Wednesday, October 31, 2012

  I am very often called an Islamophobe or some kind of extremist for the warnings I give and the things I say about the path this country is going down. If those who label me this way would spend half the time fact checking the things I say as they do trying to demonize me they might just jump on board and begin warning others of the dangers too.  

  Right now we are about to make the most crucial choice in electing a president since Abraham Lincoln was elected. The country is more divided than I have ever seen it and President Obama is continually feeding the division with class warfare and demonizing rhetoric against the wealthy and his opponent. Mr. Obama has and continues to try to buy votes by offering to make the poor and middle class better off by taking from the wealthy, and sadly those he uses to advance his agenda believe everything he tells them. They don’t seem to notice that many times when he leaves a campaign speech in which he viciously demonizes the wealthy he goes directly to a fundraiser with those wealthy “fatcats” to raise millions of dollars for his campaign.

  The uninformed, uneducated and the willfully blind do not know or recognize the policies Mr. Obama is implementing as being Marxist/Socialist/Statist. There was another man who was charismatic and who convinced a nation that he was the answer to the economic woes of the country and who bought votes in much the same way Mr. Obama is doing. This man was elected by a mere 30% of the population because the majority of citizens were not involved. Sadly the most uninvolved segment of that society and the largest was the Christian community. It can be said that the Christian community was directly responsible for all that transpired after this leader was put into office because they refused to be involved in the politics of the day.

  Marxism/Socialism/Statism always starts out by dividing before conquering and taking complete control of every aspect of society. Individual liberties are removed for the good of the collective and government becomes the reason and source of all the people have and do. During the Democratic convention the proclamation was made that “WE ALL BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT”.  Marxism, as well as Communism and Socialism, always ends in mass graves and an enslaved society.  In the 1920’s and 30’s Germany listened to Adolf Hitler and his charismatic rhetoric and slowly the control they ceded to the government led to 11,000,000 murdered human beings.

  I can hear the critics demonizing me for that comparison now but the facts are what they are. When you combine the policies this administration is implementing with the ties Mr. Obama has with Islam the picture is not pretty. I am convinced that our president is endangering the sovereignty of America and that civilization Jihad is taking place before our eyes. The Arab spring that the president said was so wonderful has exploded into a massive implementation of Shariah Law and the return of the Caliphate. The goal of Islam is world domination and our government seems to be ignorant of the danger we are putting ourselves in. We have a senator, Keith Ellison, who is trying to pass Shariah compliant laws and he is getting little resistance from either party. The “Good Senator” is strongly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood through their front group CAIR and ISNA among others who are not in the least loyal to American interests!

  Whether intentional or not, I happen to believe the former, President Obama is being Shariah compliant in his actions as president. To refuse to say anything that is offensive to Islam or to forbid any in his administration from doing so is being submissive to Islamic Law. These actions by the administration show a weakness in America and projects superiority into Islam and thereby embolden our enemy. There is much more that this administration has done and is doing that goes beyond being in submission to Islam and enters the realm of treason.

   President Obama and Sec. Clinton have defied congress and sent multiple hundreds of millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and other related groups and nations in the Middle East. The excuse given for sending these funds is for establishing and supporting fledgling governments, but from my perspective this is just another lie and cover-up by the Progressives. I believe that either the administration is paying the “bribe” money demanded by Islam to keep peace and stop attacks on America and American interests, or they are directly involved with the advancement of the global caliphate and the destruction of western nations.

  The strategic role of numerous Muslim Brotherhood members in sensitive positions in America’s national security departments suggests to me that this president and his administration have joined with the Muslim Brotherhood and are actively engaged in the overthrow of the United States. There is, in my mind, no other explanation for the unprecedented actions that have taken place through this administration.

  Islam has devastated vast portions of Europe through civilization Jihad and the same is occurring in America. Most of the activities taking place to bring America to its knees are being done without any resistance from the government or exposure by the press. We are literally under siege by a foreign entity and most of America is being kept unaware intentionally by those at the highest levels of government and those with the greatest ability to reach and inform the public at large of the danger of losing our national identity and our God given national Sovereignty.

  I don’t know if it is too late to stop the Jihadist from taking power without a literal war with Islam, but this I do know, we must do whatever is necessary to regain power from the Progressive party. There is only one absolute in the future of America and that is that God inspired the founders and through them He established America as the greatest nation on earth, and “He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it”! We will all have a role to play as we move away from the tyrannical policies of the Progressive Party and we must determine in our hearts that the republic is worth fighting for and that those that are with us outnumber those against us. SAVING AMERICA is not an option, we must not allow this great republic to be further degraded and humiliated by this President. Make sure you take the first step in her salvation and vote for Mitt Romney if only to keep Barack Obama from fulfilling the “dreams from his father”!  

Friday, October 26, 2012

                             LEADING FROM BEHIND


  There is so much being done in the world by the current administration that defies logic. It appears as though the President is either the smartest man on earth, the most incompetent leader we have ever had (including Jimmy Carter) or he is using his uncanny gift of manipulating truth to bring the “Dreams From His Father” of bringing a Marxist/Communist America into being to punish her for the oppression she has brought to the world. I would contend that the latter is true, which means that the other options are also true!

  Having never held a job in the private sector, created a job in the private sector, served in the military or been responsible for running anything other than a community organizing program is evident in Mr. Obamas running or ruining of America. As I indicated above I believe the President has an agenda other than being the guardian of the “American Experiment”. The Obama administration is guilty of being absent in leading the country through the last four years more often than then Senator Obama voted present while an Illinois Senator. His lack of leadership has caused the deaths of our soldiers and most recently that of an American ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.

  Instead of being the Commander-in Chief that was much needed in Libya on September 11, 2012, President Obama decided that his political career was more valuable than the possibility of offending a Muslim nation by granting the request of Special Forces for back-up in rescuing Ambassador Stevens from a coordinated terror attack. It has been revealed that at least three requests came from forces on the ground for a “go” to assist the embassy but they were ordered to stand down all three times. It has also been confirmed that there were other units, including Delta Forces, less than 45 minutes away requesting permission to “go”, they too were told to stand down. There were live feed cameras and drones overhead giving the White House Situation Room the ability to observe the carnage as it was unfolding.

  There was no reason given to give the “stand down” orders to forces that are trained specifically to deal with crisis situations. However there was an excuse given by the D.O.D.; it was too dangerous to send troops in. Excuse me! These troops are trained to deal with rapidly changing conditions. They are known for their ability to assess conditions in real time and adapt to those situations. The White House refuses to give the location of the President at the time of the attacks, but at one point after it was reported that the location of the ambassador was unknown, The Commander-In-Chief went to bed. Not exactly reassuring to think he could sleep knowing that in all likelihood his ambassador was dead and our sovereign land had been attacked and the flag of our sworn enemy was flying over it!

  The following day the president went to the Rose Garden, Not the Oval Office, to blame the attack on a video posted on YouTube, which the “government had absolutely nothing to do with”, and “the abuse of free speech” by one individual. Then while the bodies of the fallen were being prepared to come home he flew to Las Vegas for a fund raising event. But I again digress! This entire debacle is so disgusting and blatantly filled with deception that one could continue to point out the numerous examples of incompetent actions, which many have and will continue to do, but it would distract from the real problem America has with the current President.

  The man in the White House who calls himself president was never vetted by the media and as a result America has as its leader an immature and highly unqualified Progressive/Marxist with a strong Anti-Colonial Communistic belief system. I also believe he is an Islamic sympathizer, if not actually a Muslim Brotherhood operative. There is no doubt that he is a very complicated man who is a master of manipulation with an eerie aura of charisma that the Democrat/Progressive voters seem to be incapable of seeing through. He has successfully gained control of the liberal news media and uses them to wage war on the fundamentals of American ideals. He has been able to spread the seeds of racism and class warfare while portraying himself as above the rhetoric he spouts on a daily basis while on the campaign trail.

  But why would he spend so much time creating turmoil and division in his own country? The answer is simple if you get past his actions and look at his motives. His motives come from his father and those who mentored him throughout his life and career. The plan/motive is to create, or rather in his words it is to   “fundamentally transform America” into a socialistic state. His father and mentors hated America and what she stood for and as Obama has said in his book, his dreams come “from”, are not of but from, his father.  

  His father and mentors taught him how to accomplish their dream in a simple way. The creation or transformation of a new nation can only be accomplished by destroying the old one first. To do this they must put in place a system to replace the old one. Once the new structure is in place and ready for implementation the old one must be toppled. Toppling the current system can be accomplished by overwhelming the existing structure.

  Since the whole of society is held together by the monetary system, the finances must be depleted and the country bankrupted. This is accomplished by placing as many people as possible on government assistance programs such as food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, disability and the 99 week unemployment benefits which all are at record levels at the current time. In addition to the social spending there must also be as much “stimulus” spending as possible through such programs as the “cash for clunkers”, “shovel ready jobs”, the GM bailout, the billions in “loans” and grants to “renewable energy” companies like Solindra and countless other bankrupt “green energy” companies.  Spending money, as much as possible, on anything that can be conceived no matter how “few” millions or thousands it is on things like multiple “vacations” for the First Family, parties at the White house with celebrities like Sir Paul, junkets for staff and countless other frivolous junk spending is essential to the bankrupting of America.

  While all this spending is taking place there must be a devaluing of the dollar. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury department have accomplished this through the endless printing of money, $40,000,000,000 per month for as long as they want under the guise of “Quantitative Easing”. With each dollar printed the price of the products needed to live life daily increases.

   The White House and the Feds say there is no inflation and ignore, or rather willfully hide the truth from the ignorant, uninformed and under educated masses. The fact that gasoline, heating oil, milk, bread, eggs, paper products and every other necessity and luxury item are rapidly becoming unaffordable to many is part of their plan. When the masses get hungry they will rise up and attack what or who they believe or are told is responsible for their woes. The intentional dividing of the classes is the strategy being put in place by President Obama and the Progressives. When the economy collapses the rich will be blamed and the 1%ers will demand “justice” from the government and of course Mr. Obama and his Progressive backers and in association with the Muslim Brotherhood will declare a state of emergency and literally take control of all of the wealth with the promise of “redistribution” to the middle class and poor.  

   I know this all sounds like a “conspiracy theory” and that I am not going to be believed by many, but the facts are the facts. When Mr. Obama was running for President he said “If you want to know what kind of president I will be, look at the people I surround myself with”. For starters look at Mr. Bill Ayers of the 1960’s domestic terror group known as the Weather Underground. The radical group was responsible for bombing a police station and an attempt at the Pentagon and other acts of terror. After the 9-11-01 World Trade Center terror attack he was quoted in a news article as saying that he was not sorry for the group’s activities and in fact wished they had been able to do more. Then there was the “Green Energy Czar” Van Jones, a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther and devout Communist. And let’s not overlook Ms. Anita Dunn who proclaimed that Chairman Mao was one of the people she looked to for inspiration. Apparently she believes the millions the good Chairman killed to promote his political views were necessary sacrifices for the end result of a communist utopia. Of course we must not leave mention of Samantha Powers out of the picture. The dear woman who has the role of Anti-Atrocity Czar has written an anti-Semitic book displaying her hatred of Israel and Jews in general. One of her more infamous statements is that war is a viable tool to use to further the Progressive policies. And when you take a look at the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood he has brought into various national security departments you see that our “Dear Leader” has brought together a group of advisors that absolutely love America and all she stands for! NOT!  

  There can be no doubt when one analyzes the facts that this administration has put America in a dangerous situation by putting people with back grounds like the afore mentioned individuals in positions of authority.

  I believe we as a nation are on the brink of disaster with no hope of turning her around no matter who is elected as president in November. We are going to see very difficult times because of the apathy of “WE THE PEOPLE” for decades. We must fall on our faces and plead with God to intervene in the affairs of this nation immediately and then respond to whatever directions he gives. I have no doubt that God wants very much to bring deliverance to America, but He will not act unless we acknowledge that He alone is our help and we give Him ALL the Glory for SAVING AMERICA.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

 I really do not like politics because there is so much corruption and deception coming from every conceivable direction. I am neither a Democrat/Progressive nor a Republican, though I must admit that because of the current political system I am forced to vote for the Republican candidate.  I say forced because it is my belief that to be an American patriot it is not an option to abstain from voting, even if it is only to try to keep someone from being put in office.

  The corruption in the current administration is particularly upsetting to me because people are dying and the press and Progressives are helping to cover up the total incompetence of those executing our national security and foreign policy. Unlike many people I don’t believe anything I’m told just because the person telling me says it is true, no matter whom it may be. I check the facts for myself before I accept it as truth. I checked the “facts” from the presidential debate the other night and found that President Obama is one of the most “gifted” liars I have ever seen. I know that just turned a lot of readers off but truth is truth and twisted or manipulated facts are lies, period! Any person reading this who thinks the president did not lie should get a transcript of the debate and check it for yourself then tell me I’m wrong.

 I was most upset by the Libya incident not being a huge part of the debate because the “LIES” coming from the administration are a disgrace to the entire nation! It has been confirmed by multiple sources, including internal White House emails that there was NO protest and within the first 12 hours an Al-Qaida linked group of Islamic Jihadists claimed responsibility for the attack and murders. The president and secretary of state knew full well that the video they kept touting for WEEKS had NOTHING to do with it.

  Testimony given under oath in the house by assistant secretary of state Ms. Lamb said that members of the state department and CIA were actually watching real time video from onsite cameras and within 1 hour of the beginning of the 6 hour firefight there was a drone overhead providing additional video. White House records show that while our ambassador and at least three other Americans were being brutally murdered President Obama went to bed (he had to be in Nevada the next day to campaign)! There were multiple actions that he could have ordered but he did nothing. The administration, for political gain watched US citizens being murdered and did nothing, and then when they came to explain things to the public they “manufactured” a cause to cover-up their total failure of foreign policy.

  The press has been nearly silent in reporting on this except FOX. The security of the world is in the hands of politically motivated incompetent ideologues that care only about their own careers and the media is aiding and abetting the destruction of America!

  I asked a simple question on my face book page this morning that I will pose to those who are reading this post; How many or which one of your sons or daughters or grandchildren are you willing to sacrifice for the corrupt government and complicit media so you can live relatively comfortably in your willful ignorance?  Your silence is allowing and perhaps facilitating the death of some ones son, daughter, husband, wife or grandchild. America is in dire straits and the only hope for her is the intervention of God. The scripture says that God has given the Earth over to man for a time, which means we are responsible for what does or does not happen in the governing of America. SAVING AMERICA now depends solely on the actions of “WE THE PEOPLE”; do not let your silence be the cause of one more American dying for the political gain of some elite politician.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

 The last four years of the Obama administration have culminated in the most dangerous world since before W.W.ll. The policies of this administration have led to America’s once powerfully respected presence to that of a limp and insignificant nation whose words mean little or nothing to much of the world. Nations who once depended on America for security and stability are now wondering if we are still their ally because the Obama administration cut his, and there by Americas, support for political gains. The political gains received have been negligible at best and have in fact benefited no one but the Muslim Brotherhood and the Progressive agenda of global equality with the “ELITE” being the ruling authority.

   There are many instances of what the corrupt media has all but ignored that lead me to believe that this administration is determined to overthrow the constitution and replace it with some form of a United Nations declaration that favors the member nations, 60 of which are not democratic nations, 57 are Islamic states that are much less than friendly toward the U.S.  . There are two issues that I will make an attempt to expose here and they are the “Fast and Furious” scandal and the current scandal in Benghazi, Libya.

  First the Fast and Furious scandal and the obvious cover up and what I believe the motive was and is. When the story broke that a US boarder agent was killed no one had any idea what Fast and Furious was and the so-called justice department wanted to keep it that way. Fortunately there are still a few good investigative reporters out there who persisted in questioning the government about the incident. It was soon reported that the agent was killed with a weapon that was bought in the US and smuggled to Mexico. Further investigation revealed that the Department of Justice allowed that firearm and thousands of others to be sold to known straw buyers for the Mexican drug cartels. The administration immediately tried to disavow any knowledge of the operation but when it became known that the program was indeed an ATF sanctioned program they tried to push the blame back to the Bush administration and a “similar” program called “Wide receiver.”

  The difference between Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious is that in the Wide Receiver program the Bush administration was working in tandem with the Mexican authorities and the weapons were being tracked to the cartels. The Fast and Furious program was, I believe, a deliberate attempt to remove or seriously curtail the second amendment rights of Americans.

    I believe that the anti-gun lobby convinced the Obama administration that if they could show that the illegal gun trade was responsible for the drug violence in Mexico they would be able to secure the votes necessary and sway public opinion to remove or severely alter the second amendment rights of American citizens. It has been reported by “undisclosed” sources that the motive behind Fast and Furious was indeed to discredit the validity of the second amendment. The investigation has thus far resulted in the Attorney General of the US being found in contempt of Congress and a complete stonewalling of the investigators. When the Congress demanded a response to requests for documents president Obama stepped in and invoked “executive privilege” and sealed the documents. The press has refused to demand an explanation from the administration as to how he has the power to invoke executive privilege when he and the attorney general have said on the record that the White House and the attorney general were in no way involved with the operation and furthermore had no knowledge of any aspect of it.

  During the House hearings the attorney general was uncooperative and misleading to the extent that his department submitted false documents and the one person who could have testified to the senior level involvement was mysteriously reassigned to North Africa so as to be unavailable for testimony. Because of the liberal/progressive press all this and much more evidence of a cover up for political gains from what was promised to be “most transparent administration in history” will likely never be disclosed to the public before the documents are declassified some 30-50 years from now.

  As for the attack in Benghazi, I don’t believe the administration had direct involvement in the attack but, I believe their doctrine of “never let a good crisis go to waste” was immediately implemented.

  The progressives have been trying for years to find a way to silence the voice of conservatives and this was perceived to be a perfect scenario to limit the first amendment right of free speech. The first response I heard following the attack was to blame it on a poorly made internet video that was insulting to Islam and their “false prophet”. Both the President and the Secretary of State condemned the “abuse” of free speech by the makers of the film. They continued to blame the film for more than two weeks repeating the phrase ‘abuse of free speech’ even after it was proven that there was no  evidence pointing toward anything but a coordinated Al-Qaida linked attack.   

   The administration continues to this day to attempt to distort the facts and divert attention from their foreign policy failures. The media has been doing all it possibly can to support and cover the administrations butt by shifting attention to the response Mitt Romney had about the attack, even though his comments have been proven true. It has been proven that the administration did nothing to help the ambassador before or during the attack that resulted in his, and at least three other American deaths. Testimony before congress revealed that not only was and is the president lying about the extent of knowledge the White House had about the attack, none according to the Vice President, but he and those in his administration have deliberately mislead the public and the press. The testimony revealed that not only were they aware that there was no protest that was hijacked but they actually had real time video and were in contact with the consulate during the attack. There was at least one drone overhead within one hour of the beginning of the 6 hour fire fight and several military possibilities that were not implemented. The President went to bed and the State Department and the NSA watched real time video as our people were being murdered! Washington watched as Americans were murdered and did absolutely nothing to try to stop it!

  Meanwhile back at the U.N., and with the approval and assistance of the Obama administration, the Muslim Brotherhood is using this “manufactured crisis” to silence the free speech of infidels. During the weeks following the murders President Obama continued to promote the video as the cause of violence in the Muslim world knowing full well it was not. He mentioned the video six times during his U.N. speech. I believe he was being deliberate in stoking the flames for two reasons:  to help his ally the Muslim Brotherhood and to restrict the first amendment right of free speech in not just America but globally.

  This president is either incompetent or a willing participant in a strategy authored by the Muslim Brotherhood known as “The Project”. The Project is a plan to reinstate a Caliphate with Shariah as the global standard of law. Both issues, the disarming of Americans through the “Fast and Furious” program and associated propaganda, and the curtailing of free speech are significant parts of The Project.

  During president Obamas address at the U.N. he made a very disturbing statement in which he said “the future must not belong to those who would insult the prophet of Islam”. I have never heard a sitting or former president say a more ridiculous statement (not even Jimmy Carter)! But was it ridiculous or a deliberate move on his part to bolster the legitimacy of Islam and the global Caliphate. In light of his numerous and deliberate Muslim Brotherhood appointments to positions of authority and influence in our intelligence agencies I believe he is at the very least aware of the Brotherhoods plans and at worst one of their agents. I have no proof of his allegiance with the Brotherhood but when all the dots are connected the picture of crossed swords in a green circle becomes visible.

  America allowed herself to be taken captive by the Progressive agenda because WE THE PEOPLE became complacent and uninvolved with the nation and the stewardship of its founding principles. The self-indulgence, of which I am as guilty of as the next guy, must end. We are in more trouble than anyone can imagine. The Progressives are ideologues and believe that they, being the enlightened ones, can use the primitive and “religiously” driven Muslim Brotherhood to advance their agenda. They grossly underestimate the power behind the Brotherhood and their willingness to use violence to achieve their goals. The Brotherhood has been given unprecedented access to our intelligence agencies and is now actually rewriting their training manuals. When the time comes for either side to turn on the other, and it will come, God help us all!

  The only hope we have to save our nation is for a national call to repentance and pleading with God for mercy. He is The God of second and third and fourth chances but we must seek Him both as individuals and corporately as a nation and literally beg His forgiveness. I have said this many times before but I will say it again and as many times as necessary to see us turn to Him, the time is short and if this generation will not rise to the call we will fall and SAVING AMERICA will be left to our children’s children! That is a shame that I will not allow to come upon me! I will not comply with the politically correct Progressive agenda or bow to the false god of Islam or give honor to the false prophet of Islam, Mohammed. I will acknowledge only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! My allegiance is to America and I will stand or fall in defending her and the founding documents that ensure the freedom and liberty of all people not just with those whom I agree! Make your decision to rise and defend this nation while there is still time. Declare your allegiance to her and boldly resist the anti-American agenda of the Progressive machine and denounce the intolerant and violent Islamic threat to not only America but the world!  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


  Trust is something that is earned over time and when that confidence is broken it is hard to be repaired. We must allow grace for the humanness of a person and give the opportunity for him to prove that there is true remorse and repentance for violating the confidence placed in him.

  When President Obama was running for office he spoke eloquently of bringing the country together and reuniting us as the UNITED STATES. He ran a campaign of hope and of change, promising to change Washington and end partisanship. He degraded the way the Bush administration represented the US and vowed to restore the respect of the world that had been destroyed during the previous eight years.

  The promise to fix the economy and cut the deficit in half and bring prosperity back to the middle class was sidelined as soon as he was sworn into office so that he could implement the “Affordable Health Care Act”. His continued rhetoric about creating jobs was a ruse and instead he began to implement Socialist policies favoring unions and his political supporters. He restructured the banking and auto industries and implemented the bailout of both at the expense of the tax payers. He spent BILLIONS of dollars on so called “Green” energy companies that nearly all went bankrupt costing jobs and more tax-payer burden.

  The news media heralded him as a “messiah” figure that would be able to fix all of the world’s problems because of his ability to reason with our enemies, and by negotiating with them in good faith re-establish America’s image as a nation of goodness. The media was so enthralled by his charismatic personality that they never bothered to vet him as they would almost any other politician (at least a conservative or republican candidate). His administration did a “reset” with Russia and gave concessions on missile defense systems in Europe and got nothing in return except a damaged relationship with Poland and other former Russian satellite countries.

   He has essentially eradicated the trust of most of our allies and given every possible concession to virtually every enemy of our closest ally Israel. His seemingly unlimited support for Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular is paramount to treason. I use the term treason because some 15 or so years ago the Muslim Brotherhood made a formal declaration of war against America and Israel.

  He has done everything he can to give the appearance of being tuff on Iran by placing strict sanctions them while at the same time granting at least 20 waivers to countries making the sanctions nearly meaningless.

  The list of either incompetence or planned strategic efforts that undermine our national security and the world’s confidence in American is amazing. One of the first episodes was calling the police racists and accusing them of acting “stupidly” in arresting a college professor. Most recently of course is the cover up of the terror attack in Libya in which four Americans were murdered. Then there is his refusal to call the Ft. Hood massacre, the Christmas Day Bomber, The Times Square Bomber and the assassination of our ambassador Islamic terrorism or part of the Holy Jihad declared against America. Just the overall refusal to make any reference that links Islam and terrorism is un-nerving.

  The very latest event in the Middle East that I believe deserves a congressional or an independent investigation concerns something that was allowed to happen last year in Iran. There was an incident that received ‘some’ press and some outcry from the intelligence community concerning a US drone that was “somehow” commandeered by Iran. The drone made a safe landing inside Iran with our most advanced technology onboard. It was said at the time that the technology was far to advanced for the Iranians to be able to copy. Some in the military and the intelligence community urged the president to do whatever was necessary to destroy the drone and keep the technology from falling into the hands of a foreign government but he was not willing to do what had already been done. He refused to violate Iranian airspace, or to send in a team of Special Forces and do what could be seen as an act of war by bombing the facility housing the drone. He sent them a letter asking them to ‘please’ give our drone back! The drone was put on display and the fact that they were able to capture an asset of such high value from America was touted to the world and ultimately shared with Russia and China.

  Now fast forward about a year. Last week in Israel a drone was seen and shot down by the IDF, but not before it had spent time flying over some of Israel’s most sensitive and strategic sites. The drone had been able to fly undetected because of the technology replicated from the drone president Obama refused to destroy. The drone that was not worth the “risk” has given the enemies of America and Israel technology that up till now had given us the ability to be superior in war. That superiority allowed the US to hold our adversaries at bay knowing that we were able to overwhelm them with our stealth weapons. That technology was also responsible for saving the lives of countless American soldiers. Our stealth technology is now compromised and is in the hands of some of the world’s most dangerous people because our president allowed it to happen.

   The only possible advantage to having “lost” this technology is that now we are “all playing by the same rules”! I have been watching this administration for some time and I am convinced the president is not working for America but for a “new world order” where all people are equal and playing by the same rules. His push for social justice, economic justice and environmental justice is not just a domestic goal but a global strategy to end what he considers the injustice of colonialism which has oppressed minorities for centuries. The one and only campaign promise he has kept is that of fundamentally transforming America.

   His actions, for the most part, are covered by the “plausible deniability” strategy formulated during the Reagan administration. There are however actions he and his administration have taken that violate the constitutional authority the president is afforded. Those actions include but are not limited to violating contracts of shareholders to favor unions, aiding and abetting an enemy during war time ie funding the Muslim Brotherhood, the ordering of his justice department NOT to enforce federal law ie DOMA, ordering the killing of Americans “he determined” to be a threat to national security without being charged, mirandized or given a fair and speedy trial by their peers. These actions and many more are egregious and congress should exercise their authority and charge him and those who are complicit with these actions with violating the oath of office.

   His treatment of Israel is something he will give account to God for and if America does not plead with God to bring his justice to bare on those who dare to harm the apple of his eye then she will be guilty of aiding His enemy. Americas funding of the Muslim Brotherhood is, as I stated in a previous post, aiding and abetting the sworn enemy of Israel and of God Almighty. No nation has ever aligned itself against Israel and survived and America will not be the exception if its people do not plead for the peace of Jerusalem and the blessing of her people.

  It is my humble opinion that President Obama is an enemy of America, personal liberty and of Israel and is a true Marxist. I believe he is a danger to the security of America, Israel and therefore the entire free world. It is my prayer that he and his agenda will be exposed and that he will be held accountable for his actions. I also believe he was elected because Americans, especially Christian Americans, had left their first love and had become lukewarm in their faith and stewardship of the land God had given them charge over. America is in deep trouble and a great darkness is covering the land. The only hope for Americas survival is a return to God, not a turn toward Him like we did after the first 9/11 attack, but a turning TO Him as a nation and acknowledging Him as our only hope. It is not too late for us to turn but we must do so now and repent on our faces and beg Him to have mercy and show forgiveness to us and our nation.

  America was given to the Church of Jesus Christ for the propagation of the gospel and to be a shining example to the world of what a nation whose God is the LORD is capable of accomplishing. She has dropped the ball and the nation is in dire straits looking at a financial collapse and being overthrown by a ruthless and blood thirsty foe that will have no mercy on any who reject their ideology. It is a now or never moment for this nation to return to its roots. If this generation fails to answer the call then SAVING AMERICA will fall to our children’s children to our shame!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

  “Where there is no vision the people perish”, I would go a step further and say that where there is corrupt vision people are destroyed. At the beginning of this nation there was a knowledge and understanding of what corrupt governing was and the oppression that it caused to the average citizen. The settlers came from Europe to escape the persecution and overbearing demands of a tyrannical government. After years of being oppressed here in America by the British Government and King George, a group of brave men led by some of the most devout and committed pastors of their time sought Gods grace, wisdom, and guidance in resisting the authority over them.

    After much prayer and fasting they were, I believe, divinely inspired to write the Declaration of Independence. The document was detailed in its objections to the treatment of the colonists and the policies of British that made it impossible for an individual to have hope for their future, the ability to prosper or to have the liberty to worship or not worship God as they saw fit. The document not only clearly stated the colonists’ grievances, but it also gave birth to a national vision and boldly declared it to their oppressors!

  The men who signed the document knew it would likely cost them everything they possessed, including their lives but the desire to not only live in freedom, but to secure freedom and liberty for posterity was a price they were willing to pay. They understood that God had established this nation and that He had given them His vision for the future. They accepted the call and took the risks involved and proclaimed that they would pledge their fortunes, their sacred honor and their lives while relying on Divine Providence to secure the God given vision for the future of America.

  Over the next few years and months many of these men did indeed lose everything they had pledged except their sacred honor. Their heroism inspired many who would also rise to the call to stand for the hope of liberty and the ability to worship God how they saw fit. They resisted the unjust government of King George and his surrogates’ at the risk of their loss of life and limb. Many of these early founders and colonists had experienced the hardships of life in England and Europe and also experienced the liberty offered in the “New World”. Liberty, to them, was a prize worth fighting and dying for.

  In America today there are few who understand the true value of liberty and the price that has been paid in the blood of patriots since the signing of the Declaration and the drafting of the Constitution. Since the depression era ended there has been a “protection mentality” toward our young people to save them from the hardships of those years. The results of that overprotection have been generations of mostly ungrateful and an entitlement minded people. Many, nearly half of all Americans, receive some degree of assistance from government. There are many who genuinely need help and we should help those who are in need. America is the most gifted, blessed, and generous nation on earth and as such should be generous with aid to our own citizens who are in need before we send money to nations who are in some cases our sworn enemies.

   The crisis we are in at this time in America is a direct result of the protectionist/entitlement mentality that has become a large platform for the anti-American Progressives. They have capitalized on human nature to promote their agenda of implementing Marxism in America. They are largely succeeding because they have a vision for America and are willing to do whatever is necessary to implement that vision. They also have an ability to see beyond themselves to generations ahead and are legislating and lobbying to see that it is nearly impossible to turn America back to her roots of merit and self-sacrifice.   

  I believe that America’s best days are still ahead of her but I fear the time for this generation to rise to the call is fast departing. We are being overwhelmed by the distractions being delivered up by the Progressives through every form of media at their disposal to try to discourage their opponents and deter any efforts to stop their agenda. They were stopped once before About 60 years ago and went “underground” for a while before resurfacing as liberals. Regardless of what they decide to label themselves as, they must be stopped and their doctrine of death must be exposed and destroyed. We must not make the mistake Israel made by not completely wiping the enemies of God out and driving them from the land or they will re-emerge again in the future and try to destroy America again.     

  Somehow we need to educate our children to the threat posed by the Progressives and train them to identify future threats to liberty. We will need to remove control of the textbook industry from the Muslim Brotherhood and begin to speak out loudly and boldly against the invasion of Islam and the civilization jihad that is currently taking place here and has nearly overtaken Europe. If left unchecked the current calls for “blasphemy” laws will be enacted here and soon!

  We were given a vision at the beginning of this nation that was ordained of God and we have squandered the awesome and sacred responsibility of being stewards of His nation. It is time to repent of our apathy and laziness and beg God to forgive us and to once again restore America to the place of greatness in the world she once occupied for His glory. There will be many battles to fight and win, and there will likely be numerous casualties along the way, but if we retain our sacred honor we will be given the crown of life and will be forever remembered as having had an instrumental role in SAVING AMERICA.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

  The Progressive machine is beginning to seize up and is in much need of a mechanic to pull it together. Every day there is more evidence that the Democratic Party is entering a state of desperation. The White House spinners are grasping for straws as they are, for the first time in four years, feeling the pressure of the “adoring” media questioning the possibility of a cover up by the administration on the terrorist attack that killed our ambassador and at least 3 other Americans.

  The abysmal performance of their “great leader” in the debate has them blaming everything from the altitude to the “aggressive” tactics used by his opponent, to calling him a liar.

  I was in near shock when I read a story that showed all of the major news outlets (I’d include MSNBC but the only thing major about them is their love for Obama) were running stories in an unfavorable light to the administration. The polling has been so skewed for the president that even the uninformed were questioning the validity of the numbers. Now the new jobs numbers show that the unemployment rate is back to where it was when Obama took office, actually falling from 8.1% to 7.8%. It seems a bit convenient to me that such a drastic change just happens to occur 4 short weeks before the election, but then I remember that we are dealing with Chicago politicians who are not known for their integrity in anything concerning politics. The real number is somewhere in the range of 11 to 14% percent depending on what model is used to calculate the figures. The bottom line is that there are roughly 30,000,000 Americans either unemployed or vastly under-employed which, by any standard, unacceptable!

  Now there is talk that some time before the upcoming debate on foreign policy Obama is going to make some kind of “bold” military strike on Libya that will bolster his ratings on foreign policy. He will likely have his minions at the ready to hit all the Sunday talk shows to tout his strength, courage and leadership in the “war on terror” (or rather, overseas “man caused disasters”). It will, if the strike actually happens, be just another attempt to distract from the realities of his incompetence in leadership. 

  We must not allow ourselves, or those in our realm of influence, to be distracted into the twilight zone of the media or the administrations propaganda. It is up to us as patriotic Americans to keep focused on the real issues that are destroying the fabric of our society. The continued assault, by members of both parties, on the core values that this nation was founded on must be brought to an end. Politicians must be held accountable for their actions and we are the ones who must do it.

   At the time of the Revolutionary War and the writing of the Declaration of Independence the most influential, trusted and vocal leaders were members of the clergy from every denomination. This remained true in America for nearly 150 years until the birth of the Progressive movement around the turn of the 20th century. That leadership must be restored now or we are going to see the fall of the greatest nation on earth and we will be little more than a blip on the radar screen of history. I truly believe that if America falls it will be because the pastors of America did not lead the communities they were called to minister to. Since the church became politically correct and accepted the lie that there is a constitutional separation of the church from the state many, not all but many, pastors are more afraid of offending the “sheep“ or breaking and unjust law than they are of God. Because pastors have given up their role as leaders in community evil has been allowed to fill the vacuum. The definition of darkness is an absence of light, and it is more than obvious to anyone that there is a critical absence of light in this country. Since the leadership that is needed is not coming from the pulpit any more it is up to the Christians individually to become the leaders America needs.

 I would suggest that before a believer steps out in a big way that they speak to the leadership of the body they are a part of and find out where they stand on the political role of the church in the community and ask them to give a BIBLICAL, not merely a denominational or personal, reason for their position.                        

   Caution is advised to those who would strike out on their own and reject the authority of the local church. It is of the utmost importance to be under authority and accountable to other believers. No one can have true authority that is from God unless they themselves are willingly under an authority ordained of God. Jesus himself was willingly under the authority of God the Father and Holy Spirit is in submission to both the Father and the Son and that is the example we as believers must follow. That being said, we have the responsibility to hold our leaders accountable and pressure them to speak the truth and be involved with society. By pressure them I am NOT suggesting that anyone threaten to stop paying their tithe and giving offerings or threatening to leave the church, but rather to challenge their moral duty and Divine call to reach the world for the Kingdom of God. It baffles my mind how many preachers think the community is going to come to Christ when they refuse to be involved in that community in any way but Sunday services, an occasional community outreach through a picnic or block party, or through some poster or track campaign.

  The church has to get involved in society the way the New Testament says Barnabas did. The book of Acts describes the perfect “formula” (if there is a formula) for transforming a community that every believer including the leadership should live.

  The newly birthed church in Jerusalem had heard gentiles were being saved in large numbers so they sent Barnabas to see if it was true. When they commissioned him to go they did not send him to preach but to “see”. The Bible says of him and his trip, that he was a kind man who was full of the Holy Spirit and bold in his faith and as a result many were added to the kingdom. To me this says we as believers should be first and foremost known in the community as kind people. Next we need to be “full” of the Holy Spirit, which simply means that we should constantly be aware of what God is up to where ever we are. And finally we have to be bold in our faith, which means we have to be willing to be used by Him at any given time in any situation. The country, and the world, needs leaders like this in public office today more than ever.

  America has allowed herself to be led by ungodly leaders because the pulpit has been silent for far too long. In Israel when the leaders were corrupt or just not leading God would pick some nobody and call them to fill the void and bring righteousness back to the land. There is a call going out across this land today to any believer who will listen and respond. The Lord ordained this great nation to be a light to the rest of the world but her light has grown dim from decades of political correctness and apathy within the church. There is evidence that the light is beginning to grow brighter in some areas but the light must become blinding all across this land. Darkness cannot exist with light and light always over powers darkness. The word light in the New Testament almost always means “knowledge”, and darkness “ignorance”. We as believers have the knowledge that will dispel the ignorance that is prevalent in our society and once again bring us back to the place God has ordained us to be. It is time for the “nobody’s” to begin to shine in the darkness once again. Our priority must be centered on ”SAVING AMERICA” so that her purpose might be fulfilled.