Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Presidential Disgrace

  As a Marine I am more than a little disgusted with the present “Commander-In-Chief” who sits in his plush office in Washington D.C. while a decorated combat Marine reservist who was awarded a field promotion for meritorious service on a foreign battlefield sits in a Mexican jail. It has been proven beyond any doubt that the Marine crossed the border by mistake with no criminal intent yet Mr. Obama remains silent and yet another service member is left behind with no help from his Commander-In-Chief. What a morale booster for Marines, the military in general but the Marines in particular.

 The United States Marine Corps (pronounced 'Core' not corpse Mr. President) is a unique branch of the military with the distinction of being called "The Presidents Own". No other branch of the military should be more closely protected or revered by their Commander-in-Chief than the United States Marine Corps. However it is evident by this president's actions that he cares little about the men and women who guard him and his family every day.

  It is the United States Marines that are a presidents first line of defense, it is the United States Marines that fly him around in the Marine 1 helicopter, it is the United States Marines who stand guard at the White House and every embassy around the world and it is the United States Marines who hold the umbrella for him so he doesn't get his "Mom Jeans" wet.

    If Mr. Obama had wanted to he could have made one phone call and had this Marine released two months ago. He is supposedly the most powerful man on the planet and the commander of the most elite military force in the world yet he has done nothing to come to the aid of a war hero being wrongly imprisoned by a bordering and allied nation. The silence of this president in regards to this Marine speaks volumes about his lack of leadership qualities, incompetence, arrogance and lack of moral character. In my opinion he is a disgrace to the office of the President and an embarrassment to America and every patriot that ever risked their life for this nation.

 The motto of the United States Marine Corps, and therefore that of their Commander-In-Chief also, is “Semper Fidelis” which means Always Faithful. By any stretch of the imagination Mr. Obama has rendered the motto “Semper Fi” meaningless as it pertains to his commitment to those who have always been known as “The Presidents own”. I do not know how this president or the Joint Chiefs can sleep at night knowing that they have not done everything in their power to rescue this young hero, but then again they did nothing to go to the aid of those who were murdered in Benghazi either.

 “No solider left behind”….well not too many anyway…I hope no mother, father, husband or wife has to depend on the current administration to have their backs.

The Leaked CIA Agent And The Muslim Brotherhood

If you have been reading the articles I write in which I try to expose the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration in our government you know the threat they pose to our national security and you probably are aware of the documents that were uncovered entitled “The Project”. If you have not read what I have written about the Brotherhood and their ‘project’ to destroy America and the West from within (in their own words, not mine) you would be wise to do a search for yourself.

  Flashback to the George W. Bush administration and a “Huge” scandal (made so by the Progressive media) that resulted in a man named “Scooter Libby” being sent to prison in connection with the ‘leak’ of a CIA agent, though Mr. Libby did not leak the name himself. It was a faux news story designed to destroy the Bush administration, I did not approve of a lot of things President Bush did but I respected him because he was/is a leader and a man of his word.

  If you recall, the media exploited the seriousness of leaking the name of Valerie Plame who in reality was no longer an active field agent but they stressed the “principle” of leaking the name of an operative. They were outraged at the damage that had been done to national security and the personal danger the leak caused to Ms. Plame and her husband Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson just happened to have been the one who was sent by the Bush administration to investigate Saddam Hussein’s attempt to acquire Yellow Cake for his nuclear program, an investigation that he later skewed to make Bush look like he was intentionally misleading the country to justify going to war in Iraq. They demanded an investigation and the ‘blood’ of the guilty, which they never got.

 Now to today’s news, the White House “Mistakenly” leaks the name of the Kabul Afghanistan CIA chief, a leak that puts the man and his family and friends in immediate danger and compromises our national security. The leaking of classified national security agents/secrets carries a penalty of 10 years imprisonment but the chances of that happening are nil. What, you may ask, is the same media that tried to destroy the Bush administration doing with this “Headline”; nothing, not a stinking thing.

  What is the explanation from the White House as to how the leak occurred? Simple, the same as the IRS scandal and every other scandal this administration is involved in, it was “A low level” employee who ‘inadvertently’ leaked the information. The media lemmings will of course accept the White House story line and the real guilty party and their agenda will continue to go unreported and their tentacles will strengthen as they continue to take control of our government from within.

 The station chief will have to be replaced and I will guarantee that his replacement will be a person with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The leak of his name is not by accident but is a deliberate action taken to help the Brotherhood gain control of another Islamic country which will in turn help them further their mission to reestablish the Caliphate. Unfortunately the only recourse we have to combat the Brotherhood is to plead with God to destroy His enemies within our midst.

  Most people will continue to call me a conspiracy nut and I am ok with that label because it means that they have read what I wrote and that they are then responsible for what is coming to America. I cannot remain silent when America’s political system, military and security agencies are being undermined and blinded by the most evil force to ever be embraced and in fact employed by a presidential administration. It is no small thing that the Muslim Brotherhood declared war on America and never rescinded that declaration, making anyone who in any way aids them guilty of treason.

  The organization responsible for the worst terror attack on our homeland is now responsible for “Public Relations” and political correctness in our government. The Brotherhood has succeeded in erasing all references to the threat and the mode of operations of Fundamental Islamic Jihadists from all security agencies and military training manuals leaving those responsible for keeping us all safe unable to identify who they are keeping us safe from. The prognosis for America’s near future is not looking good. We will eventually prevail, but to prevail means there will be a conflict and a conflict means there will be casualties…..  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This is by a friend of mine, Rick Joyner. He has articulated well what I have been sensing for a very long time;
MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #86 - May 27, 2014
            Memorial Day Weekend is more than a special and important holiday—it is a key to restoring the Republic.
            As we have been covering, the crises in virtually every area have grown beyond human remedy. This is not to imply that we must not do all we can to address them, but it is to acknowledge that we need God. The Holy Spirit is “the Helper” not “the Doer,” so He expects us to do our part before He does His part. All of our troubles are the result of man thinking that he can run the world without God, and the answer to all of our troubles is to repent and turn back to God. Throughout Scripture and history, He has demonstrated His faithfulness to do this.
            What does this have to do with Memorial Day?
            We are thankful for good people who are engaged in the great issues of our time, but we also acknowledge that there is no one person who has the combined wisdom and leadership skills required for confronting and overcoming these growing crises. However, even the worst crisis is but a small thing for God to fix, and He will, if we return to Him.
            When our nation turned to God in the past, it was called a “Great Awakening.” We have had two “Great Awakenings” and several smaller ones in our history. After each one, we came out much better and stronger as a nation. It will happen again.
            But what does this have to do with Memorial Day?
            Biblical Israel went through a repeated cycle of backsliding and apostasy that led to bondage, then repentance, revival, and restoration. America and many other nations have been through the same cycle. As the times grew darker, the righteous would begin to cry out to the Lord. The Lord would hear their cries and raise up champions who through great courage and valiant acts would cast off yokes of bondage and restore Israel’s freedom. More importantly, they would turn the nation back to the Lord. Before Israel had kings, these champions were called “judges,” but afterward it would be a righteous king or leader who would arise.
            So what does Memorial Day have to do with this?
            This is what: Almost every time the Lord responded to the repentance of Israel to restore her liberty, He would say that He was doing it for the sake of the fathers, often specifically naming King David as His reason. David had touched the Lord to such a degree that even hundreds of years after his death the Lord was still doing things for Israel on David’s behalf. America and many other nations have had righteous leaders in their history. It is right to memorialize them and hold them up before the Lord as an appeal for our deliverance, so that their great work will not have been in vain.
            Our American Founding Fathers laid their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor on the altar for the hope of freedom for America, including future generations. Many paid the price. This was the most remarkable revolution in history, and still has never been duplicated in one extraordinary way—it was led by the most wealthy, privileged Americans, not the downtrodden.
          Those who signed The Declaration of Independence were a Who’s Who of the most successful in the colonies. Usually such wealth and possessions would be a restraint upon risk. Our Founding Fathers demonstrated possibly more than any before them that neither wealth nor comfort nor security was their god. They would risk it all for a righteous cause. They took one of the greatest risks in history, since the Maccabees, to boldly challenge the most powerful empire and military force in the world at the time, while so few in number and with virtually no real military force of their own.
           Two of those who signed The Declaration of Independence knew that the moment they did they would go from being wealthy to losing everything they had, because the British were camped right next to their estates. They signed anyway. Their estates were seized immediately, and they were branded traitors to the king and hunted down to be hung.
            The whole world viewed the upstart American colonies as having remarkable courage, but not much sense. As they slogged through five years of continuous and devastating defeats, the destruction of their land and property, the capture or loss of so many of their loved ones, with only a couple of relatively minor victories against the British, their courage and resolve astonished the nations. Even so, victory seemed more remote than ever. As the British were finally capturing and holding strategic cities and major states, it seemed that the American cause was now certainly doomed. Then, there happened a most amazing and unexpected turn of events—the Americans won the war!
            America was born with the odds stacked heavily against it. We have never had much rest from facing crises that threatened our continued existence as a nation. This is not likely to change until the kingdom of God comes. Each generation has to produce its own heroes to face new and deadly crises. Each generation has had its heroes who would stand and not retreat. Whether many or few, with the Lord there are enough. There will be enough in our time.
            As the Prophet Isaiah exhorted in his time:
       On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves;
          and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7).      
            If we have been given eyes to see, then we are watchmen called for our own time. We too must remind the Lord of His promises. Do we do this because He has forgotten them? Of course not, but because we are told: “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men” (Psalm 115:16). He requires that we ask before He will intervene. He wants us to remind Him because in this way we must also remind ourselves of the honor that our fathers and mothers are due.
            For this reason, prayer is not our last option, but our first option. We acknowledge that we need Him, and we want Him. Then, as we remind Him of all the great souls who gave so much for the freedom and prosperity we have enjoyed, let us appeal to the Lord that, for their sakes, all that they paid such a price for would not be lost.
            Now it is our turn. Let us make every day Memorial Day by resolving that we will not lose on our watch what so many great souls paid such a price to preserve.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

We Must Make The Choice Now

I am preparing myself for a "Beck-ectomy" because my subscription to The Blaze is expiring soon. We have cut nearly everything to make ends meet but it seems the ends keep running in opposite directions.

I am confident that the Lord will continue to provide and I trust His promise that He will bless those who bless Israel just as I am convinced that He will curse those who curse her. Because I trust His promise of blessing I am going to increase my support of Dugit next month and push forward in my efforts to go to Jerusalem this fall to combat the David/Absalom division and promote the "It Is Time Israel" project.

I have been following the Spirits lead long enough to know that when you are close to achieving the call you have that the enemy kicks in to high gear to sidetrack, divert, distract or destroy you and I will not succumb to his efforts. There is no doubt in my mind that the things that are happening to and in my family are tests that believers are going through now or will go through soon and the outcome of my actions will reflect the outcome in the body.

   I believe that the Church must increase its direct support for Israel now because our government is making unholy alliances with her enemies and covenanting with groups like Hamas and the P.L.O., and just yesterday this administration pledged to continue supporting them even though they are being joined by the P.I.J. (Palestinian Islamic Jihad). This move by our government will bring judgment upon America and those who blindly follow without speaking out in or taking action in behalf of Israel will suffer from their inaction and silence. I believe willful ignorance concerning what we are doing to Israel is a sin of omission and there will be no acceptable excuse for our inaction.

There is very little time left to make the choice to stand with Israel in every realm. There are many good ministries that are in Israel helping Jews find their Messiah but I don't think any are more connected to the entire nation than Dugit and "It Is Time Israel". I personally believe that they are the 'point of the spear' and that they are going to dramatically impact the people in the land.

We must all pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which is the most crucial thing that can be done to support her, but if we do not make personal sacrifices on her behalf I believe we will be missing out on the greatest move of the Spirit in history. What the world is about to witness in Israel is going to make the "Great Awakenings" look like a Sunday School class responding to a salvation message. I feel the urge to encourage anyone who is reading this to dig deep and find a way to invest in Israel, I promise you will not regret it.

Israel is the "Apple of God's eye" and if you do not have a love for her and her people the best way to develop that love is to take Jesus' word and apply it; "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". If we invest in her we will 'grow a heart' for her......

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Progressive ‘Ace In The Hole’

  With the leader of the Progressive party, President Obama, so toxic to American voters because of the numerous scandals surrounding his administration, his continuous lying and deceiving of the public to pass his agenda it is going to be difficult to motivate the Democrat base to turn out to vote this fall?

 Recent polls show a drastic decline in Democrats who say they are definitely going to vote in the midterms and the number of young people who are feeling disenfranchised by the establishment is the lowest since the Obama phenomenon of 2008. The outlook for Democrats retaining control of the Senate and gaining seats in the House is not good in light of polling results.

 The problem democrats have this fall is how do you get the voting base fired up enough to get out and vote in the November elections? Nearly, if not all of Obama’s political capital and the Progressive’s credibility has been spent on passing the Affordable Care Act and the numerous scandals plaguing the Democratic Party.

 The answer to the Democrats political woes is to have Hillary Clinton announce that she is going to run for president in 2016 before the fall elections take place. I may be wrong but I would be willing to bet that she will come out of the "Darkness of Indecision” just in time to fire up the base. If she were to announce her plans in September the media frenzy would shake the Republican Party to its core. There is not a late-night show or news outlet that would not give her all the free airtime she wants and she would not hesitate to throw her former boss under the bus (in a politically correct way of course) while offering her plans to fix everything he started but the “Party of No” blocked because they are obstructionists.

  She would use the free airtime to convince the uninformed lemmings on the left that she needs them to vote in the midterms to put Democrats in control of both houses of Congress so she can deliver on all the promises of “Hope and Change” that the Republicans stopped Obama from being able to fulfill. She will promise that she will personally deliver all the "Progressive Candy" Obama failed to give them. She and her propaganda machines will paint her opposition as anti-women, anti-black, anti-Hispanic, anti-poor and anti-everything that those who have been indoctrinated into the entitlement culture want to hear. The media, CNN and MSNBC in particular, will portray Hillary Clinton as the "Messiah" that Obama failed to be.

 I urge everyone to grab your popcorn and pull up a chair because we are witnessing America at her “Apex”. We are sitting on a precipice tottering precariously and if we make one more wrong move we will go over the cliff of self-destruction. The only thing that will save us is the “Third Grate Awakening” and a spiritual revival. We turned toward God after 9/11/01 but not to Him, this time if we don’t turn to Him it will not be good…..The thought of  a ”President Hillary Rodham Clinton” should be motivation enough for everyone to fall to their knees……

You heard it here first.....

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hillary’s Concussion And Another Dead Navy SEAL

In just over two weeks I will be meeting with a good friend who was one of the founders of the US Army’s elite special ops unit, DELTA Force, and Deputy Undersecretary of Defense – CIA-Intelligence and I plan to ask him about the validity of this story; I have on good authority that it is factual and though she did not want to testify before Congress on Benghazi and was claiming a “Fall at home”, which many thought was bogus and indeed was, the incident reported above was just one more example of the Clinton’s ‘dumb luck’.

  Karl Rove caused a stir in the media recently when he raised questions about Hillary’s health and I do not believe it was just to raise the issue, he has to have knowledge of this incident and would love to get the drop on her and this covert mission to Iran. If she can be tied to this crash and the mission to Iran she can then also be exposed as covering up and lying about the death of another US Navy Seal.

  The story was widely reported in Europe and the Middle East but not surprisingly it was buried in the US media, including Fox News. The few sources I have outside the friend I mentioned above leave no doubt in my mind that not only is this story true but it was part of a larger story that I believe Trey Gowdy will break in his investigation into Benghazi.

 The Obama administration, with the help of the Clinton’s connections, was trying to acquire Iran’s assistance in supplying arms to Syrian rebels aligned with Al Qaeda when the helicopter carrying Hillary and one of her bodyguards, a Navy SEAL, went down in the desert. The Navy Seal was killed (“Possibly” by the crash) and Hillary was severely injured and nearly died as well. I believe part of the negotiations with Iran is being seen now; Iran going unchecked as it continues to enrich uranium.    
  I am praying that Congressman Gowdy is able to get to the truth about the arms running operation and that this incident comes to light during the investigation. If enough people raise questions about the story loud enough and often enough we can force the media and Congress to do the same. I have no more love for Mr. Rove than I do for the Clinton’s but I am grateful to him for raising questions about Hillary’s health. I am asking everyone who reads this to pass it to your friends and family. If we can each get five others to read and share this we can easily reach

Friday, May 16, 2014

Islamic Blindness In The Federal Government

I just heard some political hacks claiming Islam and Shariah are not a threat to America because we have the constitution as the law of the land and it is incompatible with Islam. To those, one of whom claims to be a conservative Republican, who believe that claim I say you are fools and ignorant of both history and Islam.

  For those who believe the Constitution will protect America from Shariah here is a little lesson on how Muslims have virtually overthrown Europe. They are masters at using a nation’s law to their advantage and against natural citizens.

  They use "Civilization Jihad", a method they have used for centuries, to populate portions of communities while making friends and going along with the laws and being 'good citizens'. Once they have enough influence through numbers they begin to "ask" for special privileges and favors from legislators. Then they begin to run for office on the local level and move from ‘asking’ for special privileges to demanding them.

  They will keep the ground they have gained through population growth and move from one portion of a community to another and another until they control a whole town or large sections of communities. The proof of this happening in America is clearly seen in Dearborn Michigan, Islamberg N.Y. and of course the “Honorable” Rep. Keith Ellison (D), the Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR Congressional plant, who actually took his oath of office with his hand on the Koran.

  For politicians and pundits to scoff at the threat Islam is to America is all the evidence needed to remove them from office. The only good thing happening in the world concerning Islam is the negative news coverage it is receiving for the kidnapping of several hundred girls in Nigeria.

  It is encouraging to see the media beginning to talk about the evils of Islam but even after the overt terror carried out by Boko Harem there are Progressive politicians beginning to claim the group is not Islamic. If we do not force the federal government to declare Islam a threat to national security it will overthrow the United States. The progress they have made under the Obama administration is staggering and it continues daily.  

Airplane Nuke #14

It’s been a couple of months since flight 370 “Disappeared” with 239 people from several different nations on board. There has been no trace of it since it took a left turn shortly after takeoff from Malaysia despite millions of dollars spent on the search.

  From the first day it came up missing, misleading and disinformation propagated from every country involved in the search and, I believe, those countries responsible for its hijacking has been all those affected by the hijacking have been given. 

  Searchers were first diverted 2,500 miles in the wrong direction by China, then 2,500 miles in the opposite direction by the Malaysians, then another 2,500 miles south of what I believe the real direction was by the Australian government. While all this distracting was going on the U.S. and Chinese government were virtually silent with the exception of Jay Carney scoffing at the report of the plane landing at Diego Garcia and the Chinese government telling the families of the missing to ‘sit down and shut up’.

  News reports about several Islamic terrorists being arrested in connection with the hijacking were quickly buried as was the possibility of the one known terrorist that boarded the plane being involved. In an obvious ‘cover-up’ by the powers that be, and the countries involved in the disappearance, the two Iranians who boarded the plane with forged passports were immediately exonerated by the governments involved and by the international media.

  I know of only one news report that told of a Chinese Islamic terror group taking responsibility for the hijacking within 48 hours of takeoff. For weeks the media fed audiences with faux reports of debris being found floating in the Indian Ocean and of ‘pings’ from the planes black box.

  To this day only Fox News has reported on Boeing and General McInerney saying that the plane’s engine transponders were sending pings from a Taliban controlled area of Pakistan. Boeing’s report was, to my knowledge, only reported on for one day and General McInerney’s claims for a very few days. The General was adamant that his sources were accurate and that he and they believe the U.S. government knows where the aircraft is and were very possibly involved in its disappearance. The silence from the media and the U.S. government is, to me, very telling, especially when the nations “Baghdad Bob”, Jay Carney, scoffs at any suggestion that the US or its allies are in any way involved in the disappearance.

  As has been the case with every investigation by the FBI during the current administration nothing incriminating has been found in connection with the pilots’ computer or personal flight simulator. We still know nothing about the cell phone call from a mysterious woman to the pilot shortly before takeoff or why Taiwan held back information for two weeks about having flight 370 on its radar after it made the left turn.

  I do not believe it to be coincidence that just weeks before flight 370 was hijacked Iran aired videos of planes being crashed into Tel Aviv buildings and nukes being set off in U.S. cities.

  I still refuse to trust anything any government has said about this hijacking. I hold to my belief that the plane flew below radar and remained approximately 200 miles of shore while it flew north over the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea and into Pakistan. Once in Pakistan I believe the engineers on board were removed and taken to China where Russian and Iranian officials are forcing them to implement the stealth technology they have been developing. It was recently reported that the Iranians have replicated the technology from the Top Secret drone that Obama allowed them to keep a couple years ago and I believe that technology combined with that of the engineers on Flight 370 will be used against the U.S. and Israel. I believe too that there is high probability that there will be, just like in the videos Iran released, simultaneous attacks upon the US and Israel.

 I have no idea what has become of the remaining passengers and crew and I do not wish to speculate on their fate. I would add that the Israelis also believe the plane is somewhere in eastern Iran or Pakistan and if Israel’s intelligence believes something then you can bet the farm on it. 

   I continue to believe that China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and our own government are involved in the planning of some catastrophic event that will shape world history for the worse. After researching what Eisenhower’s administration tried to do to start or rather continue the war on Communism by staging attacks on American cities and citizens nothing is too far out of the realm of possibilities any more, even the purposeful starting of a 3rd world war.

  I realize very few people will read this but it is my desire to see those responsible for what is going to happen exposed and held accountable and for those who do read this to be prepared for the worst.

 Once again I sincerely hope I am wrong about the scenario I see coming but in my gut of guts I know it to be true and imminently close. There is only one hope for America and the world escaping the coming judgment and that is for believers to petition God for mercy and the 3rd Great Awakening. If there is not a loud and impassioned cry from Gods people for mercy and genuine repentance we will soon enter the time of Great Tribulation resulting in massive death and destruction the likes of which we have never seen or heard of before. Seek Him today while He may be found and do not turn away. May God have mercy……   

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What our founders wrote;

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

What Washington’s Progressive elite have rewritten it to be;

“We the government of the United States, in order to preserve our own positions, create injustice for the people in favor of ourselves, create domestic turmoil by sowing division among the masses, destroy our military power, promote our own prosperity, and secure a solid retirement for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish ourselves as the sole and elite ruling class, lording our power over the residents of these Divided States of America”

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

High Speed Progressivism


  It is no secret that the Progressive movement has gained speed over the last few years but the rate of acceleration in the last five years is staggering. The propaganda machine we know as the mainstream media is forcing the Progressive agenda on the public through every possible venue. It is frightening to see the most influential force in the country walking lockstep with those who wish to destroy western civilization.

  What I find even more frightening than the overt propagation of Progressivism is how fundamental Islam is being promoted by both the media and the Obama regime. This administration seems to be doing everything it can to undermine the values our founders built this republic on while at the same time they are facilitating fundamental Islam around the world and here at home.

  The tactics being used by Progressives to advance their agenda are eerily similar to those used by Islamists. Anyone who speaks against Islam or its false prophet faces literal beheading or death by stoning or crucifixion and anyone who dares disparage any portion of Progressivism faces a similar fate in their public standing and personal reputation, I do believe if they are not stopped soon they too will revert to carrying out death sentences on their opponents.

  What is baffling is how Progressives can support Islam when Islam treats women like property that can be bought and sold and beaten for any reason a man deems reasonable. Female genital mutilation is a requirement under Shariah Law and the education of women is forbidden. Homosexuality is an automatic death sentence in most Islamic countries and in those nations that don’t kill homosexuals they ostracize them. The voting base of Progressivism is low information women and homosexuals yet they openly defend Islam as a partner in world progress in spite of its hostility toward women and homosexuals.

  Being a Christian who takes the Bible as a literal guide to spiritual reality I have to conclude from the evidence of evil in both Progressivism and Islam that they are both under the control of the same spirit. Both are waging a war on civilization to take complete control of society and both are willing to destroy anyone or anything that presents a road block to them.

  Both undermine the credibility of their opponents and both demonize those who attempt to expose them. Islam is directed by the Koran to deceive their enemy by any means necessary in order to gain their confidence until they are in a position strong enough to destroy them. As has been witnessed through the “sale” of the “Affordable Healthcare Act”, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious and numerous other scandals our “P”resident  and his Progressive cohorts have no more problem lying to further their agenda than fundamental Islamists do. Both are willing to commit to a “Scorched Earth” policy if it means losing the war for controlling society (I see Absalom all over this).

  There is no solution to eradicating these two entities that is not first and foremost a spiritual eradication. Any war against a spiritual principality manifesting through an ideology cannot be won by conventional warfare alone; it must first be fought from a spiritual vantage point. Believers must petition God for deliverance from these ideologies and once we are given a plan of action to follow in the natural realm, if indeed we are directed to fight in this realm, we must follow His lead with boldness and with courage.

  Our goal in defeating these enemies cannot be anything other than our desire to build the Kingdom of God and to secure the personal liberty to practice our faith openly in society. If we fight solely to regain the rights we have under the Constitution we will be fighting in vain because those rights were God ordained to provide the world with a nation of free men whose goal is the propagation of the Gospel. Our goal must be the same goal as He who established us, souls added to His Kingdom, anything less than that will be an exercise in futility.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Will America Survive?


 I believe there is still hope and time for America to destroy the scourge of Progressivism that is eating away at our liberty like a cancerous growth; however I have serious doubts as to whether there are enough people of faith praying for her or patriots with the zeal to fight for her.

  I have said on many occasions that I do not believe there is a political solution that will destroy Progressivism in America and I still do not believe there is. There is no hope for our survival that does not involve direct intervention by God Almighty in His people and their cry for an awakening that will bring a great harvest of souls.

  I have a feeling of desperation in my spirit that will not leave no matter how much I cry out to God for peace and assurance of a bright (near) future for my descendants. I have been praying for conservative constitutionalist to win in the primaries and November’s election but I keep having that same gut wrenching pain I had when President Obama “Won” in 2010. I am certain I don’t need to remind anyone who is reading this what that feeling is like so I won’t cause you any unnecessary discomfort by replaying the event.
  Our enemy is ourselves and the only one who can turn that enemy into an ally us. To rescue America from the grip of Progressivism we must first recognize that we allowed ourselves to become complacent stewards of our government and have failed to put our moral responsibility to pray for those in leadership ahead of our personal good. We also admit that we have betrayed our God by violating His command to not put our trust in men.

  For far too long we have been ‘faithful’ to go to the polls and cast a vote for our favorite politician instead of the one who would have been best for the republic and after leaving the voting booth we have simply gone home and waited to hear the results of the election and ended our involvement there thinking we have done our civic duty and the rest is up to the one who won the race.

  When I heard the news that Obama had a second term my heart sank and after I screamed “WHY?” I heard the words “we have gotten what we deserved” in my spirit. I was reminded of the words Jesus spoke “To whom much is given much is required”. America wanted what Israel wanted when they demanded a king instead of their God and we are reaping the consequences of our desire for a nanny instead of personal responsibility. Israel got their Saul and we got our ‘nanny’ Barack, Israel became divided and broken and America is now divided and broken.

 It took Divine intervention to reestablish Israel as a nation in 1948 but she is still not united or secure and will not be until she puts her complete trust in her God and His Messiah. She was given the chance to be free and secure 2,000 years ago but rejected the one who would have delivered her for all time. Thank God that He did not give up on her and that He sent a remnant of faithful Jews who did accept Him to the gentile nations.
 America was established by God and was the example to the world of what a nation whose God is the Lord is capable of. God was honored and feared by her citizens for nearly 200 years and during that time we prospered and grew strong. But at the turn of the 20th century we began to gradually become prideful and arrogant. It was during the first few decades of that century that Progressivism began to take shape and grow. As the years have passed since then we have allowed the Godless Progressive ideology to take over both political parties in Washington rendering God irrelevant in their minds.

  America can only survive if her people call on the God who established her and she once again honors and respects Him in the public square. If we do not return to our roots and humble ourselves before Him we will not survive and we will get what we deserve from Him. There will always be remnant who survives, but it will be just that, survival, not life in abundance as we once enjoyed.

  Our national salvation does not depend on politics but in the God who has always saved and in His Son, Jesus Christ. He will not leave us or forsake us because we are in covenant with Him and it is impossible for Him to break covenant, however He will allow us to go into exile just as He has done with Israel on many occasions.

  Whether we come under judgment or not depends on us; if we bow to His will He will restore us but if we continue to resist Him and reject His presence He will allow us to experience the full force of Progressive evil we are seeking. Pray for America…

To rid the country of Common Core and politicians who support it is not going to be easy. Though Common Core is a central issue to many it, in my opinion, cannot be the focus of the campaign to get voters out to the polls.
The issue is not Common Core it is anti-American Progressivism. For too many years most people have voted because they are offered or support some special interest instead of what is good for the republics health. We must, somehow, convince voters that Progressive ideology is destroying the foundation of America.
The message that must be communicated to the "Voting" public is that it is because of the Judeo Christian values and principles our founders put in place that we have enjoyed liberty for over 200 years. Progressives are implementing legislation every day that is causing the liberty of those who oppose their ideology to be infringed upon. People must understand that the curtailing of one persons liberty today will be the curtailing of every ones liberty tomorrow.

Our message must be one that is positive and unifying. Progressives in both party's have been using class, gender and race warfare to divide, degrade and demonize Americans for no other reason than to remain in office and for their own personal financial gain. We must expose their tactics and motives to people and pray that the American spirit will recognize that they have been being used and in fact abused as citizens. If we fail to effectively communicate a unifying message and the divisive tactics of Progressives continue to go unchecked we will see the words Jesus spoke "A house divided cannot stand" fulfilled and we will fall into the dustbin of history much like Rome did.

We must demand a return to the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and educate people that the Constitution was written, voted on and adopted as a way to restrict government not to limit the liberty of citizens. If we allow the Progressive agenda to continue to gain ground in undermining our Constitutional foundation it will effectively destroy America as we know it. Progressivism is a cancer that is as evil and destructive as "Radical Islam" and shares the same goal, control of every aspect of our lives and the transformation of America from the "Land of the free" to the "Home of the Elite".

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Days Of Noah

Really noticing that more and more of my friends are "annoyed" at the mention of Jesus. It is as though they have been taught to hate even the mention of the name, and they believe He is a sham without ever having done any of their own 'research' about what they believe. I don't understand how anyone can belittle, disparage or hate someone they have never met. 
I am of the belief that it is a spiritual thing that those who are on the "outside" cannot perceive. I look at the way people act and it is as plain as day to me that they do not know that they are being manipulated. My heart breaks for the blind who are being led straight to the gates of hell by “blind guides” who continue to spew hatred toward their only source of hope.
I am beginning to understand what Noah must have felt like as he followed God with uncertainty of what the future held as his friends ridiculed him to his face and behind his back for doing something for a reason they could not see. I fear that, like in the days of Noah, it may be too late for many to turn and they will be swept away by what is coming. I know it is never too late as long as there is breath in their lungs but God clearly says that "SOME" will be lost and I believe I know many of that “Some”.....
 I believe the "flood" we are about to see will come much like that of Noah's time, it will become ‘cloudy’ and get ‘darker and darker’ before the rain begins. Then the rain will start to fall and the darkness will increase and the lightning and thunder will be heard in the distance by those who are awake. Those who believe will instinctively know it is time to head for the "Ark" to be able to make it "THROUGH" the storm. The rest will continue to ridicule and despise believers and attack us with an ever increasing viciousness.
 Believers around the world are in a period of “Tribulation” today like nothing we in America” can imagine, but, it IS coming here too, the signs are everywhere. Our government is steadily advancing their secular agenda to remove any mention of God, confidence in faith and respect for those of us who do trust in God. Each day there is a growing hate for Jesus Christ as evidenced just this week by our Secretary of State, who attacked those who desire to “Live according to a 2,000 year old book” and by he and others in this administration who seek to divide Jerusalem and portray Israelis as the blame for failed peace.
The continued assault on our Constitution and on people of faith and those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and know Him personally is for one reason only and that is to introduce “Government as the only true God” and the ‘One’ who will care for the masses. Big government is the way Satan has deceived man and has been able to murder hundreds of millions “Legally”. I will never put my trust in government and I will NOT comply with any of its ungodly laws.
    It matters not to me where one 'fits' theologically on the "Tribulation/Rapture" theory, I personally hope the pre-tribulation folks are right, but I am convinced that the Church is going to go "Through" it all. These are the times mentioned in scripture where God is sending a great delusion to the world and it is being widely accepted and spread by the media and other “Blind Guides”.
  Know your God well and do not be deceived into following anyone but the One who has been the subject of the world’s hate and has been despised by billions since his birth. There is a reason the name JESUS offends so many….. When truth is entered into evidence the guilty are convicted and the human heart does not readily accept that it is wrong, and the human brain cannot process such a simplistic salvation as the gospel…….BUT every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that JESUS Christ is LORD, so my advice to the doubters and those who are ‘passively seeking’ truth, take your passive search and turn it into a “Passionate” search for absolute truth now and be willing to accept what you find and to be willing to suffer for it………ramble…………but truth……

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Obama's "Brotherhood"

  It is not a coincidence that Al Qaeda is the "child" of the Muslim Brotherhood which is the Sunni sect of Islam and that Obama was arming them in Egypt directly and in Syria through Benghazi (which is an act of treason). I believe providing arms for Syrian rebels was one of the reasons that more than 100 CIA and other intelligence agents were in Benghazi in the first place.

 Democrats want desperately to demonize the select committee investigating Benghazi because many of them were/are aware of what was happening because they were briefed (as were some Republicans) about the operations there. Every one of them deserves to be in prison for being accessories to murder and if proven for treason.

  Everyone knows (should know) that President Obama has shown a great deal of favor for the Muslim Brotherhood throughout his presidency. While the Brotherhood was in power in Egypt he went against Congress on more than one occasion to supply them with our fighter jets and Abrams tanks which, if they go to war with Israel, will be used against them.  

   Obama has hired a minimum of 6 Muslim Brotherhood members with direct ties to terrorism to work as advisors in the White House and has invited several known Brotherhood terrorists to the White House for meetings. Obama's Brotherhood members are directing American Islamic relations and redacting all intelligence training manuals of any mention of Jihad or Islamic terror.

  Everyone should also know that Hillary's top advisor and former chief of staff is directly tied to the Brotherhood through her father, a former member, her mother a founding member of the Muslim Sisterhood and her brother an active member.

  The following is from Progressives who seek to divert and distract from the evidence that connects Hillary’s chief of staff to the Brotherhood. It is important to note that the Republicans being disparaged did NOT accuse Ms. Abedin of anything, they merely asked if she had been vetted before being hired and given access to top secret and classified information her position as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s assistant would allow;  “On June 13, 2012, Republican members of Congress, led by Michele Bachmann, alleged that Abedin "has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations" These claims have been widely rejected and condemned by a variety of sources, and are generally regarded as a conspiracy theory. The Washington Post called Bachmann's allegations "paranoid," a "baseless attack" and a "smear”. Republican Senators, led by John McCain, stated: "The letter and the report offer not one instance of an action, a decision or a public position that Huma has taken while at the State Department that would lend credence to the charge that she is promoting anti-American activities within our government." The Seattle Times compared Bachmann's accusations to the witch-hunts of Joseph McCarthy, calling the claims "unsupported assaults by an unthinking zealot." The Anti-Defamation League condemned the letter as well, referring to it as "conspiratorial" and saying that the Representatives involved should "stop trafficking in anti-Muslim conspiracy theories".

  I contend that Ms. Abedin is a danger to national security and Hillary is unqualified to hold any public office for hiring someone that is associated with a sworn enemy of the United States. Not a single portion of the statements above have any evidence to support their claims that what they deem as “conspiratorial” and “anti-Muslim” are accurate. I would also point out that the reference to the “McCarthy witch hunts” is blatantly misleading, Mr. McCarthy was proven right in his accusations, a fact every Progressive avoids.    

   Should Hillary decide to run for president in 2016 her association with the Muslim Brotherhood must be made a central factor. It is a well-known fact that the Muslim Brotherhood declared war on the United States and it is an act of treason to aid or abet them in any way. This administration should be investigated and prosecuted for multiple acts of treason but the current spineless and politically correct leadership in Congress is as involved in aiding the Brotherhood as the Obama administration.