"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."
No other book of "Words" has been the center of such controversy and yet survived every vicious attack and attempt to remove it from society, even the Nazi book burnings could not wipe it out of Europe. No other book has been read by more people than the Bible. No other book has had the influence on the history of the world than the Bible. No other book has been on the "Best Seller" list longer than the Bible.
It should provoke those who don't have a clue about what is written within its pages to try to figure out how such a simple thing as a book is capable of being the center of centuries of conflict and the focus of hatred by those who are ignorant of its content.
The whole book is about one "Man" and His desire to love all of mankind and to show man how to love in return. It is full of scientific, historical, geological, geographical and many other scientifically provable facts and is completely based in truth yet is continuously under attack....why?
There is much more going on with this book than many are aware of, there is a reason for all the controversy and distractions away from this book. There is a reason the "Left" hates it and yet "Quotes" from it out of context and misrepresents its meaning and purpose. There is a reason it was forbidden for centuries to be read by the "Common Man" or for him to posses it in any form. There was a reason only the "Priests" were allowed to read it to the people and only then in a language they did not speak. There is a reason that men were sentenced to death for translating it into readable languages.
The reason is simple, at least to anyone who is willing to be honest and desires to know the truth more than they desire to be right. The facts surrounding all attempts to silence the Bible are this; in each case, including the religious leaders during the time Jesus walked the earth, the reason was because those in power saw it as a threat to their control over the population. The same reason applies to those trying to remove it from the public stage today. They know that true liberty, individual freedom and creativity to invent, produce and market products creating individual wealth is taught, encouraged and in fact originates from the "Words" of the Bible and the God who inspired those words wants all men to be free from those who oppress and abuse others.
There is nothing new under the sun and the things happening now to ban the Bible and attempts to twist its words to say what it clearly does not (what the snake did in the garden) will continue to happen until there is no longer time for the debate and deception. To be free, prosperous and happy a society needs only one thing, free and open access to the Bible in every sector of daily life from cradle to grave so that the Spirit who interprets it can freely and openly work in the hearts and minds of its willing readers. Our founders understood this but for some reason we consider ourselves to be a bit wiser than they obviously were.....
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