"Before the work on the Temple began, there were no jobs and no money to hire people or animals. No traveler was safe from the enemy, for there were enemies on all sides. I had turned everyone against each other. "But now I will not treat the remnant of my people as I treated them before, says the LORD of Heaven's Armies. For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the heavens will release the dew. Once more I will cause the remnant in Judah and Israel to inherit these blessings."
There is a principle in the passage above that is confirmed in the words of Jesus in Matthews account of the gospel; "seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you".
God told the Jews that they were struggling to survive day by day because their priorities were out of line with His will. They had no peace and strife was the constant among the people in the land. There was poverty and the threat of war from their enemies who surrounded them.
Until they realigned their priorities to the building of the Temple of God His hand of favor was removed from them and all their efforts to survive were fruitless. However when they realized what their purpose was and repented from being self centered and began to "Work" on building His Temple He once again moved on their behalf and poured out His blessing. He restored their land giving them an abundance of food in their fields, He caused prosperity to return to the people and He brought peace and security to them again.
Many today are experiencing financial difficulty and have no peace in their lives, there are many Churches that are struggling to make ends meet causing their pastors to live week to week (it is the fault of many but not all pastors) all because they have forgotten their purpose for being.
The Word of God is perfectly clear on what the purpose of every believer is and what the purpose of the local Church body is. We, the body of Christ, individually and collectively are called to be used by Him to build His kingdom.
If we would stop asking for what we perceive we need and for Him to pay our bills and heal our bodies He would fulfill His promise to us. If we start asking Him to use us to reach the lost and add souls to the Kingdom He will amaze us with a blessing we cannot imagine. Psalm 25:14 says that the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He "WILL MAKE HIS COVENANT KNOWN TO THEM". If we are in that secret place with Him and seeking to please Him He will make His covenant known to us, we will not have to search for the blessing He makes it known to us.
Simply put we know that He desires only one thing, the redemption of His people. All men are His people and He has a love so deep for them that He gave up His divinity and took on the form of a man and walked among us to show His love to the world. He spoke truth without compromise in order that many would be saved and though it would cost Him His life He sought only to please God. He was killed for the salvation of Man and in giving up His life He gained His Kingdom for eternity establishing for us the principle of the blessing gained by "Seeking First His Kingdom And His Righteousness And ALL These Things WILL Be Added To Us".
So as the ramble ends all I am saying is if you or your Church is stagnant and floundering with no peace and if prosperity is the focus of your prayer time stop praying for the things you think you need and begin to focus on the desire of His heart. Begin assaulting the Throne Room of your God with persistent and fervent prayer for souls. Ask Him to use you and your Church to bring the good news to the streets and the lost and hurting who live there. I promise if the Kingdom is your first priority and making Jesus known is your desire God will make His covenant manifest in your life and that of your Church body. Invest all you have to reach the lost, support those who labor in His fields and He will pour out a blessing you cannot contain.....
There is a principle in the passage above that is confirmed in the words of Jesus in Matthews account of the gospel; "seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you".
God told the Jews that they were struggling to survive day by day because their priorities were out of line with His will. They had no peace and strife was the constant among the people in the land. There was poverty and the threat of war from their enemies who surrounded them.
Until they realigned their priorities to the building of the Temple of God His hand of favor was removed from them and all their efforts to survive were fruitless. However when they realized what their purpose was and repented from being self centered and began to "Work" on building His Temple He once again moved on their behalf and poured out His blessing. He restored their land giving them an abundance of food in their fields, He caused prosperity to return to the people and He brought peace and security to them again.
Many today are experiencing financial difficulty and have no peace in their lives, there are many Churches that are struggling to make ends meet causing their pastors to live week to week (it is the fault of many but not all pastors) all because they have forgotten their purpose for being.
The Word of God is perfectly clear on what the purpose of every believer is and what the purpose of the local Church body is. We, the body of Christ, individually and collectively are called to be used by Him to build His kingdom.
If we would stop asking for what we perceive we need and for Him to pay our bills and heal our bodies He would fulfill His promise to us. If we start asking Him to use us to reach the lost and add souls to the Kingdom He will amaze us with a blessing we cannot imagine. Psalm 25:14 says that the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He "WILL MAKE HIS COVENANT KNOWN TO THEM". If we are in that secret place with Him and seeking to please Him He will make His covenant known to us, we will not have to search for the blessing He makes it known to us.
Simply put we know that He desires only one thing, the redemption of His people. All men are His people and He has a love so deep for them that He gave up His divinity and took on the form of a man and walked among us to show His love to the world. He spoke truth without compromise in order that many would be saved and though it would cost Him His life He sought only to please God. He was killed for the salvation of Man and in giving up His life He gained His Kingdom for eternity establishing for us the principle of the blessing gained by "Seeking First His Kingdom And His Righteousness And ALL These Things WILL Be Added To Us".
So as the ramble ends all I am saying is if you or your Church is stagnant and floundering with no peace and if prosperity is the focus of your prayer time stop praying for the things you think you need and begin to focus on the desire of His heart. Begin assaulting the Throne Room of your God with persistent and fervent prayer for souls. Ask Him to use you and your Church to bring the good news to the streets and the lost and hurting who live there. I promise if the Kingdom is your first priority and making Jesus known is your desire God will make His covenant manifest in your life and that of your Church body. Invest all you have to reach the lost, support those who labor in His fields and He will pour out a blessing you cannot contain.....