Saturday, August 25, 2012

There is a fundamental flaw in the way our government is dealing (or not dealing) with the threat of Islam, and specifically the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether it is intentional or not, only time will reveal and that will very likely be too late!

 An honest look at history would reveal, even to the worst of students, that the Muslim Brotherhood is anything but a peaceful organization. Their stated goal, even as recently as one week ago from their leaders in Egypt, is the re-establishment of the Caliphate and the implementation of Shariah on a global scale.

 Recent news stories from Cairo Egypt tell a horrifying tale of torture including the crucifixion of opponents of the new Muslim Brotherhood president. Christians are being driven from their homes and churches are being burned, strict adherence to Shariah is being forced and new laws are being written that include the taking of young girls for wives. President Morsi has agreed to meet with the Iranian leaders, who have stated they wish to remove the nation of Israel from the map, which is a shared goal of theBrotherhood. Mr. Morsi has fired his military Generals and declared that Egypt will be an Islamic state under Shariah. There are more evidences but I will not go into the long list of news articles describing the drastic measures being taken to help usher in the 12th Imam and the global Caliphate.

  Our government, having rejected the truth of what Islam is, and themselves ignorant of things of a spiritual nature, is trying to deal with Islam from a purely secular stance. Because politicians have decided that God has no place in government they lack the ability to recognize and accurately identify the enemy within our own gates. To some extent the evidence would lead one to believe that there is some “willful blindness” when it comes to the Brotherhood and their vision for America. Our intelligence agencies are either grossly incompetent, being silenced by the “powers that be” or are guilty of treason. One gross example of ignorance, stupidity or treasonous activity is James Clapper, NAS advisor, at a congressional hearing not “knowing” that the brotherhood had declared war on America, and declaring that they are a secular group that has sworn off violence. Google it! It is astounding!

 Islam is an ideology that is driven by a belief that is a “black mirror image” of the belief of Christianity in the return of the Messiah. In Islam death in the course of jihad is the highest honor and the only sure way to enter heaven. Washington, for the most part, dismisses the power of Ideology to drive men to give their lives for a belief in something they cannot see. Given the undisputed fact that nearly 2 dozen did just that on American Soil on September 11, 2011 it should not be an unreasonable conclusion for one to arrive at! Instead we continue to see our leaders bow to political correctness and capitulate to the demands of those who attacked us! The continued escalation of a nuclear race that WILL result in another attempted Holocaust on the Jew is being met with what I would call Chamberlin like ignorance!

  An Ideological war cannot be fought, let alone won, by a secular humanist, let’s sit down together, have a beer and talk about this, strategy! Jihadist are ready willing and able to carry out whatever their ideological leaders instruct them to do. Our leaders are incapable of knowing the power of belief in a higher power, which is evidenced by the last 75 or so years of legislating God out of the governing process in America.

  The belief in God that inspired our founders to build this republic on Biblical principles has been replaced by a progressive secular humanism that negates a reliance on Devine providence. There is no intelligent, literate person who can read the Bible and not see that it is accurate in all its prophetic predictions and yet we see our leaders do all they possibly can to dismiss the evidence as irrelevant!

 SAVING AMERICA is going to take a radical new government! By radical I mean a return to the foundation of scriptural principles in the governing process of America. WE THE PEOPLE are going to have to begin to demand that those who govern are supposed  to understand they work for us, not rule over us! If the current trend of political correctness continues we will see Islam become the “NEW AMERICA” with the flag of Islam flying over the capitol building! The people who have declared war on us are “dead” serious about ruling the world with Shariah being forced on all people!

 There is now a coalition of 57 Muslim nations that call themselves the United States of Islam. Each of these nations is an active member of the UN and collectively they wield an enormous amount of power to form policy within that body. This coalition of nations all share the belief that the world must be in a state of chaos before their Messiah returns. Each also believes that death by Jihad, alone or collectively, is the greatest honor a Muslim can receive from Allah!  

  As I stated earlier some evidence would or could lead one to believe that some elements of our government might actually be actively involved with the stated goal of overthrowing capitalism and the Constitution of the U.S. ie. The seeming ignorance of the security departments is itself way too much to give credence to. The Obama administration placing much more emphasis on Muslim relations than any other group is also quite disturbing. Inviting known terrorist to visit the White House and holding an event for the Muslim Brotherhood there is also unusual. Inviting a world leader whose political party is publically crucifying opponents would fall into the category of a “bit” unusual too. These oddities are all involving the M.B., but there are other strange alliances in this administration.

 The new voice of the OWS has been caught on video saying that the object of the movement is to topple the U.S. and make America a Communist state. The New Black Panthers are actively inciting racial violence and murder of whites openly on the streets of Washington and Philadelphia. Not a word from the so called Justice Department or the Department of Homeland Security. Speaking of the D.H.S, it has been revealed that D.H.S. has purchased more than 1,000,000,000 (BILLION with a B) rounds of small arms ammunition, nearly all of which is .40 hollow point slugs, this is NOT target ammunition. N.O.A.A. (that’s right the weather people) have bought hundreds of thousands of similar ammunition as has the Social Security Administration! For what! They are either planning something or planning for something. Either way it is very unsettling to see this and other nefarious activities being committed by OUR GOVERNMENT.

 I don’t know what is going to happen in the near future, but if we as citizens don’t get much more involved in holding the government accountable we will one day wake up in a nation that is not America! We must all take a stand against the madness in government or we will be labeled threats to society and imprisoned or hung for treason by it. As Ben Franklin said, we will either stand and fight together and possibly hang together or most assuredly we will hang alone. I have determined that SAVING AMERICA is my highest goal and I will honor the oath I took upon entering the USMC and lay down my life for her if necessary. If the American experiment fails it will not be because I laid down on the job! My God is the one true God and Allah will bow his knee before him and confess it to be true along with the traitors and cowards who remained silent in the presence of the evils of Islam and progressivism in all its ugly forms.  

 So once again I urge everyone reading these words to do your part to get involved with the restoration of America. Make calls, use face book, email, do whatever you can to inform and encourage the people in your sphere of influence to take a stand and please make sure you are registered to vote and then vote!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

“Jihad for Allah is not limited to the specific region of the Islamic countries, since the Muslim homeland is one and is not divided, and the banner of Jihad has already been raised in some of its parts, and shall continue to be raised, with the help of Allah, until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated, and the State of Islam established.” Mustafa Mashhur, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 1996-2002

   “The Islamic State starts by reforming the individual, followed by building the family, the society and the government, and then the rightly guided Caliphate, and finally achieving mastership of the world, a mastership of guidance, instruction, truth and justice.” Mohammed Badie, general guide of the Egyptian Muslin Brotherhood.

  These two statements are direct quotes from the spiritual guides of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Both men state without hesitation that the goal of Islam is establishing a world- wide Caliphate. For those who are unfamiliar with Islam and think that it is a religion, it is not! Islam is an ideology similar to Communism, Socialism or Marxism. It is a form of government which has, as a very small element, religion to solidify the believer’s strict adherence and commitment to Shariah unto death due primarily to the fear of Allah rather than belief in the love of God as is true in Christianity.

 The Brotherhood is roughly 100 years old and is widely accepted in the Muslim world as representative of Islam as a whole. Al-Qaeda was birthed from the Brotherhood by Osama Binladen in the late 1980s. They are responsible for nearly all terror attacks across the world and have formally declared war on America. The threat to civilized societies around the world is real and must be treated with all diligence! Their goal of establishing a global Caliphate (governing kingdom) through jihad is marching ahead at breakneck speed in the Middle East and believe it or not right here in America.

 Our political and cultural leaders in the secular community have in many cases un-wittingly placed themselves and, through a sort of forced political correctness, the majority of the American people under the rule of Shariah law. Under Shariah it is a crime to speak against Allah, Mohammed, the Koran or Islam. Being silenced for fear of being labeled an Islamophobe is to be in compliance to Shariah Law.

  The federal government has hired several members of various Muslim Brotherhood organizations including CAIR and ISNA to be public relation advisors in numerous security departments. Having these unindicted co-conspirators (designated such by a federal judge after the Holyland trial and labeled the same by the FBI) has resulted in the complete scrubbing of all references to radical Islam and Jihad from all training manuals in all security agencies so as not to offend the Muslim community. This political correctness is not allowing those responsible for keeping America safe from all her enemies to identify her most deadly foe, Islam!

 America has been at war with Islam in one form or another since the late 1700s when we sent our troops to foreign soil for the first time to destroy pirates attacking our ships off the African coast of Tripoli. Islam has attacked us in nearly every corner of the world and still only a very few in our government are willing to acknowledge the threat posed by Islam and in particular the Muslim Brotherhood.

 The city of Dearborn Michigan is under siege by Islam and there have been more than 50 cases of judges in America considering Shariah in presiding over law suits. One such case involved a woman in New Jersey seeking a restraining order against her husband for repeatedly raping her. The judge ruled in favor of the husband because under his “religion” (Shariah) his wife was his property and as such he had authority over her body!  

 Jihad is being waged on a daily basis through what is called by fundamental Islamists “civilization Jihad”. Civilization Jihad is what the “gentleman” I quoted earlier described. It is a process of occupy and populate until such time as you out number your enemy then by all necessary means you destroy him! This process is described in full in the Koran as an acceptable means of conquering lands and peoples. This tactic has been being used effectively for centuries by Islam and has virtually crippled most of Europe. It is being used in America and as I mentioned Dearborn Michigan has been nearly lost to Shariah.

 Under the US Constitution Muslims have the God given right to worship Allah whenever and where ever they wish. They do not however, have the right to implement any form of governmental laws other than the Constitution of the United States! The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all other forms of government and law must be forbidden to exist on our shores! We must protest the political correctness of our leaders and fellow citizens at every level and resist compliance to Shariah Law or we will find ourselves in the same position as England and most of the rest of Europe.

  The infiltration of America by Islam and through the Muslim Brotherhood must be confronted by “We The People” now and continually until such time as they have been driven from positions of influence and authority in America and, indeed the globe, or we will find ourselves kneeling 5 times a day facing Mecca and praying to Allah. Or like myself, bowing before the TRUE GOD and asking for vengeance on those who martyred me and my brothers in Christ for our faith! SAVING AMERICA and the rest of the somewhat free world is at stake and if we do nothing we will be held accountable!

Ps. any comments can be directed to

Monday, August 20, 2012

 The role of the press has traditionally been that of holding the government accountable by doing what is called investigative reporting. It has been responsible for the exposure of such things as the Watergate Hotel break in, the John Edwards scandal, the oil for food scandal and many other cases of fraud and corruption in government on various levels of national importance .

  The importance of the free press is evident in that it is mentioned by name in first amendment of the constitution. The founders recognized the importance of having a non-governmental independent body to have freedom of speech to hold them , the founders, accountable to the people. At one time in America the press was a respected “news” source for citizens to find out what their representatives were doing, both good and bad.

 Today there is no really reliable source of news on the available to most citizens. Only a few sources are “somewhat” balanced in their coverage of what they determine to be news worthy. For the most part I don’t have a problem with how things are covered on those networks and in those newspapers. My real issue is what is being covered.

  I would dare to bet that very few people reading this article have heard that over the past few months there have been several purchases of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration and believe it or not National Oceanic  and Atmospheric Administration. The total number of rounds of ammunition, mostly 9mm hollow point, totals over 1,005,000,000 (that’s BILLION WITH A B!). Now I can understand D.H.S. needing bullets (they alone bought a billion rounds plus a massive amount of high explosives) but what on earth does the Social Security Administration need hundreds of thousands of rounds for? Again I have no problem with taxpayers paying for the arming of D.H.S. but what does the weather service need tens of thousands of rounds of small arms and ammunition for? It would seem, to me anyway, there may just be some need for an investigation into this peculiar activity. According to the D.H.S. website (before the information was scrubbed on Saturday) all of the ammunition had to be delivered by August 20th. Why? Why so much? Why by the 20th? Are they expecting massive civil unrest? Are the weather men so wrong in their predictions they fear the public storming the administration angry about the rain at the family picnic? Are they afraid of the elderly rioting over the lack of cost of living increases?

  I would further bet that few if anyone in the country are aware that the new Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President has been invited to the White House in September. You may say so, he is the democratically elected leader of Egypt. Well an uninformed person would have no trouble with that, but, if the press had been doing their job no American would want this man or anyone associated with his government on our soil let alone at the White House as an “HONORED GUEST”! The Muslim Brotherhood has been beating and publicly crucifying opponents of the party in front of the presidential residence in the capital city! These are barbaric people and this president has called them partners in peace and has openly praised them! Can anyone imagine what kind of people would actually crucify anyone because they disagree with them politically, or for any reason at all!

 There is more, much more that the press is not telling the American people. There are also a lot of things they are telling us or letting themselves be used to tell us that is blatantly false and potentially deadly to this republic! WE THE PEOPLE must take action to hold the press accountable. We must make every effort to get ourselves informed and inform others and we must contact the corporate heads and demand that they quit being schills for politicians and corporations. We are being led down a very dangerous road on many levels and this generation will be held accountable for the destruction of this republic! Everyone can do something to inform family and friends. I have started this blog to inform as many as possible, I write letters to the editor I gather and send information to people on Facebook and through e-mail. I urge you to do whatever you can to save this republic from the progressive agenda that is a cancer to this democratic republic. Do all you can and do it now. SAVING AMERICA must begin to take the highest priority or we will have lost the very gift of God that gives us the liberty to speak out against government corruption or to be apathetic and lazy! If the lazy and apathetic don't get up off their backsides they will find that they will no longer have the liberty to continue in their lifestyle! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

  I feel like I need to lay out a couple differences between Islam and Christianity so in this post I want to explain in somewhat general terms one of the main prophecies from Islamic teaching concerning the return of the “messiah”.

  Muslims believe that their messiah who was a child when he disappeared will one day return to earth and set up his kingdom in the city of Jerusalem just as Christians and Jews believe their messiah will establish His throne in Jerusalem.

 The prophecy concerning the return of the 12th Imam (Islamic messiah) goes something like this: During a time of utter chaos in the world when Islam is being attacked viciously and is in mortal combat for its very survival the Imam re-appears on the world stage and marches to Jerusalem with his armies in tow. Upon arrival in Jerusalem he goes to the Mount of Olives where the return of Jesus Christ is prophesied to take place according to Christian doctrine. As the Imam is standing on the Mount Jesus the Christ does indeed appear and stands with the Imam and in front of the entire world proclaims that the Imam is the true messiah and the two then go down the Mount through the Kidron Valley and go through the Eastern Gate and head to the Temple Mount, killing all Christians and Jews in the city of Jerusalem along the way. Upon arrival at the Temple Mount the Imam then establishes his throne and seat of authority there. After cleansing the city of Jerusalem of all Christians and Jews and setting up his throne the Imam then empowers Jesus to go through the earth and kill all those will not convert to Islam.

 The Muslim leaders (generally speaking, those who are considered radicals) believe so strongly in this that they are not only willing but have publicly proclaimed that they must help to cause the chaos and conflict in the world that will quicken the return of the Imam. Only educated fools and idealogs believe that Iran is not trying to develop nukes to annihilate Israel, and unfortunately the leaders of the world now fit into that category! The notion that negotiations with or sanctions on Iran will cause them to stop their nuke program is foolish.

  For Islam the highest call is to die for the cause of Allah and his purpose is the domination of the world starting with the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews and infidels. They are very open that the destruction of Israel is necessary for there to be “peace” on the earth and that they are more than willing to die in the way of Allah. The president of Iran has stated publicly that he is willing to sacrifice a few million Iranians in a preemptive strike from Israel or America against them because it would cause Muslim countries to rise against the attackers and further the chaos that will hasten the return of their Imam. Such a strike from Israel or America would mean those killed in the strike would be allowed to enter heaven because they were killed trying to destroy Israel. On the other hand if there is no early strike and they are able to acquire and deliver a nuke that destroys Israel they are also accepted into heaven because they were able to destroy Allah’s most hated foe, Israel. For Islam it is a win win situation as it matters not if they are killed in their attempts or if they succeed in destroying Israel, they win Allah’s acceptance and that is what they live for! For the western way of thought this inconceivable, it is a completely foreign way of thought. In reality it is not a way of thought, it is their meaning of life itself, and unlike the over amused self-absorbed distracted westerner they not only are willing but they desire to die for Islam!

   So this is primarily why Islam is a danger and what they believe as a whole. There is very little time left to prepare for the coming conflict between Islam and the west so we must prepare for what IS coming because once Israel is finished we are next on their list! Fortunately they are going to ultimately lose the battle and the war but trust me there will be a war filled with many battles and casualties on both sides. Our elected officials my refuse to admit that we are at war with Islam but have no doubt that Islam openly and literally has declared that they are at war with us!

  One last point before I end this post, US Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft summed up the difference between the god of Islam and the God of Christianity like this: The god of Islam demands that his followers send their sons to die for him but the God of Christianity sent His Son to die for His followers! So there you have it, we are fighting an ideology that holds death as its goal and primary weapon in destroying America. We must lean firmly on the words of our founders when they said we must rely on Devine providence and pledge our fortunes our honor and our lives in the war of SAVING AMERICA!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

 In the epic struggle we face to return America to its’ foundation we must understand the forces that are arrayed against us. Though there are several groups that want to redesign America to fit their ideal land of utopia, there are some who are much more nefarious in their goal. These groups are using the young and uninformed as “useful idiots” to achieve their goal.

 Our government has become so politically correct that they have forbidden themselves from identifying the clear and sworn enemies of America! I will endeavor to shed some light on one enemy that I believe is extremely dangerous and very active in the U.S. today and has been for many years. We must understand who they are, how they work and what their stated goals are to be able to defeat them. According to Jesus we have the authority to crush the serpent and step on the scorpion, BUT, we need wisdom in when and how to attack them. If you step on the snake’s tail he will turn and strike you as will the scorpion if not handled correctly!

  I will start with Islam and the organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood. The M.B. has a 100 year history dating back to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. This group of individuals formed in 1928 with the stated goal of re-establishing a global Caliphate (a system of Islamic law known as Shariah).

 One of the most common misconceptions about Islam is that it is a religion, it is not! Islam is a political system of governing based on the Koran. In reality Islam is no different than the ideologies of Communism, Marxism or Socialism.

  In Marxism, Socialism and Communism people are told there is no god but the government. That all one is and has is for the collective and the individual owes his very existence to the government, and all rights and liberties come from government. The ideology behind Islam is similar with the exception being that the god of Islam (Allah) dictates every aspect of one’s life through the Koran and other writings from Islam. Religion is a very small part of Islam but is used to control its’ followers with the threat of physical harm or death for resisting the dictates of the Koran or for leaving Islam. 

 The M.B. is a multi-faceted organization with the stated goal of establishing a global caliphate. The following is from the M.B.’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987 on their role in America: “The process of settlement is a “Civilization Jihadist process” … The M.B. must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging it’s miserable house by their own hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and god’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”!

 These are their own words and need to be taken at face value. If there is any doubt that Islam is a global threat one needs look no further than any news broadcast of the events around the world. In virtually every conflict on every continent Islamist are carrying out attacks of terror with the goal of toppling governments and “winning” converts.  There are cities in Europe where police and fire officials are forbidden by the Islamic community leaders. These areas of cities are known as “no go zones” and are found in France, England, Germany Belgium and other European and Asian countries. A full explanation of their goal can be found by doing a Google search of the M.B. strategic plan for North America titled “An Explanatory Memorandum: On The General Strategic Goal for the Group”. The document was seized in an FBI raid on Ismail Elbarasse’s home in Annadale Virginia in 2004.

 The organization has been tied to terror groups around the globe yet the federal government continues to ignore the obvious threat posed by them and has gone to extremes to protect and to employ members in top national security departments! One group in particular is C.A.I.R., the Council on American-Islamic Relations. C.A.I.R. was deemed an unindicted co-conspirator in the infamous Holy land Foundation trial and the FBI has cut all ties with them because of their ties to Hamas, a terror group with links to Iran.

C.A.I.R and another group I.S.N.A. (Islamic Society of North America) are both co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation and yet they are widely accepted by the feds as credible sources to turn to in matters of national security! The Obama administration has welcomed them into the White House as honored guests and has allowed them to be given security clearances to work in various national security agencies including DHS and ICE. On at least one occasion a member of the DHS (MB) was caught downloading secret documents from a computer belonging to Border Security. The head of DHS Janet Napolitano was questioned about this in a senate hearing and was “oblivious” to the event and promised to ‘look into it personally’. The senator who questioned her the first time had the opportunity to question her again a couple weeks ago and her response was either incompetence or treasonous! (the exchange can be seen on YouTube).

 SAVING AMERICA is going to take bold people asking bold questions to government officials. But we must ask and we must demand answers! We must remind elected officials that they work for us and we demand that the security and wellbeing of our foundation be the absolute 1st priority.

 I will continue to expound on the identity and mission of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood and its many organizations in America in future blogs. I urge anyone reading this to research the materials and names I have mentioned in this post. This is much too complicated a group to define and expose in a single post so till next time stay focused and keep the mission of SAVING AMERICA in your prayers and actions! May God bless America and may America once again bless God!

Friday, August 10, 2012

  In a fight for survival the old saying “all is fair in love and war” comes to mind. Though the instinct for survival is strong to nearly all powerful in the animal kingdom it should not be so in the human race. For civilized man there is a much more appropriate old saying that is both honorable and dignified. It goes something like this ‘It’s not whether you win or lose that matters but how you play the game’.

  I have real issues with the way the establishment politicians are “playing the game”. The lengths they go to acquire positions of authority are appalling!  The demonizing of an opponent shows the real character of the individual seeking election to office. If a person will use tactics that are meant to destroy another person’s character one would have to wonder to what lengths they would go to further their own agenda. If one is willing sell his own integrity, and for that matter, his soul, for temporal gain he/she should be exposed and barred from public service for life.

 The recent political attacks against Mitt Romney by Harry Reid, a United States senator, and a political action committee linked directly to the Obama administration ought to be enough to make those who elected them to office hide their heads in shame! In Senator Reid’s case he accused Mr. Romney of tax evasion for a period of ten years which is a felony offense punishable by imprisonment. He made this charge on the floor of the seat of our national government for the world to see, and indeed because of the media coverage he knew it would get, the whole world did see. The senator knows there is no basis for the charge because the ubiquitous I.R.S. would have had Mr. Romney arrested, fined and imprisoned.

  In the case of the Democratic Super-PAC Mr. Romney was accused of being directly responsible for the death of a woman who suffered from cancer. When it was vetted and proven to be blatantly false by both conservative and liberal fact checkers the producers of the ad still stood by it. The Obama administration claimed to know “nothing” about the ad or the man in it or his claims that Mr. Romney was responsible for him losing insurance coverage and subsequently the death of his wife. When ABC, CBS and FOX news all showed that not only did the White House have that same man in an ad earlier this year,  a top aid for the re-election of Obama had the man on a recorded conference call in which the man told the story to her and others. After it has been proven that the mans’ wife was diagnosed 5 years after Mr. Romney left the corporation and had no ties to it any longer, still they stand with it and refuse to acknowledge it is a fraudulent charge. And when asked by the press to admonish the so called super-pac the White House still refuses to do so!

 This is the same Barack Obama who, while running for the presidency, said that these types of tactics are harmful to the very fabric America and its political system! He was the “new” type of politician that would bring an end to the partisan politics and once again unite the country. His whole campaign was focused on “HOPE and CHANGE”!

 These tactics could only have been done to demonize a political opponent who threatens the progressive agenda. If this administration will be involved in this style of political gamesmanship to maintain power, what else are they willing to do after they accomplish their goal of keeping the White House? I could spend much time answering that question, and I will soon! The most dangerous threat deals with the Islamic threat and in particular the Muslim Brotherhood and I will speak out on that soon.

 This country is in deep trouble! The progressives are almost completely out of the closet and are implementing a divide and conquer strategy. The president daily sows the seeds of class warfare, turning the poor and the lower middle class against the upper middle class and the wealthy. By executive orders he mandates programs to seduce the poor to vote for him and prohibits the enforcement of whatever laws will appease his base and certain minority groups and thereby gains their vote. He is continually demonizing the rich at campaign stops by day and then by night he attends $40,000.00 a plate campaign dinners with the elites in Hollywood and Wall Street bankers.

 The man is dangerous and a threat to the very fabric of America and must he be exposed and voted out of office along with the entire progressive movement!

 The upcoming election will either be the beginning of the restoration of America or it will be the end of the American experiment in self-government! The choice is clear and it is ours to make. We must use every tool available to us to spread the truth of the progressive agenda to destroy America and incorporate her into the “New World Order” longed for by the leaders of the progressive cancer that permeates nearly every government on the planet!

I know I sound like a broken record but we must use social media for more than sending cute pictures of our kids and grandkids. We have to find and post things that help inform the uninformed and less educated. We have to tell the deceived what is going to happen to them when the elites no longer “need” them! We have to communicate with these politicians and let them know we are aware of what is happening and will end their careers at the ballot box. We have to know and understand the founding documents so we can hold them accountable to them. We have got to get people who are like minded about the Republic to make sure they are registered to vote and then make sure we, and they make it to the polls in November. But most importantly we must pray for the Lord to have mercy and spare this nation from His judgment and to deliver us from the ideologies of past generations that have always lead to mass graves and the destruction of grate nations throughout history!

 SAVING AMERICA is going to be no easy task, but “With God all things are possible!”  In this fight we cannot stoop to the level of the progressives, we must use the tools the founders left to us and defeat them in a way that will be an example to our descendants and will help restore integrity to the political system again. In so doing we will restore the ideals that my generation was taught and what I mentioned at the beginning of this post, “its’ not whether we win or lose that matters, but how we play the game!”
ps: you have no idea how hard it was to not use the terms pinheads and weasels! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

  Silence in the presence of evil, is in itself evil! So why are so many Americans keeping silent while evil is rampant in the public square? We as a people have demonstrated the goodness that is our core time and time again in the course of our history. We have sent troops to free tens of millions of oppressed people throughout the world. We have sent   humanitarian relief to victims of natural disasters, even to nations like Iran and Pakistan and China who don’t exactly have us on their Christmas card list (or Ramadan card list). We send hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars to subsidize their governments. We help Muslims and Jews, Christians and Hindus and any other ideologically different people group that is in distress. We have conquered the world’s most evil wicked despots and dictators and never occupied the countries to colonize and rape the land.

  All of that and countless other endeavors have been performed in the name of freedom and liberty for all peoples. Sure we did some pretty rotten things too, but we have always tried to rectify the situation. In the end we always seem to get things right and allow the fundamentals of who we are as a  people to prevail with freedom and liberty given a chance to take root and grow.

  But now we seem to be losing our identity as the UNITED STATES. We are divided socially and politically, morally and ethically. We were a people who could agree to disagree and not hate each other over our views. But today there is a level of discord we have not seen since the Civil War.

 For the most part today if you say, as the man who owns Chic Fill A did, that you support traditional marriage you are a homophobic hater. If you question the intensions of a known terror group, as several Congressmen/women did you are an anti-Muslim Islamophobe. If you are pro-life you are an ANTI-abortion hater of a womans right to choose, if you support the 2nd amendment right to bear arms you are somehow an extremist.

   When the Democrats completely lost their party to the progressives, civility left the country. They always have a way of phrasing the argument in such a way as to show themselves as the compassionate caring party. The demonization of anyone who disagrees with them has become the norm.

  They throw out speculation as fact and demand that until one is proven innocent they are indeed guilty. A couple examples of this are the accusation against Mitt Romney of either being a liar or a felon,( with no evidence), by the Obama campaign. And most recently Senator Harry Reid stood on the floor of the Senate and said that the “word is out” Mr. Romney has not paid taxes for ten years while with Bane Capitol and it is up to him to prove otherwise. Mr. Ried said he was told by an unnamed source who worked with Mr. Romney that he had not paid taxes for ten years and Mr. Ried, without investigating the allegations, brought the charges to the media and the floor of the United States Senate solely to demonize Mr. Romney.

  This kind of uncivil behavior is not who America is supposed to be! Why has it been allowed to get to this? I would contend that We The People have not fought back because we are good people at heart. We don’t want to be called haters or intolerant bigots/racist, and don’t want to be seen as insinuating anyone else is either. We are non-confrontational and generally quiet and peace loving people whose only agenda is enjoying life and liberty with family and friends.

  We, the majority, can no longer sit back and allow the progressives rule the roost or there will be no liberty left to enjoy! We have an out of control regulation centered government. Enough is enough! We need to fire the nanny and spank the baby!  

 While we have tried to be peaceful, tolerant and not make waves the progressives have been using bully tactics to demonize us and we have allowed them to convince us that they are the truly tolerant ones. Their actions, especially of late show that to be as far from truth as Satan himself!

   The real truth is that we have been tolerant and compromising to the extent that we are no longer the nation we were. We have allowed those who despise the America we were formed into by the founders to chip away at the fundamentals of the Constitution until it is nearly irrelevant when it comes to “governing”. Every time a Harry Reid or a Nancy Pelosi whines and cries foul we cower and cave. They start saying it is the children who will suffer if we don’t pass this law or that law. And of course the conservative RINOs cower at the thought of being portrayed as children haters and cave to the pressure. When they should speak boldly and expose the fact that every new law comes with dozens of new regulations that always cost millions of tax payer dollars that come out of the pockets of you and me!

  So here is the deal, we as citizens have got to abandon political correctness and take a stand against an out of control government. The progressives showed their hand the other day when some of their prominate leaders spoke words that should have sent chills through your veins! They, if they had not heard from a significant number of citizens, would have used their presumed authority to ban a chicken restaurant from opening in their city because the CEO/owner said he supported traditional marriage. That is where they are trying to take America, to an intolerant progressive utopia with them ruling and you serving. This is the fundamental transformation we heard so much about four years ago.

 The good news is those weasels know they have not yet gotten to the place where they can act without impunity! People got angry and stood up for free speech and they backed off!  We should be encouraged by the affect we had in going to Chic-Fil-A, calling the weasel’s offices, Face Booking and emailing support for Mr. Cathy.

 All that was good but it cannot stop there. We have got to speak up constantly about the power grabs being done a daily basis. Keep Face Booking and calling the weasels to let them know you are fed up with them, and do the same in support of those who make a stand for traditional values like Mr. Cathy did. If we will be as loud as or louder than the progressives we will prevail in our struggle against Socialism and Marxism. We have got to get busy and activate our resources for SAVING AMERICA!