Sunday, June 2, 2013

  I am going to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt here and go on the assumption that he really is naïve about how our enemies think. With his immensely Progressive education it is possible, although highly unlikely given his education in Islamic schools as a youth, that he is completely ignorant of how the real world functions and how Islamic nations in particular view his “leadership” style.

  Presidents like Eisenhower, J.F.K., Nixon, Reagan, Bush the elder and G.W. Bush all, to a degree, commanded respect from most of America’s enemies because they didn’t make threats. When they drew a line in the sand our enemies generally did not cross it because they understood the consequences of challenging America in an overt manner. That is not to say that there weren’t a few occasions where they tried our resolve as Khadafy and Saddam Hussein did.

  There was, I believe, a quality that these presidents had that Carter, Clinton and certainly Obama does not have and because of his arrogant pride and narcissism, which exceeds even that of Bill Clinton’s, he is incapable of having.

 The quality I am speaking of ‘usually’ comes from ones upbringing in a morally sound and well-grounded society. During my early lifetime America was a morally united society because the foundation of the nation and the education system were combined with the knowledge that discipline is a good thing for children to have. Things like homosexuality, unwed motherhood, abortion and divorce carried a stigma and were not spoken of in the open.

  The quality needed by those who are in high profile positions of leadership, particularly in the office of president is “Meekness”. A good understanding of the meaning of meekness is no longer common knowledge and therefore the ability to command respect from ones enemies is impossible. Most people equate meekness with weakness which could not be further from the truth.

  America commands the world’s most powerful military, a fact that has kept us relatively safe for many years. The fact that we have never used that power to take control of other nations for the purpose of expansion by conquering the people and exploiting its resources sets America apart from every other nation with the exception of Israel.

  Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton helped to set the stage for the mess we are in now by refusing to exhibit true meekness and instead capitulated to those who dared to challenge our strength. Kennedy took a stand against the U.S.S.R in Cuba and Reagan continued to be bold with them. Reagan also displayed America’s meekness when Kaddafi challenged the U.S. he sent a missile to his home address and shut him down.

  Meekness means “Controlled Power” not restrained power. When power is necessary to defend ones integrity it must be exercised or those challenging you will do what all bullies do, keep testing your limits until they finally outright attack you. Because of the actions not taken by Carter when Iran took control of our embassy and those not taken by Clinton when Islamic fundamentalists continually attacked us we saw the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor on September 11, 2001.

  For Obama to refuse to stand in overt opposition to the rise of Islam in the world and to openly embrace it, and Communism/Socialism/Marxism, is to show our enemies we are not willing to use or abilities to resist and defend ourselves. Progressivism has brained washed the public into a Politically correct neutered nation of cowardly fools that will pay the price for their political apathy. History shows that when Islam is given an opening it will exploit it and mass death will begin as soon as they feel they have the upper hand.

  Obama has no understanding of meekness. He understands he has been granted much power and instead of controlling it to better the security of the republic he has chosen to wield that power to advance an Un-American agenda known as Progressivism. This administration’s actions, or inactions, have emboldened Islam in the Middle East to accelerate their re-establishment of the Caliphate.   

  Whether he is aware of his foolishness or not the fact remains that America’s enemies are fully aware of the weakness in America’s ‘leaders’ and are taking bold steps to implement their agenda around the world. With this man in the White House and Progressives in control of both houses of Congress there is no hope of stopping Islam from bringing America to her knees (which is exactly where she needs to be).

  God is the only hope for America’s restoration to the once respected and feared nation on earth. SAVING AMERICA depends solely her falling to her knees before God and pleading for mercy and turning to Him not just towards Him….

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