muslim Brotherhood advisors so we will have to cower in fear of being hit instead of opening a can of whoop ass on our enemies.
  But I digress, my real opinion on this is that something somewhere will happen (or be fabricated) which will be used as proof of the need for the NSA spying to continue and for more programs like the ones they already have. Sadly the media will continue to promote the Progressive talking points and assure the public that surrendering more liberty is the best solution to terrorism. And while we sit and watch the whole thing unfold congress will pass more laws allowing government to violate our rights and remove a few more small bricks from the wall of protection we have a.k.a. the Constitution. The only hope we have is praying for America. While we pray and wait for God to act we have to use the tools He provided to us through the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We must inform as many as we can of what is happening and we must communicate to all members of Congress our awareness of the damage they are doing and we must vote.
 SAVING AMERICA depends on God helping us awaken the uninformed and uninvolved before we completely destroy this great gift we call America, He will only do that for us if we ask Him to. God help us to humble ourselves again and call on you as a united people.