Sunday, September 28, 2014

Workplace Violence

The Muslim Jihadists that beheaded the woman in Oklahoma has authorities baffled. Apparently the fact that he had Jihadi tattoos on his body, his Facebook page was loaded with Islamic Jihadists posts including pictures of Bin Laden whom he called his Muslim brother, the Twin Towers burning and the fact that the Mosque he attended preached Jihad doesn't provide any evidence worthy of charging him with terrorism. The debate is between whether he should be charged with 1st degree murder or "workplace violence".

I'll have to ask you to excuse me for a while because I'm on my way to the ER to see if the blood shooting from my eyes and ears means I have high blood pressure or just a simple leak from my brain.....Thank God for Obamacare......

Friday, September 26, 2014

Self Control

"I have much to say about you and much to condemn, but I won’t. For I say only what I have heard from the one who sent me, and he is completely truthful.”

This verse clearly shows that the 'man' Jesus wanted to jump all over the people He was speaking to and point out their sins, but He didn't do it. Jesus was tempted in every way we are but didn't surrender to His flesh, He exercised the fruit of the Spirit instead.
Galatians 5 lists the fruit of the Spirit, the last "fruit" listed is "Self Control". I did a little research and discovered something interesting, the meaning of the words 'self' and 'control' in Greek is "Self Control", so there is no excuse for exploding on people or for any other actions that are not Christ like.

Jesus was aware that His human nature was capable and likely to be less than truthful so He chose to restrain His flesh and yield to His father's will. There is a parallel between what Jesus did in dealing with the people in the temple and what Moses did in the desert when dealing with the children of Israel.

Moses was upset with the children of Israel and expressed that anger to the people by striking the "Rock" when told to speak to it. He portrayed God to the people in an inappropriate way and it cost him a very high price. He was denied entry to the "Promised Land" and the rest he longed for because he allowed his emotions to speak instead of his spirit. In His mercy God allowed him to see the land but he never entered into it in his flesh.

Some times we deny our selves the blessings of God because we are not in control of our emotions or actions. When we misrepresent God to the world it is a serious thing because the eternal state of men's souls are at stake. It is our primary goal as believers to make disciples of men for God's Kingdom.

I am, going to the mountain top today to seek God's grace and forgiveness for the actions I have taken and the words I have spoken that have misrepresented Jesus to those in my sphere of influence. Help me Jesus.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Power Of Words

"Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus;"

I believe that because of the depth of meaning held within the original languages of the Bible it is impossible for one English translation or version to capture the full meaning of the text. That being the case, in my opinion, each of the many translations holds only a single facet of what God is saying to us.

I believe that death and life are in the "tongue" and that we have untold power that is released through the words we speak, and in fact that our words have creative power. The power of the spoken word exceeds the power of any weapon man can develop and unleash to bring destruction. Proverbs specifically puts the word "death" before life when it states the power in our words because in our fallen state death reigns until we accept Jesus and we are renewed, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

When the writer of Hebrews wrote that Jesus is the High Priest of our confession, to me, he was saying that the words we speak as believers hold great power and Jesus, because we are in covenant with Him, must preform the High Priestly function over them.
The High Priest takes our "offerings" in to the Holy place and presents them to God on our behalf. This is one of those areas where my theology may differ from many, but there can be no doubt that our words produce powerful results. If what I believe is true then it would explain why so many believers live in constant joy and have peace even in the worst of circumstances while others live with fear and oppression one day and joy the next as though they were riding a roller coaster at an amusement park.

Paul said that the renewing of our mind is critical to maintaining our stability and that we must continually "be being filled with the Spirit". When the reality of the power in our words is seen by believers and we begin to use those word as the Spirit leads we will see an out break of faith like nothing we have seen to date.

The most powerful words that have ever been penned or spoken are recorded within the scriptures and those are the words that should be being spoken by believers today. The words of God hold within them the power of salvation of both the individual and that of the nations. Today, if we hear His voice and "Speak to the dry bones" and to the nations we can change the course of individuals and nations. It is through the spoken word that we will fulfill the mandate we were given by Jesus to "Make disciples of all nations".

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Gates Of Hell Have Been Opened

With the attacks on ISIS in Syria and Iraq comes the promise by ISIS leaders that if America attacks they will come at us hard on all fronts. Be very alert to anything that seems "odd". If you have a gut feeling about going or not going somewhere follow that feeling.

The foiled attacks on random civilians in Australia are more than probable to take place here. Intelligence agencies have said that they know of at least 100 ISIS members who have "Reentered" the US and have access to "military equipment" but they have said nothing of the hundreds and possibly thousands of them and other terrorists they have allowed to enter the US through the Southern border.

We have opened the gates of hell and the demonically possessed hordes will stop at nothing to garner revenge on those they see as their enemy, all infidels and especially Americans. When the gates were opened a plan to stop ISIS was not the only goal, Assad WILL be overthrown and Jihadists will take control of Syria and the Caliphate will be enlarged. Those who are in control may not be called IS, ISIS, ISIL or any other known label but the same demonic ideology will be the driving force of who ever it is.

Pray like your life and the lives of those you know and love are at stake because they are....

Appeasement strategy

It takes a person with an awful lot of room in their head for thought to believe what we are being told about the administration’s strategy to.…well whatever it is they say they are going to do to ISIS this week. I am by no means a military genius, but I know that if someone who has already murdered thousands and beheaded hundreds on video, and posted those murders on YouTube, say they are coming for you next, you better take them serious.

 I am sick of political pundits and spineless politicians who have been elected by well-meaning but ill-informed voters ruining this nation. We have lost our government to those who are, as I write this, trying to pass legislation that will amend the 1st amendment to end our right to speak out against the government because they want to appease a vocal minority of people, among whom are those who seek our destruction.

Politically correct politicians who have been entrusted to uphold the Constitution and to defend our nation have betrayed their oath and put America at grave risk of attack by their refusal to name our enemy. They ignore the history of that enemy and its nearly 300 year history of attacking us and our assets both here and abroad.

 From the time George Washington was our president to this day the same enemy has been trying to destroy us, but this time they will attempt our destruction from within our own borders and our government. Unlike those who were running the country in the 17 and 1800’s our current leaders are more concerned about being sensitive to the feelings of their voter base than the protection of our republic.

If the current administration does not, and I predict they will not, name our enemy and declare war against it we will find ourselves under siege and bodies will begin to pile up in our streets again. Appeasement never works when dealing with a murderous ideology, as England discovered when dealing with the Nazis.

The enemy we are being threatened by is Islam, not all Muslims but the Ideology many of them follow, and the only way to keep America safe from its evils is to declare war on it and use the full force of our military, including ground troops, to hunt down and kill those who seek our destruction in the name of Allah. If we, the people who are the focus of Islam’s hate, remain silent we will pay a grave price.

We must clearly identify the enemy so that there can be no confusion as to who they are and what their goal is. ISIS is only one “brigade” in enemy’s army, one of the most brutal but still only a small part of it. It must be understood that every Islamic terror organization in the world today is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and that the Brotherhood holds very key roles in our government.

 Many of our allies have declared the Brotherhood a terror group, but for whatever reason this administration, and the last one, has decided to embrace them as a harmless secular group who just want to be a part of western society living at peace with all. Nothing could be further from the truth, they seek our destruction and they must be confronted and removed from all sensitive areas of our government. Their mouth- piece, CAIR, is an unindicted coconspirator in America’s largest terror trial and yet they are welcomed into our society and are appeased at every turn by our politicians.

This madness must end but the only way it will is by the average American waking up and realizing the threat Islam poses. It is time to make our representatives stop being politically correct and stand up for our rights and defend this republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. Islam must be exposed.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Revised Version

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of "the moral and conservative citizens of the United States"; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present "administration" is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

America Please Come Back....

Is it just me or is there way too much "news" coverage about NFL players and the violence they have done against their families ?

Don't get me wrong, it is absolutely never right to do what has been done, but is it only happening in the NFL. Is it not happening within in the "Rap" music world ? Is it not happening more in black culture than white?

Why is the entire news media "industry" spending hours covering this issue? I guess the bigger question is why is this kind of violence happening in the first place? Could it be that Progressive policies have led to the moral decay of society? Could it be that when a society believes it no longer needs God or when a nation removes His influence from the public square the breakdown of the family and loss of the value of human life resulting in violence is the result?

Why yes, yes I think it is possible...No wait, it is not possible it is inevitable....America, please return to your God, I beg of you, return before it is too late... 


"...Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you...."

It is a choice to be joyful, a choice in adverse circumstances that is only possible if one has the eternal perspective that comes with knowing God in a personal way.

Growing to maturity is only possible if we follow the advice of the writer of Hebrews and go on past our foundational teachings and seek the deeper teachings and doctrines . "Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God. You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding. "Hebrews 6:1 NLT
Encouraging one another is critical to maintaining our courage in difficult situations. Even Jesus needed encouragement as was evidenced by His father speaking to Him saying "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased".

Living in harmony and peace is also a choice. We should concentrate on those areas in which we agree and refuse to allow division on non-essentials to cause chaos and bring shame and a distaste for our faith by those who do not know our God. If we are to cause the Jew and gentile to be jealous of our relationship with God we must demonstrate our ability to agree to disagree and yet love and live in harmony and in peace.

If we choose to do these things we have the guarantee that God will be with us! That alone should be enough reason to strive to become what this verse commands us to do.

Today I commit to living in joy while encouraging my brothers and sisters to live in harmony so that we may grow together in our faith and experience the presence of God in all circumstances which always brings a peace that passes our understanding....

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Arming The Enemy

The "Free Syrian Army" is about to receive substantial monetary support and very likely "Heavy" arms from the US. The House and Senate are debating, not if but how to 'funnel' the support to them.

Not surprisingly the media is not reporting the "FACT" that the Free Syrian Army are themselves fundamental Islamic monsters who videoed themselves cutting the heart and liver out of Syrian armed forces and eating them. I posted the self shot video here on The Constitutional Fox and on my personal page a couple weeks ago as proof of who they are.

I do not believe this action by our government can be stopped because removing Assad from power is part of the Progressive agenda. Muslim Brotherhood operatives within the current administration are working hand in hand with their "children" in the Middle East to reestablish an Islamic Caliphate that will seek to destroy Israel and eventually dominate the world.

America is under attack from within our own government and the result will be deadly to many of our fellow citizens. Our only hope to stop the madness is for every American to humble themselves and pray for God to restore our foundation. If we do not return to a firm reliance on Divine preservation we will face demonic destruction much like what is taking place throughout North Africa and the Middle East.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Emotional Manipulation

The devil has a way of twisting our emotions and using our feelings to bring us out of fellowship with each other and with God. We must not be ignorant of his strategies or how he uses what God has created within us. It is important to understand how our emotions work so we can keep them in control.

Every emotion we experience stems from a thought that passes through our mind, the thought then triggers a reaction within the brain releasing chemicals resulting in feelings or emotions. The emotion then feeds the original thought and a cycle begins that can spiral out of control. The original thought can be insignificant and unnoticed but it is not the size or content that matters, the process is. (I am not a biologist and I never played one on TV either, I read this brain stuff somewhere)

The Apostle Paul said that we need to renew our minds with the washing of the water of the word so that we are solid in our foundation and strong in our faith. He knew there would be a war taking place for our mind and that every thought comes either from God, our soul or Satan and to win the battle we need to keep feeding our minds the scriptures. Satan knows this full well and has a keen knowledge of how our body and mind work and has been able to effectively hinder many believers ability to walk through life with consistency.

I have talked to many believers who are tired of the fight and ready to give up because they feel dry or empty and have for a very long time. They do not realize that they are not dry or empty, they are "thirsty and hungry". The spirit mirrors the body in many ways and nutrition is one of them. If a person goes without food and water long enough the body begins to shut down and the desire for nourishment fades, the same is true of our spirit.

The manipulation of our feelings and emotions is a powerful tool but not as powerful as the word. It takes discipline to get in the habit of feeding regularly and no one needs the same amount, but we all need some. We can become too "religious" about reading the word and neglect the quiet time for meditating on the word and listening for the Spirit to speak. There is an old saying I learned in Bible school; "too much of the word without the Spirit and you dry up and too much of the Spirit without the word and you blow up", there is a proper balance for each individual and it is important to find it and maintain it.

The way to experience life abundantly in the spirit is to find the right balance of diet for you and stick to it (snacks are always ok on this diet). When you feel something odd in your emotions take note of what thought went through your mind before it takes control of you and you control it. God created our emotions so it is always wise to listen to our feelings because sometimes they are how He communicates to us. (I need a snack) .

"Lone Rangers"

"Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God."

Jesus is speaking to the Sadducee's, those who are not spiritually alive and yet pretend to have authority in spiritual matters. They are very similar to those today who speak of the Church as being a non-essential gathering place to justify being "Lone Rangers" and claiming spirituality is the way to keep in right relationship with God, their hypocrisy is, to me astounding.

Spirituality is meaningless if the spirit behind it is not The Holy Spirit, and I for one do not believe He is the author of an ideology that justifies not gathering together regularly with His Body, the one He died to establish. Everywhere in the New Testament the writers address the Church in their letters and not individuals. Revelation starts with letters "To the Church in", not to the "guys who live in".

There is great danger in trying to be "Lone Rangers", and those who justify forsaking His body rob themselves of the great treasures within her and they rob her of the treasures within them that God has given to help build her up and bring her to maturity. Any new believer who reads Hebrews 10 can come to no other conclusion than that gathering together regularly is crucial. Those who claim to be above the need for gathering together should read their Bible without preconceived ideas or without trying to justify a position or while trying to whitewash pain or perceived betrayal by those in the Body.

We need each other and to be a healthy body all the members must be joined together....

Friday, September 12, 2014

The One New Man

Revival on the scale God desires cannot happen unless or until Israel and the Jewish people are a part of it. We may continue to see small outbursts here and there like Brownsville or Toronto but that's all it will be is small outbursts. The waves we have seen over the past few years have been beneficial to the Kingdom but they have had limited impact on the world and have been only temporary outpourings.

If we are sincere in our desire to see the hand of God move in a lasting way then the Church must begin to earnestly pray for Israel to be grafted back into the Vine. It must not matter to us whether our individual congregations grow in size or not, what must take priority is Israel coming into her destiny. The "One New Man" Paul prophesied would be revealed depends solely on Israel accepting Jesus Christ as her Messiah and the Church openly receiving her.

If our motive is pure, we intercede for Israel and invest in those who are actively working to help her recognize Jesus as her Messiah we will experience revival in ways we could not dream. The promise we have is that if we bless Israel God will bless us.

Lasting Revial And The Jew

"Now if the Gentiles were enriched because the people of Israel turned down God’s offer of salvation, think how much greater a blessing the world will share when they finally accept it." Romans 11:12 NLT

"If" we gentiles have been enriched because we accepted Jesus is a rhetorical statement, we know without question the world has been more than enriched and continues to be.

Paul saying "When" Israel accepts Jesus is a huge reason for the Church to be not just 'hoping' for Israel to accept Him but to be making her acceptance of Him a priority above nearly all else. It is only when the Jewish people collectively have their eyes opened to see the truth of who their Messiah is and embrace the One they pierced that true and lasting revival will come.

"I stress this, for I want somehow to make the people of Israel jealous of what you Gentiles have, so I might save some of them. For since their rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, their acceptance will be even more wonderful. It will be life for those who were dead!" 14-15

If Paul was "Stressed" to find some way to make Jews jealous of the salvation we have been given then how much more should the Body of Christ be "Stressing" to see the desire of God's heart fulfilled. We should be putting every available resource we have, that is above what is necessary to maintain what we have been given to steward, into missions directed toward Israel. At the very least every Church should be giving a portion of their tithe to support the evangelization of the Jewish people in Israel and in their local community.

God does not need our financing to get the job done but it is clearly stated in scripture that those who bless Israel will be and are blessed. By investing in seeing Jews receive salvation we all benefit. When Churches finally see that Israel realizing her destiny is crucial to God's plan (and is dear to His heart) for these last days, and begin to earnestly seek the Spirits direction in the role they should be playing to that end, we will see life come to those who are now dead and the revival we have all been praying for a reality.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Boots On The Ground

Did you ever wonder why everybody in government is saying there will be "No Boots On The Ground" to battle ISIS? I have been pondering it and I always come to the same conclusion; they are all a bunch of lying, manipulating weasels who care only about their political careers! Even the top brass in Washington are sell out weasels looking more toward their retirement and speaking engagements to stuff their coffers than the defense of America.

V.P. Biden made an "impassioned" speech yesterday (if you buy his dramatization) that the press has been using to make it appear as though the Democratic party is throwing Obama under the bus. Well I for one am not buying any of it.

When our troops who are deployed in Iraq heard the B.S. Biden spewed about "Chasing them (ISIS) to the gates of hell" their response to his remarks was "How the F___(their word not mine) are we supposed to do that if we aren't allowed to go past the front gate of our compound?"

We have not won a war and held the victory since WWll because politicians won't let our military fight to win. Political correctness has all but destroyed America and if it is not stopped the proverbial full figured gal is going to sing and it will be lights out America.
We have the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen and they are chomping at the bit to be turned loose on the evil known as Islam. Our soldiers, at he ground level anyway, are committed, are willing and are able to take on the enemies of liberty and fight to the death to see them defeated, it is political correctness and Progressive policies that have allowed Islam to gain the ground it has.

It is time to throw the professional politicians at every level of government out on their butts!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Airplanes Are Coming...

 By now most people are aware of the fact that there are 12 missing airliners, including the one I wrote about back in March. The media coverage of the missing Malaysian  flight 370 and the massive search in the Indian Ocean went on 24/7 for weeks but little is being said about the airliners that are missing from Libya.

  Everyone knows what I think happened to flight 370 but I have not spoken out about the Libyan airliners yet. After talking with some people who know a lot of what is going on from the inside, I feel safe in saying that at least some of these planes have a "High Probability" of being used against America and the ones that don't come here will likely show up in Israel. 

  If you remember just week before flight 370 went missing Iran ran TV commercials depicting planes flying into buildings in Israel. While it is a possibility that Islamists will fly planes into buildings in Israel and in America I do not necessarily believe that that is the most likely scenario. Both the US and Israel are and will be on alert for planes being used as missiles and those in control of the missing planes are aware of that, but that doesn't mean they won't try that approach.

 I think it is wise to consider another way to 'use' a jet to carry out an attack that would devastate the airline industry, possibly cripple the economy and strike fear into the heart of many. "IF" I were going to use a plane to carry out an attack and wanted to assure that the plane would make it through the security precautions I would not enter the airspace of any country I was going to terrorize in a suspicious manner, I would follow all protocols and be meticulous about it as possible.  

While I would have the plane loaded with explosives, blowing up the plane would be the secondary part of my plan. I would load the plane with heavily armed Islamists and pull up to the gate in a normal fashion and have them deplane and shoot up the terminal. With what I have seen of US airport security the death toll from such an attack would be massive. After the main assault I would then blow up the plane.

As I said in one of my "Airplane Nuke" posts, some of the passengers on flight 370 were engineers who had developed, and some experts say they had perfected, cloaking technology and the ability to weaponize an aircraft. If that is true, and I believe it is, then the probability of an attack such as I described is more than a possibility, it enters the realm of probability.

Combine an attack of this kind with a coordinated attack on our national power grid and communication lines and we have the perfect storm of chaos and fear. 

  So what can be done to stop this from happening? Virtually nothing any average citizen can do. All we can do is be on alert and be prepared for anything if you are traveling. If such an attack should take place it is very likely that a declaration of Martial Law will follow shortly and chaos will ensue everywhere.

It is essential that everyone is prepared for the shocking news and that we not allow ourselves to be overcome with fear but that we stay focused and alert. We should have enough food and water to last for several weeks and we must be heavily armed and ready to use them if necessary against those who threaten our safety.

Above all PRAY! 


"Consider the ant..."
I talked with a couple of my friends in the intelligence business today and our conversations were not what I was thinking they would be. Instead of the usual "what's happening on the inside" stuff, both conversations went to prepping for bad times. We all were on the same page in believing we are in huge trouble here at home.

I can't go into any depth about some things, but suffice it to say, there are terrorist among us , some are under surveillance, but there are thousands they have no clue where they are or what they are planning.

Everyone of us must be prepared to help everyone who is, at the present time, blind to what is coming. We need to have supplies to be able to survive for several weeks and be willing to share it with neighbors and friends.

Like the ant, we must think about the future and take actions that will lessen the affects of "winter". We cannot allow fear to control us, we must do what ever it takes to help each other. There are going to be millions of people who will need help and who will be looking for answers and we who believe have the answers they need.

We are about to see the greatest harvest opportunity we have ever seen so we must prepare for it while we can. My advice to all right now is to become Kingdom minded in everything. Pray for the plans that would cause harm to be exposed and stopped .Build up supplies, that include bibles, make sure you are wise in how and who you are helping.

Now is the time to be sowing into the Kingdom. We need to support missions and especially those we know personally so we know our resources are being used wisely.

This not a time to shrink back but a time to "run toward the sounds of battle".