Thursday, August 2, 2012

  Silence in the presence of evil, is in itself evil! So why are so many Americans keeping silent while evil is rampant in the public square? We as a people have demonstrated the goodness that is our core time and time again in the course of our history. We have sent troops to free tens of millions of oppressed people throughout the world. We have sent   humanitarian relief to victims of natural disasters, even to nations like Iran and Pakistan and China who don’t exactly have us on their Christmas card list (or Ramadan card list). We send hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars to subsidize their governments. We help Muslims and Jews, Christians and Hindus and any other ideologically different people group that is in distress. We have conquered the world’s most evil wicked despots and dictators and never occupied the countries to colonize and rape the land.

  All of that and countless other endeavors have been performed in the name of freedom and liberty for all peoples. Sure we did some pretty rotten things too, but we have always tried to rectify the situation. In the end we always seem to get things right and allow the fundamentals of who we are as a  people to prevail with freedom and liberty given a chance to take root and grow.

  But now we seem to be losing our identity as the UNITED STATES. We are divided socially and politically, morally and ethically. We were a people who could agree to disagree and not hate each other over our views. But today there is a level of discord we have not seen since the Civil War.

 For the most part today if you say, as the man who owns Chic Fill A did, that you support traditional marriage you are a homophobic hater. If you question the intensions of a known terror group, as several Congressmen/women did you are an anti-Muslim Islamophobe. If you are pro-life you are an ANTI-abortion hater of a womans right to choose, if you support the 2nd amendment right to bear arms you are somehow an extremist.

   When the Democrats completely lost their party to the progressives, civility left the country. They always have a way of phrasing the argument in such a way as to show themselves as the compassionate caring party. The demonization of anyone who disagrees with them has become the norm.

  They throw out speculation as fact and demand that until one is proven innocent they are indeed guilty. A couple examples of this are the accusation against Mitt Romney of either being a liar or a felon,( with no evidence), by the Obama campaign. And most recently Senator Harry Reid stood on the floor of the Senate and said that the “word is out” Mr. Romney has not paid taxes for ten years while with Bane Capitol and it is up to him to prove otherwise. Mr. Ried said he was told by an unnamed source who worked with Mr. Romney that he had not paid taxes for ten years and Mr. Ried, without investigating the allegations, brought the charges to the media and the floor of the United States Senate solely to demonize Mr. Romney.

  This kind of uncivil behavior is not who America is supposed to be! Why has it been allowed to get to this? I would contend that We The People have not fought back because we are good people at heart. We don’t want to be called haters or intolerant bigots/racist, and don’t want to be seen as insinuating anyone else is either. We are non-confrontational and generally quiet and peace loving people whose only agenda is enjoying life and liberty with family and friends.

  We, the majority, can no longer sit back and allow the progressives rule the roost or there will be no liberty left to enjoy! We have an out of control regulation centered government. Enough is enough! We need to fire the nanny and spank the baby!  

 While we have tried to be peaceful, tolerant and not make waves the progressives have been using bully tactics to demonize us and we have allowed them to convince us that they are the truly tolerant ones. Their actions, especially of late show that to be as far from truth as Satan himself!

   The real truth is that we have been tolerant and compromising to the extent that we are no longer the nation we were. We have allowed those who despise the America we were formed into by the founders to chip away at the fundamentals of the Constitution until it is nearly irrelevant when it comes to “governing”. Every time a Harry Reid or a Nancy Pelosi whines and cries foul we cower and cave. They start saying it is the children who will suffer if we don’t pass this law or that law. And of course the conservative RINOs cower at the thought of being portrayed as children haters and cave to the pressure. When they should speak boldly and expose the fact that every new law comes with dozens of new regulations that always cost millions of tax payer dollars that come out of the pockets of you and me!

  So here is the deal, we as citizens have got to abandon political correctness and take a stand against an out of control government. The progressives showed their hand the other day when some of their prominate leaders spoke words that should have sent chills through your veins! They, if they had not heard from a significant number of citizens, would have used their presumed authority to ban a chicken restaurant from opening in their city because the CEO/owner said he supported traditional marriage. That is where they are trying to take America, to an intolerant progressive utopia with them ruling and you serving. This is the fundamental transformation we heard so much about four years ago.

 The good news is those weasels know they have not yet gotten to the place where they can act without impunity! People got angry and stood up for free speech and they backed off!  We should be encouraged by the affect we had in going to Chic-Fil-A, calling the weasel’s offices, Face Booking and emailing support for Mr. Cathy.

 All that was good but it cannot stop there. We have got to speak up constantly about the power grabs being done a daily basis. Keep Face Booking and calling the weasels to let them know you are fed up with them, and do the same in support of those who make a stand for traditional values like Mr. Cathy did. If we will be as loud as or louder than the progressives we will prevail in our struggle against Socialism and Marxism. We have got to get busy and activate our resources for SAVING AMERICA!  

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