Friday, June 29, 2012

  As I said in my last post the progressives are master chessmen! They have won a major battle that has been in the making for decades. While the established "rinos" have been letting the progressive weasels lead them in compromiseing marches toward elections, the progressives have succeeded in establishing another major foothold on the throat of liberty in America!
  For far too long "We the People" have allowed the elite professional politicians tell us that a true (or rather in their minds an extremeist) conservative can not be elected to office. They keep telling us we have to nominate a moderate. Meanwhile they offer us candates like Bob Dole and John McCain and we lose more ground! The time has come to take a stand against the establihed politicans and start demanding to be heard
  We have reached the edge of the line in the sand that Thomas Jefferson warned about when he said "When the government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fear the government there is tyranny"! Abraham Lincoln famously said "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves"!
 We are allowing future generations of Americans to be enslaved by an ideology that is nothing less than Marxist! The rueling by the NOT SO SUPREME COURT that upheld the constitutionality of government run healthcare was one of if not the most anti-America rueling of the century! 
 The silence of  the citizenry on the right,which out numbers the left by a 2 to 1 majority by the way, must end and end now! It is obvious that the majority of our so called 'representitives' don't listen to or care about what we on the right think, or to quote the famous philosipher Homer Simpson "just because I don't care dosen't mean I don't understand!"
 The odds are against us as a free people but there is still hope for America! The real and final solution rests in the soverignty of God and His covenant with the founders. But there is another side that must be enguaged also and I will begin to address that now.
 The soultion lies in the money game almost all politicians are involved in. The lobbiest and big corporations and banks feed the lust for power and popularity of these professional weasels poloticians. The way to stop them and make them listen is to cut the money flow, I would add that even if they turn their cowardly backs and start to come our way, they still need to be thrown out of office and replaced with people who have a profound respect for  our founding documents and are less concerned about elections.
 This will only be possible if we, all of us, start to get involved at the grass roots level. We have to understand that commerce is the root of all money flow in this economy and it is the marketers that drive the way influence goes. By this I mean that if corporations  that deal in goods and services begin to hear from the average citizen that they will no longer purchase their goods or services if they continue to support these weasels. The left has been using the threat of boycott with some degree of success and they are only about 1/3 of the population.
 The media is another big area that needs to be targeted (yes I said targeted!) in a massive way. Though it may not do any good to write to or call the corporate head quarters it can have a profound affect on the local media if enough people start to complain about the so called news that is being reported. They need to know that we could care less how many times some sleezy Hollywood star gets busted or about their discusting personal love lives! The world is on the brink of the most massive financial collasps and they don't give more than 60 seconds of air time about it, if that!  The president and his administration are singlehandly dismanteling the Constitution and they say nothing!
 I urge every patriotic American to start now, not tomorrow, to make your voice heard to these institutions. Don't stop until they are either turned around or bankrupt! Tell your friends, family, co-workers and the mail man to take a stand now before it is too late! If we will all take responsibility and act as one voice united, we can and will SAVE AMERICA! 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

 My most recent research has shed some light on some very disturbing revelations about where we are and how we got here. We are where we are by no coincidence. There is a plan, or are plans, in place to destroy America and Israel. There are a number of individuals, who at their very core are evil men and women who are wealthy and have used their wealth to gain power and influence over political and social leaders across the globe.
 Though  they often are at odds with each other they all recognize the threat that America, and to a lesser degree, Israel are to their goal of controlling the the affairs of men. Their efforts are relentless and their strategies are brilliant. They never let a crisis go to waste, seeing every event as an opportunity to either advance progress toward their goal or as a learning experience.
  They have learned that they may not see the fulfillment of their goals, but that they may have to pass the objective on to future generations of like minded evil men and women. As far as I have been able to discover they are on the second or possibly the third generation into the plan. They are patient, persistent and  and completely committed to destroying America and Israel. America because she is the one sovereign nation with the resources and spirit of freedom and liberty that will stand against being controlled from without. Israel because she, like America, is a free and open society that espouses individual freedom and liberty, but more so that the Jew is and has been hated because they are the only people group that claim to be Gods chosen people.
  One of the most successful strategies thus far has been the rewriting of history in order to gain control over individual and collective identity. The most important aspect of every human being is to know, "who am I and why am I here". Teaching  the theory of evolution as scientific fact has been aggressively pushed in schools to undermine the moral and ethical value of  human life. When identity is stolen or surrendered hope is also lost. When hope is gone man will stop resisting and submit to who or whatever offers him a sense of purpose and or identity.
  Like it or not the "conspiracy theorists" are right. There is a conspiracy to rule the world through passive, and if necessary, radically violent means. The evidence is in the words and deeds of those who are involved and are available for anyone to see if they look in the right places. The presistance they have had has gained them much ground over the last 100 years.
  They are masters at what they are doing and will be unbeatable if people don't wake up soon. They are always on the offensive side of the war manipulating events and throwing diversions out that distract and divide their opponents. While we are busy focusing on individual battles they are the "chess masters" planning three, four or five moves ahead knowing their opponents will take the bait.
   Now here's the bad news; we as a nation have been taking the bait, hook line and sinker for decades. We have to take some drastic steps and take them now.
  First we must educate ourselves and our children in the "real", not the "rewritten", history of America from original sources. Second we must figure out ways to educate those around us. Third we must commit to the fight for the long term, generationally. We can not turn this assault around in one, five or even ten years, save a sovereign move of God!  
   In the immediate future we must all help motivate everyone (except those who refuse to see the trouble we are in and will continue to suck the breast of the nanny state) to get registered to vote and then actually go out and vote for every conservative man or woman running for office on every level of government. We must get in the face of those running for office and demand to know where they stand on the three fundamental rights laid out in the Constitution, LIFE, LIBERTY and the "PURSUIT" of HAPPINESS.
  If they will not state that they are pro life then you must assume they are pro death ( I have given up on political correctness) or cowardly. If they are for government control of education and promoting massive government welfare programs then they are not for individual liberty and  personal responsibility and will make make slaves of those who "choose" to not participate in society in a productive manner by making them part of the entitlement society. I do believe in helping the helpless and those who through no fault of their own are "temporally" handicapped by a situation or health condition. If a candidate thinks that it is the responsibility of government to guarantee the happiness of every one by or through "FAIRNESS" then they don't understand that the founders said that government can only guarantee "THE PURSUIT" not the outcome!
 In future posts I will give more details and name names of those who are involved in this assault and give my perspective on how we can stop these enemies and, for the sake of  generations of Americans to come,  together  we will save America!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Well I'm back! Not sure where I was but I'm back! I'm just trying this new site because I some how got blocked from the old one!
Very soon, within the next couple days I will be posting some very important and damning evidence related to the political players in our government from both parties. I hope you will read and respond to the posts by leaving some feedback and also by getting others involved in America again. So for now I will sign off and finish my research for the next post.