Tuesday, July 31, 2012

There seems to be a bit more than a double standard in this country when it comes to matters of faith and religion. On the one hand there is an overt attempt to remove any mention or symbol of Christianity from the public sector i.e., the Ten Commandments or mangers at Christmas time (which is by the way a federal Holiday?). While on the other hand most of society refuses or perhaps fears to even mention the lengths that government goes to accommodate secular humanism or Islam. It was amazing to watch the hosting of a women’s conference at the White House just days after hosting a delegation of the Muslim Brotherhood in the same room!! If anyone is unfamiliar with the treatment of women by the Brotherhood a simple Google search will enlighten them to the atrocities considered necessary for conformity to Sharia Law. It should send fear down the spine of every freedom loving citizen of America to know that Sharia is being considered for implementation as part of our legal system by some of our courts and law makers.

 I try to pay close attention when our President speaks and have come to believe that he is not a Muslim, as many Americans on the right believe. I believe he believes he is a Christian. But the theology he publically professes is a not the traditional theology of Christianity but is in reality, Liberation Theology.

 Liberation Theology sounds great; everyone wants to be liberated, right? After all liberation is at the heart of whom America is. We send and have sent our troops the world over to liberate the oppressed from despots and dictators. The women’s liberation movement was birthed here in America; blacks were liberated from slavery here too. Liberation means freedom for all people, men, women and children of every race creed and religion.

 So you ask what my issue with Liberation Theology is. I will make an attempt to shed some light on what our President believes according to his own words spoken at numerous commencement speeches at colleges and universities across the country. He has told many graduating classes that his salvation is dependent upon the collective salvation of everyone else. According to Liberation Theology there is no individual salvation only a collective salvation. In other words I can’t attain salvation unless you also are saved, and if you don’t do what is necessary to attain that salvation I, as the enlightened one, must do whatever is necessary to make you do what needs to be done. He believes the ‘enlightened’ are ‘divinely’ placed in seats of authority to bring the ‘unenlightened’ (you and I) to salvation.

  The current administration has covertly proclaimed this theology by pushing legislation through congress that the majority of Americans strongly opposed. They told us we just didn’t know enough about it to form or have an informed opinion, even though many of those same people never read the bill themselves! We were told ‘We need to pass the bill so we can find out what’s in it’! When asked where the constitution gave congress the authority to impose much of the legislation that has been put through congress, one congressman just laughed and said ‘most of what we do in Washington isn’t covered under the constitution’! This attitude, to me anyway, is offensive! It implies that congress is better able to run my life than I am and that the men who wrote the documents that established this nation were ignorant old fools! The arrogance of most of these men and women is outrageous!

 If my salvation depends on conformity to the image and likeness of these pinheaded weasels and not on my own relationship with Jesus Christ, I think I’d rather burn in #%$#!!! But I digress!!!!!

 Knowing what the President and his administration believe, and I do believe they are sincere in their beliefs, makes it easier to understand how and why they want desperately to “fundamentally transform” America. Liberation Theology dictates zero tolerance for any Ideology that is deemed a threat. So why is Christianity the only religion being targeted as a threat? Don’t these ‘enlightened ones’ know that it is because of Christianity that they have the liberty to espouse publically what they believe? If they tried to ‘fundamentally transform’ any Islamic country they would be publically stoned to death! In fact nearly every plank of their platform would bring the death penalty. In Islamic countries gay marriage and homosexuality are an automatic death sentence. Christian values have kept Americans free for more than 200 years while at the same time affording the liberty of its citizens to believe or disbelieve anything they want without fear of reprisal.

  If Christians don’t stand up and speak out to our representatives and demand to be heard it won’t be long before the “fundamental transformation” is complete and Liberation Theology will enslave generations to come. In the words of the President “elections have consequences”, so if you are not a registered voter, get registered! If you are registered get informed and help inform others and help get out the voters!

 I know there are a lot of people who will not get involved because right now they see no threat to their “world” and they don’t want to make waves. To those folks I will paraphrase one of our founding fathers, Ben Franklin ‘We must hang together, or most assuredly we will hang alone!’

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