Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shariah is creeping into our society with impunity, and by some in places of authority it is being encouraged! The idea that this totalitarian form of government, which is masqueraded as a peaceful religion, is believed and even propagated by elected officials is either ignorance, stupidity, a complete lack of understanding of the US constitution or a deliberate act of treason.

  The fact that I and others who exercise our 1st amendment right of free speech are being called hate mongers and intolerant Islamophobes is proof of the Ignorance of the general public of what Islam is at its core. And I might add, is proof of the intolerance of the uneducated. It matters not, whether Americans will admit that we are at war with Islam, the fact is, Islam is at war with us and has been since our foundation.

 Our country is under attack by our own leaders at the highest level sof government. I have been following current events for months and can no longer sit idly by and let a body of educated fools elected by the misled masses have the loudest voice. The misled and uninformed do deserve the right of free speech and I will defend that right, however it is time for people to get informed and make a stand with a very loud voice that will be heard by those who have been elected to SERVE” We The People.

There is a book titled “Shariah the threat to America” that needs to be read and understood by every patriotic American. It details the infiltration of our national security departments and the current and past administrations by the Muslim Brotherhood. This book names names and documents evidence that is irrefutable.  MANY who are involved, from the White House to the local government are guilty of treason.  Any intentional undermining of the Constitution is an act of treason and those who are guilty of this should be prosecuted for it. Those who are either ignorant or stupid should be removed from places of authority and influence over the unsuspecting masses of the uninformed.

 The responsibility for removing political correctness that allows this to happen falls on the shoulders of EVERY ADULT WHO EVER TOOK THE OATH TO ENTER THE MILITARY OR TOOK THE OATH OF OFFICE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE.

 The oath is apolitical; it is not a Republican or Democrat oath. It is an oath that says “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

  There is no date or length of commitment, this an oath for life that is to the Constitution, not to a political party or an ideology. I took that oath some 40 years ago and can no longer deny the duty I swore to God I would do. I have been silent for years while America has been infiltrated by an evil that has been seeking to establish a totalitarian regime worldwide, and for that I sincerely apologize. Granted I did not know the full extent of what was happening and most probably still do not, but now that I have discovered the threat I cannot sit back and say nothing, I took an oath.

  An oath is a sacred vow that is a binding covenant that requires integrity, honor, character and moral values. Those of us whom took that oath, must, for the  sake of our own honor, stand and fight to restore the Constitution  as the supreme law of the land and do all in our power as Citizens to support and defend it from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. I will not be politically correct and support any politician Republican or Democrat who will not keep the oath they have taken. To take that oath as a cover to attain power wealth or influence shows the character of the individual to be less than honorable and our government is full of such individuals. To support a candidate that willfully breaks that oath and then not do everything possible to challenge him/her is a violation of the oath taken by the voter.

 In future letters I will expose direct violations of the constitution by public officials, at the Federal, State and Local levels to inform the public of said violations. When the evidence is given, those whom received it will be held accountable by a much higher authority for what is done with the knowledge. Once again I urge everyone to do research on the Muslim Brotherhood.  This is an organization that has the destruction of America and western society as it’s’ goal. We must do all we can to expose this group and insist that they be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our goal has to be SAVING AMERICA from an ideology that will enslave generations to come.

There seems to be a bit more than a double standard in this country when it comes to matters of faith and religion. On the one hand there is an overt attempt to remove any mention or symbol of Christianity from the public sector i.e., the Ten Commandments or mangers at Christmas time (which is by the way a federal Holiday?). While on the other hand most of society refuses or perhaps fears to even mention the lengths that government goes to accommodate secular humanism or Islam. It was amazing to watch the hosting of a women’s conference at the White House just days after hosting a delegation of the Muslim Brotherhood in the same room!! If anyone is unfamiliar with the treatment of women by the Brotherhood a simple Google search will enlighten them to the atrocities considered necessary for conformity to Sharia Law. It should send fear down the spine of every freedom loving citizen of America to know that Sharia is being considered for implementation as part of our legal system by some of our courts and law makers.

 I try to pay close attention when our President speaks and have come to believe that he is not a Muslim, as many Americans on the right believe. I believe he believes he is a Christian. But the theology he publically professes is a not the traditional theology of Christianity but is in reality, Liberation Theology.

 Liberation Theology sounds great; everyone wants to be liberated, right? After all liberation is at the heart of whom America is. We send and have sent our troops the world over to liberate the oppressed from despots and dictators. The women’s liberation movement was birthed here in America; blacks were liberated from slavery here too. Liberation means freedom for all people, men, women and children of every race creed and religion.

 So you ask what my issue with Liberation Theology is. I will make an attempt to shed some light on what our President believes according to his own words spoken at numerous commencement speeches at colleges and universities across the country. He has told many graduating classes that his salvation is dependent upon the collective salvation of everyone else. According to Liberation Theology there is no individual salvation only a collective salvation. In other words I can’t attain salvation unless you also are saved, and if you don’t do what is necessary to attain that salvation I, as the enlightened one, must do whatever is necessary to make you do what needs to be done. He believes the ‘enlightened’ are ‘divinely’ placed in seats of authority to bring the ‘unenlightened’ (you and I) to salvation.

  The current administration has covertly proclaimed this theology by pushing legislation through congress that the majority of Americans strongly opposed. They told us we just didn’t know enough about it to form or have an informed opinion, even though many of those same people never read the bill themselves! We were told ‘We need to pass the bill so we can find out what’s in it’! When asked where the constitution gave congress the authority to impose much of the legislation that has been put through congress, one congressman just laughed and said ‘most of what we do in Washington isn’t covered under the constitution’! This attitude, to me anyway, is offensive! It implies that congress is better able to run my life than I am and that the men who wrote the documents that established this nation were ignorant old fools! The arrogance of most of these men and women is outrageous!

 If my salvation depends on conformity to the image and likeness of these pinheaded weasels and not on my own relationship with Jesus Christ, I think I’d rather burn in #%$#!!! But I digress!!!!!

 Knowing what the President and his administration believe, and I do believe they are sincere in their beliefs, makes it easier to understand how and why they want desperately to “fundamentally transform” America. Liberation Theology dictates zero tolerance for any Ideology that is deemed a threat. So why is Christianity the only religion being targeted as a threat? Don’t these ‘enlightened ones’ know that it is because of Christianity that they have the liberty to espouse publically what they believe? If they tried to ‘fundamentally transform’ any Islamic country they would be publically stoned to death! In fact nearly every plank of their platform would bring the death penalty. In Islamic countries gay marriage and homosexuality are an automatic death sentence. Christian values have kept Americans free for more than 200 years while at the same time affording the liberty of its citizens to believe or disbelieve anything they want without fear of reprisal.

  If Christians don’t stand up and speak out to our representatives and demand to be heard it won’t be long before the “fundamental transformation” is complete and Liberation Theology will enslave generations to come. In the words of the President “elections have consequences”, so if you are not a registered voter, get registered! If you are registered get informed and help inform others and help get out the voters!

 I know there are a lot of people who will not get involved because right now they see no threat to their “world” and they don’t want to make waves. To those folks I will paraphrase one of our founding fathers, Ben Franklin ‘We must hang together, or most assuredly we will hang alone!’

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A little more on words matter before I go on to other issues. As I stated in a previous post the president has said on more than one occasion that words matter. I fully agree and want take a look a popular phrase he and his progressive friends use. It is a simple phrase and again on the surface it appears innocent and appeals to the average compassionate American.

  The phrase is “social justice” and is often used in the same vain as economic justice and environmental justice. So what is social justice and is it possible to achieve. It assumes that somehow it is possible to make a fair and equal society. It would mean that people with greater abilities and stronger work ethics would not be allowed to “play” according to their abilities but would be mandated to perform at the same level as those less endowed or less ambitious. The rules would necessarily be different for everyone so that there would be “equality” among all players. However the president also says that he wants everyone to play by the same rules, so I think he has a problem on this one!

  The reality is, while I believe all men are created equal that does not mean all are equal in their abilities in all areas of life. It means that all men are ontologically equal. No man, woman or child is more or less human than another and therefore are equal. To try to make them socially equal is impossible to achieve!

 So what is going on with this line of rhetoric! I believe it is more divisive politics designed to confuse the masses and make them believe that somehow they have been denied a basic civil or social right by someone who is more adept in certain areas of the economic system. The truth is the term social justice is meaningless! There is not now, nor will there ever be a socially equal society any more than there can be a society of equal economic status or an environmentally equal world. Even Jesus told his disciples the poor will always be with you.

  I believe those, or at least some of those, who are actively promoting these ideals believe they are championing  a noble cause. While the rest are using them as useful idiots to gain power and wealth, they truly desire to see a fair and just world. They are trying to build a utopia on earth that cannot be built by human efforts. The dream is derived from the principles seen in the 1st century church where the believers thought of each other as more important than themselves. They would give up their own possessions to help a fellow believer. The problem the progressives have is simple. The early church did what they did because they understood what love was and they acted out of that love. The progressives want to legislate a heart motive and that simply cannot be done. Trying to force someone to do good always causes men to resist and in many cases rebel against the system. This is why no matter what laws are passed or what taxes are imposed there is always someone who looks for or devises a loophole around such legislation.

 But I digress! My point in all this is that we must understand that those with an agenda different than that of our founders are wiley and deceitful and know a lot about the American heart and are masters at manipulating emotions to achieve their goal of self-wealth, power and control over the public. It is of the utmost importance that we understand the rhetoric of the progressives and are using critical thinking when we listen to them speak.

 Though their goal is to fundamentally transform America into a Socialist/Marxist  nation, we must fight with every ability we have to restore America. SAVING AMERICA must be at the heart of all we do for the sake of our descendants.

Friday, July 20, 2012

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

As citizens of the US it is vital that we understand the truth about the first amendment of the constitution and the efforts being made to “amend” it by the progressives. For too long we have let the liberal media and atheists set the interpretation. Anyone who can read, can see that this much ‘QUOTED” amendment says nothing about the separation of the church from the state. Our founding fathers fled England and Europe because of religious persecution by their government.

The founders were obviously (to those who have read their own words and not let the re-written history books be their source of information) Christians and they were the ones writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This being true, the logic (or lack thereof) of the progressive interpretation would make both documents unconstitutional and irrelevant for society today.

 The amendment clearly states that Congress shall make NO LAW (I would say for or against) respecting an establishment of religion. It goes on to state that Congress shall not prohibit the FREE EXERCISE of religion either. Call me crazy or a conspiracy theorist but I have been a “news junkie” for years and no one can make me believe that there is not an organized assault on religion, at least on the Christian religion and its principles. The courts have repeatedly ruled against many symbols of the Christian religion in favor of the progressive activist group the ACLU and others. Some examples of this bias are: the crosses at a Marine Corps base in California placed by Marine vets, a cross placed in the desert of Arizona for WW1 dead, the mural on a wall of a high school depicting a traditional family (husband/ wife), the Ten Commandments from Judge Ray Moore’s’ court room in Alabama, and a recent ruling in NYS forcing a church to stop holding services in a public school. I believe there is a strategy behind all this overt activity.

 The majority of the news media is in the tank for the progressive agenda, and seems to get a kick out of seeing the FREE EXERCISE of religion, by Christians, challenged. You would think that the ELITE media would understand that the only thing separating them from the church in the first amendment is a simple punctuation mark! If they are successful in helping the Progressive movement shut down the freedom of religion then the same president they help establish will be used to shut them down too. For the progressives, in both parties, it is not about “being fair” or “tolerant”, it is about gaining power and control. Soon, and very soon, the proverbable cat will be out of the bag, and just as the church was persecuted in Europe in the 1930’s it will be here. Already history is repeating itself. The similarities are startling. You may say it could never happen in America, but I would be willing to bet that more than one person thought that in Germany in the early 30’s. 30 percent of the population ELECTED Adolf Hitler to power. Over the weekend the Nazi party gained power in Greece’s’ new government by 20% of the vote and the Socialist candidate won the presidential race in France, it can happen here!

The startling thing is that in Greece the Muslim Brotherhood did a huge amount of door to door campaigning for the Nazi party and employed many of the same tactics that ACORN used around this country, also known as community organizing.

 There are only a few people sounding an alarm in America concerning the rise of anti-Semitism and the compliance of the federal government. The goal of all of the rising powers today, the socialist, communists, Islamist and Nazi’s is twofold, controlling-power and the extinction of Israel and capitalism.

Does it bother anyone that many Americans in the 19th and 20th century put on the uniform of the US military to fight communism, fascism, socialism and Islam, and today these people are being welcomed into the governing of this country? What did all those soldiers die for? Was America wrong in going to war to stop these enemies? Were they right along in promoting the philosophy that people need to be ruled by brutality? That the Jews and the 6,000,000 others deserved the gas chambers, forced labor and starvation. Was the USSR right in conquering and seizing control of much of Europe! Are we insane? History is repeating itself before our eyes. We have got to stop the progressive movement or we will lose the rebublic. It must be stopped at every level of government because it is a cancer to the values America is founded on. I continue to urge every Patriotic American to write call e-mail Face Book or go see your elected officials and tell them that you know what’s happening and that it must stop! If you don’t know what is happening find out and tell others. We must band together with SAVING AMERICA as our highest priority!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

  Words matter, a simple statement made by Barak Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. It is simple and very true, words do matter, and one would do well to pay close attention to the words being spoken in the current presidential race.

 In particular I think it would be wise to examine a frequently spoken phrase by President (and I use the title loosely) Obama in his stump speeches. He continually says that he wants everybody to pay their “FAIR SHARE” and play by the same rules. I don’t know exactly what he means by the word fair, but the way he describes it is little more than divisive rhetoric, pitting the so called lower class and middle class against the upper class. Now when I was growing up the upper class were the ones I was told to aspire to become like, not to despise them for being successful. Webster’s dictionary defines the word fair as “marked by impartiality and honesty”, which says to me that there should be no partialiality when it comes to taxation.

 He continues to say the so called wealthy do not pay their fair share but never mentions that nearly 50% of all working Americans pay no taxes at all, is that “fair”? Is it fair that many of those nonpaying  ‘tax-payers’ actually receive money, I’d say back from the government but to get something back implies you put something into the system to begin with, which they did not.  50% of tax payers pay 100% of all the taxes the IRS collects, is that fair? I don’t think so!

  There is a much more sinister approach to what is going on with what this fair ‘thing’ is all about. I believe it is a multi-level strategy to advance the Progressive/Marxist agenda in America.   It is a familiar tactic used by many regimes throughout history to gain power and control over the population. I am convinced that Obama is little more than a puppet in this progressive mess!

    On the face of it, it makes sense and it sounds fair. The problem is that is diametrically opposed to the fundamental rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. These documents guarantee the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They, in fact, state that it is the responsibility of government to protect these rights for all citizens. There is not even a hint that the results of the pursuit of happiness are to be provided by anything other than an individual’s initiative and willingness to fail! To use this type of decisive tactic to defeat an opponent is just wrong! I remember a saying that used to mean something in this country, ‘its’ not whether you win or lose that matters but it’s how you play the game that counts!’ In my opinion it is the responsibility of the leader of the nation to unite the people not divide them.

 Now at the heart of all this is the overwhelming debt that government has built up for the 50%ers to pay back. The problem with what is being proposed is that all the revenue collected through these increased taxes will only fund the federal government for 8 days! This according to the CBO! We are told that the government has to cut funds for schools, fire departments, roads, bridges and everything else under the sun. When was the last time these weasels said if we don’t get things right soon we will have to cut funding for congress?! The average salary for these guys is $174,000.00 per year for 165 days in the office! This does not include the elaborate bennies they get and the retirement packages. Is that “fair”? No, I don’t think it is! If anyone in the public sector spent as much time doing nothing but trying to undermine their co-workers while trying to make themselves look good at the expense of the corporation that hired them to advance its standing in the world market place, they would be in the unemployment line! Nearly all of these weasels have gone progressive and are trying to covertly, and in some cases overtly, undermine the sovereignty of the US by blatantly embracing the will of the UN over the founding documents!

 We desperately need people to wake up and awaken others to what is happening to America and who is causing the spread of this cancerous disease known as progressivism. We are going to have to go through a massively invasive surgery to remove the infected ‘tumors’, otherwise known as elected officials. After the surgery in November we will have to go through chemo and radiation to make sure the remaining cells of the body understand that in order to assure the continued health of the patient, due diligence and close examination of the individual cells is necessary and at the first sign of infection by the ‘progressive’ gene there will be an immediate ‘weasel-ectomy’ performed. After all it is only fair to the rest of the cells in the body, right?

 Any way… I urge every to begin to develop some critical thinking skills and listen to what the politicians are saying. It is actually quite easy to catch them in spewing the deception; all you have to do is listen to a few different ones on different news outlets and compare statements. The talking points are often moronic but nearly always identical.  

 I am tired of being treated like an ignorant child by elitist politicians.  I will fight the progressives with every fiber of my being because I truly believe the founding fathers wanted this nation to be a free and “FAIR” place for the world to see, look up to and aspire to become like, not the other way around!

 Please join me in exposing the progressive/liberal agenda to Europeanize America for the sake of future generations. It is an epic battle and there will be many who fall but in the end the goal of SAVING AMERICA is worth all of the blood sweat and tears. May God Bless this Land and all who are brave enough to fight for it!

Friday, July 13, 2012

I fear for the future of this nation! In just a matter of a couple weeks our Secretary of State is going to sign a treaty with the United nations that will effectively overturn the 2nd amendment of the Constitution and a treaty that will surrender the sovereignty of our national resources in what is called the “LOST TREATY” and almost no one is saying a word in the media. It comes as no surprise that the news media is silent on this issue because they are owned by progressives like George Soros, probably the most evil man on the planet!

The president was dead serious when he said the progressives would ‘fundamentally transform America!’ But what was America being transformed from and into? Most people who voted for the first unvetted candidate in the history of elections in America probably thought that he meant that he would end the corruption and partisanship in modern politics. They were deceived! This president has caused more division and partisanship than any leader in American politics, I believe since the Civil War!

There have been 940 executive orders issued from this White House, most having to deal with eroding the individual liberties of “legal citizens” while giving huge benefits to those who are in this country illegally!

Many have been proclamations from this president saying that he will refuse to enforce the laws of this land! He has sued Arizona for trying to protect its citizens, as well as the state of Texas and threatens other states that are trying to enforce the laws that the feds are ignoring. He has refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act which is a constitutionally ratified law. He has refused to prosecute obvious voter intimidation violations by the New black Panthers, and the not so famous, infamous “Fast and Furious” scandal and on and on and on!!

It is no better on the state and local level either! Recently a friend of mine sent a letter to Sen. Tom Libous asking what was going on with all the executive orders from Washington. The good senators response was “You should hit our federal reps. on this Rick, they should know if it’s true or not. I have no idea what Obamas up to down in Washington. Take care, Tom”.

I responded to the senator for my friend and as yet have heard no response. In my response I stated that Sen. Libous should know better than anyone that as a conservative in New York we have no representation in Washington D.C. I was rather disturbed by the senators response and let him know by telling him that he should be well aware of what is going on in D.C. because everything they do down there will have an effect on every one of his constituents very soon. This is a nation of laws not of men and the president is supposed to be the prime example of lawful living to the rest of society.

The new majority in Albany had better be aware of its constitutional obligations to the citizens under the 10th amendment and be willing to stand up to the feds with full knowledge of the U.S. Constitution or risk becoming irrelevant.

If we do not speak out soon we will lose our uniqueness in the world. Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase “We are the world’s last hope” and we are very close to seeing that hope dwindle to irrelevance! In the famous vision of George Washington concerning the preservation of the union, Washington saw this nation overcoming all its adversaries. I believe America is destined to prevail and the fulfillment of the founders will be realized. The only question is will this be the generation that stands against the tyranny coming from government, or will we sit back and allow the Marxist agenda to take hold and enslave our children to the entitlement society being forced on us now. If we don’t get involved now our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our apathy!

It is easy for the progressives to win because they are experts at deception! I have spoken to several individuals lately who are so discouraged with the system that they have decided to give up trying to make a difference. This is exactly what the progressives are counting on! The progressives are in both parties and are all weasels! They are responsible for planting the idea that it is useless to get involved and that your vote does not make a difference. They perpetrate lies to discourage involvement by conservatives on a daily basis using the Sorso owned media. They are sowing distrust and anger to undermine confidence in the institutions that have made America the greatest nation in the history of mankind!

The whole time they are trying to discourage the “FLY OVER AMERICANS” from being involved, they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on community organizing through Soros funded groups like Acorn to get the vote out in the heart of the entitlement zones they have created. They are fighting tooth and nail to stop voter id laws so that unqualified people can cast votes. They know that the power of the vote is the bullet that will cripple their efforts to fundamentally transform America into a Marxist state! If you think your efforts do not make a difference you have been deluded by weasel pee! You can make a difference, but not if you are silent! You must be involved and help get others involved or you are guilty of being complicit with the enemy of freedom!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

  The recent events in the political and religious realm should give the average citizen chills down their spines and a sickening feeling in their gut! We have seen just this week a Muslim congressional representative say that Americas schools should be patterned after the Madrassas of the Islamic world, the presumed conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice throw his support behind the most radical Marxist piece of legislation in American history, the State dept. give a thumbs up to the UN Human Rights committee on letting Syria have a roll, a treaty to turn over our sovereignty in regards to gas and oil royalties to the U.N., and a treaty with the U.N. to control gun ownership! And this is only a small picture of the non-sense being done to undermine the constitution and our national sovereignty!

  We are in so much trouble I have to wonder if it might be too late to reverse the situation. If “We The People” don’t act soon it will be over for this generation. I do believe that this nation is destined for greatness but, like Israel, with whom we are closely aligned both litreally and prophetically, we will suffer for the sins of this nation and the undermining of the children’s inheritance.

  We would do well to take a look at civilizations from history and do an assessment of our current path. We have become far too passive in the political field while the enemies of our founding principles have been marching toward their goal of enslaving another nation of ‘useful idiots’.

  We have allowed the enemies of liberty to frame the rules of political discourse and set the parameters of what is and what is not acceptable in holding public office. We have been told that a constitutional conservative cannot be elected and that a pro-lifer is unacceptable for the Supreme Court. Representatives like Harry Reed, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Al Franken………. are nothing less than Marxist weasels and most probably treasonous in their actions undermining the Constitution and there by violating their oath of office.  

  These enemies of the America our founders established must be stopped! They should be thankful to the God that they are continually trying to remove from society that we are a civil and decent people! The founders gave us a way to remove them from positions of authority, THE VOTE! We have only a little more than 3 months to get organized and get people registered and to the polls in Nov. Though the only hope we have is a God ordained shift in the political mentality and a moral revival, we must still go out and fight for this Great Nation.

  I fear that Mitt Romney is acting a lot like John McCain did in the last election and will not bring the battle where it need to go. I feel like he is being set up the same way his predecessor was. If he does not fight to win we will have to go around another mountain and many will die in the wilderness! I do not intend to be one of those who refuse to fight! I WILL STAND AGAINST THIS ANTI-AMERICAN  GODLESS MOB! MY VOICE WILL BE HEARD UNTILL MY DYING BREATH!!!!

 It is my hope that there are at least a few people reading this that will join me in the war that will lead to SAVING AMERICA for future generations!

Monday, July 2, 2012

  The art of deception and manipulation have been mastered by the progressive anti-America crowd. If it is not evident to those reading my posts, I am not an english scholar! I did poorly in  english and language arts in school, as well as math and social studies! I was too busy doing the things most red-blooded American kids did in the 60's and 70's, and it had little to do with getting a public education. I was happy just huntin and fishin and chasin a babe or two and cared nothing of  news or polotics.
  I think all that began to change for me during the eighties when my wife and I began to have children and we started to look at life in a more serious light. I started to pay attention to the somewhat subtle changes in the way the government was making inroads into everyday life. It didn't really bother me all that much but something drew my attention to all the new laws and regulations.
  I think it was Ronald Reagan that first caught my attention and made me start to listen to the words spoken and how they were spoken. He had a way with speaking that made sense to me. I have since begun to pay attention to the people who are running the show.
  Today if you don't pay attention to what is being said you will find yourself living a lie. Just take for example the whole "Hope and Change you can believe in" diatribe of flatulant crap! Poloticians are like mobile home salesmen, they will promise you the most incredible and affordable home you could ever hope for and treat you like their best friend until after the sale, then they could care less about you or your problems with what they sold you.
  I don't know about you but I can't think  of a single politician that once in office has stuck to their campaign promises down the line. They always have an excuse to compromise to get along with the other side regaurdless of the constitutionality of the actions the otherside is taking. From my perspective the only compromiseing that has taken place for the past decade or so, probably longer, but whos counting any more,  has been to lessen the 10th amendments gaurentee of states rights and the individual liberties of Americans.
  We began this nation as a people of character and integrety who were willing to give everything, including their personal wealth, honor and lives to ensure the future of the land they loved. Today the only thing our politicians seem willing to sacrifice is you and I!They are trying to make our military pay for their own healthcare and cutting the defense department when the threats to our homeland are at a critical point. Now they are going to raise everyones taxes to pay for this Marxist "Health Care", and I use that term losely " bill that they now call "the affordable health care bill".
 I mean God forbid they cut their own benifits and pay and that of their staff ! These weasels are tyrants plain and simple! It is time to get off the couch and start to activate the people we know, and ourselves, to take back OUR government. Some, many actually, of these pinheads need to be shareing a cell with Bernie Madoff! We have got to do everything possible to throw these  tratiors out of office.
 Everyone of us can do something to help the cause. You can and should, first and foremost, pray for mercy on America because it is our fault  they are in office in the first place.
  You can deface your vehicle by putting a conservative bumpersticker on it. You can call the varmits office and tell them what you think of their lack of competance. You can contact the local and national news media and rant on them for covering up the the progressive debachel and demand to be told the truth about these weasels. You can and should be contacting corporate offices and telling them you are going to organize a boycott of their products if they continue to promote the corrupt poloticians, and then actually stop buying their stuff! My point is if you are not playing a part in the solution you are playing a part in the destruction. We have got to make time to do what needs to be done so that when the history books are written we will be able to tell our decendants that while the progressives were trying to dismantle the greatest nation on earth we were a part of the army of regular citizens who rose up and fought for the SAVING of AMERICA!