Tuesday, January 8, 2013

                          FULFILLING THE AGENDA


  The Progressive movement is one that seeks to destroy capitalism and bring about a Marxist style of government. The tactics they will use are callous and limitless with no concern for any individual’s liberty or wellbeing, their only concern is the fulfillment of their agenda.

  Recently I saw an interview on the internet during which an EXTREMELY rightwing man was advocating a forceful confrontation with the government. He boldly and brazenly spread what he claimed are facts, but he has no absolute evidence to back up many of his claims of government conspiracies. I concede that much of what he says makes a lot of sense and I too believe we are being governed by corrupt and dangerous elitist ideologues with their own best interest front and center. But a lot of what he says falls deeply into the category of ‘conspiracy theory’ and is dangerous to the uninformed public.

  The man is a ‘fairly’ well known TV and radio celebrity known for his outspoken distrust of the U.S. government and the U.N., which is a view I share with him. Where I separate myself from him is not his mistrust with the institutions but rather the method and delivery of his message and his solutions to the peril we are in.

   The interviewer was able to achieve his goal of portraying this man as an “Extremist” nut case who is hell bent on committing violence and encouraging others to follow suit. When confronted with the need for guns to be removed from the public sector or at the very least controlled by more laws and regulations the gentleman flew off into a tirade with shouting and promises of swift retaliation toward anyone who attempted to limit his 2nd amendment rights. While his passion to defend the Constitution and the liberties it guarantees is highly commendable the way in which he expressed his stance on the rights provided under the Constitution was less than eloquent.

   Whether the man is ignorant of the Progressive’s tactics or is just trying to bring some ratings for his radio/TV programs I don’t know. What I do know is one of the favorite and very successful tactics of the Progressive machine is to ‘demonize’ and marginalize the opposition.

   Since 2010 the Progressives have been trying to portray the right and the Tea Party in particular, as radical extremists who employ and advocate violent tactics to achieve their goal of limited government and lower taxes. The interviewer did just that with this interview. You can bet that this man will be used as a “poster boy” for the Tea Party by the Progressive propaganda machine.

   Though I agree with nearly all of the accusations the man makes against the government, I completely disagree with the way he is advocating dealing with the threat they pose. There very likely will come a time when we will have to take up arms to defend the Republic but this is not that time. We are in an unfavorable position by not having the bully pulpit of the presidency or the full force of the media to give a fair portrayal of who we are.

  I believe it is imperative that we use every means at our disposal to demonstrate to the public who we are and what we stand for and why.

 The average Tea Party follower does not have the ability to reach the masses with the message we embrace so we have to rely on what we do have. We must live the values we espouse so as to influence those we have in our sphere of influence. Venues like Face Book, Twitter and other avenues of social media are powerful tools that must be used to counter the narrative our adversaries are spreading through society.

  Progressives have been at work undermining western civilization for many decades and have a clear and effective plan to carry that goal through to fruition. The plan was tried in the 1960’s but was found to be unattainable because the ‘powers that be’ had control of the political realm, and the media at that time was still an actual “news media” that had not yet been overtaken by a Marxist ideology. Everything has changed since that period of history and the Progressives now control both the political and media realms. The deck is truly stacked against conservative/traditional values in favor of Marxism.

  History shows undeniably that violence will be used to bring about as radical a change as is proposed by the Progressives. Because they know from experience that Americans are for the most part, kind, benevolent, rational and tolerant people, they cannot be the aggressor in a violent takeover of America. Their goal can only be achieved by winning the political argument with the public, which they are beginning to do, or by revolution. The political argument will, I believe, fall apart when the people begin to feel the restrictive effects of the over regulation of government which will leave revolution as their means of fulfilling the agenda.

    As I stated earlier the American people will not support a first strike by the government, case in point, Kent State University. Progressives welcome violent revolution and have and do support and employ violent revolutionaries around the world and in the current administration. They will continue to provoke the fringe and extreme elements of the ‘self-proclaimed’ Tea Party type by any and every means in their arsenal until someone strikes out with an act of violence that is directed at the government.

  Once someone makes that move it will give them all the justification they need to use all the information they have been gathering on every citizen to link together all whom they deem a threat and begin implementing the mass arrests of gun owners and sympathizers. Their plan for linking together Constitutional conservatives and labeling us radicals has been going on for the last 4 years by the current administration.

  Everyone from war vets to Christians to those who support the concept of constitutional government has been named by the Department of Homeland Security as terrorist threats to the government. Legislation has been passed and executive orders have been signed dealing with the imprisonment of American citizens for an indefinite period of time without charges or trial. 

   I cannot go into length about the frightening aspects of what this government has already done and what I believe they are capable of and are willing to do to complete the take-over of America because of the sheer volume of possibilities. I can say that they learned during the 1960s that they can only accomplish their goal by controlling the perspective because perspective is reality.

   As we continue to speak out in opposition to the transformation of America we must keep our minds focused on the fact that we are a unique nation founded on Biblical principles and only by using those principles will we be successful in our endeavors. We are a nation of laws and it is by using those laws that we will win. God will not sanction a violent revolution started by us, He has given us the laws of this land and we must abide by them.

  Our first line of offense is prayer and we must pray with fervent intercession on behalf of the republic and those who are in leadership. Ephesians 6 tells us that we are not wrestling flesh and blood, but the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This must always be in our minds and we must use the weapons He has sanctioned to battle those forces. There may come a time in the near future when we will be forced to move into civil unrest as did those who marched on Washington during the civil rights battles of the 1960s, but even then we must not move into violence.

   If we follow those who advocate a “pre-emptive” strike we will be destroyed and our cause will fall to future generations to fight after God only knows how many years of suffering. The fight is only just beginning for us because the Progressives have been moving largely unopposed in the shadows and with the propaganda machine known as the press covering for them. Our mission is clear and our goal a worthy one, but only a firm reliance on Divine protection and preservation will see us through this war. I hope all who read this will understand the importance of using the tactics first used during the 2010 campaign season of peaceful, yet bold meetings for a redress of grievances. It was those public meetings with our congressmen and women that began the awakening of the public to the Progressive agenda and it will be those kinds of confrontations that will be effective in continuing to awaken the public and expose the strategy being implemented against America.

  If we continue to make our voices heard in a rational and peaceful way we will overcome. We must understand also that the Bible says that the Meek will inherit the earth. The meaning of the word meek is not weak or timid; it literally means “CONTROLED POWER”!

 SAVING AMERICA will depend completely on our ability to control our emotions when confronted with the opportunity to react to provocation. We must not react, we must respond with the power of meekness!

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