Thursday, February 27, 2014

The art of deception and manipulation have been mastered by anti-American Progressives who will say and do anything it takes to destroy capitalism. It was no small thing when they 'slipped' a little amendment into the NDAA which legalized the use of propaganda against American citizens.

When I was a much younger man I never had any interest in politics and rarely took the time to vote. That began to change for me during the seventies and eighties when my wife and I began to have children and we started to look at life in a more serious light. I started noticing somewhat subtle changes in the way the government was making inroads into everyday life. It didn't really bother me all that much at first but then a lot of new laws and regulations began to creep into my life as more than a minor annoyance.

I think it was Ronald Reagan that first caught my attention and made me start listening to words and how they were spoken. He had a way with speaking that made sense to me. It took a while to get through my head that whether or not I was interested in politics, politics were changing my life and the lives of my kids in ways I did not like.

Today if you don't pay attention to what is being said you will find yourself living a lie. Take for example the whole "Hope and Change You Can Believe In" crap that left us with a changed republic that now offers no hope. Politicians are like mobile home salesmen, they will promise you the most incredible and affordable home you could ever hope for and treat you like their best friend until after the sale, then they could care less about you or your problems with what they sold you.

I don't know about you but I can only think of a small handful of politicians that once in office have stuck to their campaign promises down the line. They always have an excuse to compromise to get along with the other side regardless of the constitutionality of the actions the other side is taking. From my perspective the only compromising that has taken place for the past decade or so, probably longer, but who's counting any more, has been to lessen the 10th amendments guarantee of states rights and the individual liberties of Americans.

We began this nation as a people of character and integrity who were willing to give everything, including our personal wealth, honor and lives to ensure the future of the republic. Today the only thing our politicians seem willing to sacrifice is you and I.

They are trying to make our military pay for their own healthcare and cutting their pay and that of vets. They are cutting the defense department when the threats to our homeland are at a critical point. Now they are taxing us to pay for this Marxist "Health Care" system, and I use the term "health care" loosely, called "the Affordable Healthcare act", and I use the term 'Affordable' with a great deal of sarcasm. I mean God forbid they cut their own benefits and pay and that of their staff.

These weasels are tyrants plain and simple, and it is time to get off the couch and get activated and to educate, engage and activate the people we know, and together take back our government. The truth is some, many actually, of these pinheads need to be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff. We have got to join together and do everything possible to throw these traitors out of office.

Everyone of us can do something to help the cause. You can and should, first and foremost, pray for mercy on America because it is our fault they are in office in the first place. Our complacency and self absorption have allowed people of ill intent to undermine our republic and the future of our children is now uncertain at best.

You can deface your vehicle by putting a conservative bumper sticker on it, or you can call the weasel's offices and tell them what you think of their lack of competence and their corrupt overreaches of power. They need to be reminded that they work for us and are in office to serve their constituents, not to be "Serviced" by them.

You can contact the local and national news media and rant on them for covering up the corruption among Progressives in both parties and demand to be told the truth about these weasels. You can and should be contacting their corporate offices and those of their sponsors and telling them you are going to organize a boycott of their products if they continue to promote corrupt politicians, and then actually stop buying their stuff if they pay no attention to us!

My point is if you are not playing a role in the restoration of the republic you are playing a role in it's destruction. We have got to make time to do what needs to be done so that when the history books are written we will be able to tell our descendants that while Progressives were trying to dismantle the greatest nation on earth we were a part of the army of regular citizens who rose up and fought for the cause of liberty!

Nixon's Apology 2/27/2014

  My favorite 'witness' before Congress on the IRS scandal, Lois Learner has been ordered to come back to testify again. Her attorney has said he will not allow her to testify and asked that she not be forced to return to sit before the committee and give her plea of the 5th amendment because it would be a waste of time and an embarrassment. The attorney said the only way she would testify is if she is given immunity because, according to the attorney,  she has been receiving "death threats".
 So why do you suppose someone would be wanting her dead if there is not a "Smidgen" of criminal activity involved in the IRS targeting of conservative groups? The only rational reason I could think of for someone wanting to kill Ms. Learner over the IRS scandal would be if Hillary or Bill were involved because a lot of people who could have brought them down ended up dead. But then again there are also a lot of Navy SEALS that could have testified against Obama that are dead too, so maybe it is just part of being involved with or being used by Progressives that gets you killed. I would not be surprised if Ms. Learner ends up like the lady who 'certified' Obama's birth certificate, she died in a plane crash when everyone else survived.
 Before she testified the first time Ms. Lerner made and unequivocal statement of her innocence saying she had done nothing wrong or illegal. In my mind if someone is innocent there should be no need to ask for immunity. If it were up to me I would force her to come and if she refused to testify I would charge her with contempt and throw her butt in jail until she changed her mind or died of old age. If she did break the law (which a lot of evidence says she did) I would charge her with perjury and sentence her to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

I would not stop with her, I would subpoena ALL records and prosecute every last one of those involved until the corrupt originator (Obama) is impeached and imprisoned. This is among the worst abuses of power in modern history and those responsible must be made an example of. If we do not prosecute this President and his administration then we owe a "National apology to Richard Nixon".
   The saga continues.......

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I hate Islam with a passion. Today it was reported that a group of Fundamental Muslims in Nigeria attacked a school in the predawn and set the building on fire while the students were sleeping. Early reports were that members of the Islamic group 'Boko Haram' killed 29 students but an updated story by CBS news shows the number of dead students to be 59 . Witnesses said that the group of Muslims set the building on fire and waited for students to try to flee through the windows and shot them and slit their throats as they tried to escape the burning building. My heart breaks for the families of these children, all of which were teenage boys.

Islam must be treated like the cancer it is and wiped off the face of the earth. We have an unknown number of Fundamental Muslims in America planning to take control of the republic through their usual method of 'Civilization Jihad' and we are unable to do a thing about it. Our children will see the day when Islamists attack and brutally murder innocent people here in America for no logical reason again (9/11/2001). We will have to explain to our kids that we allowed Muslims to use our own laws against us because we valued political correctness more than their safety.
 I will stand and speak out against the demonic disease known as Islam as long as I have breath in my lungs. When my grandchildren ask how this happened I will not have to tell them that I was part of the problem, I will tell them that I fought with all I had but few listened.
 We must find a way to awaken our leaders to the threat they are allowing to grow and indoctrinate society in Shariah. I encourage everyone to Google search "The Project, The Muslim Brotherhood" and when you see what Islam has in store for America and how far they have progressed with their strategy tell others. There is not much time left to stop the scourge of evil that is Islam!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to push through the crowd to Jesus, but they couldn't reach him. So they went up to the roof, took off some tiles, and lowered the sick man down into the crowd, still on his mat, right in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven."

Sometimes when a person is "immobilized", whether physically or spiritually, they are unable to go to the Lord for help themselves. When our friends are suffering it is our responsibility to 'take' them to the Lord if they can't get there themselves.

In the scripture above Jesus said it was sin that had paralyzed the man so he couldn't get to Him by himself. It is important to notice that the scripture says "Seeing 'THEIR' faith". It was not his faith but their faith that got Jesus to heal him.

Many times we are too quick to abandon the 'paralyzed' thinking they don't have enough faith to be healed or set free from sin. When Lazarus was raised from the dead he had no faith. When the young man fell out the window while Paul was preaching he had no faith. In both of these cases it was not the faith of the person in need but the faith of another that got them delivered.

When you know someone is trapped by sin don't judge them or abandon them, instead get some other believers to help you pick him and his mat up and take him to the roof top and tear the roof apart if that is what it takes. Do everything you possibly can to help that person find the deliverance that can only come from Jesus. (Gal. 6:1-2)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Though we don't know the day or the hour of the return of the Lord we can know when the day is approaching when we understand what is happening around the world...; "...when you see these things happening, look up...". As I write this the Middle East is erupting and becoming an Islamic Caliphate, Europe is becoming destabilized, the Ukraine is in a state of civil war and Russia is aligning with Iran to become the Biblical definition of Gog and Magog.
Chaos is erupting in the Southern Western hemisphere and our own country is in a moral free fall. Good is being called evil and evil is being called good. Our children are being indoctrinated through a nationalized "Education" system (Common Core) designed to destroy the Childs personal identity and the family unit. A majority of American adults, including those in the Church, can be described as "Low information" voters or non-relevant uninvolved citizens.
The signs are everywhere that the revealing of the 'man of lawlessness' is near and the return of the Lord is soon. The time of great tribulation is at hand and few are ready to face the reality of the times we are in.
"You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. (Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.) These teachers oppose the truth just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses. They have depraved minds and a counterfeit faith. But they won’t get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are, just as with Jannes and Jambres."
We are in the times described in Paul's letter to Timothy and we must take his advice and remain steadfast in our defense of the truth. Paul tells us in his letter to the Church in Ephesus to expose evil wherever it is found, but most believers refuse to get involved. Light will only dispel darkness when the light goes to where the darkness is, it is time to remove the basket that is covering the light.
Jesus told the Disciples that the gates of Hell would not prevail against the Church which means the Church must assault those gates. The gates are wide open and the evil within the kingdom of darkness is pouring into society at a rate never seen before. It is imperative that the Church rise up and confront with boldness those who seek to destroy the republic that God ordained to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. America has a destiny that must be recognized and defended by those who have been given the responsibility to steward the mission she has; the Church of Jesus Christ.
We must stop making excuses for avoiding our responsibility to be involved with the governing of this great gift called America or we condemn our children to a life of hopelessness and despair. We have been placed in history for such a time as this. The question for the Church is "will we dare to face 'Xerxes' and risk everything or will we remain silent within the "temporary" safety of his palace and hope we escape the evil at hand while others fight for their lives?"
If we will pray, fast and go to where the evil is emanating from we will be victorious and Haman will hang on the gallows he has built to hang us on. The gates of Hell will not prevail against us IF we run toward them with faith in God's faithfulness!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2014 And Beyond


  As we enter the new year there is no denying that times are changing and the necessity for faith is growing. I believe we are going to see the fulfillment of many words the Lord spoke at Morningstar roundtables that have been held both here and around the world.

  In particular I believe the word Pastors Fred and Donna brought back from Bend Oregon concerning the new US penny is going to be critical. The front of the penny has the original Abraham Lincoln bust, which I believe is prophetic in itself. As you know Lincoln was president of the United States during the Civil War, a period of our history that saw the republic divided to the point of armed conflict.

  Lincoln was, I believe, Divinely inspired to hold the republic together and refuse to allow those under his command to demonize those who opposed the freeing of slaves. Today we have an administration that is working tirelessly to divide America along racial, social and economic lines for political gains that will lead them to a stronger position of power, control and ultimately the enslavement of future generations.

  We as believers have been chosen by God to steward this republic and we must follow the lead of President Lincoln and stay focused on the preservation of the Union. Our focus for preservation is not for the sole purpose of survival, personal liberty and an easy life but rather for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

  On the reverse side of the penny is a shield which is a prophetic symbol of the shield of faith from Ephesians. Having the shield on the most basic of our currencies speaks of the need we will have for faith in the coming year(s). As the world’s economies collapse we will see a word from the roundtable here in Owego come to fruition; “And a voice from among the four living beings said, "A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day's pay.  And don't waste the olive oil and wine" Rev.6:6. We are going to need each other to get through the food shortages ahead, not just to survive but to help our friends and neighbors make it through as well.

  I believe the new penny’s design which incorporates both the old and new holds the key to survival in the next 12 to 18 months. Faith (the shield) is going to be our only currency in the year(s) ahead. Unity of purpose (the bust of Lincoln) is what will bind us together and keep us focused on the Kingdom.

   We are going to see a year full of one of two things; darkness and despair or the brightness of the anointing and a world longing for the hope we hold dear. In reality, I believe, we will see darkness and light, despair and great hope for the future. There will be outrage over the deception of our government leaders and a deep longing for true leadership. The opportunities for expanding the Kingdom will be of epic proportions for the Church if we maintain an eternal perspective.

  The future of our nation is in the Lords hands and He has chosen us to stand firm in the faith He has given us. I believe America is going to experience a degree of judgment for the actions of our leaders but we will be restored to favor with God if we endure to the end with our faith in His faithfulness intact.

  The following scriptures from Isaiah 60 and 61 should give us much hope;

 Isaiah 60; "Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the LORD is shining upon you. Darkness as black as night will cover all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD will shine over you. All nations will come to your light. Mighty kings will come to see your radiance. "Look and see, for everyone is coming home! Your sons are coming from distant lands; your little daughters will be carried home.”


Isaiah 61; “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, because the LORD has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies.  To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities long ago destroyed. They will revive them, though they have been empty for many generations. Foreigners will be your servants. They will feed your flocks and plow your fields and tend your vineyards. You will be called priests of the LORD, ministers of our God. You will be fed with the treasures of the nations and will boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, you will inherit a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy.”

Monday, February 17, 2014

  I have no confidence or respect for Karl Rove but I watched him take down a Progressive ex-governor last night using   the opposite tactic Progressives use against conservatives; truth. 
 The ex-governor (D Ohio) was verbally stumbling while being caught in a lie about his office investigating and attacking "Joe the Plumber" by releasing his private tax documents. Rove was defending Chris Christy (who I see as a Progressive plant and would not support) with facts the ex-governor was unprepared to defend. I believe he was unprepared to defend against the truth because no one has had the courage to confront progressives with irrefutable facts before. The Governor tried to say Rove's facts were wrong but because Rove refused to retreat he ended up admitting that 'Joe the Plumbers' records were released but that he had nothing to do with it (of course not).
  Rove's confrontation of the governor's propaganda on national TV caught the Progressive off guard and his stammering response made it obvious to viewers that he was lying to them. It is time for conservatives (Tea Party) to speak boldly and powerfully in public settings about Progressive tactics exposing them for who and what the are.
Progressives in both parties are masters of propaganda and they know that most Americans are only casual observers of the political process, so they will do and say vile things to pass their agenda because they know there are only a few people who will do the fact checking on their claims.
 Senator Rand Paul recently spoke truth about Bill Clinton being a sexual predator using facts of the Monica Lewinsky incident(s) which has political pundits saying he crossed the line and should not bring up the Clintons past, I disagree strongly. Progressives have gotten away with rewriting history for far too long and they must be confronted as soon as the words leave their mouths.
  It is because Progressives have gone unchecked on their facts that the majority of Americans believe things like; Rev. Martin Luther King was a Democrat, he was not, he was a registered Republican and NRA member, Planned Parenthood was founded to help women and children, it was not, it was started by Margret Sanger for the sole purpose of eliminating blacks and the handicapped. 
 Tea Party Conservatives must not stoop to Progressive tactics, they must stand solely on the truth. Truth will always defeat lies when spoken immediately and directly to the one speaking lies. 
 Average people, and especially Americans, are offended when they discover they have been deceived with propaganda, but they will respond to truth in a positive manner. We must all strive to speak truth to power and stand boldly and expose propaganda wherever it is found.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"It was by faith that Moses' parents hid him for three months. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid of what the king might do", "It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king". 
 Sometimes it is hard to take a stand against those in authority, but when they decree things that are contrary to the will of God we have no choice but to defy the law and the rulers. Jesus defied the laws and challenged the rulers openly and unapologetically. Paul challenged the rulers and appealed their decision claiming his "Rights" as a citizen of Rome.
 It is time that believers begin to use the laws we have been given to live under to challenge those interpreting them in a perverse manner. For too long we have sat back and remained silent as, in many cases, a single un-named person will make a complaint about some religious symbol or public display of faith and because they "Claim" it is offensive to them it is ordered removed. We, like Paul, have rights as citizens of America and we can, should and must speak out when things like that happen. We should be filing complaints about how offended we are when symbols of our faith are not allowed on public land or in our schools.
  This is a God ordained republic and we, believers, are responsible for it's stewardship. To allow a few to destroy our heritage by forcing the removal of our historical roots in faith is no different than ancient Israel allowing the building of idols and worshiping them on the land given to them by God. Israel's people could have spoken against such practices and demanded their removal and a return to their God but instead they remained silent and received judgment and enslavement.
   If the Church remains silent and does not follow the example of those in scripture who were not afraid of the "king" but instead did what was right in Gods sight then America will suffer the judgment of God just as did Israel.
  American believers are unique in that we have "Dual" citizenship. Our American citizenship guarantees us the full rights laid out in the Constitution, Declaration and the Bill Of Rights. Our citizenship in heaven also comes with those same rights but also with the full backing of the God who inspired the founders to pen them. We as born again believers have the power and authority to overturn the perverse rulings coming out of our government. We have been anointed with power to be witnesses and to make disciples of all "NATIONS" including America, but that cannot happen if we sit within the walls of our churches and do not get involved in our society and it's governing.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

  The following is my latest letter to my state representative. Every citizen should be writing a similar letter to their representatives. If people remain silent in the face of tyranny we will die cowards and condemn posterity to enslavement to an elite ruling class. Anyone with even a small grasp of history should be able to see that we are following the same path that Germany went down before the rise of the "National Socialist Party" (Hitler's Nazi Party).
  You can set back and call me an alarmist if you want to, but we have a resident evil in the halls of Congress and a wannabe dictator in the White House who is ignoring the Constitution daily. He has allowed government agencies to intimidate his opponents, covered up murders, sanctioned the killing of American citizens without being charged with a crime, lied to pass legislation, lied about knowing of NSA spying and dozens of other unconstitutional acts that violate his oath of office.
 We have the responsibility to take some kind of action against our corrupt governing officials. Any citizen who took an oath upon entering the military or public office must honor that oath by taking a stand. There is NO EXPIRATION date attached to the oath you took! Either take some action to stop this tyranny or admit being complicit with the traitors;
 How long will you and the other "conservative" legislators in Albany allow New Yorkers to be subjected to the tyranny coming from Washington before you begin to at least start to float the idea of joining other states in a convention of states?
The following is from an article I read while trying to find a way to stop the federal government from stripping our liberties on little chip at a time. 
  We are suffering in this country and state and someone with a voice needs to at "Least" speak out for those of us who are at the bottom of the proverbial ladder.
  Most other societies would either accept this fate, that is the people as subjects, with no recourse whatsoever or there’d be a violent revolution or civil war. George Mason knew this. The Framers of the Constitution knew this. They discussed this in Philadelphia, two days before the end of the Constitutional Convention. They’d been through the ringer. They fought a revolution. Because there was no recourse.
"It’s time for our state legislatures to act. It’s time for our state legislators to step up. They have a duty, an affirmative duty under the federal Constitution, under Article Five and the Tenth Amendment, to act!
We must stop thinking like hopeless victims, ‘whoa is me’, going over and over again ‘what can we do, what can we do’. And yet our mindset, our American spirit in fact in many respects, has been conquered by the progressive left, by the Statists over the last 100 years. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe that there is no recourse, that the federal government is the beginning and the end. And it’s NEITHER.
We honor and revere the Framers, do we not? Well then it’s time to think like them.
It’s time to comprehend our heritage.
It’s time to understand that a top-down centralized authoritarian system, tyranny, where federal officials continue to seize power from you, the people, is illegitimate. Under our Constitution, it is illegitimate.
It is time to understand that we do not have to accept a lawless imperial president even if the rest of the federal government and federal branches do.
It is time to understand that we do not have to accept decisions by a Supreme Court, imposing policy, social cultural decisions on top of us. That may be the opinion of five justices but so what?
It’s time to understand that we need not accept Congress passing laws on endless matters that it has no powers to legislate about. Article One isn’t a grab bag for Congress to do whatever it wants.
And it’s time to understand we’re not required to accept the mandates issued by a massive bureaucracy, a permanent fourth branch of the federal government, which does not respond to electoral results or the will of the people.
Obama says he has a pen and a phone. Well I tell you what. We have Article Five. And it’s in the Constitution."
 Please show your constituents that you know we are concerned about our plight under the current Progressive administrations oppressive grip.
Rev. Robert Seymour

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"On the fourteenth day of the second month, one month later than usual, the people slaughtered the Passover lamb. This shamed the priests and Levites, so they purified themselves and brought burnt offerings to the Temple of the LORD. Then they took their places at the Temple as prescribed in the Law of Moses, the man of God. The Levites brought the sacrificial blood to the priests, who then sprinkled it on the altar.
Since many of the people had not purified themselves, the Levites had to slaughter their Passover lamb for them, to set them apart for the LORD. Most of those who came from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun had not purified themselves. But King Hezekiah prayed for them, and they were allowed to eat the Passover meal anyway, even though this was contrary to the requirements of the Law. For Hezekiah said, "May the LORD, who is good, pardon those who decide to follow the LORD, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony." And the LORD listened to Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people."
This passage of scripture gives me hope for America's Christian population who are not where they should be with the Lord. The leaders of Israel were not where they should have been either but when they realized their state of being they were ashamed, repented, got their "act together", unified themselves and went to the Lord on behalf of the rest of Israel. When they confessed their sins and asked the Lord to forgive them and to allow those who were unprepared but willing to follow the Lord to also be allowed to receive the Passover meal the Lord granted their request.
I believe we are in a very similar place in America because the leadership in the body has not been what it should be. We have missed the perfect timing of the Lord and we are not prepared for what the Lord requires, but if we as leaders (priests/bridge builders) will acknowledge our lack of leadership and will repent I believe He will honor our efforts and will 'turn the clock back' to bring us into His perfect timing.
When we (leaders) have repented and begin to stand in the gap for the body in America I believe God will 'heal' the people and open their eyes to see where they are and give them the opportunity to repent and follow Him. This passage says that God pardoned those who decided to follow Him when Hezekiah prayed and I believe He will do the same today if we will ask Him to.
The only question is, will we swallow our pride and work together across denominationally doctrinal lines for the sake of the people of God, or will we continue with the status quo and try to preserve what has not worked for centuries.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


  I am mad as hell and will not stop blowing the whistle on Progressive Republicans. I am sick of the status quo being forced down the throats of both the informed and low information voters.

  The latest revelation from what used to be “Obama For America” (OFA) should be a wakeup call to every voter with any sense of morality.  ‘OFA’ is now producing propaganda to stop conservative attempts to stop tax dollars being spent to provide abortion on demand under Obamacare.  

  I remember Obama signing an executive order that would expressly forbid tax dollars being used to provide abortion. He did this because there were a couple votes he needed to support the AHCA. He made a big deal out of the signing and with a few other backroom “Deals” he managed to buy enough votes to get the AHCA passed. That executive order restricting tax dollars for abortion lasted as long as “If you like your dr. you can keep your dr. period!” did.  

  When compromising started on abortion, the central talking point was ‘We want abortion to be legal, safe and rare’. Today the Progressive talking point is ‘we want abortion to be legal and safe’; rare was just a ‘compromise’ for the conscience of low information voters. There was never any desire to make the murder of children rare; it was always a politically offensive tactic to destroy the life of an unborn child.

  It is time for conservative voters to realize that when their Republican representatives say they have to compromise with Democrats that is not what they are really saying. They are, knowingly or not, saying they want to strip you of your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness a little piece at a time.

  Republicans are either being played as fools or are complicit with Progressive’s agenda to gain control of every aspect of our lives (I believe both are true). Progressives are master manipulators and play dirty politics with offensive tactics very well. Because establishment Republicans have essentially the same goal as their Democrat comrades they play an equally dirty political game of losing their role as defenders of the Constitution while making it appear as though they are fighting for it (I would remind you of the letter from John Boehner to Harry Reid asking for a secret meeting to acquire subsidies for Congress).

  In case you don’t see what is happening let me lay it out for you; Progressives introduce bills that would restrict or regulate our rights and liberties and then Republicans say no you can’t have that much but in the name of bipartisanship we will compromise and give you half of that. The two then hold a joint press conference and tell America how well they work together and then they all head to the White House for the photo op with the president who praises their ability to work together to get things done for America as he signs the bill into law. Six months or so later Progressives come back with a bill that will give them the other half of what their original bill asked for, but again Republicans say ‘no you can’t have that much authority, but in the name of bipartisanship we will compromise with you and give you half of what you want’. Then they hold a joint news conference to tell America how well they have worked together and then they go to the White House for a photo op with the president who praises them for their bipartisanship in getting things done for America as he signs the bill into law. It is a never ending cycle of deceit and outright undermining of our liberty.

 It is time to demand an end to compromise with Progressives that erode our Constitutional rights. We must demand that the political gamesmanship end now. We must support and elect conservative men and women who will draw a line in the sand and look the John Boehner’s and Harry Reid’s in the eye and say NO MORE! We need representatives who will turn this around and start forcing Progressives to “Compromise” with conservatives.

  Conservative representatives must wake up and start fighting for our liberties and reclaiming the rights they have given up or they will face removal from office by vote or by revolution. People will reach the point of frustration that will bring revolution when they realize what is being done to them. We must wake people up to what is happening and we must pray and hope that violent revolution does not happen. If we, with one voice, demand an end to the Progressive stranglehold on Constitutional rights we will avoid a ‘French Revolution’, but if we just sit back and do nothing we will see violence like we have never seen in America. Revolution is in the air but restoration and reform is what is needed.   

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Re - Member" Me


  There are only a few essential doctrines that must be adhered to to be a true follower of Christ Jesus according to the Apostles Creed. We must believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, that He lived a sinless life, that He bled and died and rose from the dead to take away our sins, that He ascended physically to heaven and that He will return just as He left in His physical body and that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.

 I contend that we are, if we would look beyond the barriers of our particular church doctrines, unified as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our particular denomination may have a different view of some things because of the place in the body the Lord has stationed us.  I believe it is time for local bodies to put aside their differences and recognize that we need to bless our brothers and sisters work for the Kingdom. The word says we shouldn’t allow divisions among us, diversity yes, division, absolutely not.

  I believe things that others in the body do not, but nothing I believe undermines the fundamental doctrines necessary for salvation through Jesus Christ. This is one area we must agree on; that we can agree to disagree and still be able to bless one another’s efforts to reach the lost and dying while tending the flock we have been entrusted with.

 I hope we can agree that when the Lord returns He is coming for a bride and that the bride is one body with many parts that function in different roles. He is the head of the body and will treat each part of it with equal respect and that He will honor the whole body as His own.

 I offer for your consideration a word I heard a number of years ago at a unity meeting I attended. The speaker shared from the passage of scripture where Jesus was serving ‘Communion’ to His disciples. When Jesus gave the disciples the wine and bread He said as often as you do this “Remember” me.

  The speaker used a ‘play on words’ as he described how grieved he believed the Lord is over the divisions within the body. He said that the divisions needed to end and that we as leaders should join the prayer of Jesus for us to be one even as He and the Father are one. The way to begin bridging the gap and bring healing to His broken body was to ask the Holy Spirit to “Re – Member” us, or to bring us back together and fit us together into one fully functioning body again.

  There is much more to this play on words but for now I ask that believers begin to ask for the body to be “Re-Membered” as we draw closer to His return. I am praying that He will sweep across the body with a spirit of unity that will dispel the lie that we must be uniform to be able to love each other as He intends us to. Will you join me and agree in prayer for the Spirit of God to tear down the walls that have kept us apart?

  It is worth mentioning that we are all priests and that the word priest means ‘bridge builders’ or repairer of a breach. Who will lay the first plank to repair the breach?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Does anyone else smell something bad coming from Washington today? Remember the whole "Republicans shut down the government" thing when we reached the debt ceiling last fall and how terrible the country was going to suffer if it wasn't raised? Well we officially ran out of money today, that's right the debt limit expired today and not a single scream from any Progressives. The silence is deafening!
  We (low information voters) have been played for fools once again!
What is happening to America is an old strategy to control the population. It is a tactic as old as history and it is always successful for a period of time but it always ends badly for all.
 The following is a video by Rabbi Daniel Lappin, please take a few minutes to watch it and you will understand what is happening around the world through Progressivism.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The following is by Rick Joyner, I believe it to be critical reading and understanding;
Restoring The Republic
Part II
by Rick Joyner
     We can have the best form of government and still have bad government, if we have people without integrity running it. We cannot expect those who would gain their position falsely to govern fairly, honestly, or without corruption. We will not rid our government of growing corruption without restoring the integrity of the vote. 
     In a democracy, the people are the sovereign and the government works for the people. With the erosion of our Constitutional moorings, the government has been increasingly brazen to force its will on the people. The Revolutionary War was fought to throw off this tyranny, and it is this tyranny that our Founders encouraged citizens to rise up and throw off again anytime it manifests in our government.
    In fact, that was the reason for the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms was not for hunting or recreational target practice, it was specifically for the purpose of keeping citizens armed and able to overthrow any tyrant or tyranny that sought to impose itself on the people through the government.  
Another Revolution/Civil War?
     Some think another revolution or civil war could never happen in America because a majority of Americans would never allow it. It would not require a majority, or even close to a majority, for this to happen. Marx was right when he declared that a tiny percentage of the passionate would rule the majority who are indifferent. This was proven when just twenty thousand Bolsheviks overthrew the Czar and took over Russia, a nation of millions and one of the strongest countries in the world at the time.  
     During the American Revolutionary War, roughly 30% of colonists were in favor of the Revolution, and only a small percentage of those actually participated in the conflict. Another 30% were loyal to the king and steadfastly opposed to revolution. The remaining 40% of the people tended to drift from one side to the other depending on who it looked like was winning, or they turned against one side because of the atrocities they were committing. 
     The revolutionaries during the American Revolution were liberals. The conservatives were loyalists to the British crown. The definition of liberal and conservative has changed since then but, after over 250 years, we continue to have the same general political breakdown: 30% liberal, 30% conservative, and 40% in-between. The American Civil War had a similar breakdown, and the acrimony is growing as it did before both of these two most terrible conflicts.
It Is Still About Slavery
     Signs are strong that if we are not soon drawn back together as a nation, we will be torn apart. The basic issue dividing us continues to be slavery. This is not about a single people group being enslaved, but whether we will all become slaves of the state or remain a free people. 
     Many have attempted to give the impression that slavery in America was less cruel and diabolical than it really was. Some slave owners may have been relatively humane in their treatment of slaves, but the key word here is “relatively.” Slavery itself was inhumane and diabolical, and the American form was as bad, or worse, than what was found anywhere in history. The point is not to stir up old wounds, but to make a connection to the totalitarian slavery America is headed for if we do not change our direction. Neither Hitler nor Stalin had the technology for the kind of totalitarian control apparatus that is now in the hands of the U.S. Government. In the hands of the wrong people, whether from the right or the left, the kind of totalitarian control that could be imposed on America would be worse than has ever been known before. 
     The revelations of 2013 regarding the use of the IRS to suppress political opposition is the worst abuse of power since the Civil War, and to date, there have been almost no political repercussions for it. Recent news reports say that the IRS is planning on handing out hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to “increase the morale of the agency.” Well I guess millions of dollars could help just about anyone’s morale! Certainly not everyone in the IRS should be implicated in the suppression of conservative groups. Many IRS agents and employees are faithful public servants. Even so, this could hardly be a more “in your face” insult to the victims of IRS abuse and a clear revelation of just how callous the IRS remains. 
     Then we have the revealing of domestic spying by the NSA: the U.S. Federal Government not only developed the most sophisticated and comprehensive totalitarian control apparatus in history, but they are already using it against U.S. citizens. 
     With the revelation of this apparatus, we cannot help but wonder if this is the reason why blatant violations of our Constitution by our Federal Government surface continually, yet only a few of our elected representatives, who vowed by solemn oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, have the courage to protest it, much less seek the impeachment and maybe even the arrest of those responsible.
     The Supreme Court found the Affordable Care Act (ACA) constitutional on the basis of a decisive vote by Chief Justice Roberts, that it was in fact a tax which no one could understand, and which Roberts could not even explain. How could we not believe that someone had gotten to him? Was he threatened with the revelation of something about himself or a family member that is now being used to control him? Nothing else seems to make sense of Judge Roberts’ decision.
     This will now be a cloud that hangs over all government officials—they are being controlled to keep them from speaking out or possibly voting as they would like, because something is being used to silence them. Just the threat that NSA information is being used in this way greatly erodes the trust of citizens in their government. 
The Power Grab
     The Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA or ObamaCare) is the single biggest power grab in American history, and if fully implemented, could result in the worst tyranny ever. Just as rat poison is 98% food and only 2% poison, ObamaCare is filled with elements intended to appeal to almost everyone, but a most deadly poison is sown throughout it. Senator Rand Paul warned this in his letter released February 4:
     President Obama’s NSA was caught spying, collecting, and storing data on virtually every American citizen. 
     And some are now saying the “ObamaCare” database may end up being even worse
     But I’m afraid the worst spying and data collection scheme of them all could turn out to be the massive National ID database buried deep within the so-called “Immigration Reform Bill.” 
     Do you remember early in President Obama’s first term when he implemented the “Cash for Clunkers” program? The auto dealers logged onto the government site to take advantage of this and found that they had to agree that their computers and all of their contents became government property upon signing up. This requirement created such an immediate outcry that the Administration quickly backed off. However, they have not stopped using every means to seize private information on American citizens. A pattern persists in this Administration that you would have to be intentionally blind not to see.
     ObamaCare is not likely to ever be fully implemented. If we were shocked by the mismanagement of the website, the actual implementation of this law would be beyond even that. We can expect the outrage to continue to grow as millions lose the health coverage that President Obama promised they could keep. Outrage will grow as all others end up paying many times more than they were paying only to receive even less coverage, while the quality of our healthcare system continues to erode under the present mismanagement. We will not just be losing our freedom and our money, but many lives will be lost as this impossible red tape machine gets loosed upon America. Even if the ACA gets tabled soon, it has already infected the country with enough poison to be devastating. 
America’s Lifeblood
     America’s strength was built on the freedom that released human initiative. This was summed up as the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Elements in the ACA attack all three of these basic freedoms at their roots. Just the threat of the ACA has dragged our economy to a virtual halt, costing millions of jobs, and will cause millions more to be laid off or dropped to part-time status.
     Those who promoted the ACA, and forced it upon America against her will, may not have intended to destroy our economy. Even so, the madness of this worst-ever devised legislation will accomplish this by mismanagement. If the government cannot design and run a website, how can it run the entire healthcare industry? This has now gone beyond Einstein’s definition of insanity—we actually need another word for the madness we are being subjected to by our government. 
     If healthcare really was the Administration’s purpose with the ACA and not the control of the people, why was the IRS assigned to police it? The intent and ability of the IRS to suppress dissent has now been clearly exposed. Through the ACA, the government will have access to all of our financial records, as well as the authority to withdraw from our accounts at will. Then, as was illuminated a few weeks ago, we now know that buried within this law the government is given authority to seize the assets of estates to pay the medical costs of the deceased. Wasn’t the insurance supposed to do that? With the implementation of the ACA, Americans can kiss inheritances goodbye. 
     We no longer have a government that is of the people, for the people, or by the people. Totalitarian control is reaching its tentacles deeper into our lives each passing day. Will we change our course, or will we end up where we are headed?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Progressives have said on more than one occasion that words matter, I fully agree and want take a look a popular phrase Progressives use to manipulate popular opinion. It is a simple phrase and again on the surface it appears innocent and appeals to the average compassionate American.

  The phrase is “social justice” and is often used in the same vain as economic justice and environmental justice. So what is social justice and is it possible to achieve. It assumes that somehow it is possible to make a fair and equal society. It would mean that people with greater abilities and stronger work ethics would not be allowed to “play” according to their abilities but would be mandated to perform at the same level as those less endowed or less ambitious. The rules would necessarily be different for everyone so that there would be “equality” among all players. However Progressives also says that they want everyone to play by the same rules, so I think they have a problem on this one.

  The reality is, while I believe all men are created equal that does not mean all are equal in their abilities in all areas of life. It means that all men are ontologically equal. No man, woman or child is more or less human than another and therefore are equal. To try to make them socially equal is impossible to achieve.

 So what is going on with this line of rhetoric? I believe it is more divisive politics designed to confuse the masses and make them believe that somehow they have been denied a basic civil or social right by someone who is more adept in certain areas of the economic system. The truth is the term social justice is meaningless. There is not now, nor can there ever be a socially equal society any more than there can be a society of equal economic status or an environmentally equal world. Even Jesus told his disciples the poor will always be with you.

  I believe those, or at least some of those, who are actively promoting these ideals believe they are championing a noble cause while the rest are using them as useful idiots to gain power and wealth. Progressives are trying to build a utopia on earth that cannot be built by human efforts. The dream is derived from the principles seen in the 1st century church where the believers thought of each other as more important than themselves. They would give up their own possessions to help a fellow believer. The problem the progressives have is simple. The early church did what they did because they understood what love was and they acted out of that love. Progressives want to legislate a heart motive and that simply cannot be done. Trying to force someone to do good always causes men to resist and in many cases rebel against the system. This is why no matter what laws are passed or what taxes are imposed there is always someone who looks for or devises a loophole around such legislation.

 But I digress! My point in all this is that we must understand that those with an agenda different than that of our founders are wiley and deceitful and know a lot about the American heart and are masters at manipulating emotions to achieve their goal of self-wealth, power and control over the public. It is of the utmost importance that we understand the rhetoric of Progressives and that we are using critical thinking when we listen to them speak.

 Though their goal is to fundamentally transform America into a Socialist/Marxist nation, we must fight with every ability we have to restore America. Saving America for our children must be at the heart of all we do for the sake of our descendants.

It's almost three am and I find myself having to explain my position on matters again. May be I should not be allowed to write before daylight or at least until all the meds wear off! LOL
  Well here's the thing, I offended some folks with what I wrote concerning the guy that was born blind. I simply wrote (copy and pasted) a couple verses from John's gospel and then began to write down the rambling that was going on in my mind. I have reread what I wrote and do not see what was perceived but that could be because I'm looking through my 'man eyes'. Anyway it was said that I believe that God causes bad stuff to happen to people i.e. sickness and disease and just bad stuff. Here is how I look at sickness and disease in believers and those who do not yet believe. 
   I believe that because Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were expelled from the garden and away from the tree of life man is destined to die once. Whether that death comes through sickness or a car accident, plane crash or whether a person just sits down with a glass of wine or whatever and goes to sleep and never wakes up he is going to die, period. There are only, to my knowledge, a couple of people in the history of the universe who escaped this world without dying, even Jesus had to experience death. My belief is not that God has or does cause death but that He allows it to happen. He does not bring sickness on people but He allows it. He does not make 'bad' things happen He allows them to happen. All the things we would call evil are the result of man being evicted (temporarily) from Eden. We are from the dust of the earth and that dust was corrupted by sin and we too are corrupted by that sin. Jesus paid the price for those sins and we are no longer held guilty of them nor will we have to pay the price for them but, and this is a big but, we are still in and a part of this fallen world and will suffer many of the things of this world and death and sickness are a part of that world. I absolutely believe that He can and very often does intervene and heal people. All of the Apostles suffered horrible deaths, except as far as we know John escaped martyrdom but suffered exile on Patmos which I am sure was no picnic! Timothy was often sick according to Paul who told him to drink a little wine for his stomach issues.
 The point is I believe God is not the author of sickness and disease nor does He endorse them or enjoy seeing any one suffer, but because of the decrees He made and the "laws of nature" He established it has to be. We can agree to disagree on these issues (sickness and death) and still love each other I hope. None of these beliefs I hold take away from the essential message of the gospel, that there is no other name by which a man can be saved than by the name of Jesus. I firmly believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension to heaven and the literal and physical return of Jesus, and I believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
   Here is what I believe about the different denominational doctrines; A wise old gentleman once told me that the only difference between a Catholic and a Methodist, or a Baptist and a Pentecostal, or a Lutheran and an Episcopalian is that we don't all share the same "Wrong doctrine". The point is we need to stop allowing doctrinal differences that have nothing to do with salvation through Jesus divide us. If we feel one is wrong in their belief we should ask God to give revelation to the person that is in error and be ready to have our own misconceptions corrected too. Sometimes we see and are critical of things in others because we have similar issues in our own lives (seeing a speck in a brothers eye while we carry a beam in our own eye). Let love be our highest goal not correcting what we think is wrong doctrine in another brother. Ramble..........."Lord I was born a rambling man", I knew there was a reason I always liked the Allman Brothers!

Monday, February 3, 2014

I understand that one has to respect the office of the presidency but to allow the occupant of that office to dodge and lie to you when you are interviewing him on live TV is not respecting the office of the Presidency it is disrespecting the people he is supposed to be serving.
  When Bill O'Reilly asked Obama why he had to fundamentally transform America he went off on some twisted line of bull that ignored the fact that not only did he come from nothing to being the 'most powerful' man on the planet but he did it using the system he insists must be changed. Bill let him pretty much let him skate on that issue.
  Bill also let him off on the Benghazi issue. Again, I understand the respect issue but to let him say that he called the Benghazi attack an act of terror from the beginning was just wrong. Not bringing up the fact that he and Hillary made an apology video and paid to have it aired on TV across the Muslim world and the fact that he stood in front of the world at the UN and continued to promote the lie that the video was the cause of the murders, and Susan Rice going on several Sunday talk shows was pretty poor journalism.
  Letting him get away with saying there was not even a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS targeting of Tea Party types was also an outrage. This issue should be one that Bill hammered the snot out of him on because every American is going to be affected by IRS targeting as soon as the ACA is in full swing.
  No American with half a brain was fooled by the president's constant dodging and outright lies but there are millions who saw this interview who are as clueless as lemmings and will take Obama's words as truth which will help Progressives promote their agenda of portraying conservatives as 'scandal mongers' who are hell bent on destroying Obama.
  Over all I felt like the interview did more to harm voters than good. Those who are aware of who and what Obama is had our assumptions reaffirmed but those who are out of touch low information voters were left with the impression that Obama is being badgered by the right.
  It is way past time for Fox News and Bill O'Reilly to stop giving this President, and Progressives in general, the benefit of the doubt and start calling for full and independent investigations of every obvious scandal this administration is involved with. The founders intended for the press to hold government accountable to the people and it is time for "We The People" to demand that the news media do it's job and speak truth to power.