Saturday, October 6, 2012

  The Progressive machine is beginning to seize up and is in much need of a mechanic to pull it together. Every day there is more evidence that the Democratic Party is entering a state of desperation. The White House spinners are grasping for straws as they are, for the first time in four years, feeling the pressure of the “adoring” media questioning the possibility of a cover up by the administration on the terrorist attack that killed our ambassador and at least 3 other Americans.

  The abysmal performance of their “great leader” in the debate has them blaming everything from the altitude to the “aggressive” tactics used by his opponent, to calling him a liar.

  I was in near shock when I read a story that showed all of the major news outlets (I’d include MSNBC but the only thing major about them is their love for Obama) were running stories in an unfavorable light to the administration. The polling has been so skewed for the president that even the uninformed were questioning the validity of the numbers. Now the new jobs numbers show that the unemployment rate is back to where it was when Obama took office, actually falling from 8.1% to 7.8%. It seems a bit convenient to me that such a drastic change just happens to occur 4 short weeks before the election, but then I remember that we are dealing with Chicago politicians who are not known for their integrity in anything concerning politics. The real number is somewhere in the range of 11 to 14% percent depending on what model is used to calculate the figures. The bottom line is that there are roughly 30,000,000 Americans either unemployed or vastly under-employed which, by any standard, unacceptable!

  Now there is talk that some time before the upcoming debate on foreign policy Obama is going to make some kind of “bold” military strike on Libya that will bolster his ratings on foreign policy. He will likely have his minions at the ready to hit all the Sunday talk shows to tout his strength, courage and leadership in the “war on terror” (or rather, overseas “man caused disasters”). It will, if the strike actually happens, be just another attempt to distract from the realities of his incompetence in leadership. 

  We must not allow ourselves, or those in our realm of influence, to be distracted into the twilight zone of the media or the administrations propaganda. It is up to us as patriotic Americans to keep focused on the real issues that are destroying the fabric of our society. The continued assault, by members of both parties, on the core values that this nation was founded on must be brought to an end. Politicians must be held accountable for their actions and we are the ones who must do it.

   At the time of the Revolutionary War and the writing of the Declaration of Independence the most influential, trusted and vocal leaders were members of the clergy from every denomination. This remained true in America for nearly 150 years until the birth of the Progressive movement around the turn of the 20th century. That leadership must be restored now or we are going to see the fall of the greatest nation on earth and we will be little more than a blip on the radar screen of history. I truly believe that if America falls it will be because the pastors of America did not lead the communities they were called to minister to. Since the church became politically correct and accepted the lie that there is a constitutional separation of the church from the state many, not all but many, pastors are more afraid of offending the “sheep“ or breaking and unjust law than they are of God. Because pastors have given up their role as leaders in community evil has been allowed to fill the vacuum. The definition of darkness is an absence of light, and it is more than obvious to anyone that there is a critical absence of light in this country. Since the leadership that is needed is not coming from the pulpit any more it is up to the Christians individually to become the leaders America needs.

 I would suggest that before a believer steps out in a big way that they speak to the leadership of the body they are a part of and find out where they stand on the political role of the church in the community and ask them to give a BIBLICAL, not merely a denominational or personal, reason for their position.                        

   Caution is advised to those who would strike out on their own and reject the authority of the local church. It is of the utmost importance to be under authority and accountable to other believers. No one can have true authority that is from God unless they themselves are willingly under an authority ordained of God. Jesus himself was willingly under the authority of God the Father and Holy Spirit is in submission to both the Father and the Son and that is the example we as believers must follow. That being said, we have the responsibility to hold our leaders accountable and pressure them to speak the truth and be involved with society. By pressure them I am NOT suggesting that anyone threaten to stop paying their tithe and giving offerings or threatening to leave the church, but rather to challenge their moral duty and Divine call to reach the world for the Kingdom of God. It baffles my mind how many preachers think the community is going to come to Christ when they refuse to be involved in that community in any way but Sunday services, an occasional community outreach through a picnic or block party, or through some poster or track campaign.

  The church has to get involved in society the way the New Testament says Barnabas did. The book of Acts describes the perfect “formula” (if there is a formula) for transforming a community that every believer including the leadership should live.

  The newly birthed church in Jerusalem had heard gentiles were being saved in large numbers so they sent Barnabas to see if it was true. When they commissioned him to go they did not send him to preach but to “see”. The Bible says of him and his trip, that he was a kind man who was full of the Holy Spirit and bold in his faith and as a result many were added to the kingdom. To me this says we as believers should be first and foremost known in the community as kind people. Next we need to be “full” of the Holy Spirit, which simply means that we should constantly be aware of what God is up to where ever we are. And finally we have to be bold in our faith, which means we have to be willing to be used by Him at any given time in any situation. The country, and the world, needs leaders like this in public office today more than ever.

  America has allowed herself to be led by ungodly leaders because the pulpit has been silent for far too long. In Israel when the leaders were corrupt or just not leading God would pick some nobody and call them to fill the void and bring righteousness back to the land. There is a call going out across this land today to any believer who will listen and respond. The Lord ordained this great nation to be a light to the rest of the world but her light has grown dim from decades of political correctness and apathy within the church. There is evidence that the light is beginning to grow brighter in some areas but the light must become blinding all across this land. Darkness cannot exist with light and light always over powers darkness. The word light in the New Testament almost always means “knowledge”, and darkness “ignorance”. We as believers have the knowledge that will dispel the ignorance that is prevalent in our society and once again bring us back to the place God has ordained us to be. It is time for the “nobody’s” to begin to shine in the darkness once again. Our priority must be centered on ”SAVING AMERICA” so that her purpose might be fulfilled.

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