Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bound By Covenant

  There is such a deep unrest in my spirit about the state of our country. I can only liken America’s current condition to a marriage that has broken apart. When a man and woman are united in marriage there is a very tangible spiritual bonding that occurs. This bond is something that mystifies both the couple that makes the commitment and those who witness that commitment play out in their lives and in the case of America to those who have marveled at her history.

   Sometimes after years of sharing every aspect of life, from the birth of children to the deaths of friends and loved ones, the relationship begins to become rote, and without any noticeable warning signs it becomes cold and uninteresting. One partner begins to feel alienated or unimportant and gradually begins to look outside the relationship for that place of importance once felt deeply within their being. Over time the extra-marital relationship has taken over the heart of the partner and the marriage ends in separation.

  The other partner has been unaware anything has been so bad in their marriage that it would come to the point of separation let alone divorce. His taking for granted that she would always “just be there” has allowed him to lose touch with the fact that he was forsaking her need of constant communication and intimacy. His own narcissism had alienated her and driven her into the arms of another who had evil intent.

  The spiritual bond that happens in the ceremony of marriage remains entwined within the spirit of both partners. In one there is a sense that they have been wounded and hurt and there is a justification or rationalization process taking place in their mind to look elsewhere for attention. They very often become bitter and resentful toward the one they feel has betrayed them, and the pendulum swings from a relationship of total commitment to the covenant to one of total denial of it.

  In the other there is a realization that they indeed bear much of the responsibility for the marriage falling apart and he desperately wants to restore it to where it was when it was young and fresh. He goes to extremes to get back the one he has allowed to drift away but she will have no part of it. He has such turmoil and anxiety caused by the spiritual bond and tries to force her to return but she cannot be made to love again. The relationship can only be restored when both husband and wife are in agreement and have a renewed commitment to the vows taken to their partner. There has to be involvement in the everyday affairs of the marriage with special attention to the needs of the other being elevated above their own.

  The turmoil I have in my spirit is much like that of one whose narcissistic life has forsaken an oath taken as a young man to a young woman in marriage. The oath was one which was intended to endure for life, it was to this country when I volunteered to serve in the armed forces and it, like the marriage covenant, had no expiration date attached but death.

  For most of my life after leaving active duty I left all my responsibility to protect and defend the constitution behind and sought self-gratification while enjoying the liberty and freedom this great nation affords its citizens. Now I know I am responsible for forsaking the covenant and for the ‘adulterous’ condition America is in.

  One part of me wants desperately to take up arms and retake the country that so many fought and died to preserve and protect from the ideologies that now control her. I know that if left to her own devises she will be completely destroyed so I spend all my time trying to get her attention and expose the true identity of the one who has seduced her into believing she can have peace and prosperity if she just renounces the foundation she is built upon. But it seems that the more pressure I apply and the louder I scream the farther away she pulls.

   To others it may seem that the spiritual bond I speak of is ridiculous and extreme but I have experienced the reality of both bonds I describe. One is no stronger than the other in the realm of covenant. Both are sworn oaths before God and man and both are active until death. Both will have a profound effect on generations of Americans yet to be born. The responsibility to honor the covenant I made is overwhelming my spirit with a sense of duty and honor.

  I know that taking up arms will only lead to a “French” Revolution and the further destruction and rejection of the foundational principles of America, so what is the answer to bringing America/Americans back to sanity and civility? There is only one thing that will save America now, me and others like me, living life to its fullest while reaching out to others one person at a time.

 Because America’s problem is a severe moral failure at every level, we must strive to restore morality to society. Our founders said ‘the republic will only survive if we remain a moral people’. Our moral values are those given by our creator and must be restored to the mainstream of society. It has taken the better part of 100 years to bring us to this state of depravity and it cannot be reversed any time soon, save a sovereign move of God, which has happened many times throughout history so there is hope.

  The only hope for a restored America is a restored people. The gospel of Jesus Christ is where this nation began and is where we must return. Each believer needs to seek God to forgive us for being self-centered and poor stewards of the land He has given us. We need to literally beg Him not to hold our sins of omission and commission against us. There must be a renewing of the “Kingdom first” mentality. God wants souls for His kingdom and until “We the People” once again become the “people called by His name” we will have no peace or prosperity in America.

  The stressful turmoil felt by patriots like myself will only be relieved when we lay that burden down and seek the face of the King. As we seek Him He will show us what to do and how to do it. The pain we feel is from broken covenant and we must renew that covenant with God. He has not and cannot break covenant so He will pursue this nation to the gates of hell to draw us back to Him. We have been given many chances through ‘natural’ disasters and terrorist attacks, but have only briefly turned toward Him but never to Him.

  What we are about to go through will bring this nation to its knees and if we do not turn to God and acknowledge Him and ask His Divine presence in our Land, He will allow our destruction to take place and He will raise another generation who will  earnestly turn to Him.

  The oath I took as a young man has been refreshed and renewed within my spirit and I hereby proclaim that I will honor the oath to protect and defend the constitution. I would ask that every American who understands freedom and liberty to renew the oath within your heart and if you have never taken it upon entering service to the country Google the oath and make it to this great land and then get out there and do your part to bring one American “home” and then another and another. If we work together we will eventually change the course of the nation. If we are successful, SAVING AMERICA will not have to be a war generations to come will have to fight and we will have saved our own sacred honor.

  Benghazi ‘will’ be the thing that brings the Obama administration down but it will NOT stop the Progressive agenda. As I have said before Progressives think generationally not in the here and now. Once the truth is out and the impeachment and trials take place Progressives will do what they have always done, go underground, and wait for an opportune time to resurface under another name.  We must never forget what their goals are and to what lengths they will go to fulfill them.

  We all know they want to disarm the public and control every aspect of our lives so we must stay on guard and stay involved with our government and teach upcoming generations the lessons we have learned from Progressive history.

  I want to remind everyone of one particular move that Obama and Hillary made that did not get any traction but seeds were planted. On September 12th 2012 both Obama and Clinton came to the Rose Garden to give an announcement about the Benghazi attacks and stated unequivocally that the attack that killed our ambassador and at least three others was the result of one individual “ABUSING FREESPEECH”. The term “Abusing Free Speech” was used at least three times by the president and Hillary to the best of my memory and each time the ‘seed’ was watered.

 Free speech is and has been a goal of Progressives to gain control of the narrative. It was tried by Congress under the guise of the “Fairness Doctrine” which was simply an attempt to shut down conservative talk radio by demanding that an equal amount of time be given to opposing views on every show. Thank God that piece of legislation was shot down.

  Ground has been lost to Progressives in and through the National Defense Authorization Act.  Attempts to limit or control the internet are going to prove to be another part of the puzzle if we do not respond with a unified response against politicians, from both parties, legislating our rights away.

  It is imperative that we begin to put critical thinking on the front burner and listen to EVERY word Progressives use and DON’T use. If we do what we have always done, become self-absorbed, we will see a fresh resurgence of Progressivism much sooner than normal. 

  The first line of offense is of course prayer but we must also take action in the natural realm. The most powerful tool Progressives have is the media. Every media outlet has a Facebook and or Twitter page that millions see every day so we must begin posting on their walls demanding that they tell the truth to us and stop schilling for the administration.

  We should also find out who their sponsors are and tell them we will boycott their products if they too do not demand integrity in broadcast news.

  Together we can and will make a difference for the force of good in America. If we just sit back and abandon our responsibility to defend the Republic then SAVING AMERICA will be impossible. Because of our previous non-involvement our rights were severely infringed upon but this time we will lose the first amendment and our ability to peaceably assemble to petition our government for a redress of grievances.

 Our non-involvement, as proven by history, will result in millions of people dying and their blood will be on our hands.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mission to Israel


Many of my friends are aware that I will be making a trip to Jerusalem with a few friends to carry out a mission/vision that we believe will change the atmosphere both in Israel and here in America. The mission is twofold; first seek answers to the division in both nations that has its roots in Absalom's betrayal of his father and to follow the lead of the Spirit in reversing the curse and bring a unifying spirit to both nations again. The second is to spend a few days working on what we believe will bring a fulfillment of the scripture from Ezekiel 28 which http://itistimeisrael.org/  has been created to accomplish.

I believe both of these objectives are critical to the times we are in. “It Is Time Israel” is a mission that does not directly bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews but it has a role to play in God’s plan to bring Jews to faith in their God which will then reveal Jesus to them as Messiah. It is a vision based on this passage from Ezekiel 28 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: The people of Israel will again live in their own land, the land I gave my servant Jacob. For I will gather them from the distant lands where I have scattered them. I will reveal to the nations of the world my holiness among my people. 26 They will live safely in Israel and build homes and plant vineyards. And when I punish the neighboring nations that treated them with contempt, they will know that I am the Lord their God.”

We have made many connections in Israel, including a close personal friendship between the founder of It Is Time Israel and the U.S. Goodwill Ambassador to Israel, and have begun a campaign to inspire Israelis to call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be their shield and protector. We believe this must happen so that the nations will know that He is truly the only Hope of the nations. We are going to be distributing literature, putting up posters and hopefully purchasing billboard space near the airport in Tel Aviv and on the main highway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that simply tells Israelis that it is time to call on God. There is no reference to anything other than their own scripture which will encourage them to look for themselves at what God has promised them. Once they read the scripture for themselves we believe the Spirit of the Lord will make a sovereign move bringing a collective cry for His intervention on behalf of the nation.

  Because I believe this vision/mission is God ordained, based on words from some very trusted friends and the following scriptures from Romans, I ask that those who believe we are indeed entering the end times to consider both interceding for and contributing financially to help with travel expenses and the purchase of materials and billboard space for this joint venture. I have invested all I have in this because I know that I know “It Is Time”. The cost of this trip is somewhat overwhelming because it will need to happen during the peak of the tourist season, but I am confident that through the body of Christ the cost will be met. If anyone feels led to sow into this vision please do not hesitate to contact me for details (tax exempt donations etc.). I thank those who have already committed to intercede and have donated financially, May God return a hundredfold your generosity;

      “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10

 "....I must go to Jerusalem to take a gift to the believers there. For you see, the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have eagerly taken up an offering for the poor among the believers in Jerusalem. They were glad to do this because they feel they owe a real debt to them. Since the Gentiles received the spiritual blessings of the Good News from the believers in Jerusalem, they feel the least they can do in return is to help them financially. As soon as I have delivered this money and completed this good deed of theirs, I will come to see you on my way to Spain. And I am sure that when I come, Christ will richly bless our time together..." Romans 15

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The 1st Amendment And God

 There is a war of semantics underway that will effectively make the Bible hate speech and those who promote the teaching there in criminals. Progressives are trying to get a law passed that deals with “Hate Crimes” because of a rise in what they deem assaults.

  While the bill is being sold as one that will stiffen penalties for those who commit verbal violence against another person based on their race, "gender preference" or other diversity, it is in reality an attack on the freedom of religion and free speech.

  Progressives, as I have said on many occasions, think generationally and will push their agenda one step at a time. What began as a law that was sold as one that would protect a woman’s health and was designed to make abortion “Safe, legal and rare” has now been revealed for what it really was intended to achieve “Safe, legal, free and on demand”. More recently we have seen an attempt to nullify the 2nd amendment terminology “Shall not be infringed” by labeling firearms as assault weapons. The reality is that no firearm is an assault weapon until it is used to assault someone. The real objective of gun control advocates is to eliminate private gun ownership, plain and simple. The same will be true about the new legislation targeting “Hate Speech”, it will be sold as one thing but will be taken to an extreme after it is passed, this is ‘Progressive Policy Making 101’.

  The new argument that has begun is being waged in the realm of semantics that few will recognize because critical thinking is, for the most part, not something Americans are educated in. The phrase and central pillar of the American republic “Freedom of Religion” is being purposely replaced with “Freedom of Worship”. It sounds innocent enough but trust me this is a diabolical and well thought out strategy to eliminate any mention of God or His role in the forming and His continued preservation of America.

 As is true with all Progressive agendas, this push to change the narrative is designed to gain control and destroy any semblance of morality from society making it easier to subdue a generation and establish a Progressive utopia.

  There is a huge difference between the constitutionally protected “Freedom of Religion” and the Progressive sanctioned and ‘politically correct’ freedom of worship. If we allow the narrative to be changed we will soon become forced to leave our faith within the walls of the Church and out of the market place.

  It is my belief that this recent push by Progressives to gain control of the narrative is directed by the Devil himself because for centuries the Church has been relatively content with staying within their four walls, but there is a stirring in the body of Christ that will result in the walls coming down and a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.

  Here is the difference, “Freedom of Religion” is the guaranteed right to practice religion however you feel is appropriate and wherever you feel it is appropriate. Freedom of worship is designed to keep the worship of your God ‘private’ and protected, which in Progressive vernacular means I can do it in my home or Church building but not in public where it would be offensive to those who do not believe as I do. If this narrative is not challenged we will see the same redefining of the law that we saw take place with the legalization of abortion and the ongoing attempt to eliminate private gun ownership.

  It is essential that we understand what rights we have as stated in the Constitution and in particular the 1st Amendment. The Constitution is not a document that restricts American citizens, which is what Progressives are suggesting, it is designed to restrain government and to preserve and protect the liberty of individuals. If we allow the current proposal to pass we are allowing the 1st Amendment to be reinterpreted in such a way as to shut down any offensive speech.

  When you consider who Progressives are and what their goal is you realize what they find most offensive is truth. The most offensive and the clearest example of what the politically correct and Progressives find offensive is the Bible. The Bible is the source of societal morality and defines things such as homosexuality, premarital sex and every moral behavior Progressives deem necessary to propagate in order to further their agenda as sin.  

  We must contact our elected officials and demand that they stop the “Hate Speech” legislation and defend the 1st Amendment. Remind them that the 1st Amendment clearly states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech….”. If they pass this piece of legislation they are in clear violation of the words “Shall make NO law” and are subject to impeachment for a violation of the oath of office. We must make Washington aware that We The People are aware of what the Constitution says and that we will not sit idly by while they legislate our liberty away.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"David walked up the road to the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went. His head was covered and his feet were bare as a sign of mourning. And the people who were with him covered their heads and wept as they climbed the hill. When someone told David that his adviser Ahithophel was now backing Absalom, David prayed, “O Lord, let Ahithophel give Absalom foolish advice!”

This story of David giving up his rightful position because of his having been an "Absentee" father is one more example of how imperative it is, both for the sake of our children and for an entire nation, to be personally involved with our children and to exercise discipline in their lives from an early age. 2 Samuel is a book that always makes me leak (cry) when I read of the betrayals and broken covenants between family and friends, but at the same time there is great hope! How can anyone think the Bible is a boring read?

Convention of States


  Everything that is happening in the federal government is about control and what we witnessed last week in Nevada exposed the seriousness of the situation. The federal government illegally "Owns" 30% of all lands in America which is a violation of our founder’s intent for this republic. The American Revolution was fought to protect individual rights, which consists of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which includes the right to own property. The time to act on taking back control from Progressives is now.

  I believe we must put pressure on our state representatives to join the movement to hold a "Convention of States" before we find ourselves at the mercy of nations like China, Russia and many Islamic nations that own our national debt. If, rather when, the Fed raises interest rates we will be unable to pay the interest on our national debt and nations who own our debt will demand payment. When those nations demand payment the feds will be forced to surrender the mineral rich lands We The People used to own. I believe those who are controlling our government think they can act in an unconstitutional way and go unchecked because the people are too stupid to understand what they are doing and have done. We must show them how wrong they are and take back our republic.

  When the federal government stormed the Bundy Ranch with a heavily armed 200 man army last week it showed the extent of the danger we face. Those who went to stand with the Bundy family were called “Domestic Terrorists” by the leader of the United States Senate and he went unchallenged by anyone from either party.

  The arrogance of the federal government is frightening to all who understand that the government is supposed to be the caretakers of the republic, working to preserve the nation for posterity. What was exposed last week was a government that has assumed the position of an elite, arrogant and narcissistic ruling class.

 When the employee (politicians) takes control from the employer (We The People) the employer must take action to remove the employee from the corporate office. We saw a similar situation in the 1960’s and 1970’s when students took control of universities. The universities had to bring in law enforcement to remove students from the administrators offices. The difference in what we face now and what happened then is we have been absent in the governing process and elected those who have taken control of our offices.

   We must call in law enforcement to remove out of control politicians who have taken control of our administrative offices and are making unconstitutional and oppressive demands on the rightful administrators of the republic; the American citizens.

  Our founders saw the situation we are in now and they provided a way for us to regain control, but it will mean a show of determination from individual states. We must contact our state assemblymen and demand that they recognize the crisis we are in. We must demand, through our state governments, that the feds return the land to the public and rescind all unconstitutional actions they have taken and take every action necessary to eliminate the national debt and return all property to its rightful owners, the states.

  We cannot delay taking action or we will lose our republic and become not only ‘indentured’ servants to foreign nations but a disgrace to the principles and founders of this great republic.

  We have enough natural resources to not only pay off our debt but to become energy independent as well. We do not need to, nor should we, be funding nations that have our destruction as a goal. We could effectively force nations who hold us hostage to come to the United States for assistance which would give us the ability to influence the spread of self-governing. Congress and the President (past as well as present) have placed us in the situation we are in and we must end this madness now!  

  Contact your state senators and assemblymen today and tell them to join the push for a Convention of States. Don’t take no for an answer, demand action. If we show the feds that we as states are willing to stand against them by taking this constitutional step it will get their attention and force them to act. If they resist then we must push forward and take power from them, there is nothing they can do to stop a Convention of States, it trumps all federal law and all branches of government. Please join me today and contact your reps!

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Real War

  There is a spiritual battle taking place that we must be aware of. The battle is for control of thought with the end result the destruction of the State of Israel and the elimination of the Jew and Christian.

  There are two groups that are on the front lines in this war against western thought. The first group is Islam which consists of two primary sects; Sunni and Shia. Their purpose is to destroy Israel and to re-establish their Caliphate which was dismantled in the early the 20th century.

  The Sunni faction of Islam believes in a literal and physical manifestation of a Caliphate with their leaders in ruling positions while Shias believe in a ‘Spiritual’ manifestation which will be ushered in by a global state of chaos and the return of the 12th Imam who will be the ruling authority.

  The conflict between these two sects is coming to a head in Syria’s ‘civil war’. Assad is aligned with Iran, the Shia, while the so-called rebels are aligned with the Sunni’s primary and most prominent faction, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of nearly every terrorist entity in existence today, including but not limited to Al Qaeda. Their battle for control is, I believe, reflective of the chaos taking place in the heavenly realm and the outcome will affect world stability, financially and militarily.

  The second group are those who I would label as Progressives, who coincidentally have gained control both of America’s political parties. Like Islam these two groups have the same goal; control.

  Progressives within the Democratic Party want to make a global utopia with America on a ‘level’ playing field with the rest of the world; this would explain their ‘open border’ policies and their forcing of “Obamacare” on Americans against our will. They believe that America should be brought down to the same economic standard as every other nation. Though they desire ‘the people’ to experience ‘economic justice’ they would preclude themselves from that equation because of course they are more enlightened than the average working man and therefore are above such mandates.

  Progressives in the Republican Party also want to control America and to have every other nation equal with her while they have a controlling role in governing global affairs.

 The difference with Progressives in the Republican Party is that they desire to bring other nations up to our level of prosperity by forcing democracy on the rest of the world. They believe they can build a democratic utopia by ‘winning the hearts and minds of people’. They believe this can be accomplished by destroying their ‘enemies’ for them and showing them that democracy is the answer to their struggles.

  The fight between Progressives is no different than the battles between Sunni and Shia; both have the same goal of control but disagree with who will be the ruling authority or how their particular utopia will become a reality.

  Islamists of both sects and Progressives in both parties are dogmatic in their opinion on governing but neither are aware that they are wrong and are only pawns in the spiritual battle of the ages; good vs. evil.

  While Islam acknowledges the existence of ‘a god’ they are incapable of understanding the human spirit which was created to be in relationship with God. Progressives will say they believe in ‘a god’ but like Islamists their actions prove they have no idea who the one true God is.

  Neither Islam nor Progressivism has come to grips with the word of God as King Solomon recorded it in Ecclesiastes 3:11; ‘God has put eternity in the heart of man’. It is only God who can change the heart of man and bring order to the world. Islamist and Progressives believe they can legislate peace by mandating that the human spirit comply with their ideology. The struggles within both groups will only lead to more conflict and division in the world.

  My point in trying to shed light on what is taking place in the world today is to cause those who might read this to understand that the struggles we are seeing are as old as time and will not be solved by any amount of human effort. Peace is only achievable when man is at peace within himself and with his neighbor.

    If you believe, as I do, that peace within man was lost when he fell from grace through sin, then the only way to regain peace is to restore man’s relationship with God.

 Both groups I spoke of are struggling to achieve the same goal; the success of their mission and to be in position of control. Both believe success is defeating the other and acquiring the spoils of war for their own benefit.

  Contrary to popular belief success is not winning an argument, defeating a foe or the acquisition of ‘stuff’. The true definition of success is the “Fulfillment of Original Purpose” while simultaneously training and equipping a successor to carry on your mission. Every human being has the same primary purpose of being in relationship with his creator and unless and until man comes to that realization and pursues that end there will be no peace in the world.

   The cure for the wars and rumors of war in the world is not an ideology or a political system or any combination thereof. It is not something that can be legislated or forced on man. The cure is for man to acknowledge that he is a created being among other created beings with the distinction of being the only member of creation with whom God desires a personal and intimate relationship.

 SAVING AMERICA is not our primary goal but it is crucial to bringing THE truth to the nations. Islam and Progressivism are determined to bring America down because they see her as the only obstacle that can prevent them from destroying the state of Israel and annihilating Jews and Christians.

  Our individual mandate as American citizens, and more importantly as human beings who are created in the image of God, is to stand against those who seek to divide, control and conquer humanity with force and to show by example what success is.

  Those who wish to destroy us have made great leaps toward their goal by dividing us along racial and economic lines. To counter these attacks we must not react but rather respond to them by speaking truth and by using the assets we have been blessed with to support the efforts of those working to unite not divide. We must prove that we are not what we are being painted as by reaching out to those in need. Truth will prevail and those who continue to sow division will eventually find themselves hanging on their own gallows.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God."  Romans 13 NLT

America is a unique nation in that we are a nation of laws, making the authority over us the US constitution. As a nation of laws, those who are in elected positions are subject to the governed. Our founders designed America in such a way as to make elected officials subject to the people and not the people subject to them.
We are however bound to obey all laws that are in compliance with the Constitution and its original intent. But when men pervert the Constitution and violate their oath to uphold it we have the responsibility to refuse to comply and to remove from power those guilty of subverting our rights as citizens. If we do not stand against the tyranny we will no longer be citizens we become "Residents" who are subject to overlords.

"We The People" have the responsibility to hold those in political positions accountable to us.

   Those of us who swore an oath to defend the Constitution upon entering the service of the country have a sacred duty to protect it from ALL enemies both foreign and domestic. There is NO expiration date to that oath and we are accountable to God for carrying out that responsibility. I pray to God that He will grant us wisdom and the desire to turn to Him and that this republic would honor Him once again.

Our only hope is found in 2 chron.7; “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this Temple as the place for making sacrifices. At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place. For I have chosen this Temple and set it apart to be holy—a place where my name will be honored forever. I will always watch over it, for it is dear to my heart."

We must be willing to do what God has said we must do as a nation. I fear that we will need to be brought much lower before we are collectively humble enough to do what we must to be restored. I know this though - He who began this good work called America will be faithful to complete it and we will be a nation that honors Him again. Pray for your country today and ask that we would fulfill our destiny!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


About 2,000 years ago Jesus traveled down the Kidron Valley to the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem to the cheers of thousands who were welcoming the Messiah that would deliver Israel. Nearly all who turned out to welcome Him betrayed Him in just a matter of days because He did not meet their expectations. They were expecting immediate deliverance and failed to see from an eternal perspective despite having been told many times by Jesus that He must die. Because of their blindness and personal expectations they missed the "Hour of their Visitation".

God often shows up in ways we do not expect or in ways we are not prepared to accept. We must be willing to believe that God is always working for our good and that just because we do not see what He is doing does not mean He is doing nothing or that nothing is being done. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

While it may appear as though He has forgotten us or has betrayed us we must trust that He is fulfilling His purpose for His Kingdom. His word is true and He will never leave us or forsake us. He answers every prayer we pray but often we pray for things that are not according to His will and because He sees and holds the future the answer is sometimes not now, or it is no. If we pray for His wisdom and from an eternal perspective we will never be disappointed with the answer He has for us. His entry into Jerusalem that morning long ago was truly a "Triumphant Entry".

Friday, April 11, 2014

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Gal. 5:1 NIV

Freedom is a gift and a founding principle birthed in the heart of man by God. If Jesus was willing to give his life for the freedom of all mankind should we not then follow His example?
The freedom of man depends on those who are willing to sacrifice their lives, their honor, and their fortunes to secure it. Any principle that is true in the realm of the spirit is also true in the natural realm.

 It is imperative that we understand that Paul's words "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" applies to nations as well as individuals. There is no better example and evidence of the truth of his words than the history of America.

   At America's founding and for nearly 150 years following God was honored in our government, in our schools and in society as a whole. She was a free and open society where everyone was free to pursue their God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Over the past 5 years the push to remove God from society, a push that began roughly 100 years ago, has grown exponentially and our liberty has decreased at an equal rate.

  I know I sound like a broken record but the time for the Church and every other freedom loving American to take a public stand against an out of control government is now. The Progressive movement is taking control of our liberty and forcing a politically correct narrative that will completely outlaw any mention of God from society. If we do not stand and forcefully demand an end of this agenda we will, as Paul stated in the verse above, be burdened again by the yoke of slavery. Our choice to stand or to be silent will determine whether our children will live as free men or as slaves. 'Not to speak is to speak, not to stand is to stand'.

God will hold us accountable for our actions or lack there of so I urge you to make the right choice today and proclaim liberty throughout the land.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lois Lerner's Immunity

  As much as I would like to see Lois Lerner in prison it is obvious that it is not going to happen. It is also obvious that if Republicans continue to go down the path of holding her in contempt of Congress we will never get to the bottom of this whole IRS scandal. If she is put in contempt it is up to Holder to investigate her involvement and that will go nowhere fast.

  She has been brought before Congress twice with the same result; silence. She said she would testify then changed her mind because, according to her attorney, she was getting death threats and would be murdered if she testified. Her attorney said the only way she would testify is if she is given immunity because of those "death threats".

 So why do you suppose someone would be wanting her dead if there is not, according to the president, a "Smidgen" of criminal activity involved in the IRS targeting of conservative groups? The only rational reason I could think of for someone wanting to kill Ms. Learner over the IRS scandal would be if Hillary or Bill Clinton were involved as evidenced by the number of dead people in their history. But then again there are also a lot of Navy SEALS that could have testified against Obama that are dead too, so maybe it is just part of being involved with or being used by Progressives that gets you killed. I would not be surprised if Ms. Learner ends up like the lady who 'certified' Obama's birth certificate; she died in a plane crash in which everyone else survived.

 Before she took the 5th at her first appearance before Congress Ms. Lerner made and unequivocal statement of her innocence saying she had done nothing wrong or illegal. In my mind if someone is innocent there should be no need to ask for immunity. That being said if she is not given immunity and forced to testify she will receive nothing for her part in the IRS scandal except her fat pension. If she were to be charged and imprisoned Obama would not hesitate to give her a ‘Presidential Pardon’ and the IRS will continue to abuse its power.

  In my view she has to be given immunity if we are going to get to the bottom (I believe it goes to the top) of this crap. When she is done testifying every effort should be made to force Speaker Boehner to appoint a select committee and a special prosecutor with subpoena powers. If Holder interferes with the process he should be held in contempt again and impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.   

  I am so angry and frustrated by the mess we have allowed to happen because of our noninvolvement in government that I just want to scream. We must rise up and get involved now or this republic is finished and Progressives will enslave our children.

 This administration is guilty of the worst abuses of power in modern history and those responsible must be made an example of. If we do not prosecute this President and his administration then we owe a "National Apology” to Richard Nixon. The future of the nation is not looking good and it may already be too late to turn it around but if we are destroyed from within it must not be because we remained silent.  

Airplane Nuke # “13”


  This scenario is one of many that have run through my mind to date. It involves the possibility of our government being behind the disappearance of flight 370 and not some foreign governments all working together.

  To lay a little ground work that I believe will add credibility to this alternate theory I would remind those who have read some of my earlier posts of “Operation Northwoods”. That ‘operation’ will let you see who our government used to be, who they are now and what they are capable of doing to further their agendas. Operation Northwoods was a scenario put together for President Eisenhower by his Joint Chiefs. It was a multifaceted plan to start a war with Cuba by making an attack(s) on the US in such a way as to make it look as though Cuba was behind them.

  The scenarios outlined in Operation Northwoods included but were not limited to missile attacks on US cities and the shooting down of John Glen and Gemini 7. The reason for these attacks was twofold; one was to divert attention from the Eisenhower administration’s U2 spy plane incident in the I.S.S.R. and the other was to force the Kennedy administration to continue the war on Communism. (Google Operation Northwoods to see the evidence for yourself, do not take my word for it).

  Now on to #13. There is a small U.S. military base in the Southern Indian Ocean called Diego Garcia which lies about 2,500 miles West Northwest of Australia. According to all the “information” that has been given about the missing plane, Diego Garcia was well within the fuel range of flight 370 and it has adequate runways to land a 777 and for it to take off again. (On a side note and in one of my conspiracy trails I’d like you to consider a couple incidents that I am not so sure were coincidental or unrelated to flight 370. There were a couple of rather widely publicized “pilot errors” in the news over the last few months. One involved a huge cargo plane that landed at the “wrong airport” with a runway far too short to takeoff from while loaded and the other was very similar. Dry Runs?)

   Consider if you will the possibility that the US government would run a covert operation to steal technology from a foreign government or from a private corporation, pretty far-fetched I know but humor me.

  As has been not so widely reported, but verified, there were 20 individuals on board flight 370 that were involved in the development of ‘cloaking’, navigation and weapons technology that would be more than game changing for whom ever owns it. There is no way, in my mind, that the feds would allow this technology to land in China’s, Russia’s or Iran’s hands.

  This plane could well have flown below radar to Diego Garcia where it was unloaded, passengers and cargo, then flown from there to almost anywhere over the Indian Ocean and crashed. The pilots could have parachuted out or they could have done a water landing and been picked up. If the plane was taken over the Indian Ocean and crashed it would accomplish a couple of things.

  With the help of the press it would put an end to “all” the conspiracy theories about it being in Pakistan or China and it would give ‘closure’ to the grieving families. In addition to these favorable aspects the feds would have both the technology and the scientists who developed it and know how to apply it.

  It will be up to us, the public, to remember and watch out for new discoveries in the news that involves this stolen technology. It will likely be years before any release of the new discoveries. I will bet my last dollar that no matter who ends up with the scientists and their research will use it for nefarious purposes…..

Friday, April 4, 2014

“Every Detail”

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."

 There are things on the horizon that will challenge our current way of life and each of us will be affected by events that are soon to take place. We are about to see the fulfillment prophecy from scripture and from those in the prophetic community that predict national judgments.

  The scripture passage above is for each of us and each of us must believe with our whole being that not only has God given us the faith and the grace to believe Him for our salvation but that He has also provided everything we need to walk through the valley we are entering.

  In this passage He promises that if we are living Godly lives He will lead us. To be lead spiritually is difficult for many because we have that "Thomas" gene in us that produces doubt, and that is ok, God understands. He did not get angry with Thomas for doubting His resurrection He instead showed Thomas the evidence he needed to believe in the miraculous.

 The Psalm says that He will direct our "steps", it does not say it will light up our highway and put us on cruise control. If we will use what little or great faith we have to trust that God is not surprised by anything that comes into our lives and that He has a plan to get us through it or out of it we will see His hand at work producing miracles that will advance His Kingdom in and through us.

  This passage also says that He delights in "Every Detail" of our lives. How incredible is that?! To think that the creator of the universe is excited to be a part of our everyday life is something beyond comprehension but it is true.

  He does not enjoy seeing His children suffer any more than any human parent does but He knows that because of the fall of man pain is now a part of the human experience. Just as He provided us a way to be redeemed from the fall He has provided us a way through the trials and pains associated with life if we will trust Him.

 He says that He has us by the hand and even though we may stumble He will not let us fall. He understands that we have that "Thomas" gene which makes us unsure in our walk at times but He is not focused on our self-doubt, He is focused on our potential. He sees beyond our current state and leads us to things that will strengthen our weaknesses and grow our faith in Him.

When I picture Him holding my hand I am reminded of how my mother taught her children to walk and never got discouraged because she was convinced we could do it.

  She would have us hold her index fingers as we waddled along unsteady and stumbling along until she thought sure we were ready to begin to walk on our own. When she knew we were close to being able to go out on our own she would replace her fingers with clothes pins. She would still bend over us and walk above us while telling us that we could do it in a way only a parent can do.

 As she walked along with us she would loosen he grip on the clothes pins until we were walking on our own. When we realized she no longer had a direct hold on us fear and doubt would startle us and we would fall but mom would rush in with obvious joy and a smile that sparked courage and the desire to do it again and again until we succeeded.

  I think God is about to loosen His grip on the 'clothes pins' and let us begin to walk on our own. He will never leave us if we stumble, He will be quick to grab our hand and stabilize us. He wants us to grow strong in our faith and trust Him to lead us.

 The scriptures tell us that the ‘joy of the Lord is our strength’. Just like when mom would get all excited and show us how proud she was of us for each stumbling step we took on our own and how her joy and expressions of faith in our potential gave us the courage and strength to keep trying, the same is true with our Father.

  When we trust Gods leading and do not allow the fear of falling stop us from trying He will show us His joy and that joy is what encourages us to not give up which brings Glory to Him and advances His Kingdom. It is His Kingdom that must be our goal because the focus of His heart is lost souls and our potential to reach them with His love.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Muslim Or Progressive ?


  Former Deputy Director of the CIA Mike Morell testified under oath before Congress that he changed the talking points about the Benghazi attack because he was concerned about the fact that we were dealing with fundamental Islamists all around the world and the last thing he wanted to do was to ‘stir up’ more extreme outbreaks among those fundamentalists. It is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who knows anything about the way wars are run and enemies are defeated to believe what this man said. It is impossible to defeat an enemy if you cannot or if you refuse to identify him or his methods or if you refuse to inform those on the battlefield who they are fighting.

  In my mind there is no doubt that Morell lied to Congress in his testimony. In his opening statement he said that those he has talked to around the country have emphasized that politics should be left out of the discussion and investigation of the Benghazi attack, which was a Progressive ‘Jedi’ maneuver to preemptively place guilt on any mention of or alluding to political motives among Republicans on the investigating committee.

  To anyone who understands who Progressives are and how they operate there is no reason to believe there was anything but a political motive behind the decision to remove all references to Islam form the narrative in their ‘official’ report. This administration is a classic portrayal of Progressive’s Chicago politics and every word and action they make is politically oriented.

  As has been the case with every crisis, manufactured or otherwise, Progressives are quick to exploit it and spin it in such a way as to further their agenda of control, and Benghazi is no exception. The only possible difference with the Benghazi incident is the fact that they were about to get caught in an illegal arms deal with Syrian rebels and they had to use the distraction of the murders to divert attention from that.

  To believe that the Obama presidential campaign slogan “Osama Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive” played no role in the spin and subsequent cover-up of Benghazi is naive at best. Mr. Morell did what he did to cover for President Obama plain and simple. It is worth noting that Mr. Morell is now working for one of Obama’s most ardent supporters, CBS “News”; which is his reward for loyalty to the Progressive hierarchy.

   I believe that there is a secondary reason for the removal of references to Islam from the report, that being (P)resident Obama is a strong advocate for Islam. He has clearly shown his allegiance to Sunni Islam by sending billions of American tax dollars and modern weapons of war to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and by his many speeches before foreign bodies in which he has repeatedly apologized for America and praised Islam’s contributions to society.

  The second reason for scrubbing Islam from the report is twofold; first, Progressives are using fundamental Islamists to achieve their goal of control by facilitating Islamic terror attacks which will provide an excuse to further erode our liberties. I believe that fundamental Islamists are doing the same thing with Progressives and when the time arrives that one or the other no longer deems the other necessary to their cause they will turn on them and anyone near either group will suffer the consequences all useful idiots have.    

   It cannot be stated too strongly that this president is a threat to national security if only because of his incompetence. We are all aware of the dozens of scandals plaguing this administration and equally obvious are the extremes taken to blame others or to cover up any blame to themselves. I do not for a second believe that incompetence can cover all that is happening to America through this administration. I believe there is a concerted effort to destroy America as we know it and to help Islam gain an irreversible stranglehold on western civilization.

  The more I research the actions of this (P)resident, the more convinced I am that he is a Muslim Manchurian President. I believe he understands fully who and what Progressives are and how to manipulate them to his advantage. The evidence of his allegiance to Islam is undeniable. His ending of the manned space program and directing NASA to focus on finding ways to make Muslims ‘feel’ good about their contributions to science, his virtual non-attendance to any church service during his time in office, his refusal to acknowledge or make a proclamation for the National Day of Prayer, his many Iftar dinners at the White House with known Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, his constant attacks on religious freedoms of Christians and silence concerning the slaughter of tens of thousands of them by Muslims while at the same time saying that the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam is more than enough evidence to convince me of his real intention.

    It is imperative that we expose as much about the corruption and treasonous activities taking place through this president and those who support him as we can. It is equally important that we continue to do the same to Progressivism and Progressives, but we cannot stop there. We must become more politically activated than we have ever been and we must use every avenue we have to educate the people in our sphere of influence. 

  If we cop the same attitude many did during the last election cycle and give up hope we will be helping both Progressives and Islamists. Even if, God forbid, we end up with a less than favorable candidate for the Republican ticket we still have to vote for him/her. We must remember that it has taken more than a hundred years to get where we are and it may take several years to turn America around. I believe if we fight hard enough and put our time and money behind the right candidates during the primaries we will have the right person, but we must do all we can to let the establishment GOP know that we are the “Tea Party” and we are serious about returning to the Constitution. If we do not get the GOP’s attention this year then look for and support a third party for 2016. 

Islamic Jihad In America

  I am very often called an Islamophobe or some other kind of extremist for the warnings I give and the things I say about the path this country is going down. If those who label me this way would spend half the time fact checking the things I say as they do trying to demonize me they might just see the danger we are in and begin warning others of the dangers too.  

  In November we will make the most crucial choice in an election  since the middle 1800's when the Republican Party was formed and Abraham Lincoln was elected as President. The country is more divided than I have ever seen it and President Obama is continually feeding the division with class warfare and demonizing rhetoric against the wealthy and his opponents.
  Mr. Obama has and continues to try to buy votes by offering to make the poor and middle class better off by taking from the wealthy, and sadly those he uses to advance his agenda believe everything he tells them. They don’t seem to notice that many times when he leaves a campaign speech in which he viciously demonizes the wealthy he goes directly to a fundraiser with those wealthy “fatcats” to raise millions of dollars for his agenda.

  The uninformed, uneducated and the willfully blind do not know or recognize the policies Mr. Obama is implementing as being Marxist/Socialist/Statist. There was another man who was also charismatic and who also convinced a nation that he was the answer to the economic woes of the country and who bought votes in much the same way Mr. Obama is doing.
 This man was elected by a mere 30% of the population because the majority of citizens were not involved. Sadly the most uninvolved segment of that society and the largest was the Christian community. It can be said that the Christian community was directly responsible for all that transpired after this leader was put into office because they refused to be involved in the politics of the day.

  Marxism/Socialism/Statism always starts out by dividing before conquering and taking complete control of every aspect of society. Individual liberties are removed for the good of the collective and government becomes the reason and source of all the people have and do. During the Democratic National Convention the proclamation was made that “WE ALL BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT”.  Marxism, as well as Communism and Socialism, always ends in mass graves and an enslaved society.  In the 1920’s and 30’s Germany listened to Adolf Hitler and his charismatic rhetoric and slowly the control they ceded to the government led to 11,000,000 + murdered human beings.

  I can hear the critics demonizing me for that comparison now but the facts are what they are. When you combine the policies this administration is implementing with the ties Mr. Obama has with Islam the picture is not pretty. I am convinced that our president is endangering the sovereignty of America and that civilization Jihad is taking place before our eyes. The Arab spring that the president said was so wonderful has exploded into a massive implementation of Shariah Law in the Middle East and the reestablishment of the Caliphate.
The goal of Islam is world domination and many in our government seem to be ignorant of the danger we are putting ourselves in. We have a senator, Keith Ellison, who is trying to pass Shariah compliant laws and he is getting little resistance from either party. The “Good Senator” is strongly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood through their front group CAIR and ISNA among others who are not in the least loyal to American interests! CAIR is an unindicted coconspirator in Americas largest terror trial and should not be allowed any access to our government especially when we don't allow a convicted nonviolent felon to vote. 

  Whether intentional or not, I happen to believe the former, President Obama is Shariah compliant in his actions as president. To refuse to say anything that is offensive to Islam or to forbid any in his administration from doing so is being submissive to Islamic Law. The actions of this administration show a weakness in America and projects superiority into Islam and thereby emboldens our enemy. There is much that this administration has done and is doing that goes well beyond being in submission to Islam and enters the realm of treason but no one in authority has the backbone to expose or investigate them.

   President Obama and  his State Department have defied congress and sent multiple hundreds of millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and other related groups and nations in the Middle East. The excuse given for sending these funds is for establishing and supporting fledgling governments, but from my perspective this is just another lie and cover-up by Progressives. I believe that either the administration is paying the “bribe” money demanded by Islam to keep peace and stop attacks on America and American interests, or they are directly involved with the advancement of the global caliphate and the destruction of western nations.

  The strategic role of numerous Muslim Brotherhood members in sensitive positions in America’s national security departments suggests to me that this president and his administration have joined with the Muslim Brotherhood and are actively engaged in the overthrow of the United States. There is, in my mind, no other explanation for the unprecedented actions that have taken place through this administration.

  Islam has devastated vast portions of Europe through civilization Jihad and the same is occurring in America. Most of the activities taking place to bring America to its knees are being done without any resistance from the government or exposure by the press. We are literally under siege by a foreign entity and most of America is intentionally being kept unaware by those at the highest levels of government. Those with the greatest ability to reach and inform the public, the press, remain silent about the danger of losing our national identity, our God given rights and our national  sovereignty.

  I don’t know if it is too late to stop Jihadist from taking power without a literal war with Islam, but this I do know, we must do whatever is necessary to regain power from the Progressive party. There is only one absolute in the future of America and that is that God inspired the founders and through them He established America as the greatest nation on earth, and that “He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it”!
  We all have a role to play as we move away from the tyrannical policies of the Progressive Party and we must understand in our hearts that the republic is worth fighting for and that those that are with us outnumber those against us. SAVING AMERICA is not an option and we must not allow this great republic to be further degraded and humiliated by this President. Make sure you take the first step in the salvation of America and vote out every incumbent that is aligned with Progressivism, if only to keep Barack Obama from fulfilling the “dreams from his father”! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Most Transparent Administration In History

  We are once again nowhere when it comes to finding out who is responsible for changing the talking points used in Susan Rice’s infamous appearances on Sunday morning talk shows following the murders in Benghazi. After being promised by President Obama that people would be held accountable for what went wrong and that those who committed the acts would be brought to justice there is only one person who has been prosecuted and jailed, and he had nothing to do with the attacks.

  The hearing on “Capitol” hill today went nowhere and likely will not produce anything resembling justice for the dead or the truth for Americans. The stonewalling continued with the former deputy director being allowed to say he ‘believed’ the attack was both a terror attack and protests over the YouTube video. I found his testimony insulting and condescending and as much as I would like to see a select committee investigate the incident I don’t believe there is a snowballs chance in a hot place that it will ever happen because this administration does not want the truth to be revealed.

  While we are on the topic of ‘transparency’ there is still the IRS scandal to be investigated. The recent hearings into the targeting of conservative groups by the federal government are just as likely to produce justice and accountability as the Benghazi hearings did. Lois Lerner has taken the 5th Amendment right to remain silent and as of today there is no sign of Congress getting to the bottom of this scandal either.

 I believe that the administration does not want to have the truth revealed because it will incriminate them and likely result in impeachment proceedings. I further believe that establishment Republicans, though they may want Obama out of office they don’t want him out bad enough to stop the IRS from harassing Tea Party groups because it is helping them stay in office and get away with their own corrupt practices.

  There is no doubt, and evidence has been shown, that laws were broken by IRS officials. When the story broke the president ‘voiced’ his outrage at the idea that any federal agency would use its power to silence free speech and vowed to find the truth and hold those responsible accountable. To date there has not been one person held accountable and the agency assigned to investigate the IRS, the FBI, still has not spoken to a single member of the groups that were targeted, and as far as I know the FBI director still cannot name the chief investigator assigned to the case.

  Jump back in time a little to the “Fast and Furious” scandal that, according to the White House and the U.S. Attorney General, President Obama knew nothing about. Once again when he did “Learn” about it in the newspaper he was outraged and held a news conference during which he promised to get to the bottom of things and hold whoever was responsible accountable.

  When the congressional hearings into Fast and Furious were starting to connect the dots that were drawing an obvious portrait of Eric Holder the president suddenly invoked “Executive Privilege” which immediately blocked all documents that would incriminate Mr. Holder from congressional investigators.

 Very few if any media outlets raised the fact that if the president and Mr. Holder were telling the truth when they said the president knew nothing about the gun running operation that illegally supplied weapons to Mexican drug cartels then the president could not legally invoke executive privilege in this case.

 When I last checked there was an attempt to have those records declassified under that legality but the judge in the district court was not being co-operative with congressional efforts to move forward on the matter. The only thing that comes close to being justice in this case, where I might add another American was murdered, is that Mr. Holder has been charged with contempt of congress.    

 On top of these scandals there is the matter of the NSA spying on American citizens without a warrant. Once again the stonewalling was and is blatant and there is at least one irrefutable case of perjury that has gone unpunished. Director James Clapper, when asked a direct question as to whether the NSA collected information on the American people unequivocally answered NO. The Congressman who asked the question in a public forum had previously asked the same question of Mr. Clapper in a closed meeting with the same response from him. If a “little person” were to knowingly lie to congress we would be charged, tried and sent away for 5 years on each offense, but Mr. Clapper works for this administration so…..

  The NSA is also guilty of spying on the media without a warrant and when Attorney General Eric Holder was questioned about this illegal action he too lied to congress and he too went unprosecuted for his act of perjury. Congress is just as guilty in the spying cases by refusing to condemn the actions that are a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. It was not until Congress learned that they were also being spied upon by the NSA that it suddenly became a problem worth being investigating.

 In all these and many other scandals that involve the murdering of American citizens, abuse of power by federal agencies against American citizens, perjury by federal employees and blatant obstruction of investigations and thereby obstruction of justice, there is at least one common denominator; Eric Holder.

 The frustrating things about these and other scandals in this administration and in Congress are that the people responsible for prosecuting the guilty and getting the truth to the American people are Attorney General Eric Holder and Speaker of the House John Boehner.

  Mr. Holder is never going to prosecute anyone in this administration because his motives are the same as this president and his Progressive friends. The current “Justice department” is the most politically driven in our history and is by that definition the most corrupt and least transparent in history.

  The other person responsible for the investigations is Speaker John Boehner, who has shown that he is as corrupt as Mr. Holder by his continued refusal to appoint a select committee to take over the investigation with subpoena and prosecutorial authority. The reason for Boehner’s refusal to appoint a select committee is, in my mind, either because he is a coward, he is himself a Progressive or the NSA has some dirt on him and is holding him hostage.

  I don’t know where to go or what to do about the mess we are in except to say we all need to be on our knees praying that God will intervene and bring justice to the victims of this administrations crimes and that we must inform as many people as possible of the corruption in Washington and get involved in the upcoming elections.

 If what we have now is the “Most Transparent Administration In History” we are in worse shape than I thought. Pray for America like her very existence depends on it because it does.