Friday, June 7, 2013


  America is under attack from within its own government by a nefarious group of elitist hell bent on gaining control of power over every aspect of average American citizens lives, and in fact the entire world.

   Trust in our government to keep us ‘safe’ from terror threats has been completely eroded by the overt politicizing of decisions on issues of national security.

 We were lied to about the attacks on our embassy in Benghazi by every department of government to ensure that the presidents’ election narrative of the destruction of Al Qaida would not be exposed as a lie. The lies that were told caused Libya’s prime minister to look like a fool and as a result he denied access to the “crime scene” by the FBI for more than 3 weeks.

  No one is asking why the FBI is investigating this incident in the first place or why it is being treated as a crime. It was NOT a crime it was an act of war against the United States. Any embassy anywhere is sovereign U.S. territory and as such any attack of any kind is an attack on the homeland and is an act of war. The CIA, not the FBI, is supposed to investigate international incidents.

  We have learned that the IRS has targeted American citizens who wish to defend the Constitution and promote conservative values, and that those responsible for abusing their power were not punished but promoted. In addition to the targeting scandal we learned that they lied to Congress about who was responsible for initiating the abuse of Americans which is a violation of the Constitution. In addition to those issues we learned that IRS officials are responsible for wasting more than 4 million tax payer dollars on frivolous conferences and lied to Congress about that and that they cannot find any receipts for those conferences.

   We learned that the “Justice” Department has abused its power to spy on the press and lied either to Congress or to a judge, or both, about the reason for getting a warrant for the records of reporters. During the investigation of the Justice Department it was then discovered that the phone records of Congress were also targeted for spying. Attorney General Holder has been arrogant and defiant in the face of congressional investigations into his departments’ abuse of power.  

  We learned that the National Security Administration had been collecting the phone records of nearly 5 million Verizon Communications subscribers and storing the information on all their calls. Then we learned that contrary to the “official” response from Washington it was not limited to Verizon but included nearly every other phone company. The N.S.A. is assuring us that they are not gathering the content of those calls so there is nothing for us to be concerned about. (I feel better now!)

  Now we hear that the “latest” scandal is code named “Prism” which gathers all the internet activity of everyone to the extent that if you are on line they can capture and store EVERY KEY STROKE you make regardless of whether you hit the delete button or not.

  There is now in place a N.S.A. center in the desert of Utah that is solely for the purpose of storing and filtering all communications. The possibilities of the nightmares that could be produced by a corrupt government that has the ability to use this information to destroy its’ enemies has no limits.

  There is no media accountability and there are few in office that will tell the American people the danger we are facing from this elite group of nefarious individuals. This ruling group is out of control and they will stop at nothing to further their agenda of control. They will use computer generated imaging and out of context audio to destroy anyone they deem a threat to their agenda.

  I believe the evidence that will show why they are not afraid of suffering any consequences for their actions is going to be revealed very soon. The ability to not be noticeably nervous in the face being exposed for what they are says to me that there is something already in place that they believe will be their shield from harm. I also believe that what we know about their actions and that of their propaganda machine (the news media) is only the tip of a much larger iceberg that has been strategically placed to ‘shipwreck’ capitalism and assure that those responsible for the carnage will be the ones elevated to even greater power.

 The elites responsible for this strategy are not Democrats or Republicans, though there are many members of both parties involved, they are believers in Progressivism with strong allegiance to the “Fabian Socialists” of the late 19th and early 20th century. It was people like George Bernard Shaw and Margret Sanger (founder of “Planned Parenthood”) that birthed the ideology behind Hitler’s Germany and the final solution. Do not think for a second that the goals stated by the founders of the Progressive ideological movement have changed one iota, they have not. Their goal is the termination of any and all undesirable elements of society including minorities, physically and mentally handicapped as well as all those who believe in individual liberty and the Constitution.

 It is going to be those of us who are sounding the alarm that will be removed and then the rest will be hunted like animals and demonized to the useful idiots of Progressivism like it was to the German public who supported Hitler on the lead up to “Night of Long Knives”. Soon after the proverbial turd hits the fan those who have been willingly misinformed may begin to question events but it will be too late to stop the madness.

   The good news is that Progressives completely discount any possibility of there being a God and that America is in a covenant relationship with Him. They also discount the American spirit and the God given unity of American Exceptionalism. I believe America can and will survive the coming horrors (I do believe there will be horrible things that happen) if we awaken soon. Our government has forgotten that WE THE PEOPLE are the government and that they work for us and we have the power to fire them and put them on trial for treason.

   Very soon, if those in government who are on the right side of the Constitution cannot stop the progress of Progressivism, it will be time to march in mass on Washington and retake the Presidency and Congress. It will take millions marching to get their attention and cause them to listen to our Constitutional right to peacefully assemble for a redress of our grievances. We must use the first amendment to achieve our goals and remain within the rule of law or we will lose America and many will die in vain.

  I realize that many will say I am overstating and even sensationalizing events taking place but that is a risk I am willing to take. I am the father of two sons and I have four grandchildren, one of which is a new born, and it is their lives that are at stake. I pray to God that all I have said and all I believe about our government is just part of a vast right-winged conspiracy, but I do not believe it to be wrong.

  I love this republic and I appreciate the opportunities it has afforded me and I want more than anything to assure my grandchildren the same liberty to succeed or to fail that I had.

  SAVING AMERICA is my highest goal because I believe that God has ordained me and millions like me to be involved in this battle to preserve a beacon of light to the world that gives a hope for the future and sense of purpose for today. If this war is lost to Progressivism it will NOT be because I did not fight with the weapons afforded to me. I will not bury my talents in the ground for fear of the master, I will risk all I have for the call on my life, will you?  

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I pray it never comes to that but I could never surrender.
