Sunday, September 30, 2012

It is obvious that the forces of the Progressive movement have joined with the Islamists to create what is called a “New World Order”. The Progressives want a godless order with the government as the supreme authority and the “elite” in the role of dictators. The Islamists have basically the same goals and ideology with the exception of the godlessness. The Islamists want a world order that is ruled by the teachings of the Koran and a strict adherence to Shariah Law. The two entities are working together to bring down the west and Israel.

  The greatest threats to each ideology are the ideals that both America and Israel are founded upon, primarily the right of free speech and the right to worship or not worship freely. Each is using the other to achieve their separate goal thinking that they are going to be able to destroy the other when they are no longer useful to them.

   It is frightening to think that there are elements of our own government that are complicit with the overthrow of the Constitution that they swore an oath to uphold. No one wants to believe that there would be or could be American representatives that would be a part of such a heinous act of treason, but the evidence is overwhelming.

   I will not go into detail on the Progressive ties to Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood at this time, but for those who doubt the intensions of the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy the United States, and the west in general, simply Google “Muslim Brother, the Project” and you will see their stated goal.

  What I find of grave concern is the way the news media is using Nazi style propaganda to influence public opinion and support a particular candidate for public office (I do realize that the concept of propaganda was actually conceived during the Wilson administration and later perfected by the Nazis). The unbelievable assaults on character are blatant and overt to any who are paying attention. The problem is that many people have no time to “pay attention” because of the pressures of everyday life and therefore have to depend on the media to inform themselves.

  It was revealed recently that several members of the media were plotting a strategy to make a presidential candidate look “un-presidential” at a press conference after the assassination of our ambassador. The so-called journalists were unaware that a microphone near them was ‘hot’ while they conspired together to coordinate a line of questions that were designed as an attack on the competency of the candidate as president.

  The news media has edited video to make it look as though the candidate had no idea what a vending machine was, they have edited tape of crowds at rallies to make it look as though very few people showed up, they also use camera angles to distort crowd size. The attempts to assassinate the character of an opponent should have no part in press coverage except as part of a report covering how the candidates are doing it to each other to show the character of the individual guilty of said tactics. The role of the press is not to sway an election but to inform the voter by vetting the persons seeking office. I could go on and list literally hundreds of incidents of the press manipulating facts for political gain but to do so would play into the plan of the Progressives which is to distract from the issues and focus on non-related “trivial” issues.

  All of the incidents listed above, and ten thousand more, are absolutely real but they are only symptoms and in many cases distractions from what is really happening to America. An elite few have gained control of the media and are using it to achieve their own goals. When the media is no longer free and independent it is little more than a whip in the hand of a slave owner. The master gives the order to move the masses to the left or to the right and the New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and nearly every other outlet owned or controlled by the “masters” jump into action to form public opinion! The sellout of the press for money and power is a grave danger to the individual liberties of every citizen and to the future of America as a world leader.

  There has always been a fringe element of the press that would do anything for a buck but they were of the tabloid type  and no one paid much attention to them. They were just those sensationalizing magazines at the checkout counter that you would look at and laugh at the ridiculous headlines while waiting in line. But now the entire mainstream media has sold their soul to the progressive agenda and are helping to systematically and fundamentally transform what was at one time the greatest nation on earth into a “middle-class” nation by means of “redistribution” of wealth, which is Communism, Socialism, Marxism or whatever you want to label it, but it is definitely not the America the founders designed. All that I described has been built a little at a time, step by step and brick by brick until the media is no longer the watchdog of democracy it once was. Whether it was done for money or power makes no difference, what matters now is that what was done in some secret conspiratorial back room is brought out into the light and exposed for what it is.

   The institutions responsible for being the eyes of the public, watching our politicians to ensure their integrity, have been corrupted and must be repaired or replaced. I have serious doubts as to whether or not they can be repaired, but regardless, they must be replaced.

  We cannot just walk in and take over the corporate headquarters and fire everyone in sight, but I believe we can shake them to their core. Their bottom line is not loyalty or integrity but, ratings and monetary gains that produce high profit margins. “We The People” have the power and authority to affect change by banding together in a concerted effort to “force” it.

   Though the corruption and deceptions have been conceived behind closed doors to bring an end to America as we know it, we must not stoop to their level of deceit and division but rather understand that we are fighting for the soul of our nation against evil itself. Evil is a spiritual manifestation the Devil himself and we must confront him first before we attempt to attack the symptoms. This is a spiritual battle and therefore must be fought first using the same methods used by Jesus when He was confronted by Satan, then by whatever means we have in the natural realm as the Spirit directs us.

   Concerning the plans conceived behind closed doors the Bible says:   The LORD has said to me in the strongest terms: ‘Do not think like everyone else does. Do not be afraid that some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you. Do not fear anything except the LORD Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him you need fear nothing else. He will keep you safe” Isaiah 8:11-14a nlt . The proclamation of truth will defeat the lies being proclaimed those that have been seduced into the enemy’s camp. The Bible is full of “proclaimable” truths that are as powerful today as they have ever been. We just need to use them.

  In the natural realm we must also use all means available to us to fight the “powers that be”. We have to start at the local level and focus a great deal of attention on recruiting others to join the cause. While we are gaining in number we need to inform the CEOs of known offenders of our outrage over their actions and their attempts to subvert the United States, and that we are going to begin contacting their sponsors and inform them of our intensions to start a grass-roots boycott of their products. There must be a focused campaign directed towards the corporate sponsors. We must begin using Face Book, Twitter and all other means available to us to expose the treasonous actions of the corporations they are supporting with their advertising dollars. We cannot allow ourselves to cave to political correctness and must call things what they are. Lies are lies, not mis-leadings or half-truths, plausible deniability is deception and the benefit of the doubt must questioned strongly and “remembered”!

  If we stand together and resist the Progressive trend we will be victorious and in the end the truth will stand. We will be labeled haters, racists, intolerant, fear mongers, Islamophobeic and a hundred other things, but if we are convinced of the    urgency of the times and the worthiness of our goal  we will gain the stamina to endure. When the attacks come because we spoke out remember these words spoken by a 19th century evangelist “When you are surrounded by a pack of dogs and you throw a brick into the middle of the pack you can easily tell which dog you hit by the yelping and howling”. There will be a lot yelping and howling and possibly some violence that comes our way but we must stand on the high ground and resist the urge to strike back. God will not honor a “first strike” battle; we must resist violence if it is at all possible. The battle is just beginning and will likely last a very long time, but by the grace and mercies of God we will prevail. Looking back a hundred years from now history will show that we were indeed instrumental in SAVING AMERICA.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

  There is much being said about “moderate Muslims” that would lead one to believe that the radical element of Islam is taking the religion hostage and giving it a bad name. The issues I have with this train of thought have led to some research that revealed some similar results when compared to the rhetoric about other groups that have caused some ‘discomfort’ to Progressives.

  Those of us who stood up for unborn children were labeled “anti”-abortion while those who supported the murder of the unborn children were called “pro”-choice. Through much work and because many influential people brought the debate into the light of logic we are now called the “pro”-life movement. As a result of persistence in demanding that we be recognized as being for something as opposed to against or anti, the tide of murdering babies is turning and the abortion rates are dropping across the nation. This is just one piece of evidence that there is power in the words we use to label groups.

  The same can be said of the extreme rhetoric being hurled at the Tea party. The essence of the Tea Party is limited government based in Constitutional principle and fiscal responsibility. Progressives in both parties have thrown accusations of being radical extremists and a threat to the country. [actually they are a threat to the country the Progressives want to build!] The sometimes ridiculous accusations made by the Progressives have begun to cause people to pay attention to what the Tea Party is actually saying and as a result the movement is growing rapidly. Again the result of people being vocal and demanding to be heard has led to the re-labeling and truthful recognition of the legitimacy of their cause.  

  The tactic of diversion and disinformation otherwise known as propaganda is also being used to promote Islam as a peaceful religion. Years ago when we were first being introduced to Islamic terrorism the perpetrators of that terror were referred to as “Islamic Fundamentalists”. When one looks at that term, which I believe is an accurate one, logic leads you to understand that the fundamentals of Islam must be terror or violence related. This term was being used right up to the early Bush Presidency. It was during the Clinton presidency when the Muslim Brotherhood began to heavily infiltrate the federal government and efforts were made to “re-label” those Muslims committing terror acts from fundamentalists to radicals. Those efforts have been successful in taking the spotlight off the real problem and onto what is being called a ‘fringe’ group.

  The re-labeling is an attempt to once again use political correctness to hide an element of the Progressive agenda. The reality is that Islam is NOT a religion but rather a system of government with a very minor “religious” division imbedded within it. The fundamentals of Islam cannot be described as anything other than a violence oriented ideology. Since its beginning Islam has been a threat to the entire human race. It has been responsible for more violent death and slavery than any other ideology in history. Islamic fundamentals dictate the subjugation of all people who do not convert and the death of any deemed to be blasphemous ie: Sodomites, Jews, Christians etc. The Koran dictates the murder of infidels where ever they are found.

   So are there moderate Muslims and if so who are they, and in light of the fundamentals of Koranic teaching how can it be possible? The answer is yes there are and the reason it is possible is the same reason that it is true within the Christian community. There are believers in both groups that do not fully follow the dictates of the “faith” as taught in the Bible and the Koran. The so called social gospel is equally alive and well in both Islam and Christianity.

  The Bible states that faith without works is dead which is a fundamental of Christianity that is also a principle within Islam. Jesus said that if believers are not working for Him they in fact are working against Him, the same is true of the followers of Mohammed and Islam. Believers in Christ are called to love Him more than family as does the teachings of Mohammed which is displayed in what are called honor killings!

   Many Christians are nominal at best, living more for self than for the Kingdom and using their Christianity more for “fire insurance” than a life style, the same is true of many Muslims. They are not inherently wicked people so they reject the violent teachings in the Koran in much the same way many Christians reject the uncomfortable teachings of Christ in the Bible. In both cases those who do not follow the dictates of their “faith” are not true believers and will have some “Splainin” to do on judgment day!  

  The strategy is clear and is widely used by the left to frame the argument for governing America and eventually the world if the Church and freedom loving people do not begin to understand how the enemy of freedom thinks. Critical thinking has got to be learned and leadership must once again come from the common man and not the elite. There is little time left to turn the argument back to its logical roots of “accurate” labeling and the over throw of progressivism and the exposure of the threat of fundamental Islam as a violent form of government with the goal of re-establishing a worldwide Caliphate with Shariah as the supreme law. The longer we stay in our little comfort zones and ignore the war that is raging all around us the more difficult SAVING AMERICA will be!         



Friday, September 21, 2012

  There is a great deal of reason to have hope in our fight against the Progressive agenda to make America equal with the other nations of the world. The powers that be on the ‘left’ are acting like desperate little bullies.

 When a bully is confronted his true nature is usually revealed to be that of a coward who turns and runs. This is exactly what the Progressives did in the early 20th century when they were outed for the cancerous tumor on democracy that they are. They ran with their tails between their legs and hid in the shadows of darkness and evil from which they came. They began to resurface again during the last half of the century under the name of liberals and have renamed themselves again to Progressive because the liberal label became a toxic label again.

  Like the coward who stands back and yells slanderous names and hurls powerless threats in hopes of intimidating the ignorant and the uninformed, Progressives are now resorting to these tactics to try to discredit the real power of the grassroots movement to restore America to her roots. They are much like the waterless clouds or the roaring lion without teeth that the scripture speaks of, ominous looking and loud but without any authority. The truth is that the only power any politician, Democrat/Progressive or Republican, has is the authority that “We the people” give them.

  The political players are losing the battle and they know it. The evidence is not being widely reported in the media, at least not in a positive light. The “Tea Party” is being labeled as extreme and dangerous to America. The facts are that the only reason the government is considering tax cuts and spending cuts is because people started electing non-politicians who are fiscal conservatives and throwing the party elites out, and doing so in large numbers.

   There is real evidence that things like Face Book and Twitter are being monitored and trends are being tracked by the government, media and corporate America. These entities are shaking in their boots because the trends show that Americans are educating themselves in history and are no longer getting the majority of their news from the elite media but from independent internet sites and blogs. More and more people are using social media to share information and news. We are voicing our disgust and disappointment with the status-quo and this is a threat to their job security.

  The current incidents in the Islamic world are being used by the Progressives to push for legislation to shut down free speech and control social media under the ruse of an alleged emergency. Three times in under a week the mainstream media has challenged President Obama on his failed policy which is something that has never happened before now. The 2016 movie and other documentaries revealing and vetting the President more than tripling the expected audience has sent fear into the heart of the beast! They will continue to push the bogus claim that the so called internet movie is the reason for the riots and murders in Islamic countries and the free speech of the film maker is responsible. Their efforts will fail because people are tired of having their intelligence insulted and are calling them out as having lied to them. The constant evasion of the facts and distraction from reality are quickly becoming harder for the elite to get away with and that puts frustration and fear into the Progressive machine.

  The media is skewing the poll numbers to plant doubt and hopelessness into the hearts and minds of conservatives. They understand the power of persuasion and the power of propaganda and they have the means at their disposal to implement both. The fact that these corporations are willing to manipulate the truth to advance an anti-American agenda should be enough to motivate us to write the corporate headquarters and threaten to boycott their corporations and their sponsors products and encourage friends and family to do the same.

  We must go on the offensive and remain there religiously or they will win. We have to begin to speak encouraging words to each other and dwell on things that are positive and uplifting. The Bible tells us to be imitators of God and call those things that are not as though they are. In other words we need to use the creative power of the spoken word and boldly proclaim the truth that this nation is ordained by God to be a nation like none other, save Israel our staunch ally. We need to increase the political chatter on social media and encourage one another with good news. When bad news comes we must remember that God has a redemptive purpose in everything and that nothing takes Him by surprise, He was, is and shall remain on His throne and the government WILL rest on His shoulders.

 SAVING AMERICA will depend on whether patriots will stand and openly and boldly challenge the Progressive talking points. The use of our God given right to free speech cannot and must not be allowed to be challenged by an openly anti-American President, politician in any party, godless Islamic/Muslim nations or by the anti-American organization known as the United Nations!

  Take courage and do not fear we are winning the battle and we will win the war if we do not grow weary in well doing and remain faithful to the end!

  I’m mad as hell and I’m going to do something with my anger other than sit and complain and post on Face Book! Don’t get me wrong I will continue to post as much or more than before. What I am angry about would take more time than I wish to take to describe in detail at present so I am going to pick a few related items and go from there.

   I am extremely disturbed by the assault on the intelligence of the American people by the elite press and the current administration. The obvious “attempts” to cover up the incompetence of the President and his advisors is at best a disgrace and at worst treasonous. I say attempts because, thank God, more and more people are ignoring the nightly “news” and are beginning to do some critical thinking on their own.

  It has been difficult to watch the daily White House press briefings when the press secretary has to be the spin doctor for the failed policies of the president. To watch him say definitively one day that the murder of the US Ambassador was solely caused by a MORONIC homemade film and then days later admit that it was connected to terror is either the result of no intelligence (in every sense of the word) or an attempt to cover up a scandalous scheme to provide material aid to rebels who as it turns out are tied directly to Al-Qaida. The jury is still out as to the reason the ambassador was where he was and what he was doing. It is being reported that he was working with/for the CIA trying to recover arms he had brokered in a deal with what the administration “thought” were just rebels.

   Then there is the overt attempt by the press to divert attention from the incompetence of President Obama by focusing their attention on Mitt Romney telling the truth about what the fed is doing to the economy, or being out front on the assassination of our ambassador. Mr. Romney has been trying to sound the alarm about the danger we are in with our economy and foreign relations and the media spins his words out of context and fails to even mention that Mr. Obama says he doesn’t know how much the debt is and that it is not an immediate threat. He said nothing about the attacks in Benghazi for nearly 18 hours and when he finally gets around to mentioning it he feeds us misinformation that quite frankly was insulting to both the intelligence of America and the entire world. All the focus given to the film gave more promotion to it than it could have or would have been able to get from FB or Twitter! (kinda makes my conspiratorial mind wonder if there is more to this than what we see! Maybe all the publicity was intentional, but I digress! )

  I am also upset by the fact that the Obama administration, through the DHS, Social Security Administration and NOAA has purchased over 1.2 billion rounds of small arms ammunition, and in the last few days has ordered more than 2000,000,000 rounds of what is described as sniper ammunition. Where is the press on this? Where is the investigative reporting? Why is no one in the media asking why so much, what are they planning for or what are they planning? Why do the Social Security Administration or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration need ammunition in the first place?

  I think what I find most alarming is the language being used by the administration and the press that mirrors, or is mirroring, the Muslim Brotherhoods call to silence free speech. The immediate response of the State Department to the assignation of our ambassador was that it was a direct response to what they deemed as hate speech through a “STUPID” poorly made ‘movie’. The repeated reference to the damage done by free speech should be sending shivers up the spine of every free person in the world let alone every American.

  The same rhetoric is now being echoed by the U.N. Sec. General and most profusely by nearly every faction of the Muslim population worldwide. There is an ongoing effort by the progressives to silence the conservative voice in America. I am in no way referring the STUPID video as conservative; rather I submit that it was a manufactured crisis to further their cause. The call for renewing the ‘fairness Doctrine’ a few months ago didn’t work for the progressives so now they lay in wait for any opportunity to act quickly to stop their opposition. The President has signed many executive orders (940 at last count) giving him the authority to take control of the internet and social media and I believe they were hoping that the Muslim uprising would be the catalyst that allowed the declaring of an “emergency” worthy of shutting down all personal communication.

   I may be a conspiracy theorist but I cannot look at the evidence of collusion between the government, the media and the Muslim Brotherhood and not connect the dots to make a very frightening picture. I thank God for social media because I believe that just as Google was used by the “powers that be” to help with the organization of the Arab Spring it will be what Patriots use to connect and force the truth to come out about the treasonous actions of our government. I believe that the decline of the main stream media audience and the rise in the internet news blogs audience is what caused NBC and CBS to challenge the administration twice in the last two days on its explanation of recent events.

  I started this blog post by saying I was going to do something with my anger and I just did! I told you some of the things going on in the country and the world. This is not a behind closed door operation any more. The progressives have come out of the closet once again and have drawn the battle lines. I am making my voice heard and encourage everyone reading this to do the same. For every one communication made between the public and their representatives there are 1,000 others who feel the same way and will vote accordingly and politicians know this well. We are being monitored by the government constantly and they are aware that Americans are beginning to awaken and it is making them nervous. The press is aware of this too and some are beginning to act like journalists again, but they will only keep it up until the pressure is lifted from them. We must fight the Progressive agenda relentlessly or they will come back stronger and smarter than ever before having learned from this struggle.

  Find out who your representatives are and call them! Contact the press in your area and tell them you will stop watching their network if they continue to schill for either political party. Find the corporations advertising on those networks and go on Face Book and message them. Do everything you possibly can to make your voice heard by the elite and don’t give up. We will win if we stand together and fight the good fight! SAVING AMERICA is the goal we have before us and the future of millions is at risk if we do nothing.




Friday, September 14, 2012

Any reply to my posts can be sent to  . I have been getting many complaints that comments cannot be processed on the page itself. I welcome any and all comments and will try to respond to all when appropriate.
Thank you for your time and response
Bob Seymour

                                          STAND ALONE


 When trouble surrounds you it is always reassuring to know there are friends that will come to your aid and stand by your side and fight with you. But sometimes when you are despised by the powers that be you may have to stand alone. If you are firmly rooted in the knowledge that your cause is noble and will affect generations to come you are somehow able to gather the strength and courage it takes to the stand alone.

 Two thousand years ago a man had to summon that strength and courage to stand alone and suffer the scorn of the world. He was abandoned by his friends and left to face the enemy of his soul. The man was an Israeli Jew and though he was abandoned by all to face the enemy, he stood his ground. It looked to all who witnessed the event as though he had lost the fight. He died in front of the mob that accused, tried, condemned and killed him. They buried him alone and those who had loved him and had faith in him were devastated and gave up all hope.  But that was not the end! While the remnant of friends had given up hope and were trying to figure out how to go on with life without their friend, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was working to bring about the most miraculous act of deliverance that had ever been seen. He rose from the grave and the ash heap of history was robbed of its victory.

  There were many that wanted desperately to help him and fight for him, but the powers that were in control of the government and the judicial system were blind to the reality of what was transpiring through their actions. No one, including those who supported him, realized at the time that what was happening was actually a part of a plan that had been devised before time began.

   There is a similar story unfolding in the world now. Israel is surrounded by the enemy of her soul and she is being abandoned by her friends. Those who had once said they would never leave her or forsake her are fleeing from her and leaving her to stand alone in what looks like certain destruction. Her leaders are asking for support from allies but are being rejected by all and are being forced to stand alone.

  In just the last 24 hours both the United States and the European Union have sent nearly 2.5 billion dollars to her enemy the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. She has been denied an audience with what until 4 years ago had been her strongest ally in the world. The money that has been given to the Muslim Brotherhood is, by any stretch of the imagination, blood money that will be used to fund the Brotherhoods assault on Israel and the west. All those nations who have given support to the enemies of Israel are guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of God and will be held to account by Him for their actions.

  If we are at the time spoken of in Scripture when the world will unite in an effort to destroy Israel, those of us who love and support her must take courage and trust that there is more going on than what we can see with the natural eye. If we are indeed at that time in history, then Israel must stand alone and put her trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  I believe that it is time to intercede for Israel like never before. All of the powers of hell are being arrayed around the world to bring destruction to her and establish a New World Order. The nations involved all have their own agenda and are only unified to the degree that chaos will bring about the right opportunity for them to make their own move. Though each thinks they are using the other to be the ultimate victor, they are sadly mistaken! They are all being used by God to bring Israel to the place where they call out to their God for deliverance.

   So as we watch things unfold in the Middle East, pray first and foremost that Israel will be unified in their call for Gods protection and that He would be revealed through her as the one True God! Pray also that God will have mercy on those of us who live in the nations who have betrayed the people and the nation of Israel.   

  Always remember that when things look beyond hope, God is still at work to fulfill His purpose even in the blackness of despair.  It was faithfulness that allowed the women who went to care for the body of a dead friend in his tomb to instead meet a risen savior. I believe that the same faithfulness to Israel, even in the midst of what seems like complete failure, will allow us to see the fulfillment of the next great deliverance for His people and those who will continue to be faithful to her. I pray that in His mercy He will see that there is a remnant of the faithful still in America and that SAVING AMERICA would be part of his Devine plan for the end of the age.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

                                         Good vs. Evil

The future of America is in danger from within our own government. We have succumbed to a vile ideology in every aspect of our culture. The ideology that was birthed in the 1960s hippie movement is now in authority in all levels of government and society as a whole. The sexual revolution has opened the door to complete moral lawlessness.

  The “If it feels good do it” attitude has gone from being appalling to the older generation to tolerated by them to where now it is being legislated as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. The perversion that was at one time a stigma of shame is now not only accepted but promoted by the Progressive/Democratic Party and some in the Republican Party. Sadly there is little outcry from the church either.

  For the most part there is no difference between the Church and the rest of the world today. The Church had been the standard bearer of decency and morality in societies for centuries. The silence of Pastors and Priests has led to the “dimming” of Americas light that once was a beacon of righteousness to the rest of the world. I would recommend that every Christian, especially those in positions of authority, read the book of Revelation and pay close attention to what was said about “tolerating “, not embracing or promoting, but tolerating Jezebel.

 Tolerating the ungodliness of this world has brought shame on the Church and has hampered the move of Gods Spirit, but that is about to change. There is a remnant of Godly people who are beginning to rise up and speak out about the depravity in society.

  I believe that we are where we are because we have been uninvolved and let the progressives set the standards that are the acceptable morals of society. We are now at the place where it is the new normal to call good evil and unacceptable and evil good and acceptable. The average Christian has been so self-absorbed that though they seem to know what they believe they do not why they believe it.

  The argument that most believers can’t seem to respond to should be a simple elementary explanation. I have on many occasions been confronted with this statement: “I believe that all that is necessary to get to heaven is to be a ‘good’ person and do the right things in life”. Here is the problem with this argument; what is good? The normal answer is ‘be a nice person and always do good for or to others’. That works for people in America but if you live in an Islamic country, good is killing as many Jews and infidels as possible. This is the only sure way of gaining favor with Allah and entrance into heaven. Which is right and why?

 In both cases good is defined by a false standard. The definition of good is founded primarily on the values of society and those who have come before us and the lives they lived. The only true measure of good is God Himself! We must hold Him up as the only standard of good. When we accept that God alone is good and we are not, then and only then will we be able to turn society back toward fulfilling our destiny of reaching the world with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

   Right now the world is in total chaos and there is no real leadership coming from anywhere. I believe that the Muslim Brotherhood is at work with Barack Obama and the progressives to bring about the destruction of Israel and the west. The Brotherhood wants to establish a global caliphate and the Progressives want a ‘New World order’. The two will work together until they see the usefulness of the other has ended and then they will turn on each other. As this is playing out the church must be ready to pick up the pieces of the aftermath. I believe this could be the time of ‘darkness and deep darkness’ that will cover the earth. If this is the time the scripture speaks of then the people of God have got to be ready for mass destruction and a massive harvest of souls.

   It is imperative that not just believers but everyone reading this post know and fully understand the difference between good and evil, right and wrong and be able to explain it flawlessly. When the ‘useful idiots’ in the Occupy Wall Street movement are asked what they stand for and what they believe they reveal their ignorance in their inability to give a cohesive and unified response. This is a true sign of poor or no leadership in the movement which reveals, to me anyway, that there is more going on than meets the eye. This cannot be the case with the church and those who are not necessarily believers but join the church in their efforts to counter the evil that is the Progressives and the Muslim Brotherhood.

  I ask that you join me in BEGGING God to have mercy on us for allowing this evil to be tolerated in our midst. I ask that you speak with a unified and bold voice against the Progressive movement in America. Educate yourself and those in your sphere of influence and stand on what is truth and reject the lies of the current administration and the media that has sold America out! Pray for Israel.

  If we stand together unified in purpose relying on Divine Providence and Preservation, then we will be remembered in history not as those who surrendered America to evil, but as those who stood against the armies of hell and prevailed in their efforts to destroy evil while SAVING AMERICA.   

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

  This is the beginning of the final push by the Muslim Brotherhood to gain control of the Middle East and re-establish their caliphate! Two U.S. embassies were attacked and an ambassador was murdered along with at least three other Americans, two of the three were US Marines. This is an act of war that Obamas administration is responsible for! This administration is directly responsible for coordinating with Google to organize the uprising in Egypt to overthrow the previous dictator. Some of those responsible for the siege of the embassies were filmed wearing the masks of the O.W.S. movement, the same movement that the progressives and Obama embraced just a few months ago. The support of the Muslim Brotherhood by the Obama administration is treasonous and the congress must begin acting like the co-equal branch of government that they are supposed to be and stop this president and the progressive cancer in Washington from destroying America.

  Instead of reacting to this outrageous act of aggression the State Department apologized to Muslims who were offended by a movie on the internet. Hillary Clinton, instead of condemning the murders and seizing of our embassy, condemned the right of free speech of the movie maker.

  The Muslim Brotherhood is about to team up with Iran to form a global terror network according to a U.S. intelligence agency. A report from an as yet undisclosed American intelligence agency says that a Muslim Brotherhood official from the new Egyptian administration met with the leadership in Iran and has agreed to form an alliance to fund terror attacks on America and American interests globally. Egypt has received several billion dollars from the Obama administration to fund its military and to subsidize the regime and more is reportedly being readied for delivery. If the report of Egypt and Iran joining forces is true, then America is now directly involved with acts of terror against its allies and is an active partner in the destruction of Israel through the funds we are supplying! GOD HELP US!

  I am looking into the source of the intelligence report and will write more on it soon, but given the activities of this administration with the Muslim Brotherhood, I personally believe they are guilty of treason and that they justify their actions by and through the ideology of globalism. Samantha Powers, one of Obamas senior advisors, wrote in a book she authored that war was a viable means of promoting the progressive agenda.

 SAVING AMERICA just got more difficult and the war against America has been greatly accelerated. I was in a small session of prayer this morning and I believe I heard the voice of the Lord say that it is now time to tell the church “join the fight or get out of the way”.

   We are about to see the beginning of the most tumultuous time in the history of the world unfold! If we are not fighting against the Islamic movement then our silence is being used to promote the growth and strength of the satanic force/farce known as Islam! Jesus said that if you are not working for Him you are working against Him. The Muslim Brotherhood is an enemy of God who is doing war against this nation and the Kingdom of God and we as believers are soldiers in Gods army. If you are not doing your part to defeat Islam you are a.w.o.l.!

  One of the most important things we can do to stop this administration and the Progressives is to contact your representatives and tell them to use the power they have under the Constitution as a coequal branch of the federal government and put a stop to the support of the Muslim Brotherhood and to begin an investigation into acts of treason by Barack Obama and the Progressive party. Second we must use every means of communication at our disposal to inform as many people as possible of the threat by Islamism. I believe that the executive orders regarding the “emergency control” of the internet could be triggered very soon to shut down what the administration considers malicious groups ie. any voice that opposes their agenda. It is clear from DHS reports that they consider any conservative citizen a threat to the United States. The same group that labeled the Family Research Council a “Rightwing” hate group has put the New Black Panthers in the “Rightwing” category too. This move works to make it easy to shut down all groups labeled as extremists when one of those factions rises to violence, which I believe the N.B.P. will do as the useful idiots they are for the Progressives.

  Above all pray as though SAVING AMERICA depends on your prayer! Pray without ceasing. Pray with fervency!  Pray with urgency! PRAY!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

  It was never my intention to write “religious” posts for this blog but circumstances sometimes dictate a change in course. In religion and in politics we as a people must at times agree to disagree on some issues but with things that endanger the foundation of our existence as a republic there can be no negotiation.

 I have been reading some of the planks in the recent political party platforms and watched the convention speeches and I am convinced that the Progressive Democrats are determined to wage war on the religious freedom of Americans in favor of instituting an agenda that resembles what was Europe in the beginning of the twentieth century to the present time.

  The outright elimination of the word “God” and the failure to proclaim Jerusalem as the capital of Israel are the most obvious of the anti-God actions but there are others. The government control of nearly every aspect of one’s life from cradle to grave instead of the church and charitable organizations. The complete disrespect for the life of an unborn child giving way to  a woman’s “right” to commit fornication and have the tax payers paying for the result of her lose life style either through abortion or welfare. The embrace of a political group that has declared war on the United States (the Muslim Brotherhood), the open embrace of Sodomites, the demonizing of republicans, conservatives and Tea Party activists. The leaders of the party were openly lying and making references to opponents as being Nazis.   The overall atmosphere of their convention was that of division, deception, depravity and diversion from the real issues that face the republic. What was possibly most disturbing to me was the crowd’s acceptance of the vitriolic message that was conveyed by speakers and the “memorabilia”. It was a disgraceful display of debauchery!     

  The blatant lies and twisting of truth should not surprise any believer who has spent any time at all reading and studying the scriptures. In one of the Apostle Pauls’ letters he told of a time when people would reject the truth for a lie and would follow their own desires. He also said that there would be false teachers that would arise and tell their people things they wanted to hear instead of the truth of scripture. The Old Covenant prophets told of shepherds who would come and deceive their sheep and they gave warning against any nation that would call good evil and evil good. This nation has reached the point where the immoral minority of citizens with loud voices and “friends in high places” are dictating the course of our future. The immoral minority are running the government and will bring judgment upon us all if the moral majority do not rise up and take control back  and restore morality and sanity to the halls of government.

 The lack of true leadership must be reversed and it must once again come from the pulpit to the pew not from the pew to the pulpit. For far too long many pastors and priests have not spoken out against the depravity of society or that of the congregations they have charge over. Whole denominations now allow Sodomites to be welcome participants in every aspect of ministry. Many congregations actually hire Sodomites as their pastors and priests and sanction the practice of same sex marriage among the congregation and the clergy as though God Himself had ordained it from Scripture. The reality is that the word strongly condemns the practice of sodomy. The first chapter of the letter to the Romans is apparently missing from the Bibles of these denominations and their leadership. Make no mistake about it they will be held accountable for their actions or lack thereof.

 Some Denominations have and continue to express compatibility with Islam and have begum what they call Chrislam! This is an abomination! Johns’ gospel the 14th chapter quotes Jesus as saying “I Am THE Way” not A way! Again in John’s gospel he says that Jesus was the Word and the Word is God! Islam is adamant in saying that God has NO SON! Any church or pastor who allows the worship of Allah in their church is in heresy and in danger of hell fire for preaching another gospel (Gal. “if anyone comes preaching any other gospel let them be accursed, and even if an angel comes preaching any other gospel let them be accursed forever”).

 Every preacher in every denomination must take a stand for

righteousness through the vicarious death of Jesus Christ and His shed blood. We must love the persons who are deceived and are living in spiritual darkness but me must express to them that what they are involved in will result in eternal separation from God unless they repent and seek forgiveness and deliverance. We as pastors are charged to speak the truth in love, but to speak the truth from scripture and not from church or denominational doctrine.

  If  pastors allow sin to continue in their churches without addressing it and try to cover or comfort the sinner instead of putting Matt. 18 to action they will have blood on their hands. The same is true of those who sit in the pews and say nothing to their leadership. We have a responsibility to be living like we are sons and daughters of God and not men pleasers. The future of this republic lies in the hands of the church not in the hands of corrupt politicians.

  SAVING AMERICA is going to be difficult but save her we must! We need to use every tool at our disposal and be bold and full of courage as we confront the political and the politically correct. The church holds the answer to the restoration of America not the secular government. Returning to a life of Holiness and honor toward our “fathers” with humility and a firm reliance on Divine providence to keep the republic He established is the only hope America has for survival.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

                           Christianity / Christian

 I have been in several political conversations with people over the last four or five months who obviously have a preconceived perception of what it means to be a Christian. It is also quite obvious through those conversations that they have no Biblical or personal knowledge of what it means to be a Christian either.

 The progressives have been most successful at diluting and polluting the Biblical description of Christianity and Christians in general. The most common statement I hear is “If that is what your God is like”, followed by something similar to ‘then I want no part of Him’. The very statement itself reveals a complete lack of intimate knowledge of either God or Christianity.

 To set the record straight Christianity itself is not what most people, including many Christians think.  Christianity is a world view not a religion. It is the way a person views the state of the world and it forms their reaction to world events and helps one decide which relationships they should enter into and maintain and which they should avoid altogether. To be a Christian however, is to have a personal relationship with the One True and Living God. It is impossible to be a Christian without that personal relationship, and it is just as impossible to have a “true” Biblical world view without it.

  It should come as no surprise to a believer when they hear people react to seemingly harsh, in their understanding, words that sound judgmental to them. This is a result of being taught, or in some cases indoctrinated into, what is known as a social gospel.  The biggest problem with the ‘social gospel’ that most people have been taught by liberal denominations, the secular media and the general culture is that people now believe  only that God is a God of love. As a result of 50-75 years of only hearing of His love the nominal believer or God-fearer believes that love is Gods highest attribute, and it is not. His highest attribute is Holiness, and it is from His Holiness which all other attributes flow. People have been programed to believe that God will hold no one accountable and that He is only capable of loving and forgiving man even without his asking to be forgiven. They never hear about Judas or the scripture that says Jacob I loved but Esau I hated!

  As we enter the final stages of the political season it is absolutely necessary to understand the Holiness of God and to have a Biblical view of the opposing parties’ platforms. When someone picks a person to vote for they are in essence saying that this person represents who I am and I condone and support his views on the issues of the day. They are your ambassador to the body politic and you will be directly responsible for their votes after they assume office.

 Though no man or political party is perfect it is still the right and responsibility of every ‘legal’ citizen to vote from an informed position and to make every effort to contact their representative to find out where they stand on the most crucial issues facing and shaping society. Issues like where one stands, personally, on the issue of life and marriage and on the right to keep and bear arms are the basic rights to be protected in America. These issues must be known about every person running for a public service position from dog catcher to president. The position held by a candidate on the issue of sodomy (homosexuality to the politically correct, of which I am NOT) is also crucial.

 Sodomy and sodomites are an abomination to the Holiness of God and the scriptures are more than clear that those who practice such will not enter the Kingdom. The recent push to teach our children that sodomy is an acceptable alternate lifestyle needs to be exposed for what it is or it will be held against this nation on the day God judges the nations. We cannot allow the progressives to shape the argument; we must know what we believe and why we believe it or we will lose the argument.

  The choice for Christians in the 2012 election cycle could not be easier to discern. The Democratic/progressive platform is openly anti-American in that it is a disgrace to everything the founders stood for. It calls for abortion on demand including late term and partial birth, sodomy, taxpayer funded abortion, more and stricter gun control and they are openly anti-Israel and the fact that any mention of God was left out of their platform speaks volumes as to the Godlessness of their party. I contend that a “Christian” cannot vote for a democrat and remain in Gods favor.

  There is a battle for the soul of America and the opposition is growing rapidly. Those who would have us become some 1st century Rome-like society are promoting their Socialist ideology at a fever pitch. They have combined Socialist, Marxist, Communist and Islamic ideologies to put a strangle hold on the moral standards of America and they must be stopped! With every day that passes we see more boldness from our domestic enemies and a complacent population allowing them to set the agenda. We have got to arise and be heard with boldness, determination and continually until the population awakens to the threat and begins to join the fight to achieve the goal of SAVING AMERICA.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

  The political lines are drawn in the sand and the choices could not be clearer. The contrast between the Democrats and Republicans is black and white.

  Originally the Democrats political platform had excluded any mention of God or of Jerusalem until “some” in the news media (fox news) questioned the omission. It has been changed to give “mention” by a vote on the floor of the convention that was a total embarrassment to the leadership and to America. The vote had to be taken three times because it failed miserably the first and second times around. The leadership declared the change to the boos of a very large segment of the delegates who apparently were opposed to mentioning God or Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  America is at the crossroads between Socialism/Marxism and Americanism. The Democrats are trying to sell the American people the idea that bigger government is the answer to the economic woes we are experiencing today. According to a video played at the Democratic convention the party holds the view that the government is the only thing “we all belong to”. That statement is blasphemy in that it says that government, not God, is the source and reason for our existence.

 The opening of the Convention was hosted by two Islamic Imams with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood one of which is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the other is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who claims that Islam was fundamental in the discovery of America and is actually an “indigenous” people group!

 There was no challenge of the “facts” put forth by the Imams claiming that it was Muslims that guided the first explorers in the New World. There was no mention of the FACT that it was indeed the Muslims that forced the Europeans to seek a new trade route because Muslims were attacking and blocking existing trade routes. Instead the Democrats leadership said nothing until, once again, ‘some’ in the media raised the issue of the identity of the Muslim leadership. 

  The Muslim Brotherhood is a sworn enemy of the United States and formally declared war on us, yet they are openly embraced by the Democratic Party and given a prominent role in their national convention.

 The speeches given by the members of the Democratic Party were divisive and mean spirited in many cases. The party chair, Rep. Debbie Washerman-shultz was caught in a blatant lie about the Israeli ambassador and after being challenged she denied that what was recorded on audio was not what she said! I have never seen such twisting of the truth and spinning of reality in my lifetime, not even in a Hollywood movie!

   On the other hand the republican convention was much more upbeat and there were no personal attacks that I am aware of. There were few specifics about how they will handle the situation America is in, but the overall atmosphere was one of encouragement and a willingness to talk about the hard issues like social security and Medicare.

  At the time of this writing the DNC has been focused on trying to demonize the RNC and distract from the real issues like the debt crossing the $16,000,000,000.00 mark and the scandals that have rocked the current administration. The main points of the DNC have centered on the issues of abortion and birth control. This is in my eyes, shameful and a disgrace to American politics.

  The RNC is on the road to re-instating the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan has stated that the founding principles need to be re-applied in government again and not be cited as outdated and irrelevant to society. President Obama and his administration want to continue the “fundamental transformation” of America so that there is a continued lessening of  American Exceptionalism which has been the hallmark of the American experiment of self-government since our inception more than 200 years ago.

 It is my humble opinion that the American people are tired of the progressive tactics being used to divide Americans and sway public opinion to align with the Socialist/Marxist agenda of the Democrat/Progressive Party and will overwhelmingly vote to return to the founders ideals. This war is not over until the enemy is defeated! Progressivism must be destroyed once and for all time or it will simply crawl into a hole and resurface again at some point in the future. There is a strong demonic force behind this ideology and it must be identified and destroyed.

  SAVING AMERICA is the issue of our time, and those of us who are alive now are here by Divine appointment for ‘such a time as this’  and we must rise to the occasion and resist the call to be politically correct. If we will stand and refuse to comply and demand to be heard we will prevail and save our children from growing up in a world foreign to any of us. We must always speak the truth in a spirit of love and refuse to compromise on the core principles of this nation and demand our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we individually define the latter.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

 What is really happening around the world today? We see the evidence of the age old struggle between good and evil playing out in the news media every night, although for the most part the main stream media hides the real news in favor of mindless entertainment for ratings purposes. The only real sources of news, sadly, are found only on the internet. No one is hearing of the extent to which the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating  not only our own government but also nearly every country around the world that finds itself in the throws of conflict either in out right military actions or being subjected to terror from radical Islam. There have been, to my knowledge, no reports of the crucifixions taking place in Egypt over the past few weeks, or the mass killings of Christians in Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt. There is so much violence and mayhem in the world that maybe the media thinks we can’t handle the truth so they are protecting the public. I don’t know what the reasoning is for keeping the public ignorant of current events, but it is wrong.

  What I believe is happening is of Biblical proportions in the grand scope of world events. I can only give what is pure speculation on my part, but it may actually be reality, only time will tell.

 I am no real Biblical scholar but what I believe is happening fits the scenario from the Apostle Pauls’ letter to the Church in Ephesus and also from the teachings of Islam on eschatology.

 First anyone who has read the book of Revelations knows that before Jesus Christ returns to earth there will be utter chaos preceded by a one world currency, government and religion. Islam is very similar in that it teaches that Islam will be at war with the “infidel” and there will be a virtual bloodbath taking place which will usher in the return of the 12th Imam.

 In Pauls’ letter he describes a time when the Jew and the gentile will become united as one and become what he calls the “one new man”. He describes this event as the mystery of God hidden from the beginning. When that takes place the two peoples, Jew and gentile, will be united into one body and Christ will be the head.

 The push today by the so-called elite to bring the world together under one currency is on a fast track to completion. Once that has been accomplished, in one form or another, there will be a need for a governing body to regulate the monetary system. That regulating system will become the new world order. The last step will be the establishment of a single religion to control the morality of the worlds’ population.

 I believe that there is only one religion in the world that will not sit back and allow itself to be declared a “second rate” religion, that being Islam. Virtually every civilized nation on the planet is fearful of Jihad and has already allowed themselves to become so politically correct toward Islam that they already have become compliant to Shariah.

 Having said all that, I believe we are seeing a counterfeit of the “one new man”. It is happening rapidly in America today. Just as there has been enmity between the Jew and the gentile for centuries, there has been between the Muslim and the infidel. Satan can only counterfeit the true, and I believe that is what we are seeing now. The Muslims and the progressives are joining forces and pushing an agenda of unity to bring about a utopian society that will make everyone equal and at peace. The big problem for the progressives is the definition of peace. They see it as the absence of turmoil and a utopian society, but under Islam the definition is quite different. Islam defines peace as the freeing of men from the oppression of manmade laws and the implementation of strict Shariah Law.

 The Democratic Convention in North Carolina next month will be attended by 20,000 Muslims for prayers. Two of the leaders of the Muslim delegation have direct ties to radical Islam including one who is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

 The trouble with the joining of the Muslim and the gentile is that the Muslim Brotherhood is bound by the Koran to kill the infidel. They are instructed to do what is called “civilization Jihad”, to befriend and work with the enemy until such time as you are strong enough to destroy him.

  The progressives do not know what they are dealing with when it comes to Islam because they themselves are a godless organization. They believe that Islam is a peaceful ‘religion’ that is capable of compromise. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Koran dictates that Jihad is their highest goal and to die for Allah the greatest honor. They are cold-blooded and calculated in their methods of Jihad. Europe has been overwhelmed by both civilization and stealth Jihad, and America is next because of the apathy and ignorance of the average American citizen.

  We are seeing the physical manifestation of a battle in the heavens. The battle is for the re-establishment of a global Caliphate and domination of the world by Islam and the revealing of the “one new man” from scripture. The battle is raging and it must be fought on two fronts, first in the spirit realm through prayer by the saints and second in the physical realm through the political and literal battle front where terrorism is being committed or formulated.

 America is the prize that Islam wants most because we are the only viable opposition to them destroying Israel and the rest of the free world. They cannot defeat us militarily but they are wise enough to know they can use their age old tactics of civilization and stealth Jihad, and indeed have gained much ground in undermining our foundations from within, through those tactics.

  We must take a stand against the ‘invasion’ of Islam into our society or we will lose our republic to the ‘freedom’ brought about by the doctrines of Shariah. Many say I am a conspiracy theorist and that only 10% of Muslims are in the radical camp. I totally agree! There are only about 10% of Muslims that are radical, but once you do the math you can understand my concern. It is estimated that there are 1,500,000,000 Muslims in the world today, that translates to 150,000,000 radical Jihadist! That is, in my humble opinion, a rather formidable force to deal with!

  SAVING AMERICA from this real and present danger is the responsibility of every man, woman and child in this country. We must use every tool at our disposal to defeat this foe and drive it from our shores and from the face of the earth. We have got to take the threat seriously and get on our knees in prayer and to the ballot box and supply and support our troops on the battle field. I urge everyone reading this to find out what you personally can do and DO IT now, our republic is at stake and the future of our children is in the balance.