Monday, March 31, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 12 (I'm not the only one)

The following is from "WND", Apparently I am not the only one who "Believes" America or Israel is going to be attacked;
WND; BEN KINCHLOW: It has been a lead story for weeks now: “What Happened to Malaysian Flight 370?” Naturally, folks have been talking about it and no exception here. Not being a slavish devotee of the mainstream media, plus having a “what’s the real story here?” ‘tude, I discussed it with several knowledgeable friends, looking for some possible insight into the subject.

One of them, a former flight operations officer for Flying Tigers (the largest all-cargo airline in the world at one time), had been responsible for complete flight plans, weight and balance for B-747 and DC8-63 freighters. These were all international flights between the U.S. and SE Asia, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Seoul. He was also director of cargo for a major foreign flag carrier and worked with diplomats and U.S. Department of Transportation officials.

My friend, we’ll call him “Allen,” had some strong opinions on the matter, and what he had to say may be disturbing to some. The scenario that he put forth in our conversation is something the experts in media and government have not addressed. According to Allen, what the media has reported so far “sounds like a wild ride in Disneyland – fantasy and fear – making no sense and confusing both viewers and family members.”

Perhaps the best course of action, unlike the media coverage, is to let Allen speak for himself. The following is the essence of our conversation:

“Ben, in my opinion, a cover-up has begun. The plane took off from Kuala Lumpur destined for Beijing, China. Look, airplanes don’t just fall out of the sky. First, this aircraft had more than enough fuel to reach its destination, with an additional three hours’ worth. Next, the airplane had a flight crew of both pilot and co-pilot. Every two-man international flight of such length would most likely have a ‘deadhead’ crew of a captain and first officer onboard in case of emergency. The news organizations have never mentioned this procedure when the issue of a passenger manifest was discussed. There was the mention of an ‘unidentified flight engineer’ onboard. I laughed out loud when I heard this, because flight engineers have not existed in the new generation aircraft, commercially, in over 20 years. There are no flight engineers, nor are there navigators.”

He continued, “It is reported the MH370 flight departed Malaysian airspace and made a 90-degree turn to the West and the transponders disengaged. The rumors of this plane flying out to the Indian Ocean may be correct, but certainly not for eight hours. From this point on, there is no communication with MH370. No distress calls, nothing! It would be very easy for any additional flight crew that may have been onboard to either work in conjunction with the pilot and first officer or even take over. Either way, there had to be experienced flight deck crews to successfully take control of the aircraft. There have also been reports of the plane climbing to an altitude of 45,000 feet, though most commercial aircraft rarely go over 41,000.”

Allen continued, “MH370 flying very close to another aircraft would not be considered by most ground controls as anything but one aircraft. It would be very easy for the flight to shadow another commercial airline on the same flight path from the Indian Ocean to the vicinity of one of these rogue nations. Radar would not necessarily detect two aircraft.

“This would make total sense, especially considering there are some very high mountain ranges along the Indian route. As the aircraft approached the destination selected by the individuals in control, it would then drop to an altitude below radar detection. There are others, like me, who believe this flight is most likely on the ground in one piece, and the most likely area would be a rogue nation such as Pakistan or Iran.”

“Wait Ben,” he said as I started to interrupt, “this makes sense if you consider that Malaysia is majority Islamic and has a history of being a safe haven for terrorists and their plans. The Malaysia Airlines’ CEO, flight crew, spokespersons and prime minister are all Islamic. I must confess, I heard little or nothing regarding Islam or ‘radar shadowing’ in the reporting.”

He further stated, “This scenario is more than likely the case if one considers terrorist involvement.”

He then asked me, “Media reports have suggested possibilities ranging from mechanical failure, smoke in the cockpit, or dangerous cargo on the aircraft. Any one of these scenarios might be possible, but wouldn’t the crew be trained to file numerous distress calls if that were the case? They have made every excuse to support mechanical failure, but doesn’t it seem strange to you that a fire or something mechanical would occur more than eight hours later over the deepest waters in the world without one single distress call or notice? Finally, these pilots are professionals; why, then, was MH370 thousands of miles off course over the Indian Ocean?”

He wasn’t finished yet. And let me say this: My friend is not given to flights of fancy, nor is he anti-ethnic; he simply believes that Americans, based on the free press provision in the Constitution, should have factual, not conjectural or censored, reportage. He went on further to clearly state that, in his opinion, “This scenario is more than mere conjecture.”

“Ben, listen, it seems to me, as of this discussion today, the world is being led around like elephants grabbing the tail of the one in front. In my considered opinion, this could be one of the biggest charades in aviation history. The world must stop pretending this was anything but a criminal action, orchestrated at the highest levels of the Malaysian Government and rogue fanatics out to destroy both American and Israeli interests.”

I said, “Come on, Allen, that’s pretty far out, and what gives you the idea that Muslims are involved?”

He paused for a moment, and I could tell he was considering his reply, “Man, don’t you know that for over five decades Islamic terrorists have not only threatened to fly a commercial aircraft into Tel Aviv, but continue to call for the end of both Israel and the United States?

“With all due respect, terrorists do not care about human life. Islamic terrorists flew three hijacked aircraft, loaded with passengers, into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon, and only the actions of some passengers caused one to crash into the lush Pennsylvania countryside instead of the U.S. Capitol building. Islamic terrorists place no value on the lives of infidels.”

There was a long silence, and then he said, “My heart and deepest sympathies go out to the families of the passengers who have suffered this cruel action by potential terrorists, Malaysia Airlines, and its government (which owns the airline).”

He paused, then added, “It is my considered opinion that, more than likely, every country involved in this search knows much more than what we are seeing and hearing on global news.”

I have pondered Allen’s remarks, and after reconsidering the Benghazi “incident” and other issues on which the current administration and mainstream media seemed to have been less than forthcoming, could I simply disregard his positions?

I may not agree with everything he said, but I do find it interesting, that with all our modern technology (some of which, from a drone hundreds of feet up, can locate and kill a single individual), we cannot locate a huge Boeing 777.

As someone on the block might say, “What up wid dat?”
On October 1st 2013 the "Affordable Care Act" officially became the law of the land. In the months following it was estimated that between 4 and 7 million people were dropped from their insurance policies meaning that as many as 21 million people became uninsured (there were 4 to 7 million policies canceled meaning families not just individuals were dropped). On Friday of last week the President touted 6 million enrollees to the ACA. New estimates are that there will be somewhere between 30 and 35 million people left uninsured after the ACA is fully implemented in 2016.

Not surprisingly the government has all the information about the number of enrollees except how many of the 6 million are newly insured, how many were previously insured but had their policies dropped because of the ACA, how many have paid their premiums, how many have actually enrolled and not just 'visited the web site to shop', how many are those with preexisting conditions that will be using their coverage immediately, or how many are in the 'healthy bracket' that will be crucial to paying for the sick who have signed up with immediate needs.

When Democrats drafted and passed the ACA (without ever having read it) they said it was to provide insurance for ALL Americans. They said it was for "the poor and the children", and that it was time for America to do the right thing and that it was a "human right" for all Americans to have health care. According to their own stats they have failed to accomplish their "Stated Goal" of providing health care for every American.

As I have said many times before, Progressives never intended to provide healthcare, they intended to redistribute wealth and to take more control of our lives. Their "Stated Goal" and their actual goal are as far apart as the East is from the West. Their goal was, is and shall always be a "Single Payer 'System'" which gives the elite complete control of everyone's healthcare and a very huge percentage of the U.S. economy. Everything, without exception, EVERYTHING Progressives do and say is for more control of our lives. Progressivism is the greatest threat to America with the "possible" exception of fundamental Islam and they must both be exposed and stopped now!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 11 “BREAKING NEWS” (not)

  How many times are we going to be forced to hear the words 'Breaking News On Flight 370" and then hear not a single thing that is news worthy? We have been being filled 'Disinformation' for 3 weeks by government officials from Europe to Asia. Every news outlet is telling us that all the ‘new’ satellite images any government says they have are "Credible Evidence". It is insulting to the intelligence of all thinking people.

 “Searchers” have been chasing wooden pallets and various pieces of junk that float in every ocean everywhere in the world while spending millions and wasting thousands of man hours. With each "New discovery” the media hype for ratings does nothing more than cause more pain for the families and buy time for the terrorists that actually have the plane and are arming it to attack the United States or Israel or both.

  There are others speaking out now and saying the plane is in Pakistan but they are being treated like ‘token’ rightwing conspiracy nuts.

 I continue to say that it was hijacked for use in a terror attack, that the twenty people who worked for Freescale Semiconductor are now working for Russia, China and Iran (by force). They are worth billions to those nations and they will be made to divulge all the information they have about the cloaking, weapons and navigation technology programs they were developing.

  China, Russia and Iran want, and will find out how to implement the technology stolen from Freescape and the Taliban in Northern Pakistan want the 777.

  There is no doubt in my mind that this hijacking was a coordinated effort by the all of the countries mentioned. It may be a week, a month or several months before action is taken that will reveal what part of America or Israel will be attacked, but it will happen. The question for Americans is what can we do about it if anything?

  The sad reality is I don’t believe there is anything we can do to stop the attack on us but there is something we can all do to prepare for the “Aftershock” of a catastrophic event on our homeland.

  The first thing we all have to do, after praying like we never have before, is to be prepared to survive by having enough food, water, flashlights and batteries, some type of battery operated radio,  medical supplies and seeds to plant in case it becomes necessary to sustain life for a long period of time.

  Second we must determine within our own mind and heart that the restoration and unity of the republic is our goal. We must be willing to reach out to our neighbors to help them survive too, whether they stood with us in the past or not. We must not allow ourselves to become angry with those who have been blind to what our government was doing.

  We must be willing to go to extremes to reach out to our neighbors to offer help. We will need each other to get through what is coming.

  I keep seeing the final scenes of “Schindlers List” and hoping I never have to say ‘I could have done more’ or ‘If I had only tried a little harder they might have survived’. When this is all said and done I want the peace of mind and heart that I did everything I could to help as many as I was capable of. If we keep our attitude positive and we remain focused and committed we will be the United States of America again.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The following is a recurring dream and what I believe is a prophetic wakeup call;

  “The setting is in the heartland of the nation where grain is grown by the thousands of square miles. Darkness has set in, the darkness caused by heavy cloud cover. The sky is black as far as the eye can see and the air is becoming cool to almost cold. The clouds are monstrous and billowing on the horizon and a storm is imminent.

  I see the Lord standing in the midst of endless miles of ripened oats. He is standing silent looking toward the storm clouds on the horizon. I begin walking to Him and as I get close to the field I can see that the oats are so ripe for harvest that many kernels have already fallen to the ground and are lost and are going to be consumed by the foul of the air and the creatures of the plains.

  As I continue towards the Lord and I am able to see more clearly the amount of grain that has been lost I begin to become overwhelmed with the urgency of getting the combines started up and beginning the harvest before it is too late and much more of His grain is lost but I could not see any of the machines anywhere. My concern grows to near panic as I realize that the combines are so late in starting the harvest process that just the vibration of the giant machines is going to cause much more grain to fall from the hulls to the ground and be lost.

  I hurried to the Lords side and I could see He was heartbroken at the amount of loss that had occurred. As I looked at Him I could see there were tears in His eyes and He had a look of sorrow and disappointment on His face. He looked at me and I said Lord why have you not summoned the harvesters, the oats are becoming over-ripe, we have to do something fast. He looked at me and said “I did call on them to begin”. I asked Him, then where are they, they should be here? As I asked Him that question He slowly turned His head back toward the field and the mounting storm and said with a broken voice, “I paid them in advance for their labor and they have left to spend their wages.”

  I just stood there helpless without a combine there would be little more than a remnant that could be saved. All I could do was to begin picking what I could and looking at the ground to try to retrieve as much that had fallen as possible.”

  I believe we must begin crying out to the Father to send faithful harvesters and that we need to personally repent for our leaving the fields to enjoy our reward before our work was over or in many instances before we had even started the job.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 10

  Every government involved with the "Search" for flight 370 and all the media outlets covering the 'search' are still trying to convince everyone that satellite technology can't zoom in and see what is floating in the ocean even though we know they can read a book from 100 miles in space.

They have been saying how rough the waters in the Indian Ocean are and that after 3 weeks there would still be large sections of the aircraft still afloat and a debris field still relatively close together. Search planes are being scrambled to search for floating objects that nations like China and Taiwan say they have spotted from their satellites, and we know how "helpful" the Chinese were early on in the disappearance. They are insulting our intelligence and causing tremendous grief to the families of the passengers by stringing out this faux investigation.

There has not been one story to follow up on Boeing's statement that the engine's transponders showed that the plane was in Pakistan or on the claim that General McInerney had that he has evidence from credible sources that it is in a Taliban controlled area of Northern Pakistan. The general went on to say he also has reason to believe that our government is/was aware of the location of the plane.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Boeing 777 is being fitted as a weapon and will be used against us and that our government will act as though they were clueless. I am not suggesting that I believe our government would actually bomb a U.S. city (Operation Northwoods....) but when President Obama said he was concerned about a nuclear bomb being detonated in Manhattan one has to wonder if he was doing what Progressives often do; they leak information before being caught in a scandal i.e. Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal.
 Well on second thought I may well be suggesting that the feds might blow up a few million people to advance their agenda. I mean if they nuked a few million people it would help with their population control agenda, N.Y.C. being empty would dramatically reduce the "Carbon Foot Print" and the surrounding areas with tens of thousands of people suffering from radiation poisoning would drastically increase enrolment in Obama Care. It sounds crazy but if you compare the Iranian position on destroying Israel and Progressives campaign to destroy western capitalism they are remarkably similar; both are willing to sacrifice as many of the 'little people' as necessary to achieve the goals.  
 When this happens, and I do mean when, we must remember who is at the helm and hold them accountable. We must not allow any government official in any intelligence agency or Homeland Security to go free from prosecution, even if only for incompetence.

"Don't let anyone mislead you. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah.' They will lead many astray. And wars will break out near and far, but don't panic. Yes, these things must come, but the end won't follow immediately. The nations and kingdoms will proclaim war against each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come. "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But those who endure to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come."

When reading these words of Jesus one cannot help but wonder if, in light of events in the world today, we are seeing the fulfillment of His predictions. Personally I believe we are closer than we know and very soon the persecution of believers everywhere will begin. Christians are already hated in the entire world and in many places are being murdered for their 'allegiance' to Him.

Jesus said, no one knows the hour of His return, so wisdom would dictate that those who believe Jesus is the Messiah should be prepared for what is to come. He said that it is going to be a terrifying time and because of the fear that will come with persecution many will leave their faith and turn against Him and other believers.

The only way to overcome the fear of personal suffering is to have a personal and intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It is through that relationship that we are given an eternal perspective. If we cannot see past the temporary consequences of persecution we will not be able to endure through it and we will surrender under the pressure. If however, we have an eternal perspective based in our relationship with Jesus we will be able to see and understand, like those described in Hebrews 11 and elsewhere, that our decision to remain faithful will encourage others to do the same.

We must remain focused and devoted to building the Kingdom of God and not on sustaining our comfort in this world. "...those who endure to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 9


  If what I saw on the “News” tonight was an example of modern investigative science then the world is in more trouble than I thought. My heart breaks for the families of those on Flight 370 as they are being subjected to what anyone with the ability to add 2 + 2 or to color within the lines can see is a blatant cover-up either of incompetence or government complicity in an act of terror.

  Malaysian authorities held a press conference to tell the families that even though there is no physical evidence the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean and there were no survivors. These are the same government officials that deliberately mislead searchers for days and withheld evidence that would have aided in the search and given the families some hope.

  No one in the media is questioning reports that the plane made its turn to the west and then descended to 12,000 feet which is a maneuver that would be made by someone who was trying to avoid detection by radar.

  There is silence from everyone about the two Iranians who were allowed to board the flight using stolen passports. The photos of the two men were shown with an obvious flaw; both men had the same legs but the media never mentioned the ‘photo shopped’ images until some bloggers pointed out the ‘similarities’.

 The fact that these two Iranian men were determined to be unrelated to any terror groups and played no part in the plane’s disappearance within the first day was also blindly accepted by the media and promoted as truth.

  I have not heard one word for weeks about the Chinese Muslim terrorist that was on board the flight. There has been no explanation of how the two Iranian men or this terrorist were allowed to board the flight or who was responsible for giving them clearance to do so.

  There has been a media blackout, with the exception of Fox News, about the report from Boeing, the planes manufacturer that the engine transponders show it to have landed in Pakistan.

  Anyone mentioning the 20 employees from Freescape Semiconductor who were on board, or the technology they were in possession of, being part of the reason for the plane being hijacked is marginalized and demonized by the mainstream media.

   There are hundreds of other examples of suspicious activities surrounding the mystery of Flight 370 and all of them, in my mind, point to a nefarious plot to do harm.

  It is odd to me that though our government has accepted the Malaysian’s conclusion that flight 370 crashed in the Indian Ocean they scrambled F 16 fighter jets when a 777 cargo plane, thought to possibly be the stolen plane, entered secure airspace where President Obama and other world leaders were meeting today.

  It is also strange to me that there is complete acceptance from the media, and the public at large, that though every satellite image that has been promoted as a hopeful lead has turned up nothing. Not a single piece of evidence has been retrieved from the any search and yet we are told to accept as fact the plane crashed in the Southern Indian Ocean.

  All attention is being diverted from the ‘alternate’ Northern route with the excuse that it would have to have flown through several nations’ airspace and would have been detected by their radar. The scenario I hold to that the plane did fly over the Indian Ocean, but traveled North to the Arabian Sea and into Pakistan through its’ Southern border has not been considered as a possibility.

  In my mind the only credible evidence that has been given surrounding the planes disappearance is the disinformation campaign by China and Malaysia that diverted any and all search efforts away from the ‘possibility’ of it flying to Pakistan.

 There is no doubt in my mind that the plane has been hijacked and is going to be used in a terror attack either against Israel or America.

 I urge everyone reading this to consider the facts and search your hearts for anything that needs to be made right with God because I believe what is coming is part of His judgment on both Israel and America.

 God does not enjoy seeing man suffer and will have mercy on those who seek His forgiveness. If individuals or nations repent and turn from their rejection of Him He will halt judgment from them as He did with Nineveh in the Old Testament. He gave America a chance to return to Him after the 9/11 terror attack on the World Trade Center but we only turned ‘toward’ Him for a few weeks and did not turn to Him with our whole heart. There is still time to turn to Him but with every passing moment the opportunity dwindles.  

Monday, March 24, 2014



  I have been writing this blog for almost two years and I will continue to write it with the singular goal of “Restoring” the republic to its original purpose. The history of America’s founding has been rewritten and is, to most people, lost, or more accurately stated was stolen. It is therefore my goal to help those who read my posts to not only understand Americas purpose but to help provide the tools necessary to take back what has been stolen through Progressivism by men whose loyalty to the document’s they swore an oath to protect has been replaced by greed and a thirst for power.

 I do not believe America can be brought back to her purpose without the restoration of her foundation. Unless people who understand, respect and honor her history are governing the republic tyranny will be the result. America was founded by men who had vision and who were willing to sacrifice all for what they believed in. To follow in their footsteps we must understand what they believed in and what their vision of America was.

 The following is a Quote by Patrick Henry that states the beliefs of our founders and the wisdom they had for the governing of America. It should be stated that this is just one of hundreds of quotes from our founders that clearly and emphatically establishes the fact that they were believers in the God of Christianity and that only with the liberty birthed in man from the heart of God can America fulfill her destiny and facilitate the spread of the gospel which will produce liberty for all men.

  Patrick Henry; "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." via ‘The Trumpet Voice of Freedom: Patrick Henry of Virginia, p. iii.’

  Patrick Henry, and every other founder, held fast to the truths that were it not for men whose intentions were to establish a nation where God is honored and where men with faith in God governed America would become a tyrannical state.

 Because the founders had studied fervently the history of the worlds’ governments they understood that if governing was left to people without the knowledge that liberty is a principle originating with God and intended for all men, liberty would be rationed only to the elite. It was for that reason those men wrote the documents we should hold near and dear to our hearts, second only to the book they studied most fervently; the Bible.

  Anyone who studies the origin and founding of this republic from the writings of the founders themselves can come to no other conclusion than that America was established on Biblical principles and the gospel of Jesus Christ and that her purpose is first and foremost protecting the liberty that will allow for the spreading of that gospel and secure the liberty of all men.

 The gospel cannot be legislated I and do not presume that it is the governments’ responsibility to have any part in promoting it. The responsibility of government is to protect the freedom and liberty of all people to practice and promote freely the faith they hold.

  The Apostle Paul wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty’, our founders recognized the truth of that statement and established our founding documents accordingly.

  Statements such as “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator…” acknowledge their belief in God, yet also that there are differing beliefs in His identity and involvement with the affairs of man. With that acknowledgement they set forth to establish a nation where all men are guaranteed the right to practice their faith and pursue their destiny without government intrusion. It is that foundational principle that we must fight to protect and preserve.

  This republic was established and maintained with the sacrifice of blood and treasure for more than 200 years and until recently has been a beacon of light to the rest of the world. There has been a persistent whittling away at our foundation by those who seek to control the freedoms guaranteed us in our founding documents. The assault against liberty has been slow and methodical but has increased in recent years because of citizen’s trust in the men they have elected to ‘serve’.

  Our founders set up a system of checks and balances in government because they understood, by their study of history and the scripture, that the heart of man is inherently evil in nature. They knew that, if left alone, men with power would thirst for more and use deceitful measures to acquire it. That truth could not be more evident than it is in the current political structure in Washington. If left unchallenged the liberty we have left will be eroded and that which has been surrendered to compromise will be impossible to regain.

  If the grand experiment to self-govern the melting pot of cultures and ideas is to survive there must be a resurgence of patriotism and the un-educating of the citizenry and the teaching of truth from original sources.

  Because I am a Christian I believe the only hope for the restoration of America is for Christians to call on our God to intervene on her behalf and, like our founders, recognize that there are patriots with different beliefs whose liberty is equally sacred. It is equally important for those who do not hold to a belief in God to recognize that, as Patrick Henry said, this nation was founded by Christians and for that reason they have been allowed to live as free men. If the principles those men established are allowed to be removed and replaced the freedom guaranteed by them will no longer be enjoyed by all, but will be replaced by an elite and tyrannical ruling class.

  I end this message with a challenge to my fellow Americans, believers in God and those who are not, learn your history, defend your faith or lack thereof and determine to work together for the liberty of all. Confront tyranny wherever it is found, even in the smallest degree and no longer put your trust in men who have the power to legislate your God given inalienable rights away.

  I leave this final charge to those who are called by the name of God; know your God, call on Him daily to act on behalf of America, know your enemy and do not fear what he can do but instead speak the word of God with boldness and faith. Know this; He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it. I will in the very near future give what I believe is the founder’s vision of all people as described in the Declaration of Independence.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Airplane Nuke # 8

  On the map above you can see Malayasia in the bottom center where flight 370 departed from enroute to China to the North. According to airtraffic controlers the plane turned to the West Southwest and flew back over Malaysia then headed Northwest where Thailand reported having had the plane on its radar for a short time.

 The engine transponders reported the plane flying in a Northwesterly direction in a zig-zag pattern which would indicate the plane was trying to avoid detection from both satelite and radar. To avoid being detected by radar the plane would have to maintain a distance of 200 miles off shore at all times. The engine transponders indicate that the plane was in the air for as long as 8 more hours which if I am correct would be plenty of time to reach Pakistan by staying over water.

  If you look at the map you will notice that the plane could easily stay the necessary distance from India’s shoreline and fly over water to Pakistan entering its airspace from the Arabian Sea. There would be no danger of detection to the West because the bordering nation in that direction is Iran, a country I, as well as Israel, believe to be a part of this hijacking.

  According to Boeing the transponders in the planes engines show that the plane ended up in a Taliban controled area of Pakistan. While officials from all of the governments involved in the search try to convince the public that the plane suffered a cockpit fire that killed the pilots and passengers and then flew until it ran out of fuel and crashed I refuse to believe that narrative.

  I believe that the plane landed and was unloaded and is being fitted with the cloaking Technology the Freescale Semiconductor employees were in possesion of.

 Another point that no one is saying anything about is the pullout of American troops from Afghanistan and President Hamid Karzai’s negotiations with Taliban leaders. Karzai has not been a friend of America and would stab us in the back in the blink of an eye. We know that Karzai’s neighbor to the west, Iran, is a strong supporter of the Taliban and that they want a nuke to destroy Israel and or the US. Even though Pakistan and Afghanistan are enemies they have a common enemy, America, and because they are Muslims the enemy of my enemy rule works for them to hit Israel too.

  The 777 would be able to fly a direct route to Israel if the Afghstan leader were to allow it access to its airspace. With the stealth thecnology acquired by Iran from the U.S. drone they were ‘given’ by the Obama administration and that of the Navy SEAL helicopter lost in the Bin Laden raid added to the newly acquired navigation, weapon and cloaking technology this 777 could conceivably be flown anywhere (even half a world away with enough fuel) undected.

  The disgusting thing about the plane being in Pakistan and Karzai helping the Taliban hide or deliver this aircraft, beside the innocents onboard, is the blood Americans have shed to keep him in office and the treasure we have spent and continue to spend propping him up as president.

 It is obvious that there is a government backed propaganda campaign to make us believe the plane went down in the southern Indian Ocean when there is no evidence to show that to be the case. I predict that they will make a find and promote it as the “Miracle in the Ocean” after the FBI ‘recovers’ the deleted information from the pilots computer.

  General McInerney is likely short lived on Fox News and will be demonized by the media for his prediction even though he has confirmation from Boeing that it is in Pakistan.

  If you studied the map above you can see how easily it could have flown over the Arabian Sea to Pakistan without detection. I cannot predict the timing of the coming attack by I am as certain as the General that it is coming and because of the weakness of President Obama there will be no retaliation and the “investigation” will go as well as the investigation into Benghazi.

  I continue to believe that the Obama administration is complicit with Islamic Jihad and because Russia and China are working with Islamic countries to gain control of and overthrow Western Civilzation he is also complicit with them.

  There is enough evidence that that President Obama is pro-Islam and anti-Western principle to make the case that he would sanction the propaganda machine to buy time for the plane to be armed and fitted with the technology needed to make an attack on our own soil.

  Some of the evidence for Obama’s pro-Islam agenda can be seen in his “foreign policy”. No president, even Jimmy Carter, didn’t write as many ‘sternly worded letters’ to despots and dictators and then let them do what ever they wanted without any retaliation. Never have so many “Red Lines” been drawn in the sand and then crossed without consequence. Maybe Mr.’s Putin, Asaad, Karzia and the Ayatollah’s just don’t deem the threat of sternly worded letters and lines in the sand worthy of consideration when a “Pink Crayon” is used.

  If it can be proven that Karzai and his neighbor, and supposed enemy to his East, president of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain helped in any way with this hijacking, we should introduce them to Allah with a Hellfire missile. We should then remove everyone from the current administration and charge them with treason and when found guilty a public hanging should ensue.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Another day has come to an end and America is still here, hurting but here. I looked through the news and was again disappointed that none of my 'friends' in the national security 'business' have done the right thing by resigning and exposing the obvious corruption in the departments they are employed in.

I still hold out hope that someone will have a 'Come to Jesus' moment and realize that they are losing their honor among their fellow Americans and they will do what we all know must be done to restore the faith of the American people in their government. If they ever want to see the American people have faith in their government again they will have to take action against those who have violated their oath to defend the Constitution.

 I believe they are people of honor who joined the service of the republic to protect and preserve her and I believe that sense of honor will someday overtake them and they will step up to the plate and confront the enemy from within that they now call their superiors.

So as I await those great men of honor to fulfill their oath, I bid the rest of my fellow Americans a good night and pray that God will richly bless you all and that he will once again bless America and restore her soul.

Good night America, may you remain free and may you bless the Heart of God with your patriotism to His republic.....

Airplane Nuke #7


  I find it remarkable that people continue to believe that Flight 370 went down 1,500 miles South West of Australia when the “Experts” were telling us that the plane was only able to fly 2,500 miles from where it took off.

  From the evidence that has been ‘leaked’ by other than official government sources we know that the plane flew for about 8 hours, not the 4 hours that has been touted by all the governments involved in the “Search”.

  We know that the transponders were turned off before the plane left its flight path to China. We know too that the engines had separate transponders that were sending information on the performance of those engines to Boeing. Boeing reported that they believe the plane is in the Taliban controlled area of Pakistan based on the engines transponders.

  The earliest reports of the planes ‘turn’ showed that it went West Southwest then began to fly in a Northerly direction and deliberately flew in a ‘zig-zag’ pattern to avoid satellite way points. We then heard days later that it was detected on Taiwanese radar continuing in that Northwesterly direction.

  I originally believed that the plane flew to China but after researching everything I possibly can, and listening to all the theories out there, I cannot agree more with Retired General McInerney that the plane flew to Pakistan.  

  My reasons for believing the general are simple, first of all, government experts are saying that is not possible and they are flooding the news media with experts who are ‘convinced’ it flew South. They keep selling the fire in the cockpit theory that killed the pilots and turned off the transponders. They avoid questions about the fact that both of the transponders were turned off before the co-pilot said good night to the air-traffic controllers and after it had begun the Westward turn.

  I have already shared all the examples of disinformation that has been disseminated by the Chinese, Malaysian and our own government so I won’t go over all that again except to mention that the 20 passengers that work for Freescale Semiconductor are key to this “Mystery”.

  Now back to the flight path that leads North. The plane was, according to Taiwanese radar heading North and would be far enough off shore for any radar detection until it entered Pakistani airspace. Once it entered Pakistani airspace it no longer would need to fly below radar or in an evasive manner. It could have easily landed in Karachi and refueled, removed it passengers and cargo and then continued to fly North into Taliban controlled areas and hidden in any one of hundreds of places to be refitted for future use.

  I did a little research on Pakistani and Chinese relationship and was not at all surprised by the reported growth in friendship between the two over the last few years. It comes as no surprise either that both countries are members of the Nuclear Community.

   After doing research on what out of control governments are capable of I cannot and will not be fooled or convinced by anything any government says. In the last century alone 100,000,000+ innocent human beings have been murdered by evil men with evil motives. The atrocities committed by government are done so because the heart of man is essentially evil and nothing has happened to change that fact.

  In light of the facts we have, and with some of what I admit is speculation on my part, I believe that Islamic fundamentalists in several countries around the world, including here in the U.S., in conjunction with China and Russia are working together to cause a catastrophic event that will cripple the U.S.

  I don’t know the timing of coming attack but I can’t believe it to be far off. I do not want to believe that our own government would be involved with such a plan, and if it were not for the known ties President Obama has to the former U.S.S.R. and Communism I would quickly discount the idea.

   I will never be convinced that Michelle Obama’s trip to China in the middle of the flight 370 disappearance, Russia’s actions in Western Europe and Chinas’ bold statement of support for Putin’s actions against Ukraine, is a simple ‘family vacation’. The denial by Ms. Obama to allow any members of the press accompany her is just too convenient.  

  I am also convinced that what is being reported by the Chinese again today (3/22/2014) is bogus. It has been 15 days since the plane disappeared and we are supposed to believe that metal will continue to float for two weeks in almost the exact location where we are told the plane ran out of fuel and crashed……

  I will wear the tinfoil hat of a conspiracy theorist proudly if it makes one person prepare for what I believe is coming. There can, in my mind, be no doubt that we are in what can only be described as danger of Biblical proportions.

Friday, March 21, 2014

David Or Absalom

 For several days I have been “Seeing” a strategy in my spirit that I believe must be given serious consideration. The world is in turmoil and America in particular is being divided and a ‘spirit of bitterness’ has been sown by our leaders. The bitterness has taken root in people who are easily deceived and it will be difficult to kill and remove that root.

  I believe we are fighting a spiritual battle that can only be won with spiritual weapons. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” Eph. 6:12.

 The scenario I see happening in America goes back to the time of King David and is related to his failure to deal with the spirit of division that his son Absalom spread throughout his kingdom.

  Absalom sat in the gate of the city and challenged his fathers’ wisdom and authority. He sowed division into the people and eventually overthrew David’s kingdom and forced him to retreat from his God given seat of authority.

  When Absalom was finally killed by one of David’s men David was broken hearted. David’s response to Absalom’s death was a shock and disappointment to his men and advisors because he wasn’t glad that the one who was obviously an enemy of Israel had been stopped and that his kingdom had been restored.

 Though Absalom was David’s son he was still an enemy and should have been treated as such. I realize the torment that David must have felt as Absalom’s father but I believe he failed in his role as king by not confronting Absalom as soon as he found out what he was doing. Had he confronted his son early he likely would have saved many lives, including his own son, and spared Israel and, I believe, America from the spirit of division.

  America has ties to Israel that go back to our war for independence and founding and I believe that tie carried with it both blessing and generational flaws. The current division is being propagated through the same methods Absalom used, propaganda, outright lies and promises that he had no authority to fulfill.

  I may be crazy but I believe the trend toward dividing America can be reversed, it will be costly and may take a generation to reverse or it may be an “overnight” reversal if what I feel is correct.

 The spirit of Absalom was something I felt several years ago but did not have the unction and sense of urgency I feel now. I stood on the Mount of Olives above Absalom’s tomb and tried to pray to break it but it was as though there was a wall that kept me from forceful prayer. I think the reason for not being able or rather not being allowed to combat the spirit was that ‘America’s time’ of being dived had not been fulfilled.

  I see three things that need to happen; first there must be a precise assault against the spirit of Absalom at his tomb or at the gate he sat in while undermining David’s authority by sowing division among the people. Part of that assault should be speaking truth to people who are passing through the gate at the present time.

  The second part of the first step would be putting salt on the ground in and around the gate and his tomb. Salt is a purifier and  preservative that was used in the making of covenants; II Chronicles 13:5: “Should you not know that the LORD God of Israel gave the dominion over Israel to David forever, to him and his sons, by a covenant of salt?” Psalm 89:34-37: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the word that is gone out of My lips. Once I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David: His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me, it shall be established forever like the moon, even like the faithful witness in the sky. Selah.”

  Second I believe there must be prayers of repentance for tolerating the spirit of division and pleading with God to restore the spirit of honor and integrity David had. I also feel like the anointing for leadership and David’s heart after and dependence on God to lead and direct his steps should be sought for America’s leaders. These prayers must be made at David’s Tomb in Jerusalem. There is more that must be done in the Old city but the details are not clear to me (that often happens, sometimes the details aren’t revealed until the actions are taking place).

  The third thing that must happen to reverse the division and disunity in America must take place in Washington D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial. I believe a number of things must take place there beginning with reading the inscriptions on the walls inside that monument. After reading those words, the words of the Emancipation Proclamation must be read aloud on the steps leading up to the monument. These two actions are to be followed by praying for the vision Lincoln had for unifying the nation after the Civil War. There may be more that needs to be done in Washington at the Washington and Jefferson Memorials but that too is unclear now.
  Because I feel America is at a decision point that will require us to choose whether we wish to remain under the 'spirit' of Absalom or return to a nation whose God is the Lord, and invite the Spirit that King David ruled under back on the throne of leadership, I am going to submit this to some people I trust and if they believe there is an anointing on this vision I will begin efforts to raise the funds needed to travel back to Israel to intercede for America and for Israel.
 My spirit burns within me as I see this republic being destroyed by dividing the people and feeding the root of bitterness. I long to see America once again be the beacon of hope to the world and I am willing to what ever the Lord would have me do wherever he would have me do it.
 I would appreciate any feedback and or any support from those who read this and share my desire to see America restored to a nation whose God is the Lord.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

"What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again." King Solomon

When will we awaken and realize that resistance to liberty is futile because liberty was God's purpose for man from the beginning. Above, King Solomon speaks of the futility of trying to escape from reality, and below C.S. Lewis's words show that in several thousand years man is still trying to escape reality.

 We do have hope as Americans because we are destined to overcome tyranny and live as free men.

“Two wars necessitated vast curtailments of liberty, and we have grown, though grumblingly, accustomed to our chains. The increasing complexity and precariousness of our economic life have forced Government to take over many spheres of activity once left to choice or chance. Our intellectuals have surrendered first to the slave-philosophy of Hegel, then to Marx, finally to the linguistic analysts.

As a result, classical political theory, with its Stoical, Christian, and juristic key-conceptions (natural law, the value of the individual, the rights of man), has died. The modern State exists not to protect our rights but to do us good or make us good — anyway, to do something to us or to make us something. Hence the new name ‘leaders’ for those who were once ‘rulers’. We are less their subjects than their wards, pupils, or domestic animals. There is nothing left of which we can say to them, ‘Mind your own business.’ Our whole lives are their business.
I write ‘they’ because it seems childish not to recognize that actual government is and always must be oligarchical. Our effective masters must be more than one and fewer than all. But the oligarchs begin to regard us in a new way.”
C. S. Lewis
(1898-1963), British novelist
Source: Willing Slaves of the Welfare State, first published in The Observer on July 20, 1958

  We owe it to posterity to stand and fight those who have enslaved us and then to teach them how and why we allowed it to happen so that we will at last truly be free men.

Airplane Nuke # 6

We are being told a lot by government authorities from Malaysia, China and the United States about flight 370 which, I believe is why we know virtually nothing.

  We know China fed us false information in the first couple days leading searchers 2,500 miles away from where the US now ‘says’ they think it actually flew. The mis/disinformation from China bought the hijacker’s much needed time to facilitate their flight plan and it cost searchers valuable time and millions of dollars.

  We know Malaysia did the same thing China did in giving false information that distracted searchers and allowed the plane to reach its destination. Malaysian officials continue to give piecemeal information and when confronted in press conferences they appear, to me, evasive or deceptive.

  We know, but not because we were told by Malaysia, China or U.S. officials, there were 20 passengers with extraordinary knowledge of high tech weapons, aircraft navigation and “cloaking” ability that any enemy of the U.S. would go to any length and pay billions to acquire.

  There were two Iranians with stolen passports and at least one member of an Islamic terror group onboard the plane, which to my simple mind is ludicrous to have been allowed.

  We were told the plane’s engine transponders were sending data to Boeing for an additional 4 hours and then we were told for 5 to 6 more hours. Now we hear, once again not by any government source that it may have actually flown for up to 8 hours. I have flown on the 777 to Israel which is an 11 hour flight so I don’t necessarily believe that the ranges being ‘sold’ to us are at all accurate.

  For the sake of time I won’t go into detail about all the other ‘known’ details. And will give some ‘speculation’ based on what can be known with little effort by anyone doing some research.

  First I believe the scenario I drew a few posts ago is true and Russia, China, Syria, Iran and North Korea are going to continue to take land by force for at least as long as Obama is president because they know he only makes decisions that fit his socio-political agenda.

 While these nations are busy spreading their failed Communistic/Socialistic ideology, the cancer known as Islam will be busy spreading the religion of death by implementing Sharia which will, like Communism and Socialism will leave millions dead in its wake.

 There are two, perhaps 3, possibilities that must be looked at with open minds, a clear understanding of who we are dealing with and what they are capable of doing to achieve their goals.

   First one must not completely reject the possibility that the missing plane could be a distraction for the public and ‘possibly’ for the U.S. government because the engineers from the Texas firm were working for them.

 Second it is very possible that the plane was flown to a remote location, unloaded and then flown to another remote location and crashed. It must be understood though, that searchers were ‘diverted or distracted’ for several days giving whoever is responsible for the hijacking much needed time.  The question that needs to be asked is which country or countries would benefit most from having those 20 engineers working for them.  

  It is also possible, and I believe likely, that the plane was flown to where I now believe it is, as does Boeing, Israel and many others I know; Pakistan. The plane was sending information continuously to Boeing for as long as 8 hours according to Boeing spokesmen. I expect a spokesperson to come out soon and say that the information they previously released was incorrect and the location of their missing plane will “miraculously” be wherever the government tells them it is.

  Here is where I will probably lose all credibility to most who will read this post, I believe with little doubt that we are being fed disinformation about the demise of the aircraft. The theory of a fire that was burning from a blown tire upon takeoff will be sold as the cause of the ‘crash’ and the media will jump on it and sell it as truth.

  Now go back to the question of who the players in this mystery are and what they are capable of doing. Remember who is controlling the narrative and providing the information to the press; the Obama administration.

 I’m sure I don’t have to explain what this administration will do and who they will sacrifice for the agenda they have. We know they are responsible for at least four murdered Americans in Benghazi and at least one U.S. border agent and a media campaign to cover up the truth; they are also responsible for character assassinations of everyone who opposes them. It must also be understood that some 50 years ago American generals, at the behest of their Commander-In-Chief, devised a plan to attack American cities to force a war with Cuba, which should send fear through every American citizen.

  China of course would be a major player in the abduction of the engineers. There is no one who will deny that China is guilty of murdering millions of their own people and that they have stated publically that the world must be de-Americanized. As recently as two weeks ago they came out in support of Russia in the annexation of Crimea against the U.S. and the E.U. Russia will and is working with China to destabilize the U.S. dollar at an accelerated rate which will destroy the U.S. and plunge us into an economic crisis.

  I know I am rambling but we must go back in time a little to connect some dots that are not being talked about by anyone that, in my mind, are critical in understanding what the big picture is; the destruction of America as a super power by Russia and China and the annihilation of the state of Israel and the Jewish people by Iran and Syria.

  The dots that need to be added to the technology taken from those on flight 370 go back to what was allowed to happen a few years ago when Obama allowed Iran to acquire one of our most high tech drones with the excuse that they were incapable of decoding the technology.

 Remember too that China “somehow” acquired the stealth technology of our fighter jet, the Raptor, and put it on display for the world to see. Also important to remember is the tail section of the Navy SEAL’s helicopter that was lost in the Bin Laden raid. The technology from the tail section of that helicopter gave Russia and China a 20 year leap in stealth technology and when combined with the cloaking ability just acquired both nations will be able to turn the tide of military superiority against the United States.  

  So whether wreckage is found or not I believe the necessary time was deliberately given to those responsible for the planes disappearance to land and takeoff or to fly nonstop to Pakistan.

  I believe China is deeply involved as is Russia with the agenda of eliminating the U.S. as a deterrent to them regaining territory. I am not convinced that any wreckage found would actually be that of flight 370, but very probably would be as genuine as the initial information from China and Malaysia.

  Time will tell if the plane was crashed or is being prepped for use later, but I am convinced that the engineers and the technology they were in possession of are now in the hands of the Chinese and Russians.

 One other little piece of news that is getting no coverage, and in fact is in a complete media blackout, is “1st Lady” Michelle Obama is off to China, without any press traveling with her. The timing of this is, to me, more than a little suspicious and leads me down another conspiratorial road that puts the president in unmistakable treasonous activity.

 The danger we are in as a nation from the current administration cannot be underestimated. We have seen the degree to which this administration will go to hide any self-incriminating evidence several times and it is frightening.

 The desire to destroy the U.S. economy was first declared by Al Qaeda decades ago and was recently stated as a goal of both China and Russia. Now that our most powerful enemies have the technology that has given the U.S. the upper hand militarily for decades we face something we have never faced before; a military assault on our homeland. I think a massive cyber-attack against our economy will follow an announcement by Russia and China that they are going to follow through with Putin’s promise to stop using the U.S. dollar. When the stock market begins to crash at that news and we spin into chaos we “could” be hit by that newly acquired stealth technology and crippled.

  My advice for everyone is first to pray that God will intervene in all this. I strongly recommend that you do the opposite of everything the government is telling us to do. Stock up on ammunition and firearms. Make sure you have a way to filter water and to store it. Get enough food on hand to last for several weeks or months if you can. And for heaven’s sake stay away from anything that will put you on ANY government registry.

  We will survive what is ahead and we must never forget what has made America a great nation. We cannot allow ourselves to become the enemy we are fighting…..

Hopefully this rambling was just a result of the meds I am on