Friday, July 13, 2012

I fear for the future of this nation! In just a matter of a couple weeks our Secretary of State is going to sign a treaty with the United nations that will effectively overturn the 2nd amendment of the Constitution and a treaty that will surrender the sovereignty of our national resources in what is called the “LOST TREATY” and almost no one is saying a word in the media. It comes as no surprise that the news media is silent on this issue because they are owned by progressives like George Soros, probably the most evil man on the planet!

The president was dead serious when he said the progressives would ‘fundamentally transform America!’ But what was America being transformed from and into? Most people who voted for the first unvetted candidate in the history of elections in America probably thought that he meant that he would end the corruption and partisanship in modern politics. They were deceived! This president has caused more division and partisanship than any leader in American politics, I believe since the Civil War!

There have been 940 executive orders issued from this White House, most having to deal with eroding the individual liberties of “legal citizens” while giving huge benefits to those who are in this country illegally!

Many have been proclamations from this president saying that he will refuse to enforce the laws of this land! He has sued Arizona for trying to protect its citizens, as well as the state of Texas and threatens other states that are trying to enforce the laws that the feds are ignoring. He has refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act which is a constitutionally ratified law. He has refused to prosecute obvious voter intimidation violations by the New black Panthers, and the not so famous, infamous “Fast and Furious” scandal and on and on and on!!

It is no better on the state and local level either! Recently a friend of mine sent a letter to Sen. Tom Libous asking what was going on with all the executive orders from Washington. The good senators response was “You should hit our federal reps. on this Rick, they should know if it’s true or not. I have no idea what Obamas up to down in Washington. Take care, Tom”.

I responded to the senator for my friend and as yet have heard no response. In my response I stated that Sen. Libous should know better than anyone that as a conservative in New York we have no representation in Washington D.C. I was rather disturbed by the senators response and let him know by telling him that he should be well aware of what is going on in D.C. because everything they do down there will have an effect on every one of his constituents very soon. This is a nation of laws not of men and the president is supposed to be the prime example of lawful living to the rest of society.

The new majority in Albany had better be aware of its constitutional obligations to the citizens under the 10th amendment and be willing to stand up to the feds with full knowledge of the U.S. Constitution or risk becoming irrelevant.

If we do not speak out soon we will lose our uniqueness in the world. Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase “We are the world’s last hope” and we are very close to seeing that hope dwindle to irrelevance! In the famous vision of George Washington concerning the preservation of the union, Washington saw this nation overcoming all its adversaries. I believe America is destined to prevail and the fulfillment of the founders will be realized. The only question is will this be the generation that stands against the tyranny coming from government, or will we sit back and allow the Marxist agenda to take hold and enslave our children to the entitlement society being forced on us now. If we don’t get involved now our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our apathy!

It is easy for the progressives to win because they are experts at deception! I have spoken to several individuals lately who are so discouraged with the system that they have decided to give up trying to make a difference. This is exactly what the progressives are counting on! The progressives are in both parties and are all weasels! They are responsible for planting the idea that it is useless to get involved and that your vote does not make a difference. They perpetrate lies to discourage involvement by conservatives on a daily basis using the Sorso owned media. They are sowing distrust and anger to undermine confidence in the institutions that have made America the greatest nation in the history of mankind!

The whole time they are trying to discourage the “FLY OVER AMERICANS” from being involved, they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on community organizing through Soros funded groups like Acorn to get the vote out in the heart of the entitlement zones they have created. They are fighting tooth and nail to stop voter id laws so that unqualified people can cast votes. They know that the power of the vote is the bullet that will cripple their efforts to fundamentally transform America into a Marxist state! If you think your efforts do not make a difference you have been deluded by weasel pee! You can make a difference, but not if you are silent! You must be involved and help get others involved or you are guilty of being complicit with the enemy of freedom!

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