Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shariah is creeping into our society with impunity, and by some in places of authority it is being encouraged! The idea that this totalitarian form of government, which is masqueraded as a peaceful religion, is believed and even propagated by elected officials is either ignorance, stupidity, a complete lack of understanding of the US constitution or a deliberate act of treason.

  The fact that I and others who exercise our 1st amendment right of free speech are being called hate mongers and intolerant Islamophobes is proof of the Ignorance of the general public of what Islam is at its core. And I might add, is proof of the intolerance of the uneducated. It matters not, whether Americans will admit that we are at war with Islam, the fact is, Islam is at war with us and has been since our foundation.

 Our country is under attack by our own leaders at the highest level sof government. I have been following current events for months and can no longer sit idly by and let a body of educated fools elected by the misled masses have the loudest voice. The misled and uninformed do deserve the right of free speech and I will defend that right, however it is time for people to get informed and make a stand with a very loud voice that will be heard by those who have been elected to SERVE” We The People.

There is a book titled “Shariah the threat to America” that needs to be read and understood by every patriotic American. It details the infiltration of our national security departments and the current and past administrations by the Muslim Brotherhood. This book names names and documents evidence that is irrefutable.  MANY who are involved, from the White House to the local government are guilty of treason.  Any intentional undermining of the Constitution is an act of treason and those who are guilty of this should be prosecuted for it. Those who are either ignorant or stupid should be removed from places of authority and influence over the unsuspecting masses of the uninformed.

 The responsibility for removing political correctness that allows this to happen falls on the shoulders of EVERY ADULT WHO EVER TOOK THE OATH TO ENTER THE MILITARY OR TOOK THE OATH OF OFFICE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE.

 The oath is apolitical; it is not a Republican or Democrat oath. It is an oath that says “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

  There is no date or length of commitment, this an oath for life that is to the Constitution, not to a political party or an ideology. I took that oath some 40 years ago and can no longer deny the duty I swore to God I would do. I have been silent for years while America has been infiltrated by an evil that has been seeking to establish a totalitarian regime worldwide, and for that I sincerely apologize. Granted I did not know the full extent of what was happening and most probably still do not, but now that I have discovered the threat I cannot sit back and say nothing, I took an oath.

  An oath is a sacred vow that is a binding covenant that requires integrity, honor, character and moral values. Those of us whom took that oath, must, for the  sake of our own honor, stand and fight to restore the Constitution  as the supreme law of the land and do all in our power as Citizens to support and defend it from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. I will not be politically correct and support any politician Republican or Democrat who will not keep the oath they have taken. To take that oath as a cover to attain power wealth or influence shows the character of the individual to be less than honorable and our government is full of such individuals. To support a candidate that willfully breaks that oath and then not do everything possible to challenge him/her is a violation of the oath taken by the voter.

 In future letters I will expose direct violations of the constitution by public officials, at the Federal, State and Local levels to inform the public of said violations. When the evidence is given, those whom received it will be held accountable by a much higher authority for what is done with the knowledge. Once again I urge everyone to do research on the Muslim Brotherhood.  This is an organization that has the destruction of America and western society as it’s’ goal. We must do all we can to expose this group and insist that they be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our goal has to be SAVING AMERICA from an ideology that will enslave generations to come.

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