There comes
a time in every man’s life when he must take a stand for what he ‘knows’ is
right. When that time arrives there is a strength that arises which is beyond
his capability of performing in his natural mind. His knowledge of right and
wrong and good and evil becomes his driving motivation as he looks to the
future and sees the consequences of remaining silent in the face of evil’s
forceful advancement. His love for truth and desire to leave a better tomorrow for
posterity releases an ability to sacrifice his own wellbeing for that of the
greater good of society. The natural instinct for survival is overridden and
suddenly he realizes that he must sacrifice himself for something far more
valuable, his sacred honor and love for truth and moral justice.
There is a need for the generation that is
alive in America to today to rise above perceived reality and see through the
delusion that has come upon American society, and indeed the entire world,
through the actions of a very vocal minority. We have been brainwashed by an agenda
derived from an evil ideology that has destroyed every nation in recorded
The ideology
has had many labels throughout history but it is as old as time itself. It is
based in the notion that man is not other than himself but is sovereign and
therefore has no need of anything but self-fulfillment. Nothing could be
further from the truth than this; it is a delusion from the heart of evil
The word delusion is a synonym of deceive
which means to “lead” from the truth into error, to mislead the mind or the judgment
of the mind, to mock or frustrate the hopes or aims of the mind. It is a false belief
or persistent error of perception occasioned by false belief or mental
derangement leading to wrong decisions”. (Webster’s dictionary definition)
It is
clear that the American dream, which has nothing to do with being successful in
acquiring wealth or fame, but is the belief that through Divine guidance we are
capable of governing ourselves, is under attack by the same enemy that caused
Adam and Eve to be deceived into believing they were not who they were.
The Biblical account of the events that took
place in the Garden of Eden shows how Eve was deceived into thinking that she
was not what she indeed was. The serpent told her she could be like God “if”.
The reality was that she was already like God; made in His image. He was able
to confuse her identity and caused her to be “led” away from her destiny by the
promise of something that the serpent could never deliver on.
Just as was the case with the original
deception, America has been deluded into believing she is something she is not.
We have been lead away from the truth of our founding history and been sold a
bill of goods by a progressive narrative that has destroyed our sense of right
and wrong and good and evil. What was once considered common sense is no longer
common among the American public and especially within our government.
Everything the last generation believed to be the essential and basic
fundamentals of America are being systematically mocked and replaced by Progressive
The ideology of Progressivism removes the possibility
of hope outside of government programs and thereby frustrates the hope that is born
in the heart of man from his creator. King Solomon stated that God has placed
eternity in the heart of man (Ecc.3:11) which means that within all people there
is a desire to discover a ‘thing’ greater than perceived reality. Progressivism
presents a false belief and persistent error by ignoring the reality that man
is a spiritual being that is destined and indeed driven to be free and innovative.
By removing hope from man the Progressives
have caused frustration in the hearts and minds of many people which has led to
wrong decisions resulting in everything from financial distress to mass
murders. When there is no hope, vision or sense of purpose for the future in
the heart of man he is destined to perish because of the decisions he makes.
The word perish means a slow decay which is precisely the current state of
America. The word decision means to award victory to one side over another;
calling good evil and evil good!
I believe people are beginning to awaken to
the God ordained desires within their heart that have been being filled with
the things we have been led to believe was success; money, power, position,
popularity and the accumulation of ‘stuff’. One more definition worth noting is the word success;
success is the fulfillment of original purpose. The original purpose of man is
to be in relationship with his creator and NOTHING will ever be able to substitute
for the fulfillment of that purpose.
As we realize the state we have been led to
and the consequences of remaining on the path to decay we will be faced with
the decision to stand against evil and risk everything we have for our
posterity or to award victory to those who would enslave our minds to hopeless
dependency on a governing system that cannot fulfill the promise of a just and
humane utopia. It is time to re-evaluate our state of being and realize we will
be what we are becoming if we are not willing to change our direction. Once we
determine we desire honor and moral justice we will receive the strength to
stand against evil, and in the face of righteous anger and determination, evil
will shrink away and fade into the shadows. History shows that though evil will
fade away, it will try to return under a different label but with the same
intent. It is imperative that we instill honor and morality to the next
generation so they will recognize evil whenever it appears in any form. This
can and will only be accomplished if the current generation leads from the
front by example and shows the benefits of living an honorable life in the
pursuit of happiness through self-government.
In my opinion there is no other way we can
recapture the heart of God for America and remain the republic He established
than to confront the evil we face with boldness knowing that it is by Divine
appointment we have been awakened at this time. I hope and pray that others
will soon join the fight for the restoration of this great republic and SAVING
AMERICA will realized in our lifetime!
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