The art of deception and manipulation have been mastered by the progressive anti-America crowd. If it is not evident to those reading my posts, I am not an english scholar! I did poorly in english and language arts in school, as well as math and social studies! I was too busy doing the things most red-blooded American kids did in the 60's and 70's, and it had little to do with getting a public education. I was happy just huntin and fishin and chasin a babe or two and cared nothing of news or polotics.
I think all that began to change for me during the eighties when my wife and I began to have children and we started to look at life in a more serious light. I started to pay attention to the somewhat subtle changes in the way the government was making inroads into everyday life. It didn't really bother me all that much but something drew my attention to all the new laws and regulations.
I think it was Ronald Reagan that first caught my attention and made me start to listen to the words spoken and how they were spoken. He had a way with speaking that made sense to me. I have since begun to pay attention to the people who are running the show.
Today if you don't pay attention to what is being said you will find yourself living a lie. Just take for example the whole "Hope and Change you can believe in" diatribe of flatulant crap! Poloticians are like mobile home salesmen, they will promise you the most incredible and affordable home you could ever hope for and treat you like their best friend until after the sale, then they could care less about you or your problems with what they sold you.
I don't know about you but I can't think of a single politician that once in office has stuck to their campaign promises down the line. They always have an excuse to compromise to get along with the other side regaurdless of the constitutionality of the actions the otherside is taking. From my perspective the only compromiseing that has taken place for the past decade or so, probably longer, but whos counting any more, has been to lessen the 10th amendments gaurentee of states rights and the individual liberties of Americans.
We began this nation as a people of character and integrety who were willing to give everything, including their personal wealth, honor and lives to ensure the future of the land they loved. Today the only thing our politicians seem willing to sacrifice is you and I!They are trying to make our military pay for their own healthcare and cutting the defense department when the threats to our homeland are at a critical point. Now they are going to raise everyones taxes to pay for this Marxist "Health Care", and I use that term losely " bill that they now call "the affordable health care bill".
I mean God forbid they cut their own benifits and pay and that of their staff ! These weasels are tyrants plain and simple! It is time to get off the couch and start to activate the people we know, and ourselves, to take back OUR government. Some, many actually, of these pinheads need to be shareing a cell with Bernie Madoff! We have got to do everything possible to throw these tratiors out of office.
Everyone of us can do something to help the cause. You can and should, first and foremost, pray for mercy on America because it is our fault they are in office in the first place.
You can deface your vehicle by putting a conservative bumpersticker on it. You can call the varmits office and tell them what you think of their lack of competance. You can contact the local and national news media and rant on them for covering up the the progressive debachel and demand to be told the truth about these weasels. You can and should be contacting corporate offices and telling them you are going to organize a boycott of their products if they continue to promote the corrupt poloticians, and then actually stop buying their stuff! My point is if you are not playing a part in the solution you are playing a part in the destruction. We have got to make time to do what needs to be done so that when the history books are written we will be able to tell our decendants that while the progressives were trying to dismantle the greatest nation on earth we were a part of the army of regular citizens who rose up and fought for the SAVING of AMERICA!
I have difficulty with this site. Typing this a second time.
ReplyDeleteTake for instance the fact that gas prices are dropping. Our gas companies are a business that buys our President. Lower the prices and it will make the President look good and he will be reelected, the the prices will sky rocket again. I am an avid motorcyclist. There are 33 pending bills that will affect how myself and my family ride our bikes. The government is buying up property in NY and ATVs are not allowed on this land. Go and hunt and get a deer and then you better be able to drag it back for 8 miles because NY says no atvs on their land. They want to stop kids 12 and under from riding on the back of a motorcycle because some woman was upset with her ex husband that she walked out on was having a good time with the kids on his new motorcycle. You are right we need to take back our government. I have a lot to say about that subject.
I worded some of that badly, will proofread next time.