Thursday, July 31, 2014

Leadership Void

"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."

God is a God of order and He created man in His image, meaning that man is a being with order within his DNA and everything we do has order in it. Even a chronic case of disorder in a persons lifestyle is, for that person, "order".

When a people group is devoid of leadership people, who by their nature need order, wander into disorder and chaos then manifests. Israel had no king because they had forsaken the promise of God to provide the leadership needed to rightly govern them.

True kingship is not chosen or elected but it is an inherited position stemming from the promise given by God to provide man with the guidance needed to rightly reflect His nature to the world. Israel chose Saul as their king but God ordained and anointed David as His representative. Saul brought to Israel a leadership that reflected his flawed character but David, though not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, brought Israel leadership that sought to reflect a desire to know and honor his God.

Scripture tells us that Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne of David and that David knew he was only a shadow of the rightful king and as such an ambassador of his God. He knew the throne was not his to keep but that he would have to step aside at some point to allow another, the rightful, heir to assume the position of king. It takes a humble heart to acknowledge ones true identity and position in life. That same humility was shown to David by Saul's son Jonathan, who understood David was ordained by God and as such was the rightful king of Israel.

Scripture tells us that we, like David, are ambassadors of our God and that we are joint heirs of the promises of God. We are ordained to be leaders and rulers of men and angels, not just at some point in the future after the return of Jesus, but right now, right where we are. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, but He has given it over to man for a season to rule. The men He gave it over to are those who know and understand who the rightful King is and desire to rule with righteousness and integrity, giving honor to Him with humble hearts.

America is exactly where Israel was when she chose her own king and denied the one(s) ordained by God to lead. Believers have abdicated their rightful claim to the halls of our government to modern day "Saul's" and we are experiencing chaos because of that choice.

If we are children of God then we are made in His likeness and image. We are leaders and cannot escape the responsibility that comes from having a leadership gene in our spiritual DNA. We must rise up, confess or dereliction of duty, repent and ascend to our rightful positions of authority. It will not be an easy task and those who are holding our rightful positions will resist stepping down and will, like Saul tried to destroy David, try to destroy us. But when those who are ordained to lead step up with humble hearts to be representatives of the true King and living God, He will remove those who stand against His kings.

The restoration of America rests squarely on the shoulders of believers and if we do not rise to the task at hand chaos will continue.

'In these days America has no leadership; all the people are doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.'

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Is Chaos On The Rise?

  In light of the near total chaos and pure insanity concerning the rise of fundamental Islam and anti-Israel sentiment that is currently spreading around the world it is necessary to understand what is beginning happen and what we need to prepare for in the near future. 
  Shia Muslims (Iran) believe that their messiah who was a child when he disappeared will one day return to earth and set up his kingdom in the city of Jerusalem just as Christians and Jews believe their messiah will establish His throne in Jerusalem.
 The prophecy concerning the return of the 12th Imam (Islamic messiah) goes something like this: During a time of utter chaos in the world when Islam is being attacked viciously and is in mortal combat for its very survival the 12th Imam re-appears on the world stage, gathers followers and marches to Jerusalem with his armies in tow. Upon arrival in Jerusalem he goes to the Mount of Olives where the return of Jesus Christ is prophesied to take place according to Christian doctrine. As the Imam is standing on the Mount Jesus, the true Christ, does indeed appear and stands with the Imam and in front of the entire world proclaims that the Imam is the true messiah and the two then go down the Mount of Olives through the Kidron Valley and go through the Eastern Gate and head to the Temple Mount, killing all Christians and Jews in the city of Jerusalem along the way. Upon arrival at the Temple Mount the Imam establishes his throne and seat of authority there. After cleansing the city of Jerusalem of all Christians and Jews and setting up his throne the Imam empowers Jesus to go through the earth and kill all those will not convert to Islam.
 Shia Muslim leaders believe so strongly in this that they are not only willing but have publicly proclaimed that they must cause the chaos and conflict in the world that will quicken the return of the Imam. Only educated fools and idealogs believe that Iran is not trying to develop nukes to annihilate Israel, and unfortunately the leaders of the 'free' world fit into that category. The notion that negotiations with or sanctions on Iran will cause them to stop their nuke program is foolish.

  For Islam, both Shia and Sunni sects, the highest call is to die for Allah's cause; the domination of the world starting with the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews and infidels. They are very open that the destruction of Israel is necessary for there to be “peace” on the earth and that they are more than willing to die in the way of Allah.
 The president of Iran has stated publicly that he is willing to sacrifice a few million Iranians in a preemptive strike from Israel or America because it would cause Muslim countries to rise against the attackers and further the chaos that will hasten the return of their Imam and the establishment of a caliphate. Such a strike from Israel or America would mean those killed in the strike would be allowed to enter heaven because they were killed trying to destroy Israel. On the other hand if there is no early strike and they are able to acquire and deliver a nuke that destroys Israel they are also accepted by Allah and upon death they are granted entrance to heaven because they were able to destroy Allah’s most hated foe, Israel. For Islam it is a win win situation as it matters not if they are killed in their attempts or if they succeed in destroying Israel, they win Allah’s acceptance and that is what they live for. In a westerners mind this inconceivable, it is a completely foreign way of thinking. For fundamental Muslims it is not a way of thought, it is the purpose of life itself, and unlike over amused, self-absorbed and distracted westerners, they not only are willing but they desire to die for Islam.
   This is primarily why Islam is a danger and what they believe they are called to facilitate. There is very little time left to prepare for the growing conflict between Islam and the west so we must prepare for what IS coming because once they realize they cannot destroy Israel we are next on their hit list. Fortunately they are going to ultimately lose the battle and the war but trust me there will be a war filled with many battles and casualties on both sides. Our elected officials my refuse to admit that we are at war with Islam but have no doubt that Islam openly and literally has declared that they are at war with us!

  U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft summed up the difference between the god of Islam and the God of Israel and Christianity like this: 'The god of Islam demands that his followers send their sons to die for him but the God of Christianity sent His Son to die for His followers'. So there you have it, we are fighting an ideology that holds death as its goal and primary weapon in destroying Israel and America. We must lean firmly on the words of our founders when they said we must rely on Devine providence and pledge our fortunes, our sacred honor and our lives in the war of SAVING AMERICA!


"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them."

This is not a suggestion but a command. We cannot remain silent while our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered and Jews around the world are being demonized and calls for their annihilation are rising from every nation.

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil", "Not to speak is to speak", "If you are not for me you are against me". There are no gray areas when it comes to good and evil. "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness"

My own take on these words is that those who remain silent are as guilty of spreading evil as those who are committing acts of evil. If one who has been silent repents and begins to speak their guilt will be removed and evil will be exposed. Revelation 12 says evil is overcome by the blood of Jesus and the word of our "Testimony". Our testimony is Jesus Christ, we must speak with boldness...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Just A Small Part Of The Plan

From the book "Shariah _ The Threat To America"
The Implementation of Shariah by the Muslim Brotherhood
The Elbarasse archives and close observation of the 'Muslim' Brotherhood’s operations reveal the following as the most important of the techniques employed by the Ikhwan in America to achieve the seditious goals of its civilization jihad:
• Expanding the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigratio...n, and refusal to assimilate;
• Occupying and expanding domination of physical spaces;
• Ensuring the “Muslim Community” knows and follows MB doctrine;
• Controlling the language we use in describing the enemy;
• Ensuring we do not study their doctrine (shariah);
• Co-opting key leadership;
• Forcing compliance with shariah at local levels;
• Fighting all counterterrorism efforts;
• Subverting religious organizations;
• Employing lawfare - the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits;
• Claiming victimization / demanding accommodations;
• Condemning “slander” against Islam;
• Subverting the U.S. education system, in particular, infiltrating and dominating U.S. Middle East studies programs;
• Demanding the right to practice shariah in segregated Muslim enclaves;
• Demanding recognition of shariah in non-Muslim spheres;
• Confronting and denouncing Western society, laws, and traditions; and
• Demanding that shariah replace Western law.
Note that many of the foregoing techniques entail, in one way or another, influencing and neutralizing the American government at all levels.

The Seals Are Breaking....

"When the Lamb broke the second seal, I heard the second living being say, “Come!” Then another horse appeared, a red one. Its rider was given a mighty sword and the authority to take peace from the earth. And there was war and slaughter everywhere.

When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, “Come!” I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice from among the four living beings say, “A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day’s pay. And don’t waste the olive oil and wine.”

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living being say, “Come!” I looked up and saw a horse whose color was pale green. Its rider was named Death, and his companion was the Grave. These two were given authority over one-fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword and famine and disease and wild animals.

"When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of God and for being faithful in their testimony. They shouted to the Lord and said, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?” Then a white robe was given to each of them. And they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of their brothers and sisters—their fellow servants of Jesus who were to be martyred—had joined them."

Most assuredly peace is rapidly being removed from the world and the slaughter of innocents is increasing daily. Though we are being told there is no inflation the cost of living world wide is causing hardship and famine in most, if not all countries. The rise of diseases like TB and several new outbreaks of three deadly plagues and human transferable "Swine and Bird Flu" has the medical world scrambling to find ways to battle the diseases. Christians are being systematically slaughtered throughout the Middle East by Muslims for simply being 'faithful in their testimony'

Myself and many others join those who have been and are being Martyred in saying "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?" and we join the Spirit and say "Come quickly Lord Jesus".

Help My Eyes Are Bleeding!

Phony scandals; $1,000,000,000,000.00 for shovel ready jobs and various bail outs, billions in solar energy grants to companies that went bankrupt, Fast and Furious, Black Panther voter intimidation, IRS targeting TEA Party groups, dozens of unilateral changes of the ACA, NSA spying on civilians, AP news spied on by DOJ, Fox News reporter James Rosen accused of a felony, Benghazi, James Clapper lies to Congress and goes free and keeps his job, 20 + hard drive "crashes" in the IRS that would prove White House involvement in abuse of power, Muslim Brotherhood given unprecedented access to national security secrets, NSA spying on foreign allied leaders, Obama telling press corps he learned of all the scandals from the news papers, no Status of Forces agreement with Iraq, silence on the slaughter of Christians and world wide persecution of Jews, $17,000,000,000,000.00 national debt, 10's of billions of dollars being printed every month for years on end, hundreds of millions spent on presidential vacations, the V.A. scandal with dozens of dead veterans, dozens of dead Navy SEALS, the leaking of classified information surrounding the Bin Laden hit, persecution of whistle blowers and promotion of wrong doers in all these scandals....... I'm bleeding from my eyes!

How many did I miss?.....

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Progressive Wall

There is a wall in China called the "Great Wall" that was built to maintain the security of the nation from invaders. That wall still exists today and it still serves as a clear sign to all who approach it that they are not welcome and most who encounter it think twice before they attempt to violate China's border.

There is another wall that, though not as big, serves as a deterrent to stop the flow of terrorists determined to kill Israelis. The wall separates Muslim areas of Israel from Israeli areas because Muslims were continually murdering innocent Jews. Once the wall was constructed the murder rate dropped dramatically. The world was in an uproar and condemning Israel for constructing a symbol of racism and segregation. Israel shrugged off the criticism and built it any way.

There was a discussion of and in fact there was a wall promised to Ronald Reagan in 1983 but Democrats lied to him in a ploy to get amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens. There was a law passed a couple years ago that mandated that a wall must be built and we were promised it would be but this time politicians from both parties lied to us, they took our money to build it but never did.

I don't know if there were protests when China built their wall (I kind of doubt it though) like there was when Israel built hers or like there has been, is and will be as America tries to build one along the border with Mexico or not but I say it should be and must be built regardless of the politically correct race merchants.

I don't understand why Progressives are anti-wall/border and have no regard for boundaries but history shows that walls have always been built and to a large degree have served their purpose well. The more I learn about Progressives the more I think I know why the "New Heaven" is going to be a walled city......

One New Man

"...having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man...."

I believe that the tangible manifestation of the "One New Man" is upon us. I have been searching the internet extensively and have been amazed by the support of Israel by the body of Christ from every denomination and from every corner of the globe.

As the persecution of Jews and Christians increases world wide the bond between us grows deeper and the lines of enmity are disappearing. There is no sign of the persecution easing as Islam and Progressivism continue to spread their hatred of us. Their hatred and persecution of us will strengthen the bond between us that was accomplished through Jesus' "Persecuted" body on the cross.

Those of us who are aware of what is happening need to do all we can to awaken others to what is coming, not to be fearful of the persecution but to embrace the manifestation of the One New Man and the return of the Lord when we will finally be one in Christ.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The War In Gaza

"...He has shown his great power to his people by giving them the lands of other nations. All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy...." Psalm 111 NLT

For those who believe that conquest is a new idea you need to think again. Those who use the term "Occupied territory" to define Israel's claim to the land are being mislead and need to look at things from this perspective. There is not a country in existence that did not come about by conquest through war. International law says that when an aggressor attacks and is defeated the land taken through that aggression is rightfully the property of the one who was originally attacked.

Israel has been being attacked for thousands of years but has only taken and kept the land needed to ensure her security and has given back land she conquered that was not necessary for that purpose. She took the Sinai Peninsula but returned it to Egypt and she gave Jordan the land along the Jordan River that is needed for farm land to feed her people. She has the legal right to evict Arabs from what is called the "West Bank" (Judea and Samaria), Jerusalem and East Jerusalem but has not done so. She allows Arab Muslims to freely live in peace on her rightful land and guarantees their safety and the right to participate in the governing of the nation.

In return for her peaceful attempts to allow Arab Muslims to live in a democratic society she gets in return missiles and suicide bombers. She has given up land to her enemies in return for the promise of peace but each time, with the exception of Egypt and Jordan, she gets stabbed in the back by radical members of the "Palestinian" people. When she removed her citizens from Gaza a few years ago and gave the Palestinians in Gaza the land she was promised peace but instead she got rockets again.

Today she is under attack again by the 'democratically elected' Hamas, a designated terror organization, and the UN along with many nations including the US are blaming the deaths in Gaza on her and demanding another cease fire even though Hamas has openly stated their goal is the annihilation of the Jewish people.

Israel is acting as humanely as she possibly can to ensure there are no 'civilian' casualties but when Hamas uses them for shields, that is impossible. Hamas has and is hiding and firing missiles from schools, hospitals and Mosques so that Israel will not bomb them, but they must. Israel goes to extremes to warn civilians to leave the areas she is about to bomb but Hamas tells them to stay there and some reports indicate that they force them to remain so that they can use the dead bodies of women and children as propaganda photo ops against Israel.

Hamas is a manifestation of evil and must be destroyed or they will continue to murder innocent civilians. Israel should not have to live under the constant fear of terrorists coming through tunnels to kidnap or murder her people or to be under the constant threat of missiles being launched at them. They have never been the aggressor and always seeks to find a peaceful resolution, but there comes a time when enough is enough and I believe that time is now.

Israel must not stop her efforts to eliminate the threat posed by Hamas regardless of international pressures. She must continue to hunt down Hamas and their tunnels and rockets and completely destroy them or she will be back where she was before the latest aggression by Hamas began.

I stand with Israel and fully support her war against Hamas. Those who call her actions for retaliating against Hamas forget what happened to Germany when they attacked England in WWll or what was done to Japan when the US dropped two nukes on them. Allied forces leveled entire cities in Germany killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and the same was done to Japan for their aggressions.

"War is hell" and innocent people die, but sometimes it is necessary to stop evil from taking control and spreading. The conflict in Gaza is a war that Israel must fight and win at any cost or she will face more unprovoked attacks resulting in innocent civilian deaths. It will be ugly but it must be done and done now. No one except Hamas wants innocent people to die but it is inevitable under the current circumstances. If those nations that oppose the war in Gaza really wanted a humane end to the war they would support Israel and help eliminate the source of aggressions and defund Hamas and report the real story accurately. That being said don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen. Pray for Israel to be victorious over the evils of Islam.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Osama Bin Laden May Well Be dead But....

"Osama Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive"....well maybe not so much. It has just been announced that the life Obama boasted about GM having is more accurately defined as being on life support.
Another round of GM vehicle recalls has been announced and the news is not good for the auto maker. They have now recalled more vehicles than they produced last year. I don't think that bodes well for stockholders and those considering buying a "G"overnment "M"otors vehicle should probably rethink that decision.

Obama's False Flag

How do you put pressure on Israel to back off from retaliating against Hamas's constant and unprovoked missile attacks and make it look like you are acting on behalf of America?

Answer; you destroy the largest facet of her economy by banning all flights to Israel and thereby cut off all American tourism and sew fear into the public. This underhanded action is but another Progressive tactic to destroy Israel by trying to force a cease fire so Hamas can rearm and attack again in a few months. Mr. Obama will continue to use the same justification Progressives always use; "Its for the Children", this time it is for all Americans safety...

Hamas is receiving hundreds of millions of our tax dollars for "humanitarian" purposes but instead of providing for the poor and needy they buy missiles and build tunnels to attack Israel and kidnap/murder her citizens.

I will not bow to this administrations veiled attempt to put fear in my mind and turn my back on Israel. I will not buy into their propaganda or that of the UN, Israel has the right to defend herself and she must do just that. She must attack and kill Hamas wherever they are found just as we were once dedicated to finding the Taliban and killing them wherever they were found. If they do not continue their efforts to destroy Hamas now they will be right back where they are now, it will only be a matter of time before Hamas once again unleashes thousands of rockets against her again if they are not destroyed now.

I will continue my efforts to raise the funds necessary to go back to Israel in the fall and I will fly EL AL, Israel's national airline to show my support for the nation of Israel.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Signs Of The Times

“You know the saying, ‘Red sky at night means fair weather tomorrow; red sky in the morning means foul weather all day.’ You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the signs of the times! Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign, but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah."

There are many signs everywhere and many, if not most people can and do see them and understand that they are generally indicative of things that are about to happen. Understanding the signs in nature come from experiencing them personally and teaching the meaning of those signs to the next generation. The same should be true of what Jesus said concerning the 'signs of the times'.

He rebuked the spiritual leaders of Israel for either not knowing the times they were in or for deliberately misleading the people and sowing mistrust in their minds. He called them out for their actions because, I believe, they knew what Jesus claimed was true but to save their own position and influence they covered up the truth. They also tried to keep the people ignorant and were sewing the same arrogance they had in their hearts into the people they were charged with teaching.

It is my belief that one thing Jesus was saying was that we must be aware of the times we are in and that if we would seek Him and His wisdom He will show us where we are and what to do with that information. We must first be fully aware of the times we are in through what the scripture describes which means we must study the scripture for ourselves. Second we must be in constant prayer and meditation dwelling on the scripture. Third we must be aware of what is happening around the world. We cannot be aware of "signs of the times" if we are not fully aware of current events.

The Church must become much more aware of the times we are in not so we can know but so we can do. We are entering what I believe Isaiah described as "Deep Darkness" and that darkness (ignorance) is beginning to cover the earth and people are going to come to us because we have the light (knowledge) to be able to navigate through it. If we do not understand the prophetic relevance of what is happening we will be as full of fear and confusion as those who have come to us for guidance.

The signs are all around us we just have to seek to understand them....

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Another Malaysain Airline Mystery

There are reports going around the internet that Malaysian flight MH17 was intentionally diverted over a "Hot Zone". I put nothing out of the realm of possibilities when it comes to what Progressives (in this administration) will do to screw their enemies.

There are intercepted phone calls between the so-called rebels and a Russian military officer that plainly reveals that the rebels shot the plane down and that neither seems to know what had happened beyond the fact that the rebels shot down what they thought was a Ukrainian military cargo plane. Their conversation is, from my perspective, an initial explanation by the rebel leader who is informing his “Boss” of what some rebels had done. The conversation also makes clear that the rebels are being aided by and are working for Mr. Putin in undermining Ukraine.

I don’t think Putin cares what the world community thinks about him or his actions but I also don’t think he would do this to start a renewed effort to conquer and occupy Ukraine. Though he wants to rebuild the U.S.S.R. he does not need to do it by shooting down a civilian airliner that would risk international outrage and possible NATO or UN (UN is very unlikely) troops being sent to fight and destroy his rebel army. If the rebels are taken out he will lose his foothold in Ukraine, something he has invested in heavily.

So to go back to the reports that the airplane was deliberately diverted over the same airspace that a Ukraine military plane had been shot down in the past week. I have to wonder who would benefit from Russia losing the foothold they have been digging since the riots began in Kiev several months ago. It also causes me to wonder who would have the technology and the authority, or the ability to make it look like they had the authority to change the plane’s flight path.

 I don’t know who (cough...cough) would have the ability to detect where a sophisticated missile battery was at a particular time. I mean is there a country in the world with the ability to see in real time anything from a satellite as small as a mobile rocket launcher?

I don’t have any proof that the administration is involved directly but I don’t have any evidence that they aren’t either. What I do know is the history of Progressivism and within their history there is proof that they have no respect for human life, which to me says that doing something that would cause the death of 298 people to further their agenda is not out of the realm of possibilities.

 So I leave the question of whether the plane was deliberately diverted to hostile airspace for others to decide.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ignorance Is Not Bliss

Ignorance of the God of our founders and the one who inspired their writings has become the most powerful weapon we have allowed to be used against us. Without the knowledge of how our foundations were established we cannot restore them.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mr. Obama and his Progressive friends, being among those who thirst for power, call the Constitution a document of negative liberties and I completely agree with them. Our founders had a thirst for power just as Mr. Obama and his Progressive 'Comrades' do and they also thought of the Constitution as a document of negative liberties.

  Progressives want to take control of our God given right to freedom of religion, speech, a free press and the right to peaceably assemble to speak our minds and demand to be heard but the founders document of negative liberties won’t allow them to do so. 

  Everything Progressive do is about gaining more control in the guise of being for the “children” or some phony minority. They feed economic, race, age and gender division while screaming there is no white America, no black America, and no gender different America, there is only America. They proclaim they are fighting for the poor and middle class while wining and dining with the very people they call the 1%ers who are causing America’s woes.

  Our founders were well aware of those who wanted to have control of the people, having been under the thumb of England for decades. Unlike Progressives they had a vicarious thirst for power, they wanted total control of governmental power to be in the hands of the people not an elite ruling class who didn’t/don’t know what it’s like to have to work for a living and survive from day to day.

  The first amendment was penned the way it was for a reason and we must be firm in protecting and exercising it. The press has sold its soul for access to the president for the purpose of ratings on their networks. They somehow do not realize that if they are successful at helping Progressives shut down freedom of religion, free speech and the right to assemble by peddling propaganda leading to legislation, that same legislation will be used to silence them as well because the only thing that separates them from the rest of us is a comma.

 Unfortunately many Americans have also sold their souls for a few “Obama Phones” and almost a year of welfare renamed unemployment extensions (I have the facts to prove it is welfare and not unemployment). Together the media and low information voters are little more than useful idiots to the very ones they are worshiping and they will suffer the same fate all useful idiots in the past have; viewing life from under the proverbial bus when they are no longer useful for the agenda.

 We are at a very precarious time in American history, a time Progressives have dreamed of for more than a century. If we are to survive the onslaught of Progressive ideology we are going to have to do all we can to educate those around us, it’s not going to be an easy task but we must try and we must not fail.

 There will come a time when the useful idiots will awaken to what Progressives have done to them and they will be angry and want revenge on them. It will be up to us to speak calm into the raging storm and that we must do. We have a duty to hold the Constitution up as the law of the land and the way of dealing with the treasonous actions of those who betrayed its trust. If we do not emulate President Lincoln and his “Malice toward none” (except the guilty) principle we will lose the republic and the entire Bill of Rights will become a footnote of failure in our nation’s history.

  As foolish and mislead as those who blindly follow this president are and have been, we must have compassion on them realizing that they were lead and manipulated by master propagandists and that “there but by the grace of God go I". We are going to need each other to reestablish the union, and just as President Lincoln refused to allow the demonization of the confederate army and its supporters, we must not demonize or reject those on the wrong side of history during this time.

 Pray for your nation and for our fellow Americans. Pray also that the Constitution will stand the test of time and that the wisdom and Divine inspiration behind it will prevail in the hearts and minds of all Americans. We will not fail if we do not give up…….

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Real War And How We Win It

There is a spiritual battle taking place in the heavens that we must be aware of. The battle is for controlling mankind and to destroy Israel and eliminate the Jew and Christian.

There are two groups where the battle is most obvious. The first group is Islam which consists of two primary sects; Sunni and Shia. Their purpose is to destroy Israel and to re-establish the Caliphate that was dismantled in the early the 20th century.

The Sunni faction believes in a literal and physical manifestation of a Caliphate with their leaders in ruling positions while Shias believe in a ‘Spiritual’ manifestation which will be ushered in by a global state of chaos and the return of the 12th Imam who will be the ruling authority.

The conflict between the two sects is coming to a head in Syria’s ‘civil war’. Assad is aligned with Iran, the Shia, while the so-called rebels are aligned with the Sunni’s primary and most prominent faction, the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of nearly every terrorist entity in existence today, including but not limited to Al Qaeda. Their battle for control is, I believe, reflective of the chaos taking place in the heavenly realm and the outcome will affect the entire world.

The second group is who I would label as Progressives. Progressives currently control both of America’s political parties. Like Islam these two groups have the same goal; control.

Progressives within the Democratic Party want to make a global utopia with America on a ‘level’ playing field with the rest of the world; this would explain their ‘open border’ policies and their forcing of “Obamacare” on Americans against our will. They believe that America should be brought down to the same economic standard as every other nation. Though they desire ‘the people’ to experience ‘economic justice’ they would preclude themselves from that equation because of course they are more enlightened and therefore above such mandates.

Progressives in the Republican Party also want to control America and to have every other nation equal with her while they have a controlling role in governing global affairs.

The difference with Progressives in the Republican Party is that they desire to bring other nations up to our level of prosperity by forcing democracy on the rest of the world. They believe they can build a democratic utopia by ‘winning the hearts and minds of people’. They believe this can be accomplished by destroying their ‘enemies’ for them and showing them that democracy is the answer to their struggles.

The fight between Progressives is no different than the battles between Sunni and Shia; both have the same goal of control but disagree with who will be the ruling authority or how their particular utopia will become a reality.

Islamists of both sects and Progressives in both parties are dogmatic in their opinion on governing but neither are aware that they are wrong and are only pawns in the spiritual battle of the ages; good vs. evil.

While Islam acknowledges the existence of ‘a god’ they are incapable of understanding the human spirit which was created to be in relationship with God. Progressives will say they believe in ‘a god’ but like Islamists their actions prove they have no idea who the one true God is.

Neither Islam nor Progressivism has come to grips with the word of God as King Solomon recorded it in Ecclesiastes 3:11; ‘God has put eternity in the heart of man’. It is only God who can change the heart of man and bring order to the world. Islamist and Progressives believe they can legislate peace by mandating that the human spirit comply with their ideology. The struggles within both groups will only lead to more conflict and division in the world.

My point in trying to shed light on what is taking place in the world today is to cause those who might read this to understand that the struggles we are seeing are as old as time and will not be solved by any amount of human effort. Peace is only achievable when man is at peace within himself and with his neighbor.

If you believe, as I do, that peace within man was lost when he fell from grace through sin, then the only way to regain peace is to restore man’s relationship with God.

Both groups I spoke of are in fact struggling to achieve the same goal; the success of their mission to control and to be in control. Both believe success is defeating the other and acquiring the spoils of war for their own benefit.

Contrary to popular belief success is not winning an argument, defeating a foe or the acquisition of ‘stuff’. The true definition of success is the “Fulfillment of Original Purpose”. Every human being has the same primary purpose; being in relationship with his creator and unless and until man comes to that realization and pursues that end there will be no peace in the world.

The cure for the wars and rumors of war in the world is not an ideology or a political system or any combination thereof. It is not something that can be legislated or forced on man. The cure is for man to acknowledge that he is a created being among other created beings with the distinction of being the only created being with whom God desires a personal and intimate relationship with.

Saving America is not our primary goal but it is crucial to bringing THE truth to the nations. Islam and Progressivism are determined to bring America down because they see her as the only obstacle that can prevent them from destroying Israel and annihilating Jews and Christians.

Our individual mandate as American citizens, and more importantly as human beings who are created in the image of God, is to stand against those who seek to divide, control or conquer humanity with force and to show by example what success is.


Edited for current events:

  When trouble surrounds you it is always reassuring to know there are friends that will come to your aid and stand by your side and fight with you. But sometimes when you are despised by the powers that be you may have to stand alone. If you are ...firmly rooted in the knowledge that your cause is noble and will affect generations to come you are somehow able to gather the strength and courage it takes to the stand. 

  Two thousand years ago a man had to summon that strength and courage to stand alone and suffer the scorn of the world. He was abandoned by his friends and left to face the enemy of his soul. The man was an Israeli Jew and though he was abandoned by all to face the enemy, he stood his ground. It looked to all who witnessed the event as though he had lost the fight. He died in front of the mob that accused, tried, condemned and killed him. They buried him alone and those who had loved him and had faith in him were devastated and gave up all hope. But that was not the end! While the remnant of friends had given up hope and were trying to figure out how to go on with life without their friend, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was working to bring about the most miraculous act of deliverance that had ever been seen. He rose from the grave and the ash heap of history was robbed of its victory.

   There were many that wanted desperately to help him and fight for him, but the powers that were in control of the government and the judicial system were blind to the reality of what was transpiring through their actions. No one, including those who supported him, realized at the time that what was happening was actually a part of a plan that had been devised before time began.
There is a similar story unfolding in the world now. Israel is surrounded by the enemy of her soul and she is being abandoned by her friends. Those who had once said they would never leave her or forsake her are fleeing from her and leaving her to stand alone in what looks like certain destruction. Her leaders are asking for support from allies but are being rejected by all and are being forced to stand alone.

   Both the United States and the European Union have sent billions of dollars to her enemies the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. She has been denied an audience with what until a few years ago had been her strongest ally in the world. The money that has been given to her enemies is, by any stretch of the imagination, blood money that will be used to fund their assault on her and the west. All those nations who have given support to the enemies of Israel are guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of God and will be held to account by Him for their actions.

   If we are at the time spoken of in Scripture when the world will unite in an effort to destroy Israel, those of us who love and support her must take courage and trust that there is more going on than what we can see with the natural eye. If we are indeed at that time in history, then Israel must stand alone and put her trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

   I believe that it is time to intercede for Israel like never before. All of the powers of hell are being arrayed around the world to bring destruction to her and establish a New World Order. The nations involved all have their own agenda and are only unified to the degree that chaos will bring about the right opportunity for them to make their own move. Though each thinks they are using the other to be the ultimate victor, they are sadly mistaken! They are all being used by God to bring Israel to the place where she calls out to her God for deliverance.

    So as we watch things unfold in the Middle East, pray first and foremost that Israel will be unified in her call to God for his protection and that He would be revealed through her as the one True God! Pray also that God will have mercy on those of us who live in the nations who have betrayed the people and the nation of Israel. 

   Always remember that when things look beyond hope, God is still at work to fulfill His purpose even in the blackness of despair. It was faithfulness that allowed the women who went to care for the body of a dead friend in his tomb to instead meet a risen savior. I believe that the same faithfulness to Israel, even in the midst of what seems like complete failure, will allow us to see the fulfillment of the next great deliverance for His people and those who will continue to be faithful to her. I pray that in His mercy He will see that there is a remnant of the faithful still in America and that SAVING AMERICA would be part of his Devine plan for the end of the age.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Agenda

First it was we just want to come out in the light and not be harassed, then it was we just want the same rights a married couples, then it was we want the right to marry, now it is we want to shut down anyone or group who opposes our position. If homosexuals were Islamist what they are doing would be called "Civilization Jihad". The tactics are exactly the same as Progressives, Marxists and Communists and if left alone and allowed to become what they desire we are finished as a democratic republic.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”  Alexis de Tocqueville

This quote from a baffled French man who was touring America during the early days of our history trying to understand what made us 'tick' is a quote being said often by Glenn Beck in recent weeks and months. Love Glenn or hate him he deserves credit for saying what he means and meaning what he says.

Since the recent crisis at our southern border began Glenn has come under fire by many in the conservative camp for wanting to show compassion to the children that are being 'held' in what can only be described as deplorable conditions for many. Many are saying he has abandoned his conservative base and is feeding the problem because he is taking humanitarian aid to the children.

While I vehemently oppose our border being breached and parents sending their children to this country via human smugglers and cartels I cannot in good conscience say I oppose what Glenn is doing. These kids (most of them) did not decide to come on their own, they were sent here by their parents or possibly by their/our government. The little ones, some mere toddlers, do not deserve to be treated as enemies while here in this country, they need to be shown love and respect as we prepare to  send them back, which I believe is what Glenn is doing.

America is a nation of laws but we are also the most benevolent nation on the planet and to treat victims of a crime like criminals is just wrong. I am not saying that all who are coming into the country are innocent in fact I believe there are many coming who are criminals and they should be treated as such.

 Everyone of the people coming through the southern border are doing so illegally and are therefore criminals but not all have broken the law willfully and should not be treated as though they did. As a matter of fact we/I have been lobbying for the freedom of a US Marine who crossed a border through no fault of his own and is being treated as a criminal in a foreign country. The conditions are not exactly the same but the principle is in that it was not his intent to break a law but he finds himself at the mercy of the nation he is in through no fault of his own.

 The position many of these kids are in has got to be frightening to them and many of them have been horribly abused in transit here and they deserve American compassion while here. If we do not treat them with the dignity every innocent human deserves while  we prepare to send them home we will be adding to the traumatization of children who will go home with a hatred for this nation that may well come back to bite us some day. Something we don't need right now is more people in the world having a reason to hate America.

The issue is complicated and we all have opinions about what must or should be done. One thing we must not allow to happen is letting this issue be another point of division among us. Glenn believes what he is doing is what God would have him do and for that I applaud him. I have not heard from God clearly what I am supposed to do but I know one thing for certain, He has not and does not want me feeding the division Progressives are hoping will end America. God has not told me what He is telling Glenn to do and I do not presume to know His will for him or for anyone reading this.

We  must all seek God's intervention in this issue and we need to understand that we are being used as pawns by Progressives who want to further divide us. If we cease to be good to these kids and to each other we will cease to be great, we are better than those who have created this mess and we must not let them direct our steps. We must come to the place that we can agree to disagree and still love each other as Americans.

 If you believe Glenn Beck is wrong in his efforts to help the kids while they are here then don't support his efforts to help them. If you do think he is right then by all means help him fulfill his call from God to be benevolent to the kids. But whatever you do don't condemn what you do not understand.....

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We have seen how this administration works and I must confess I am very worried about what is going on in the other hand as we are being distracted by the newest "shiny thing" being covered by the press.

The invasion/crisis on our southern border is distracting from the IRS Scandal and the IRS scandal was distracting from the NSA scandal which was distracting us from Benghazi, Fast and Furious and a dozen other illegal actions by this government.

While it is critical to keep the heat on our representatives to continue pursuing the IRS, the southern border and all the other scandals the thing that worries me more than the distractions here on our soil is the rise of Fundamental Islam's new country, the Caliphate that used to be called Iraq and Syria. I have been sounding the alarm about the threat Islam is to America and the obvious (to me at least) alliance Obama has to Sunni Islamists, the ones who are cutting off heads, doing public crucifixions and making men dig their own graves and then killing them.

Obama is feeling the pressure from Americans and like an animal that is cornered he will strike out to preserve his political life. Progressives have been trying to make the political right become violent and they could easily succeeded with the help of his Islamic friends.

If we act out in violence it will give him the justification to come down hard possibly to the point of declaring marshal law. But if we see the kind of attacks by Muslims that England has and what is happening in Iraq and Syria then patriots will arise and fight them. We are being set up for an (un)civil war that Progressives has been praying for since the beginning of the 20th century.

We are in deep trouble America, very deep trouble.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Solution To Americas Problems

The 'political solution' to mass murder is more gun control. The solution to the murders in Benghazi is an "investigation" so politicians can enact more rules and regulations so it never happens again. The solution to the invasion of our southern border is for our politicians to draft and pass more legislation so we can "reform" our immigration policy and find a way to 'legalize' millions of "Illegal" border crossers.

Is it just me or does anyone else think the problem is not drafting and passing new laws and regulations but to enforce the ones already on the books. I may be alone in this, but I have NO confidence that the people in Washington DC will enforce their new laws any better than the ones they have passed in the past.

I believe the real 'political solution' is to not be looking for a "Political" solution. The only real solution to Americas problem is changing the resident politicians in Washington DC. Americas most pressing problem is "Politics" and I for one am tired of party politics and politicians who do not want solutions to our problems instead they want fodder to keep the other guy looking bad so they can attain reelection.

Both parties are using fabricated political crisis's the same way Arab nations are using "Palestinians"; not to help them live peaceful and prosperous lives but to use them as 'political pawns' to destroy their enemy so they can remain in power and control the populace.

Enough is enough we need to throw them all out.
"Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: "Don't think for a moment that because you're in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?"

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: "Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I must die." So Mordecai went away and did everything as Esther had ordered him."

Civil disobedience is not a new concept that arose during the civil rights movement in Americas south, it has been going on for hundreds of years. In the Book of Esther we are told that the Jews were to be murdered because Mordecai refused to obey a law that violated his religious beliefs. And because he continued to refuse to obey the law he had his niece Esther use her position within the political realm to intercede on behalf of the Jews, and in doing so she violated the law also.

We can see from the passage above that though we cannot obey unjust or ungodly laws we must not be eager to do so or to violate them lightly but soberly and with much prayer to discern that we are indeed within the will of God when we resist the "king's decree".

The day is fast approaching when the Church will be faced with decisions much like what Mordecai and Esther faced. We will need to stand against injustice and put the lives of others before our own. Revelation says that "they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die."

The test is coming soon and we must all be ready to resist tyranny and a godless authority when it makes decrees that violate our core values. As you read Revelation, and indeed the entire Bible it is clear that many of our "Heroes of the Faith" are such because they 'broke the law'. Jesus was crucified for what the Sanhedrin claimed was the breaking of the law, Paul was in prison for violating laws and the believers mentioned in Revelation will be persecuted, hunted down and slaughtered be because they will violate the law.

Know your God and know Him well, the days ahead will be like none we have ever seen before. Many will faint and fall away, their love will grow cold and their hearts will fail them from fear, but the faithful who remain until the end will receive a crown of life and will hear the words we all desire to hear; "Well done good and faithful servant..."

Friday, July 4, 2014

Restoration Of Liberty

2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)
"Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, he gives freedom."

Today Americans celebrate Independence day, a day that our founders dreamed of and sacrificed their all for. Those early patriots, formerly known as 'Colonist' rallied together to take a stand for the gift God have given them; a land we call America.

The founders were believers and the majority were Bible scholars who understood the basic principles of freedom were found within the word of God.

It was the "Black Robe Regiment" who gathered the Colonist together and rallied them to fight against their oppressors. The Black Robe Regiment were the Church Pastors who understood the blessing God had given them to steward. They understood that liberty came only from God and that He had chosen this land called America to be a unique nation among nations.

The pastors were very clear that God would not endorse a war of aggression but that He would honor their efforts to protect the liberty He had given them. The pastors held the colonists to a very high standard telling them they must not take the first shot but once fired on they were to defend themselves.

Today we are witnessing the destruction of everything our founders fought and died for. We have allowed ungodly people to become the leaders of this great nation and we have stood by in relative silence as the minority of godless leaders have removed our God from the place of honor He so richly deserves in our society. The more honor we have removed from Him and the more we have allowed Him to be removed from society the less freedom/liberty we have.

Today as you celebrate the 4th of July remember the holiday's real name is "Independence Day" and teach your children/grandchildren why they are partying today. Then explain to them the importance of keeping the story of our founding alive.

It should be obvious to believers everywhere that as we have removed God from our country we have seen the liberty He brings leave with Him. The scripture is absolute truth and liberty comes from God, to restore the nation many of us enjoyed as children we must return to God.

A spiritual awakening and repentance is Americas only hope of escaping judgment, and restoring liberty can only be possible if the Spirit of the Lord is once again welcomed in every sector of our republic.

The body of Christ must rise to the call coming from the Spirit to proclaim liberty throughout the land and to preach the good news to a lost and dying nation. We must not continue in silence as our children's future removed by a very vocal minority who want to silence our right to speak the truth that it is God who birthed this republic and it is His Spirit that has sustained it thus far and it is that same Spirit that will restore our freedoms because "the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, he gives freedom."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Border Crisis

If you, like me, watch a lot of Fox News Channel you undoubtedly have been hearing about the mass migration (invasion) through our southern border. The numbers range from 20 to 50 thousand children that have made their way from Central America through Mexico with the aid of drug cartels and human traffickers.

 I do not believe for a minute that this invasion is anything but another planned distraction from the IRS, Benghazi and a dozen other scandals within this administration. No one will convince me that this mass influx of children "just happened" and caught the administration by surprise like all the other scandals (sarcasm is intended on that last statement)

The pundits are all talking about what is wrong with our "Broken Immigration system" and saying we need some kind of new immigration policy. If you are leaning toward the Progressive side you are arguing for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". If you are leaning toward the GOP/Conservative side you are for closing the border before any legislation is written or passed. These are the only options they tell us there is to fix our ‘broken’ immigration system.

We cannot allow this ‘mild indoctrination’ of the public through the media to continue, we have laws and those laws must be enforced now. For the media pundits to put the immigration issue out to their viewers without the whole truth is nothing less than using propaganda to sway public opinion.     

Personally I disagree with both options, with the exception of my belief in closing the borders which is in agreement with the GOP/Conservative camp. In my opinion we need to militarize our southern border to completely shut it down immediately and permanently.

After securing the borders there should be no legislation that leads to a 'legal status', citizenship, guest worker or any other form of amnesty. Once our borders are secure and the flow of illegals has stopped we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. If we do not enforce the laws we have now there is no reason to believe this administration, or any other administration of either party, will enforce a new set of laws or regulations.

 The children that are here now, including those who are sick and without their parents need to be cared for while we try to identify their home country. If we can find their immediate family who are here legally we should allow the kids to be with them (parents only). If the family is here illegally they should be deported with their children. If they have no family here we must put them on a plane back to their home country. If there is no way to find who they are or where they come from we must care for them and put them up for adoption.

The only way the border will be closed is by electing people who believe in America Exceptionalism, which is the reason these people are coming here, and who believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Every Progressive who wants to draft more unenforceable laws is nothing more than a coward and should be run out of office.

We are a compassionate nation but we cannot be responsible for other countries troubles. Those who are fleeing their country to come here should be taking a stand in their own country instead of running away from it.  This country would not exist if those who were being persecuted ran away to hide from persecution.

 We should be involved with Central American nations helping them fight Communism and cartels but if the people are not willing to fight for their freedom they do not deserve to be free.

 I don’t mean to sound cold hearted but if we do not take a strong stand against illegal entry into the US we will lose this republic. Let us not forget all those who have come and are trying to come to America legally; forcing them to the back of the line to accommodate illegals is cold hearted and just plain wrong.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it……………