Saturday, September 22, 2012

  There is much being said about “moderate Muslims” that would lead one to believe that the radical element of Islam is taking the religion hostage and giving it a bad name. The issues I have with this train of thought have led to some research that revealed some similar results when compared to the rhetoric about other groups that have caused some ‘discomfort’ to Progressives.

  Those of us who stood up for unborn children were labeled “anti”-abortion while those who supported the murder of the unborn children were called “pro”-choice. Through much work and because many influential people brought the debate into the light of logic we are now called the “pro”-life movement. As a result of persistence in demanding that we be recognized as being for something as opposed to against or anti, the tide of murdering babies is turning and the abortion rates are dropping across the nation. This is just one piece of evidence that there is power in the words we use to label groups.

  The same can be said of the extreme rhetoric being hurled at the Tea party. The essence of the Tea Party is limited government based in Constitutional principle and fiscal responsibility. Progressives in both parties have thrown accusations of being radical extremists and a threat to the country. [actually they are a threat to the country the Progressives want to build!] The sometimes ridiculous accusations made by the Progressives have begun to cause people to pay attention to what the Tea Party is actually saying and as a result the movement is growing rapidly. Again the result of people being vocal and demanding to be heard has led to the re-labeling and truthful recognition of the legitimacy of their cause.  

  The tactic of diversion and disinformation otherwise known as propaganda is also being used to promote Islam as a peaceful religion. Years ago when we were first being introduced to Islamic terrorism the perpetrators of that terror were referred to as “Islamic Fundamentalists”. When one looks at that term, which I believe is an accurate one, logic leads you to understand that the fundamentals of Islam must be terror or violence related. This term was being used right up to the early Bush Presidency. It was during the Clinton presidency when the Muslim Brotherhood began to heavily infiltrate the federal government and efforts were made to “re-label” those Muslims committing terror acts from fundamentalists to radicals. Those efforts have been successful in taking the spotlight off the real problem and onto what is being called a ‘fringe’ group.

  The re-labeling is an attempt to once again use political correctness to hide an element of the Progressive agenda. The reality is that Islam is NOT a religion but rather a system of government with a very minor “religious” division imbedded within it. The fundamentals of Islam cannot be described as anything other than a violence oriented ideology. Since its beginning Islam has been a threat to the entire human race. It has been responsible for more violent death and slavery than any other ideology in history. Islamic fundamentals dictate the subjugation of all people who do not convert and the death of any deemed to be blasphemous ie: Sodomites, Jews, Christians etc. The Koran dictates the murder of infidels where ever they are found.

   So are there moderate Muslims and if so who are they, and in light of the fundamentals of Koranic teaching how can it be possible? The answer is yes there are and the reason it is possible is the same reason that it is true within the Christian community. There are believers in both groups that do not fully follow the dictates of the “faith” as taught in the Bible and the Koran. The so called social gospel is equally alive and well in both Islam and Christianity.

  The Bible states that faith without works is dead which is a fundamental of Christianity that is also a principle within Islam. Jesus said that if believers are not working for Him they in fact are working against Him, the same is true of the followers of Mohammed and Islam. Believers in Christ are called to love Him more than family as does the teachings of Mohammed which is displayed in what are called honor killings!

   Many Christians are nominal at best, living more for self than for the Kingdom and using their Christianity more for “fire insurance” than a life style, the same is true of many Muslims. They are not inherently wicked people so they reject the violent teachings in the Koran in much the same way many Christians reject the uncomfortable teachings of Christ in the Bible. In both cases those who do not follow the dictates of their “faith” are not true believers and will have some “Splainin” to do on judgment day!  

  The strategy is clear and is widely used by the left to frame the argument for governing America and eventually the world if the Church and freedom loving people do not begin to understand how the enemy of freedom thinks. Critical thinking has got to be learned and leadership must once again come from the common man and not the elite. There is little time left to turn the argument back to its logical roots of “accurate” labeling and the over throw of progressivism and the exposure of the threat of fundamental Islam as a violent form of government with the goal of re-establishing a worldwide Caliphate with Shariah as the supreme law. The longer we stay in our little comfort zones and ignore the war that is raging all around us the more difficult SAVING AMERICA will be!         



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