Thursday, March 28, 2013

  So Obama is staging another campaign style event tomorrow to push gun control. And once again he will surround himself with grieving mothers and spew the usual propaganda message "It's for the children." All statistics will be thrown under the bus, guns will be demonized and lawful citizens will be portrayed as supporting the universal background check and "Assault weapons" ban.

  I do not support the universal background check or the ban of any weapon. There are enough laws on the books now that are not being enforced and any new ones passed will do NOTHING to stop a criminal from committing a crime with a gun. The ONLY way to stop ALL gun crime is to completely remove ALL firearms from the entire country, including law enforcement and that will not happen.

 Every new "Compromise" made with these gun-grabbers is another chip out of the Constitutional right to bear arms. We are guaranteed under the 2nd amendment the RIGHT to "KEEP" and BEAR arms and those rights "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".



Here is the definition of Infringe from Websters online dictionary, pay very close attention to #2 and apply it to "SHALL NOT BE"! : in·fring·es; in·fringed; in·fring·ing

 1 : to do something that does not obey or follow (a rule, law, etc.) [+ obj] ▪ infringe [=violate] a treaty/patent ▪ They claim that his use of the name infringes their copyright. [no obj] (chiefly US) — + on or upon ▪ They claim that his use of the name infringes on their copyright.

 2 : to wrongly limit or restrict (something, such as another person's rights) [+ obj] ▪ Her rights must not be infringed. [no obj] — + on or upon ▪ He argues that the proposed law infringes upon our guaranteed right of free speech.

  I wrote and posted this on Face Book yesterday and as predicted the president did exactly what I said he would do. As I watched him give his propagandized speech I was not in the least bit surprised by the way he portrayed the misinformation he has been spreading through the media and by having America’s favorite “Crazy Uncle Joe” give interviews and speeches all over the country.

 It must be said that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans who lack the ability to use critical thinking or have not followed the debate on guns. It therefore falls on those of us who have been watching or listening to the rhetoric to get the correct information out where people can or hear the truth.

 The second amendment clearly and emphatically states citizens have the right to “KEEP AND BEAR ARMS” and that those “RIGHTSSHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. As can be seen in the definition from Webster’s Dictionary the word ‘infringed’ means to wrongly LIMIT or RESTRICT. Any effort by the president to force congress to pass restrictions of any kind on guns or gun owners is unlawful under the Constitution. I would contend that even the taxation of particular arms or ammunition would fall under the definition of restricting as would forcing a gun owner to buy insurance on whatever gun they may own.

   There is no need to give a definition for the word “KEEP”. The framers were specific in the words they chose to write into the “Supreme law of the land”, knowing full well that their words would at some point be challenged or twisted by a corrupt government. Clearly the president is doing exactly what our founders predicted.

  It is going to be a difficult challenge to get the truth out to the public but we must try! Obama is using propaganda to convince the public that some 90% of Americans support “universal background checks” to purchase a firearm. If the number is even close to that it is because people are unaware of the definition of “UNIVERSAL” or the slippery slope it is on top of. Because of the way the proposed law is being drafted a universal background check would mean that there would have to be a national registry of all firearms and their owners to be able to know where those weapons are at all times. It would mean having to prove where every firearm came from by means of original receipt and  it would apply to family members meaning the guns your grandpa bought and is now trying to pass on to you are  illegal firearms and he and you are felons.

  Regardless of what is being said the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and any alteration of it MUST be done through a constitutional amendment ratified by 2/3 of the states. Everything Progressives from both parties are doing is a ruse for gaining control of our God given right of self-protection. Removing firearms from citizens only empowers and emboldens criminals and puts children in danger of exploitation by criminal elements of society and government.

  There was no push to ban weapons when it was the government firing on college students in Kent State Ohio or at Waco Texas or in Ruby Ridge. In all three of these cases the government was found to be at fault and yet no punishment was doled out for the murders of men, women and children.

  SAVING AMERICA from this attempt to undermine the Constitution will take each of us contacting our respective representatives and demanding that they defend or amend the Constitution.

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