I am very often called an Islamophobe or some
kind of extremist for the warnings I give and the things I say about the path
this country is going down. If those who label me this way would spend half the
time fact checking the things I say as they do trying to demonize me they might
just jump on board and begin warning others of the dangers too.
Right now we are about to make the most
crucial choice in electing a president since Abraham Lincoln was elected. The
country is more divided than I have ever seen it and President Obama is
continually feeding the division with class warfare and demonizing rhetoric
against the wealthy and his opponent. Mr. Obama has and continues to try to buy
votes by offering to make the poor and middle class better off by taking from
the wealthy, and sadly those he uses to advance his agenda believe everything
he tells them. They don’t seem to notice that many times when he leaves a
campaign speech in which he viciously demonizes the wealthy he goes directly to
a fundraiser with those wealthy “fatcats” to raise millions of dollars for his
The uninformed, uneducated and the willfully
blind do not know or recognize the policies Mr. Obama is implementing as being
Marxist/Socialist/Statist. There was another man who was charismatic and who
convinced a nation that he was the answer to the economic woes of the country
and who bought votes in much the same way Mr. Obama is doing. This man was
elected by a mere 30% of the population because the majority of citizens were
not involved. Sadly the most uninvolved segment of that society and the largest
was the Christian community. It can be said that the Christian community was
directly responsible for all that transpired after this leader was put into
office because they refused to be involved in the politics of the day.
Marxism/Socialism/Statism always starts out
by dividing before conquering and taking complete control of every aspect of
society. Individual liberties are removed for the good of the collective and
government becomes the reason and source of all the people have and do. During
the Democratic convention the proclamation was made that “WE ALL BELONG TO THE
GOVERNMENT”. Marxism, as well as
Communism and Socialism, always ends in mass graves and an enslaved
society. In the 1920’s and
30’s Germany listened to Adolf Hitler and his charismatic rhetoric and slowly
the control they ceded to the government led to 11,000,000 murdered human
I can hear the critics demonizing me for that
comparison now but the facts are what they are. When you combine the policies
this administration is implementing with the ties Mr. Obama has with Islam the
picture is not pretty. I am convinced that our president is endangering the
sovereignty of America and that civilization Jihad is taking place before our
eyes. The Arab spring that the president said was so wonderful has exploded
into a massive implementation of Shariah Law and the return of the Caliphate.
The goal of Islam is world domination and our government seems to be ignorant
of the danger we are putting ourselves in. We have a senator, Keith Ellison,
who is trying to pass Shariah compliant laws and he is getting little
resistance from either party. The “Good Senator” is strongly tied to the Muslim
Brotherhood through their front group CAIR and ISNA among others who are not in
the least loyal to American interests!
Whether intentional or not, I happen to
believe the former, President Obama is being Shariah compliant in his actions
as president. To refuse to say anything that is offensive to Islam or to forbid
any in his administration from doing so is being submissive to Islamic Law. These
actions by the administration show a weakness in America and projects
superiority into Islam and thereby embolden our enemy. There is much more that
this administration has done and is doing that goes beyond being in submission
to Islam and enters the realm of treason.
President Obama and Sec. Clinton have defied
congress and sent multiple hundreds of millions of dollars to the Muslim
Brotherhood and other related groups and nations in the Middle East. The excuse
given for sending these funds is for establishing and supporting fledgling
governments, but from my perspective this is just another lie and cover-up by
the Progressives. I believe that either the administration is paying the “bribe”
money demanded by Islam to keep peace and stop attacks on America and American
interests, or they are directly involved with the advancement of the global
caliphate and the destruction of western nations.
The strategic role of numerous Muslim
Brotherhood members in sensitive positions in America’s national security
departments suggests to me that this president and his administration have joined
with the Muslim Brotherhood and are actively engaged in the overthrow of the
United States. There is, in my mind, no other explanation for the unprecedented
actions that have taken place through this administration.
Islam has devastated vast portions of Europe
through civilization Jihad and the same is occurring in America. Most of the
activities taking place to bring America to its knees are being done without
any resistance from the government or exposure by the press. We are literally
under siege by a foreign entity and most of America is being kept unaware
intentionally by those at the highest levels of government and those with the greatest
ability to reach and inform the public at large of the danger of losing our
national identity and our God given national Sovereignty.
I don’t know if it is too late to stop the
Jihadist from taking power without a literal war with Islam, but this I do
know, we must do whatever is necessary to regain power from the Progressive
party. There is only one absolute in the future of America and that is that God
inspired the founders and through them He established America as the greatest nation
on earth, and “He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it”! We
will all have a role to play as we move away from the tyrannical policies of
the Progressive Party and we must determine in our hearts that the republic is
worth fighting for and that those that are with us outnumber those against us.
SAVING AMERICA is not an option, we must not allow this great republic to be
further degraded and humiliated by this President. Make sure you take the first
step in her salvation and vote for Mitt Romney if only to keep Barack Obama
from fulfilling the “dreams from his father”!