Thursday, June 20, 2013

  I left for work a little early this morning to spend a little time with the Lord at the river while the sun was coming up. While I was  watching the sun rise and the river flow below the fog, I saw a Bald Eagle circling overhead. I watched it for several minutes and I was amazed when I saw it being run off by a much smaller bird. The majestic bird was denied it's rightful place in the heavens by a much smaller and less powerful bird. 
  The eagle was much larger and could have easily killed the small bird with one slap of it's wing or swipe of it's talon but instead it did everything it could to avoid the confrontation and surrendered it's rightful place in the sky to the small black bird and retreated to the cover of the trees that line the river bank.
  I have seen this scene before many times with large birds of prey and crows being run off by small birds and thought nothing more about it than to wonder why they didn't fight back. Today however I was struck with the sense that God was trying, and had tried several times before, to speak to me.
 I have to wonder how often our prophetic voice and position in the heavens is surrendered to a less powerful voice? How many times have I not used the authority I have been endowed with to fight off an annoying little bird that was squawking and beating it's wings as I was trying to soar in the heavens? What opportunity did I miss because I didn't want a confrontation? How many souls might I have been able to rescue from hell? What seed did not get planted in the heart of someone that God led into my path?
  We all have "Little Black Birds" that come into our rightful area of influence to intimidate us into silence. Probably the most abundant species we have in America today is the one known as the 'P.C. (political correctness) Bird'.
 We have been programed by the 'elite' of society to be non-offensive in every area of everyday life from race relations to gun rights. But who are we being non-offensive too? Why is their position superior to mine? Why must I suppress my opinions to accommodate ones that are diametrically opposed to the basic rights afforded to me by God and the Constitution? Do I not have a God given right to free speech? Is America the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" anymore or have we decided that feelings of a small minority of 'elitist' is more worthy of expression than that of the majority of Americans? 
  I am not advocating being or becoming 'bullies', but it is high time we start to stand up against the tyranny of control freaks in government and tell them to get a life of their own and leave us alone! They just need to get over themselves and understand that not everyone thinks or believes in the things they do or don't. The time to resist political correctness publically and boldly is now.
 We must learn to exercise our authority and speak without being intimidated by those who wish to stop us from SAVING AMERICA. Don't let an inferior voice intimidate you today, for God did not give us a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a strong mind. And God did not give America to a bunch thin skinned whiners but to bold and brave men and women who were willing to sacrifice their sacred honor, their lives and their fortunes to secure a land where EVERYONE had the right to freely express themselves in the public sector. I am an AMERICAN and I intend to start acting like one again, and the next politically correct 'black bird' that tries to run me off is going to encounter a majestic Bald Eagle that knows how to use it's wings and talons in defense of my right to soar.

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