Sunday, October 26, 2014

To Vote Or Not To Vote

Considering the current state of affairs in America’s political arena many Christians question whether it is ‘kosher’ for them to be politically active or not. My answer to that question is the same answer I give when counseling anyone who comes to me seeking advice on issues of everyday life, I ask what was the position Jesus had on that subject. 

   There is no issue of life from farming to abortion that God does not address in the Bible, but often you have to study to find the principle on what we consider ‘modern’ issues that are not obvious and politics, to some, is such an issue.

   Many Christian leaders are opposed because they claim Jesus never confronted Rome’s rule over Israel which is to a degree true. BUT He most assuredly did directly confront the political structure placed in authority over Jews during His time among men.

   Though it is true that Israel was under occupation by Rome the political structure of Israel that was established at the time was known as the Sanhedrin or the high court which was run by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It was the Sanhedrin that acted as the supreme authority over the governing of the people and they were in fact given authority to continue in that role by Rome in order to keep peace in the Land. 

   Anyone who has read the New Testament knows that when it came to confronting the Pharisees no one could hold a candle to Jesus! My goodness he called them “sons of the devil”, “a generation of vipers”, “white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones” to their faces in front of crowds of thousands of people. He often challenged their “unconstitutional” laws by saying to thousands that “You have heard it said ‘BUT I SAY’”. He openly reprimanded them for putting their ‘traditions’, which they had made into laws, before the commands of God. He told the people to listen to what they spoke but DO NOT DO AS THEY DO, meaning use critical thinking and discernment to weed out the truth and follow that, but do not follow their example of living outside of the just, or IHMO unconstitutional laws. 

   Though Jesus never entered into armed conflict with the rulers He did tell his disciples to bring a sword when they left the Upper room. His call was not to be physically involved in resistance because He was to fight the spiritual battle for the entire human race not to deliver the Jews from an unjust occupation by Rome. I believe He had the sword brought to the garden to give His approval of defending against an assault by the authorities and not as an offensive weapon. I could be wrong but it is what I believe and we will have to agree to disagree about the sword issue if you feel differently.
In any case it is very clear that Jesus did not sit idle and allow those in authority to abuse the people with unjust laws that enslaved them and stole from them the liberties God had given to them.
With Jesus as our example of dealing with the law makers and enforcers of our nation we MUST NOT remain silent and uninvolved any longer. It is time to take action with our words verbally and through social media and every other venue available to us. To quote a man who gave his life to confront the evils of his day “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil”.

Saving America for the spreading of the gospel to the world and our posterity is at stake and Christians will be held accountable for the stewardship of His nation. I believe it may well be a sin of omission for believers not to participate in the governing process.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Day And The Hour

“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

It is mind blowing to think that the One whom all things were created through and are sustained by has "Chosen" to not know the day or hour the "End' will come. He is fully God and yet He laid aside His Divine attributes and took on the form of man so that He could be an example to us.

The Apostle Paul said that everything Israel went through was an example for us, meaning we must understand history to be able to learn from it and not repeat the mistakes our predecessors made. The biggest mistake man made was rejecting the One who came to deliver them because what He preached undermined their understanding and their traditions.

There is a family mentioned in the Old testament called "Issachar", the Sons of Issachar were men who understood the times because they studied the scriptures and history. In the New Testament there is a place called Berea where the people were notorious for their "open mindedness".

Both the Sons of Issachar and the Bereans had to have the same humility Jesus showed to understand that they did not have all the answers and that they never would, "it is the Glory of God to hide a thing and the glory of men to search it out". Both also understood that the abilities they had were gifts not to them but to all people. The job they had been given was to help man be prepared for the things ahead and for the eventual end of the age.

It is said of the Bereans that they listened to Paul's teaching and though what he was preaching was new and unusual they did not reject it, they took it to the scripture to verify or debunk them. They accepted the possibility that some of what they believed through tradition could be wrong and because they desired truth more than being "right" they were honored not only in their day but they are immortalized in the Word of God. (Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up)

Today we are seeing things that Jesus said would happen before the "end" comes, yet few people are paying attention to the signs. We cannot know the exact moment of Jesus' return but we most assuredly can and do know that He is at the door just waiting the word from His father to go get His bride.

It essential that we not make the mistakes of past generations and reject things that contradict what we have been taught through "Church Doctrine", we must be willing to 'change' our theology if it can be shown that it contradicts Biblical doctrine. Nearly all theologians had to "change" their theology and doctrines in May of 1948 when Israel once again became a nation, and we must be as willing to do the same when God dose a new thing.

Our desire must become knowing the truth not just being right if we are going to be among those who "Remain To The End". But having the right doctrine is of no value if we do not know and have a personal relationship with the God our doctrine is supposed to be revealing. "Study to show yourself approved".........

Floating The "Balloon"

The "trial balloon" has just been released! CDC chief calls for the beginning of "controlled travel" of those who "may" have been exposed to Ebola Virus. At first glance it makes sense but let's not lose sight of how we got where we are, who got us here and what their motto is, "never waste a crisis because you can do things you could never get away with at other times". And if you don't remember ...the blog I wrote last year called "Operation Northwoods" you might want to read it because if there is no crisis to exploit Progressives WILL create one...

Do I think the CDC screwed up with the Ebola Virus intentionally? Answer; I have no reason to doubt that they did or reason to believe they didn't. I believe they would in a heartbeat if they thought it would advance their agenda to control the population and there is absolutely no doubt that an out of control Ebola outbreak would allow them to take total control of everything in the country. Buckle up gang it is about to get interesting.

In a completely unrelated incident (#coughcough) new polls were released today showing Obama at his lowest approval ratings ever and democrats approval rating is at a 30 year low.......

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Favor And Union

"....Then I took two shepherd’s staffs and named one Favor and the other Union...."

Favor and Union are the foundation of America and just as when both shepherds staffs were broken it brought judgment to Israel, America has lost "Favor" with God by rejecting Him as her shepherd resulting in our "Union" being brought under judgment.
Before America's Union (unity) can be restored we must have "Favor" with God again and that cannot happen unless we repent for rejecting His Lordship. I believe this can be achieved but it will take a dedicated effort by the Church to rise up and intercede without ceasing. Their are other actions that must also be taken including the sharing of the gospel openly and without compromise.

There are also "prophetic" actions that must be done both here in America and in Israel. Those with prophetic anointing's must go to the highest places in their geographic locations and make prophetic proclamations of repentance and a return to God. Others must go to the highways and make those proclamations, and others to the lowest valleys to proclaim the same. Soon Bart and I will be going to Jerusalem to make such declarations and proclamations and others will be going to Israel to take similar actions.

The urgency of the hour cannot be stressed enough, we who are like the "Sons of Issachar" must take action now. Those who are believers but do not see what those with the vision to act prophetically see must trust that our actions are ordained and are being done with a purity of heart and support our actions with prayer that our actions will succeed and "Favor" with God will be restored and our "Union" will be delivered from those who seek our destruction. We must dare to believe we can accomplish what God has called us to do.....

Turkey And ISIS

In case you have been wondering why Turkey is doing nothing to stop ISIS from taking Kobani, Syria the answer is really pretty simple. All of the Middle East borders do not exist in the eyes of Islamists and all those in power are waiting for the same thing, the elimination of those borders. They were drawn up by European countries after WWl because the Ottoman Empire (an Islamic Caliphate) was nothing more than an empire of butchery.

The innocents that are being butchered are just pawns in their global chess game in which the victor gets control of the new caliphate. They want Assad gone so they can take Syria and they are waiting for ISIS to take him out. If they were to go in now they would be fighting both Assad's troops and ISIS and they would lose many of their troops in the process.

Everything that is happening is about reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate that existed before WWl and the powers that be, including those in Washington, are moving pieces on a global chess board. The new caliphate will not end where the old one did because Islamists have much more than swords and horses today and they are no more afraid to use those weapons than they were swords a century ago.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Don't Give Up The Ballot

I cannot believe how far and how fast America has declined nor can I believe how many Americans are still ignorant of what is being done to us and who is doing it. Each day that passes is a day closer to our ultimate demise at the hands of corrupt politicians and cheap race merchants.

What is really sad is how those of us who should be more informed and vocal about the situation remain silent except for a few rants on Facebook or some other social media outlet. We are about to lose the republic and still we would rather spend time entertaining ourselves with a sporting event or an evening at the bar with the guys. Meanwhile our school boards and town council seats are occupied by politically correct Progressives who are brainwashing our children in government reeducation camps called "public schools" and selling out our communities to the UN's Agenda 21 heresy.

I have heard and continue to hear those who think of themselves as political experts say that they will stay home from the polls if "their" candidate is not on the ballot. We cannot allow ourselves to be manipulated by Progressives and leave the political process.

We must be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves when it comes to everything including politics. We must understand that "ANY" move to the 'right' is progress and if we stay involved we can keep pushing the system in that direction but if we refuse to vote because of "Principle" we are really surrendering to those we are trying to defeat. Keeping us discouraged and getting us to drop out of the process is part of their strategy and we must not give them that victory.

We must make them wish they had never tried to nominalize us and discourage us, we must take the fight to them with everything we have. If we fail to show up at the voting booth every poll watching politician will step up efforts to play to those who keep them in office and they will continue to drain our nations life blood.

Please get involved with the process and get others to do the same.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Judgment On America

Here is where my prayers have been going for days, I have been unable to "shake" this so I am going to just say it and anyone who reads this can judge it or better yet research the specifics and debunk what I sense. For some strange reason I cannot do the research.

I believe that the Ebola out break and the infectious respiratory outbreak that is sweeping America's children is tied to something that was done to Israel. Ebola started in a Muslim controlled area of Africa near the Ebola River and spread from there and this virus in America started in a "Progressive" anti-Israel area of America.
I have said many times and shared articles that showed evidence that whenever a nation does something to Israel that country comes under judgment.

We as a nation have done more to hurt Israel in the last 6 years than at any time in our history. We must pray like never before that our nation would repent and turn back to God or we risk the judgment we deserve.

God have mercy on the innocent and open the eyes of the blind to see what is happening to us and why.........

Chaos Revisited....

A few weeks or months ago I wrote quite a lot about Chaos coming and I stand by what I wrote. We have gone past all the off ramps on the highway to destruction. Our fall and that of many other nations of the world is not a punishment from God bur rather the result of the actions of nations that have violated the principles in the word of God. He is going to allow this to come not so we will be brought to ruin but that we would call out to Him and return to our senses like the "Prodigal Son".

God has set certain "laws" in place in the universe and like them or hate them, accept them or reject them they are undeniable and when violated certain actions must and will happen. One can reject the "law" of gravity but if the one who rejects that law and steps off a tall building he is going to meet with a sudden stop that will change his mind about the law of gravity.

There are principles in place for governing the individual and for governing nations. When those laws/principles are violated consequences will come. For those who have ears read Ezek. 14 and see if you can make the connection to America and what is happening to us, and what we should expect. Pray that we repent quickly and call on God to have mercy. The mission to Israel cannot come soon enough.

May God show mercy and draw the body together to stand and not be drawn into the chaos but be the light in the darkness that is coming.