Sunday, September 30, 2012

It is obvious that the forces of the Progressive movement have joined with the Islamists to create what is called a “New World Order”. The Progressives want a godless order with the government as the supreme authority and the “elite” in the role of dictators. The Islamists have basically the same goals and ideology with the exception of the godlessness. The Islamists want a world order that is ruled by the teachings of the Koran and a strict adherence to Shariah Law. The two entities are working together to bring down the west and Israel.

  The greatest threats to each ideology are the ideals that both America and Israel are founded upon, primarily the right of free speech and the right to worship or not worship freely. Each is using the other to achieve their separate goal thinking that they are going to be able to destroy the other when they are no longer useful to them.

   It is frightening to think that there are elements of our own government that are complicit with the overthrow of the Constitution that they swore an oath to uphold. No one wants to believe that there would be or could be American representatives that would be a part of such a heinous act of treason, but the evidence is overwhelming.

   I will not go into detail on the Progressive ties to Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood at this time, but for those who doubt the intensions of the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy the United States, and the west in general, simply Google “Muslim Brother, the Project” and you will see their stated goal.

  What I find of grave concern is the way the news media is using Nazi style propaganda to influence public opinion and support a particular candidate for public office (I do realize that the concept of propaganda was actually conceived during the Wilson administration and later perfected by the Nazis). The unbelievable assaults on character are blatant and overt to any who are paying attention. The problem is that many people have no time to “pay attention” because of the pressures of everyday life and therefore have to depend on the media to inform themselves.

  It was revealed recently that several members of the media were plotting a strategy to make a presidential candidate look “un-presidential” at a press conference after the assassination of our ambassador. The so-called journalists were unaware that a microphone near them was ‘hot’ while they conspired together to coordinate a line of questions that were designed as an attack on the competency of the candidate as president.

  The news media has edited video to make it look as though the candidate had no idea what a vending machine was, they have edited tape of crowds at rallies to make it look as though very few people showed up, they also use camera angles to distort crowd size. The attempts to assassinate the character of an opponent should have no part in press coverage except as part of a report covering how the candidates are doing it to each other to show the character of the individual guilty of said tactics. The role of the press is not to sway an election but to inform the voter by vetting the persons seeking office. I could go on and list literally hundreds of incidents of the press manipulating facts for political gain but to do so would play into the plan of the Progressives which is to distract from the issues and focus on non-related “trivial” issues.

  All of the incidents listed above, and ten thousand more, are absolutely real but they are only symptoms and in many cases distractions from what is really happening to America. An elite few have gained control of the media and are using it to achieve their own goals. When the media is no longer free and independent it is little more than a whip in the hand of a slave owner. The master gives the order to move the masses to the left or to the right and the New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and nearly every other outlet owned or controlled by the “masters” jump into action to form public opinion! The sellout of the press for money and power is a grave danger to the individual liberties of every citizen and to the future of America as a world leader.

  There has always been a fringe element of the press that would do anything for a buck but they were of the tabloid type  and no one paid much attention to them. They were just those sensationalizing magazines at the checkout counter that you would look at and laugh at the ridiculous headlines while waiting in line. But now the entire mainstream media has sold their soul to the progressive agenda and are helping to systematically and fundamentally transform what was at one time the greatest nation on earth into a “middle-class” nation by means of “redistribution” of wealth, which is Communism, Socialism, Marxism or whatever you want to label it, but it is definitely not the America the founders designed. All that I described has been built a little at a time, step by step and brick by brick until the media is no longer the watchdog of democracy it once was. Whether it was done for money or power makes no difference, what matters now is that what was done in some secret conspiratorial back room is brought out into the light and exposed for what it is.

   The institutions responsible for being the eyes of the public, watching our politicians to ensure their integrity, have been corrupted and must be repaired or replaced. I have serious doubts as to whether or not they can be repaired, but regardless, they must be replaced.

  We cannot just walk in and take over the corporate headquarters and fire everyone in sight, but I believe we can shake them to their core. Their bottom line is not loyalty or integrity but, ratings and monetary gains that produce high profit margins. “We The People” have the power and authority to affect change by banding together in a concerted effort to “force” it.

   Though the corruption and deceptions have been conceived behind closed doors to bring an end to America as we know it, we must not stoop to their level of deceit and division but rather understand that we are fighting for the soul of our nation against evil itself. Evil is a spiritual manifestation the Devil himself and we must confront him first before we attempt to attack the symptoms. This is a spiritual battle and therefore must be fought first using the same methods used by Jesus when He was confronted by Satan, then by whatever means we have in the natural realm as the Spirit directs us.

   Concerning the plans conceived behind closed doors the Bible says:   The LORD has said to me in the strongest terms: ‘Do not think like everyone else does. Do not be afraid that some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you. Do not fear anything except the LORD Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him you need fear nothing else. He will keep you safe” Isaiah 8:11-14a nlt . The proclamation of truth will defeat the lies being proclaimed those that have been seduced into the enemy’s camp. The Bible is full of “proclaimable” truths that are as powerful today as they have ever been. We just need to use them.

  In the natural realm we must also use all means available to us to fight the “powers that be”. We have to start at the local level and focus a great deal of attention on recruiting others to join the cause. While we are gaining in number we need to inform the CEOs of known offenders of our outrage over their actions and their attempts to subvert the United States, and that we are going to begin contacting their sponsors and inform them of our intensions to start a grass-roots boycott of their products. There must be a focused campaign directed towards the corporate sponsors. We must begin using Face Book, Twitter and all other means available to us to expose the treasonous actions of the corporations they are supporting with their advertising dollars. We cannot allow ourselves to cave to political correctness and must call things what they are. Lies are lies, not mis-leadings or half-truths, plausible deniability is deception and the benefit of the doubt must questioned strongly and “remembered”!

  If we stand together and resist the Progressive trend we will be victorious and in the end the truth will stand. We will be labeled haters, racists, intolerant, fear mongers, Islamophobeic and a hundred other things, but if we are convinced of the    urgency of the times and the worthiness of our goal  we will gain the stamina to endure. When the attacks come because we spoke out remember these words spoken by a 19th century evangelist “When you are surrounded by a pack of dogs and you throw a brick into the middle of the pack you can easily tell which dog you hit by the yelping and howling”. There will be a lot yelping and howling and possibly some violence that comes our way but we must stand on the high ground and resist the urge to strike back. God will not honor a “first strike” battle; we must resist violence if it is at all possible. The battle is just beginning and will likely last a very long time, but by the grace and mercies of God we will prevail. Looking back a hundred years from now history will show that we were indeed instrumental in SAVING AMERICA.

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