Saturday, July 27, 2013

The following was copied from a friend on Facebook;
 by Larry R. Fontenot,

I have never desired anything in my lifetime nearly so much as I wished never to speak or write these words. Events of this time in our nation now remove any choice but to speak the unspeakable and write the unwanted words.

Wars and battles throughout the history of mankind have often been fought by those who would chosen peace were that choice available to them. When war is waged against a people, the only options available to the attacked is death, subjugation or victory. A war may not be of your choosing but the consequences of submission or defeat will surely become both your destiny and your history.

John McCain has declared the U. S. a battlefield and Hussein Obama has signed ‘Battlefield Legislation’. Although the public’s perception of this and similar statements is of terrorist actions, the reality is far different. The U. S. is to be a battlefield for a coming war between Americans and, almost assuredly simultaneously, a war by a faction of Americans against muslims. The seeds of the coming war have been sown in the rich soil of racial distrust and enmity, fertilized by high unemployment and a soaring inflation rate affecting a majority of poor black Americans and tended by money-seeking race baiters such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

The immediate publicizing of Trayvon Martin’s death and the intentional misrepresentation of the facts surrounding the incident by the mainstream media was not accidental. Ever the willing tool of the Obama administration, the mainstream media offered up a catalyst to bring Hussein Obama’s efforts toward total racial division to fruition. Did you think that preparatory preaching of race hatred by the bigoted racist Jeremiah Wright an anomaly? Wright and others of his ilk put to shame the best efforts of robe-wearing Ku Klux Klansmen in fomenting racial hatred in preparation for this war.

Obama’s self-insertion into the Zimmerman/Martin incident was carefully calculated and goal oriented. The desired result was achieved as woefully ignorant people were swayed to the belief that Zimmerman was a racist who ‘profiled’ Martin and marked him for death. Post-verdict racial harmony was absolutely the very last thing that Obama wanted because it did not serve the ends of his ultimate goal – the destruction of America.

Hussein Obama’s quest for gun control/gun confiscation is a concurrent and compatible action to racial division which is designed to achieve the specific result of equalizing a numerically inferior force. The mounting effort to end ‘stand your ground’ laws is meant to bring about a state of armament superiority to the numerically inferior force. Law-abiding white Americans are expected to surrender their weapons and to flee assaults and invasions by blacks who will not give up their weapons.

The war is fast approaching. There will be no non-combatants and even the naïve, politically uninvolved will be participants. You have already been assigned to a combatant force. Your uniform was issued to you at birth by your parents; it is simply the color of your skin.

It matters not to Hussein Obama which side wins or loses this war for he cares nothing for either side. For Obama, this war serves the greater cause of Islam and the preeminent goal of the destruction of America. The stupidly liberal people who voted for ‘hope’ and ‘change’ will finally experience both; the ‘hope’ of surviving this war and the ‘change’ of the face of America forever.

The Marquis de Lafayette said of America, “Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.” Obama has now set the stage to take both your liberty and your country, if not your life.

I offer you these words by M. Scott Peek, “The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual - for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost.”

Prepare yourself for the coming battle, for come it will, and it will leave no American untouched.

Larry R. Fontenot

Friday, July 26, 2013

  I have written many articles about the rise of Progressivism and the dangers related to that ideology and of the Islamic threat we face. I have voiced my views on the so-called ‘assault’ weapon propaganda campaign, the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, scandals surrounding  the IRS, Fast and Furious, the NSA, NDAA, The Justice Department, State Department and a host of other nefarious actions of our government but what is happening now has me more disgusted than most of these scandals. 

  Being a news junkie I keep myself informed of current events and I watch closely those who are in positions of influence in society. I have no respect for anyone who exploits any crisis for personal gain so it should come as no surprise that the recent actions and rhetoric by the likes of ‘rev’ Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and President Obama have placed them at the bottom of my list of influential persons.

  All of these men have been gifted with positions of influence in America and ALL have used that influence to drive a wedge between the races that make up the melting pot of America. All are using their influence for personal and or political gain at the expense of national unity. They have done more to divide America than did slavery in the 1800’s, which I would remind them was fought to be kept as the law of the land by the Democratic party of the time. With the help of the most biased media in my recollection, they even invented a ‘new’ race to further their agenda of division; “White Hispanic”.

   All of these men, and many others, helped sell the media’s image of George Zimmerman as a ‘White Hispanic’, never mentioning that in reality Mr. Zimmerman is a Jewish Hispanic.  All of the afore mentioned failed to mention that, like Mr. Zimmerman, President Obama is, according to the standard they set, a ”White African American”.

  All of these men have gone out of their way to disparage the judicial system and demonized the jury’s verdict of ‘Not Guilty” in the Zimmerman trial which not only further undermined Americans trust and respect for our legal system, but it spawned racial unrest that could have been avoided if these men had done what their self-proclaimed inspiration from history did.

  They all throw Abraham Lincoln’s name out as one of the nation’s greatest leaders, and indeed he truly was, but there is more commonality with water and fire than with these men and Lincoln. Lincoln was a man of character who put the preservation of the republic above his own political aspirations. He knew that the republic would not survive if we remained divided so he refused to demonize those who differed with him on the racial divide in the republic. He risked his life and career to save America.

 I contend that none of these men have 1% of the character Lincoln had. If these men were leaders and not dividers they would be calling for unity and civility, pointing out the things that unite Americans not what divides us.

  They would rebuke and demand the arrest of those who have been calling for the killing of George Zimmerman. They would be trying to convince the public that calling for violence and riots will only further divide us. They would be encouraging those who think there was a travesty of justice in the case to use the legal system to change the system for the better.

   In my humble opinion it is time for all Americans to reject the racism coming from people like them and refuse to allow them to label us as anything but Americans.

  America is the only nation on earth that allows a foreigner to come here and become not only a citizen but to become an American. You cannot go to Japan and become ‘Japanese’ or to Germany and become ‘German’ or to any other country and become them. We must stop referring to ourselves and others as African, Hispanic, Asian, European or any other kind of American. If you are a citizen of the United States you are an American, any other portrayal is racist in nature.

  It is entirely proper to hold to our ethnicity and to pass the traditions and ethnic uniqueness on to our children but it must be done in light of being American first. America was meant to be a melting pot of the world’s demographics. If we do not rally together as one people made up of many ethnicities we will continue to be further divided and will ultimately self-destruct.

  Racism is not an inherited trait, it is taught and learned. It will not end until people refuse to embrace it personally and are vocal about their position. The future of America rests on us being a unified people with the common purpose of preserving the republic for future generations and the stability of the world.

  I urge all who believe that racism in America must end to write to those I mentioned here and any others you may know and demand an end to the destructive policies of racial dividing.  SAVING AMERICA depends on our personal decision to embrace unity, NOT uniformity, and promoting a national narrative that seeks to end the barrage of disgraceful tactics of Progressives. 

Friday, July 19, 2013


 This is a dark day for Detroit and a warning of things to come for America. The blame for the bankruptcy of this once great city lies solely on the shoulders of “We The People” of Detroit not on the heads of the elected governing officials.

  America is a unique country in that we are governed by ‘representatives’ of the people. In 1787 when the Constitutional Convention closed this exchange took place between Benjamin Franklin and a curious colonialist; “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
“A Republic, if you can keep it.” Sadly the truth is we have not kept it.

  The following is from the Emergency Managers office in Michigan describing the current state of the city of Detroit; “…Inability to meet obligations to its citizens. As Mr. Orr’s financial and operating plan and the June 14 creditor proposal have noted, the scale and depth of Detroit’s problems are unique. The city’s unemployment rate has nearly tripled since 2000 and is more than double the national average. Detroit’s homicide rate is at the highest level in 40 years, and it has been named as one of the most dangerous cities in America for more than 20 years. Its citizens wait an average of 58 minutes for police to respond to their calls, compared to a national average of 11 minutes. Only 8.7% of cases are solved, compared to a statewide average of 30.5%. The city’s police cars, fire trucks and ambulances are so old that breakdowns make it impossible to keep up the fleet or properly carry out their roles. For instance, only one third of the city’s ambulances were in service in the first quarter of 2013. Similarly, approximately 40% of the city’s streetlights were not functioning in that quarter and the backlog of complaints is more than 3300 long. Having large swaths of largely abandoned structures—approximately 78,000- creates additional public safety problems and reduces the quality of life in the city…….”

  Detroit’s destruction is a result of its people being too busy to be involved in the daily operations of its governing. The city did not explode or implode, it perished. It died a slow and, for some, exciting death. Exciting for those we elected and then ‘trusted’ and ignored. While politicians made deals with union bosses and other special interest groups we the people took advantage of the scraps falling from the elitist’s table in the form of entitlements, unsustainable salaries and bonuses at the expense of a financially secure future.

  Too few people were willing to do what was necessary to ensure the future would be better for posterity. We were too busy with our jobs, our children and our amusement to be informed or involved. City officials promised benefits for the people they knew they could not deliver solely to insure they would be re-elected because they were setting themselves up for a plush retirement.  

  Today there is gang violence, personal bankruptcy, hopelessness, despair and fear where once there was a vibrant society living life in abundance. As noted in the earlier quote, Detroit is one of the most dangerous cities in America; murder, rape and theft are becoming the norm. Liberty is virtually nonexistent in the “Motor City”, instead anarchists rule the streets and Progressives continue running the government.

  America is duplicating Detroit in every aspect. Progressives in both parties have and continue to spend our children’s future while enjoying their lavish lifestyle. We the people are declining in wealth, prosperity and influence while the elite continue to prosper from laws they write and  special interest groups that shower them with ‘bennies’ in backroom deals. Everyone is too busy with life to get involved in town meetings, school boards or state and federal government.

 Apathy and greed is what destroyed Detroit and it is what is allowing progressives to destroy America. For two generations Americans have been abdicating their responsibility for “Keeping ‘A’ Republic” and it will come back to bite us. Our founders warned us that liberty is not inherited; it is a gift from our creator that we must defend with our lives if necessary.

  We are in greater danger from tyranny today than when King George was massing his armies against the colonies in the late 1700’s. It is my humble opinion that the blame for our current state is because the modern Church is not fulfilling her role in society. It was calls from the pulpit to an ill-informed populace to stand against tyranny and for a God given republic that gave birth to America and it must be calls from the pulpit that awaken us to the threat we face.

  Today the tables are switched and it is up to those in the pews to stir the clergy to recognize that if we do not rise up against tyranny we will lose the greatest nation the world has ever known.  Liberty is vanishing daily and oppression is rising.

 It should be obvious to any preacher or anyone who reads the Bible that the Spirit of the Lord is less and less present in America every day. The Bible clearly says that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

  It is time to rise to the call to restore liberty to America again and to defend the republic from tyrannical elitists who care only for their own empowerment and not for the people of the republic.

 I would urge all who attend church services to begin to challenge their clergy and elders to get involved with the governing of our nation. Posterity is teetering on the brink of the abyss of darkness and millions will suffer if we or they remain silent in the face of tyranny.

  It soon will be too late to stop the tyrannical elite from seizing absolute power and history proves that absolute corrupts absolutely. The voice of those in the Church will be the chosen vessel of God for SAVING AMERICA or the useful idiots of Satan to destroy her and enslave generations around the world. The choice is ours to make, making no decision is a decision to remain apathetic and surrender to them, I will not remain silent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

".....I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of ...pure white linen, followed him on white horses. From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress. On his robe at his thigh was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords."
The world that is today mocking and blaspheming our God will one day see the swift justice He has promised. Too often the Church has portrayed Jesus as the baby in a manger or the "Meek Messiah" who is all consumed in love and forgiveness of all and any, which to a degree is true, but not the whole truth. Jesus is returning with a sword and an army and He is going to strike down the nations and rule them with an iron rod. He is going to avenge the deaths of the martyrs and the innocent without regard for 'public opinion'.
He is returning as the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is indeed the "Meek Messiah", but not in the way He has been portrayed. Meek does not mean He is weak. Meek literally means controlled power, and Jesus has, does and will always control all power and authority. He is a warrior and will return as a warrior on a mission. Those who have believed and remained faithful and those who were martyred will receive their just reward and the nations and those who fought against Him and His people will receive their just reward too.
Everything in the world today points to the beginning of the final days before Jesus returns. Remember who He really is, know Him as your Lord and savior, know Him as the One who is "Meek", see Him as the Commander of the armies of heaven, picture the sword of justice striking down His enemies, and join the cries of the innocent for His justice. Spread the news of His resurrection and fight for the souls He has brought into your life, be bold in Him and do not retreat from the frontline. He will prevail!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I have been hearing many people ask how people can be so blind and actually look at the truth and still believe a lie. The answer is because we are entering the time described in scripture before the anti-Christ will appear when people will reject the truth and want to believe a lie instead. The English Standard version of the Bible says "...therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they... may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2Thes 2:11
Any who are closed minded and refuse to take God's challenge to 'reason' with Him and make an honest effort to know if He is real and seek whole heartedly to find the truth and walk in it WILL be sucked into the delusion He will, and I believe has already begun to, loose on earth.
There can be no other rational explanation for how evil is so readily acceptable to so many and how so many can openly refuse to see reality and not recognize, or will readily cover up, lies to protect an agenda that will destroy life as we know it. We are witnessing the enslavement of our posterity and those enslaving them are laughing at us all.
God is our only hope, not a political party, not an ideology, not a man or a woman, not a movement or a crusade, not our Constitution or Bill of Rights, God and God alone is our only hope.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Too Big To Miss
by Rick Joyner

At this writing, the saga of Edward Snowden still dominates the news. There may have never been a more poignant example of how easily our media and our elected representatives can take their eyes off the ball and begin to major on minors. Snowden may be a traitor, or he may be a hero, but he is not the real story here. Chasing after the story of Snowden’s plight is like trying to swat a gnat when there is a lion in the room about to pounce.
      No doubt Snowden revealed secret information illegally. That makes him a criminal, but the real issue is what he exposed: the truth that there has never been a more expansive and intrusive spying on its own citizens by a government in history, as ours is now doing to us.
     What our government is guilty of is far worse than anything Snowden did, regardless of his motives. There has never been a more blatant and dangerous violation of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, or a more far-reaching abuse of power by the American Government in history. Pursuing Snowden for his crime may be appropriate, but we should have ten thousand agents going after the ones who did this to the American people for every one that is chasing Snowden. 
“The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.”This is a popular saying because it has so often proven true. Our Government is claiming that it only had the best of intentions for gathering almost unlimited information on every American—that it was done to protect us from terrorist attacks and criminals. Some have reasoned that if we are not terrorists or criminals, then we should have nothing to worry about. Really? This is the same rationale that every police state in history used to set up totalitarian control over its people.
      Are these motives true? We have a growing mountain of evidence that this most basic violation of every American’s privacy is already being used for other sinister purposes, like suppressing political opposition and even destroying the businesses and wealth of those who support causes counter to the Administrations. This is tyranny at its most basic level and the foundation of every police state. If we buy into the good intentions excuse, we are the most naïve sheep ever led to the slaughter.
We have a long trail of evidence now proving that for several years the tactics of a police state have been slowly implemented in America. What is worse (and it does get worse) is that what Snowden brought to light is how our Government has built an apparatus for the most terrifying police state there has ever been. They not only have the power to see me typing these words right now, but they also have the power to watch you reading them. That is not paranoia; it is a fact that has been acknowledged. This is Orwellian prophecy fulfilled.
Why Is America Going So Meekly?
      The whole world is outraged by what has come to light by our NSA domestic spying network. They became even more alarmed when they found out that it is not just American citizens whose communications and movements are being monitored, but their citizens too and even they themselves. It was disclosed that soon the NSA will have the capability of doing the same with almost everyone on the planet. The question most of the world is now asking is why are American citizens being so passive about this?
      Why did our media and elected officials suddenly become so preoccupied with Snowden and suddenly stop protesting the NSA’s domestic spying? Did the NSA have something on them that they were able to hold over their heads? The fact that information obtained by the NSA is already being used in this way has been implied, and the evidence sure looks like it. However, even if it is not being done, it will be suspected from now on. What else could have gotten the media and our elected representatives off of an issue this big to focus everything on Snowden?
      Even the left leaning Politico carried a story lamenting that Snowden’s greatest fear was coming to pass—that the greatest threat to our freedom, possibly ever, could be revealed and nothing would be done about it. Is this something that is too big to see, too big to believe?
      Snowden broke his oath as an intelligence officer, and he broke the law by exposing classified information. This does make him a criminal. Being a criminal may discredit him in the eyes of most people, but Snowden may be the most noble, courageous criminal in U.S. history. He committed a crime and then openly exposed himself. He may well have done this to keep an even more sacred oath—to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Regardless of his motives, what he did was to give us a chance to save our Republic.
      The evidence points to Snowden having an awakening to what he and many others were being used by the Government to do, and he resolved to set it right. He claims he did what had to be done while there was still time to stop this most frightening tyranny. There are many factors that do not line up for Snowden to have done this as a traitor, or an agent of another government. Even so, the reason he did this is not the main issue here. The issue is what the NSA is doing.
      What our Government is doing spying on Americans through the NSA is appalling. Yet when you combine it with the other cascading revelations about the use of the IRS, the FBI, and the DOJ to undermine or destroy political opponents, we must see that not only is the apparatus of the most terrible police state now in place, but the tactics of a police state are already being used.
The ACLU Joins Conservatives.This may be almost as shocking as what the NSA is doing to us, but it is true. The ACLU stood up boldly and quickly to declare that what the NSA is doing is the biggest violation of our Constitution ever, and they filed a suit against the Government. Right now the ACLU is demonstrating more courage, wisdom, and leadership in this crisis than even the Republican leadership in Congress.
      All that our country was founded and built upon is at stake, and our fate will be decided over the next few months. We are now facing something much bigger than any Democratic or Republican Party issue. If this is allowed to stand, our Republic is doomed. We will soon be under the yoke of the most oppressive totalitarian state in history, made possible by our modern technology.
  Another Revolution? It has now fallen upon us to do what our Founders did when they risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to throw off the yoke of the oppressor. The American Revolution was not a tax revolt as those who twist history would have us believe. The stifling and increasing taxation was number seventeen on their list of grievances. Far worse for the colonists were things like having their children kidnapped and made servants on British ships, having their property abused and even confiscated, and being treated like an occupied people by the British army. The things our own Government is doing to us now are worse.
      The American Revolution is unique in history because it was begun and led by the wealthiest of the colonists, not the disenfranchised. This has not happened before or since. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence were the 1%. If you are prone to think they did this out of greed, not wanting to pay more taxes, there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They risked their fortunes, when they had something to risk, in the face of almost impossible odds. Many of them paid the price. Two of the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that the moment they signed, they had lost everything because British forces were camped right next to their estates. They signed anyway.
      All who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that if they did not win the war they were starting, they would all be hung as traitors. They did this while knowing they were starting a war against the most powerful army in the world, and they did not even yet have an army. No one in the world gave them a chance. They signed anyway. Then they endured five years of almost constant defeats, each year looking more hopeless than the last. Yet they fought on. We are again in need of such noble, resolute souls.
      We cannot let what our Founders, and so many others who have sacrificed so much for us to have this freedom, be lost on our watch. It is now going to take the same kind of courage and fortitude to save the Republic as it took to found it. It is our time. Will we measure up?
      The zeal with which our Government is going after Snowden should cause even the most naïve to be suspicious. Forcing the planes of other Heads of State to be grounded out of fear Snowden may be on them is not only extreme—it’s unprecedented. Snowden has obviously done all the harm that he can do, so why this obsession? Obviously, it is to make him an example to any others who might be considering blowing the whistle.
      If it is proven that Snowden is a traitor or that he did this as an agent of a foreign government, then he must be tracked down and prosecuted. If he did it for the reasons he claims, and at this writing this seems to be the case, then he deserves the Medal of Freedom, not prosecution.
  Are We The “Useful Idiots?” Marx detested liberals, calling them “useful idiots.” He knew they were so naïve and easily manipulated that they could be used until absolute power had been seized. Then the liberals and the intelligentsia would be the first to be snuffed out. That has been the case with every totalitarian power to date. Why would anyone continue to think it would be different this time?
      Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? How is it that those who are supposed to be the smartest get so fooled every time? We should be encouraged that the ACLU woke up so fast to this unprecedented threat. Liberals are actually the most at risk from totalitarian control, but like the Jews in the Holocaust going to the showers thinking they were actually going to get a shower, the same tragedy is repeated over and over.
      Idealism is a drug that makes you feel good while it is killing you. There is no political party, group, or single American that is not at risk from what we now have hanging over us. Everything America was born for and stands for is now threatened. We have all been duped, but now we need to all wake up or we may never wake up.
      Even if our government officials did have good intentions in setting up this all-powerful, all-seeing domestic spying apparatus, who is to guarantee that those who succeed them will have the same good intentions? This cannot be allowed to stand.
      Even if this was done with the best of intentions, good intentions are no excuse for violating the Constitution. Every officer and elected official takes an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Those who authorized and constructed the NSA spy apparatus have violated this oath, knowingly or unknowingly. We should give a pass to those who do what Snowden did—reveal that which so threatens our liberty and is in such obvious violation of the Constitution. Those who continue to defend this most blatant of all violations of the 4th Amendment against unlawful search and seizure are obvious enemies of all that America was built on and has stood for—and they are not just enemies of the people—this is a crime against humanity, not just America.
 Our Loving Enemies. Last year the Russian newspaper Pravda published an article on the evidence that proved that freedom of the press no longer exists in America. Sometimes your enemies will tell you things your friends won’t, but you need to hear. Pravda may have been gloating, but they were right. It has been obvious for a long time that the mainstream media in America is, at the very least, inhibited. Yet this makes it look totally controlled. Even so, we have reason for hope.
  A reason for hope is that now only about 35% of Americans get their news from the mainstream media, and that percentage is continuing to decrease. Blogs and alternative news sources are now where Americans are getting their information. The majority of Americans are smarter, more knowledgeable, and more resourceful than the present Administration or the mainstream media gives them credit for. Even so, alternative news sources are also under threat as the Government moves to tax internet use, which brings in the IRS. The KGB was right when it was disclosed that the KGB never thought of the CIA as their counterpart, but rather the IRS. They could see better than we could that the Government’s real power to control its citizens was the IRS. Lately, we have just begun to understand how right they were.
      The abuses that have just been revealed about how the IRS was used to target this Administration’s political opponents are already looking like the tip of the iceberg. With Obamacare set to be managed by the IRS, it will put all of our records, health and financial, in their hands and in their control, with the authority to draw from our accounts without our permission. Might that explain why the head of the IRS visited the White House over 160 times in this Administration, three times more than even the most frequently visiting Cabinet member? We would have to be the most blind and naïve people of all time not to see the pattern of where this is headed.
  Egypt—The New Leaders of The Free World? Without visible leadership, Egyptians have thrown off their yoke a second time in two years. Granted they are just entering a long and hard struggle for their freedom. It is likely that the struggle in Egypt will get much worse before it gets better. However, they are demonstrating the one crucial ingredient that is essential to gain and maintain freedom—courage.
      It is a tell-tale revelation that the U.S. Administration is only grudgingly backing the new freedom movement (which is really the first one reawakened) and laments the overthrow of President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. We claim to be concerned about how this duly elected President was removed, but Morsi abdicated his legitimacy as a Constitutional President when he started unilaterally changing the Constitution, suspending the Egyptian Supreme Court, and taking other such unconstitutional actions.
      Morsi put allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood mission of implementing Sharia above the Egyptian Constitution. So the people again did what our American Founding Fathers said every citizen and every American has the right and responsibility to do if our Government starts violating the Constitution. That was the stated reason for the Second Amendment—the right of American citizens to bear arms must not be infringed, so that the American people would keep in their hands the power to throw off the tyranny if our Government went awry.
      I am not advocating forceful resistance yet, but our Government has gone awry and has built the most threatening instruments of tyranny ever devised. Can we trust anyone with that power, especially when they have already been proven to abuse it?
      Our Government, with its checks and balances, was devised to protect us from what it is now starting to do to us. This is happening because you can have the best form of government, yet still have bad government, if you have weak or bad people in it. Those who now have the authority to bring the checks and balances have proven too weak or timid to use it.
      At the end of the Book of Revelation, the cowardly are the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, even before murderers, deceivers, and those who have done all other manner of abominable acts. The Republican leadership in Congress has been so impotent and cowardly in standing against what is being done to us that it could very well be the cause of the end of the Republican Party, even if we are able to preserve the Republic.
      Because of our present lack of principled, courageous, and resolute leadership, it may take the same kind of public uprising in America to throw off the yoke we are now being shackled with. We do not have time to cry over the vacuum of leadership. If we are to recover our Government that is “of the people, for the people, and by the people,” it just may be the best thing for the people to have to do it.
      Americans, get ready to arise. Get ready for a second American Revolution to recover the principles and the freedoms won by the first one.
      We must also know that, in such times as these, some of the greatest patriots will be branded traitors, and some of the worst traitors can be branded patriots. We must resolve now that we will not be swayed by how we are portrayed by our Government, by our media, or even by the majority of Americans. We must resolve to just do the right thing with the conviction that liberty is worth paying any price to preserve.
      If we go down in history as traitors while trying to do the right thing, we can be comforted that it will all be straightened out at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Regardless of what men may think of us now, we must take a stand for what is right for the sake of what is right and for our children. We must not be the generation that lost what so many paid such a dear price to give us. We must do the right thing because it is the right thing, leaving the consequences to the One in whom we have put our trust.
      If our Founding Fathers had lost The Revolutionary War, they would have been counted among history’s worst villains, and they would have been hung as traitors. That was the risk they took, and throughout most of the war, it looked like that was how it would end up. They stood for what they did because they knew it was right, not because they thought they would win. For five years it looked like they had little chance of actually winning. That is the kind of courage that eternal values stand on.
      Right now our Government seems to be holding all the cards and all the power. However, we have divinely powerful weapons, such as truth, honor, integrity, and love—even love for those who may misunderstand what we are doing and for those we may have to fight against. Above all, we have such love for our King that we will never surrender or retreat.
      Almost all of our present representatives in Government are proving that they are what the Lord called “hirelings.” The system has gone so awry that it promotes people of the lowest character into some of the highest positions. There are some true and noble souls still in Government, both as elected officials and bureaucrats, but they are rare. If we are to preserve our Republic, there must be a revolution in the way we choose our leaders and representatives.
      For those who are in the Government who are of a different spirit, some will have to do what Snowden did—be a whistleblower. They will have to sound the alarm and be willing to take the heat. There will be heat because one cannot stand in the way of totalitarian control without repercussions.
      For our part, let us not be so quick to judge them, but look at what they are exposing. The only thing that makes sense out of the Administration’s over-the-top pursuit of Snowden, who has likely already done all the damage he can do, is now to make an example of him to keep others in line who may be considering doing something similar. The present Administration has become known for being the most severe and brutal in dealing with whistleblowers, so it will take uncommon courage to do it. We should know not to pile on just because our Government and the media do. This is not to prematurely justify Snowden, as we do not yet know what his real motives were. However, what we do know is that a government that starts looking at its own citizens as the greatest threat has itself become our greatest threat. That is precisely what our Department of Homeland Security did when it put out the memo that the greatest terrorist threats to America come from Evangelical Christians who believe in the end-time prophecies of The Bible, Veterans, and Second Amendment groups. What should be to everyone’s shock is how they left off of this threat list the one group that has been responsible for almost every terrorist attack in the last half century—Islamic extremists!
      We can’t look to those who are in Government at this time for leadership. However, that does not mean we do not have the kind of leadership available in America that we will need for the times to come. We must all take the leadership we can within our own circles and be ready to link up with others when the trumpet call is heard.
  The Tipping Point. President Obama said that we would need to have the discussion about trading freedom for security. As we see in Scripture, even Caiaphas, the High Priest who condemned Jesus to death, can be used to prophesy. I think Obama prophesied when he said this. America is right now choosing between the security of a prison and freedom.
      We can count on 30% of Americans to choose security. These will side with the Government and believe Government to be the answer to every problem. The majority of those in conventional media are in this 30%, so they can make it look like the majority. However, they are, in fact, the minority.
      We can likewise count on 30% doubting everything the Government says or does and will, without even thinking, choose freedom over Government intrusion. Right now, even though everything the Government or Obama is doing is not wrong, it is far better to be skeptical of Government. We must stay on point to challenge the really big and really dangerous threats.
      There are about 40% between these two camps that can go either way. This was the breakdown of Americans in 1776 and has remained about the same since. However, for now we must throw off the yoke of thinking in terms of getting the magical 51% majority needed to pass a bill or win an election. We don’t need a majority to save our country as much as we need courage.
      This whole matter could be settled by a tiny minority, even 2% or less, on either side of the issue. Marx has been proven true that a tiny minority of the passionate can rule the majority who are indifferent. The great tipping points in history that have brought profound cultural change have consistently come from less than the square root of 1% of the population affected. That means that less than 100 people can profoundly impact and determine the course of a city of one million.
      Maybe that is why the Lord made Gideon send away tens of thousands who wanted to fight with him, until he got down to just three hundred men. With God, three hundred were enough even in the face the massive army arrayed against them. The longer the odds, the better the Lord seems to like it.
      Tolkien portrayed his vision of these times in The Lord of the Rings. In his prophecy, the evil that was coming out of the bowels of the earth was worse than the world had ever faced before. Those who were standing against the hordes from hell were few in number, but they resolved to fight in the face of almost certain death because it was the right thing to do. They fought well, but it took just two persevering hobbits to undo all of the power of the evil one.
      You might be one of those hobbits. The smallest and seemingly most insignificant of our neighbors might be one. Therefore, let us treat everyone in the fight as heroes. As the last battle unfolded, the heroes were equally as shocked by those who turned out to be in the enemy’s camp as they were by some who turned out to be on their side.
 Be open.We must keep it simple and just do the right thing. Even if we fail, we will be able to stand before our King without shame. It will be much better to take our stand and fail, than not to have stood. However, we can read the end of the story in our Book. We win in the end. It is time for boldness and courage. It is time for the righteous to arise.

Monday, July 8, 2013

 Ever wonder why Progressives from both parties are trying so hard to get comprehensive immigration passed? I believe there is a close tie between the immigration bill, the so-called Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) and the destruction of capitalism.

  Nearly every proponent of the A. H. C. A. also says that we “must” pass “commonsense” comprehensive immigration laws while stressing at the same time that none of the immigrants will be eligible for ObamaCare or food stamps with the hope that the average citizen will not be able to give a rational reason for not encouraging their representative act quickly. They all agree that there are at least 11,000,000 illegals that will be given a legal status and that none of them will be able to get in line for citizenship for 13 years and that they will have to pay a fine and pay taxes.

  Obamacare is estimated to cost employers up to $5,000 per employee, if the employee is a citizen. The newly ‘legalized’ immigrant will not be eligible for Obamacare. It will be ‘Commonsense” for employers to forego hiring a citizen at an additional cost of $5,000 and instead hire the newly legalized immigrant at a lower salary and without the cost of healthcare. Translation; illegals get the jobs citizens need to survive, citizens go on food stamps and have to sign up for Obamacare. The newly legalized immigrants will be more than willing to work at a lower salary because they have to pay fines to be able to get in line for citizenship.

  The amount of taxes and fines collected by the government will not even scratch the surface of the cost of putting millions of Americans on the federal welfare rolls. As the costs of providing for the "General welfare” of citizens increases the burden on the financial system will collapse it paving the way for final implementation of Socialism and the demonization of capitalism.

  If you think this is far-fetched then you do not know how progressives think or to what lengths they will go to achieve the Progressive agenda of complete control of the world. Their hatred of individualism is openly expressed in the way the proudly demonize their opponents and in the out-right lies they have told and will continue to tell about anyone and everything that challenges them.

  SAVING AMERICA from progressivism and returning to our roots and giving God His rightful place in society is going to become more difficult each day we remain silent. We must do all we can to reach as many as possible with the truth of what is being done to America by elitist in our government who are committing treason by trying to undermine America. Too many have died to preserve this republic and protect our freedoms for us to remain silent and complicit with this evil agenda.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independance day!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
― Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This is an older blog I wrote but as we continue to see Fundamental Islam creating massive turmoil in the Middle East and around the world, I believe it needs to be reposted. Islam is going to be more and more a part of our lives and is going to be the cause of many dead American soldiers and citizens;

I feel like I need to lay out a couple differences between Islam and Christianity so in this ...
post I want to explain in somewhat general terms one of the main prophecies from Islamic teaching concerning the return of the “messiah”.
Muslims believe that their messiah who was a child when he disappeared will one day return to earth and set up his kingdom in the city of Jerusalem just as Christians and Jews believe their messiah will establish His throne in Jerusalem.
The prophecy concerning the return of the 12th Imam (Islamic messiah) goes something like this: During a time of utter chaos in the world when Islam is being attacked viciously and is in mortal combat for its very survival the Imam re-appears on the world stage and marches to Jerusalem with his armies in tow. Upon arrival in Jerusalem he goes to the Mount of Olives where the return of Jesus Christ is prophesied to take place according to Christian doctrine. As the Imam is standing on the Mount Jesus the Christ does indeed appear and stands with the Imam and in front of the entire world proclaims that the Imam is the true messiah and the two then go down the Mount through the Kidron Valley and go through the Eastern Gate and head to the Temple Mount, killing all Christians and Jews in the city of Jerusalem along the way. Upon arrival at the Temple Mount the Imam then establishes his throne and seat of authority there. After cleansing the city of Jerusalem of all Christians and Jews and setting up his throne the Imam then empowers Jesus to go through the earth and kill all those will not convert to Islam.
The Muslim leaders (generally speaking, those who are considered radicals) believe so strongly in this that they are not only willing but have publicly proclaimed that they must help to cause the chaos and conflict in the world that will quicken the return of the Imam. Only educated fools and idealogs believe that Iran is not trying to develop nukes to annihilate Israel, and unfortunately the leaders of the world now fit into that category! The notion that negotiations with or sanctions on Iran will cause them to stop their nuke program is foolish.
For Islam the highest call is to die for the cause of Allah and his purpose is the domination of the world starting with the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews and infidels. They are very open that the destruction of Israel is necessary for there to be “peace” on the earth and that they are more than willing to die in the way of Allah. The president of Iran has stated publicly that he is willing to sacrifice a few million Iranians in a preemptive strike from Israel or America against them because it would cause Muslim countries to rise against the attackers and further the chaos that will hasten the return of their Imam. Such a strike from Israel or America would mean those killed in the strike would be allowed to enter heaven because they were killed trying to destroy Israel. On the other hand if there is no early strike and they are able to acquire and deliver a nuke that destroys Israel they are also accepted into heaven because they were able to destroy Allah’s most hated foe, Israel. For Islam it is a win win situation as it matters not if they are killed in their attempts or if they succeed in destroying Israel, they win Allah’s acceptance and that is what they live for! For the western way of thought this inconceivable, it is a completely foreign way of thought. In reality it is not a way of thought, it is their meaning of life itself, and unlike the over amused self-absorbed distracted westerner they not only are willing but they desire to die for Islam!
So this is primarily why Islam is a danger and what they believe as a whole. There is very little time left to prepare for the coming conflict between Islam and the west so we must prepare for what IS coming because once Israel is finished we are next on their list! Fortunately they are going to ultimately lose the battle and the war but trust me there will be a war filled with many battles and casualties on both sides. Our elected officials my refuse to admit that we are at war with Islam but have no doubt that Islam openly and literally has declared that they are at war with us!
One last point before I end this post, US Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft summed up the difference between the god of Islam and the God of Christianity like this: The god of Islam demands that his followers send their sons to die for him but the God of Christianity sent His Son to die for His followers! So there you have it, we are fighting an ideology that holds death as its goal and primary weapon in destroying America. We must lean firmly on the words of our founders when they said we must rely on Devine providence and pledge our fortunes our honor and our lives in the war of SAVING AMERICA!