Monday, January 14, 2013

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good" (George Washington)

  In my humble opinion there can only be two choices that would explain what is happening today concerning the debate among politicians about an Americans right to keep and bear arms; one is because they are ignorant of the reason the founders thought it important for the people to be armed, the other is they are fully aware and have an agenda they know will be challenged by the people.

  If those who have been entrusted to guard and protect the Constitution are ignorant of the history leading to the necessity of citizens being armed they have no right to be charged with protecting it. I believe every politician should have to show a reasonable command of our history and that of the documents they vowed to up hold and defend.

 I believe there is reason to suspect that the government has nefarious reasons to mislead the public about the reason for gun control but I won’t go into it here. One needs only go back a few decades to see what our government is capable of doing to its’ citizens during a “crisis”, Japanese internment camps, Kent State, Ruby Ridge and Waco to name a few.

  The debate taking place in congress and the White House is being done on false pretenses and is designed to undermine the Constitution. The politicians are saying they want to protect “hunters” rights, making it sound like that is why the 2nd amendment exists. The 2nd amendment exists expressly for citizens to resist a tyrannical government, not so people can hunt. Any suggestion to the contrary by politicians is proof of their ignorance of or their agenda against the Constitution and they should be held to account for either or both.

   Dianne Feinstein (D Ca.) is on record saying her goal is to confiscate all arms from us. She is not alone in her desire to accomplish that goal but those with that agenda know they cannot achieve it in one legislative action so they will tear the Constitution down the same way you dismantle a wall by hand, one brick at a time. One “compromise” after another until they are able to get gun ownership to only a handful of citizens to resist them is what they are doing as we sit by and eat the propaganda being fed to us by the Progressive machine known as the mainstream media.

 Whether you own a firearm or not you should be alarmed by the tactics being used to usurp the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution. If you think it will stop with the 2nd amendment you fool yourself, Look at what is happening in N.Y.C. with the mayor controlling everything from how much soda you can buy to the restriction of pain killers in hospitals. Progressivism is ALL about allowing the “elite” to exercise control over the masses. If you are ok with being regulated out of your liberties then sit back under your new spirally light bulbs and enjoy the “Matrix”, but I will speak out and refuse to comply with politicians who are stealing my liberty and bankrupting my grandchildren.

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