"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
God is a God of order and He created man in His image, meaning that man is a being with order within his DNA and everything we do has order in it. Even a chronic case of disorder in a persons lifestyle is, for that person, "order".
When a people group is devoid of leadership people, who by their nature need order, wander into disorder and chaos then manifests. Israel had no king because they had forsaken the promise of God to provide the leadership needed to rightly govern them.
True kingship is not chosen or elected but it is an inherited position stemming from the promise given by God to provide man with the guidance needed to rightly reflect His nature to the world. Israel chose Saul as their king but God ordained and anointed David as His representative. Saul brought to Israel a leadership that reflected his flawed character but David, though not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, brought Israel leadership that sought to reflect a desire to know and honor his God.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne of David and that David knew he was only a shadow of the rightful king and as such an ambassador of his God. He knew the throne was not his to keep but that he would have to step aside at some point to allow another, the rightful, heir to assume the position of king. It takes a humble heart to acknowledge ones true identity and position in life. That same humility was shown to David by Saul's son Jonathan, who understood David was ordained by God and as such was the rightful king of Israel.
Scripture tells us that we, like David, are ambassadors of our God and that we are joint heirs of the promises of God. We are ordained to be leaders and rulers of men and angels, not just at some point in the future after the return of Jesus, but right now, right where we are. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, but He has given it over to man for a season to rule. The men He gave it over to are those who know and understand who the rightful King is and desire to rule with righteousness and integrity, giving honor to Him with humble hearts.
America is exactly where Israel was when she chose her own king and denied the one(s) ordained by God to lead. Believers have abdicated their rightful claim to the halls of our government to modern day "Saul's" and we are experiencing chaos because of that choice.
If we are children of God then we are made in His likeness and image. We are leaders and cannot escape the responsibility that comes from having a leadership gene in our spiritual DNA. We must rise up, confess or dereliction of duty, repent and ascend to our rightful positions of authority. It will not be an easy task and those who are holding our rightful positions will resist stepping down and will, like Saul tried to destroy David, try to destroy us. But when those who are ordained to lead step up with humble hearts to be representatives of the true King and living God, He will remove those who stand against His kings.
The restoration of America rests squarely on the shoulders of believers and if we do not rise to the task at hand chaos will continue.
'In these days America has no leadership; all the people are doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.'
God is a God of order and He created man in His image, meaning that man is a being with order within his DNA and everything we do has order in it. Even a chronic case of disorder in a persons lifestyle is, for that person, "order".
When a people group is devoid of leadership people, who by their nature need order, wander into disorder and chaos then manifests. Israel had no king because they had forsaken the promise of God to provide the leadership needed to rightly govern them.
True kingship is not chosen or elected but it is an inherited position stemming from the promise given by God to provide man with the guidance needed to rightly reflect His nature to the world. Israel chose Saul as their king but God ordained and anointed David as His representative. Saul brought to Israel a leadership that reflected his flawed character but David, though not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, brought Israel leadership that sought to reflect a desire to know and honor his God.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne of David and that David knew he was only a shadow of the rightful king and as such an ambassador of his God. He knew the throne was not his to keep but that he would have to step aside at some point to allow another, the rightful, heir to assume the position of king. It takes a humble heart to acknowledge ones true identity and position in life. That same humility was shown to David by Saul's son Jonathan, who understood David was ordained by God and as such was the rightful king of Israel.
Scripture tells us that we, like David, are ambassadors of our God and that we are joint heirs of the promises of God. We are ordained to be leaders and rulers of men and angels, not just at some point in the future after the return of Jesus, but right now, right where we are. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, but He has given it over to man for a season to rule. The men He gave it over to are those who know and understand who the rightful King is and desire to rule with righteousness and integrity, giving honor to Him with humble hearts.
America is exactly where Israel was when she chose her own king and denied the one(s) ordained by God to lead. Believers have abdicated their rightful claim to the halls of our government to modern day "Saul's" and we are experiencing chaos because of that choice.
If we are children of God then we are made in His likeness and image. We are leaders and cannot escape the responsibility that comes from having a leadership gene in our spiritual DNA. We must rise up, confess or dereliction of duty, repent and ascend to our rightful positions of authority. It will not be an easy task and those who are holding our rightful positions will resist stepping down and will, like Saul tried to destroy David, try to destroy us. But when those who are ordained to lead step up with humble hearts to be representatives of the true King and living God, He will remove those who stand against His kings.
The restoration of America rests squarely on the shoulders of believers and if we do not rise to the task at hand chaos will continue.
'In these days America has no leadership; all the people are doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.'