Sunday, March 31, 2013

The three greatest words ever spoken were "IT IS FINISHED"! The debt had been paid in full and the human race had been given THE means to be redeemed.
Those who were there to witness the words spoken, I imagine, thought they were the words of a dying man on a Roman crucifix. They could not have known what was really being said by the Man Jesus. Their hearts were broken, their emotions running to every extreme, fear of reprisal from those who had brutally tortured and nailed Him to that crucifix was battling their desire to rescue Him from the evil that had seemingly prevailed that day, but they were out numbered and could only stand and watch as He hung before them suffering the most brutal, slow and painful death know to man.
But those words,...those three little words! All creation was to experience what it had been longing for since the great fall so many thousands of years earlier. When sin entered the world man was forever banned from the garden and from the fruit of tree of life. Had he been allowed to stay in that paradise and eat of that tree he would have lived eternally in sin so God in His mercy removed man from that garden and set things in motion to bring this day to fruition.
Death entered the world in a garden and this day death was defeated in a garden. The penalty for ALL mankind's sin had been paid in full by the death of this one innocent "God-Man".
He had come from heaven to earth to show His great love and took on Himself the sins of us all. He descended to the pit of hell itself and made an open show of the Devil removing the keys of death and He set those captive there free. He then made His appearance to the women who were waiting to tend to His dead body.
Because of those three little words "IT IS FINISHED" we can stand this day and shout to the world and proclaim "HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!!"

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I am again consumed with thoughts of what happened this day so long ago that changed the entire course of human history. While those who thought they had stopped a trouble maker and blasphemer were going about their business there were who left Jerusalem beaten and discouraged. They were going back home to Galilee to the lives they had before they had met this man Jesus. Then as I mentioned yesterday there were the women who were waiting to minister to their dead friends body.
The thoughts of all these players were probably overwhelming to them, the arrogant and smug superiority of the elite who had orchestrated his arrest, trials and conviction had them drunk with a false security. The fisherman who were walking the long road back through the mountains to Galilee were probably embarrassed because the one they walked so proudly with had been defeated by the very ones they thought he came to deliver them from. I can imagine their silence along the way as they envisioned the ridicule that awaited them back home. And the women were probably just so full of sorrow and pain concerned only about their love for the man Jesus and their desire to continue expressing their love for him even in death.
None of these people could have known what was really going on. The world was indeed engulfed with darkness and great sorrow as the man from Galilee lay dead in the tomb.
The Devil for a few brief seconds or milliseconds was elated by his victory over the so called Messiah. But in the midst of all the darkness and despair a great victory was won for all of mankind and the Devils fate was sealed!
This day in history is one of the three days that Jesus spent in the darkness of Hell! He stood and preached to those in captivity while the enemy of our souls cowered powerlessly. It was in the darkness that this great victory was won and the keys were taken from the Devil by the man who was just hours ago despised and scorned by nearly all.
What comes next is the greatest miracle of all! Tomorrow we celebrate the resurrection of that Man Jesus from Nazareth! The tomb where He was is empty and the stone was rolled away, not so He could get out but so that we might see and know that the grave cloths were empty and the Lord was not there but had risen.
It always amazes me to think that though it was the women who remained there with Him and were faithful even beyond what they thought was the end, one of the first things the RISEN LORD said to the women was to go tell the ones who had given up on Him to come and meet HIM. I cannot imagine the kind of compassion that He showed that day or the thoughts that ran through the minds of the returning fisherman.
I am still pondering the emotions of these people and can't seem to wrap my head around the whole series of events, all I can think of as I try to grasp all of this is "Great is His faithfulness", and "His mercies are new each morning". May I never cease to be in awe of His infinite love and compassion even for those who have given up hope. And may I be the Light in the darkness for the world around me

Been sitting here thinking about the things that took place about two thousand years a go today and wondering what the world must have thought when darkness covered the earth. And trying to imagine the despair and sense of loss everyone who... had believed that Jesus was the Messiah had as they saw His dead body taken down from the Roman crucifix and carried to a tomb. His mother and the women who were accompanied by his brother John had to have been absolutely devastated by what they had just witnessed.
I cannot help but wonder what was going on on the other side. We are told very little about it but it must have been amazing! Those who were waiting to tend his dead body could have had no clue that the one they could no longer have faith in, the one they "knew" was dead was actually having the time of His life taking the keys from our adversary and preparing to make His "Triumphal Re-entry" into Jerusalem! Thankfully for the women they stayed nearby and waited until they were allowed to minister to Him after the Passover. The darkness and despair of the faithful would in just a couple days be pierced by THE LIGHT of the world!
If it looks really dark today, just wait patiently near the tomb where you "think" he is and soon your faithfulness will be rewarded. Do not be surprised if that reward comes in a manner that you find "IMPOSSIBLE", God cannot be put in our little boxes, He is God!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

  So Obama is staging another campaign style event tomorrow to push gun control. And once again he will surround himself with grieving mothers and spew the usual propaganda message "It's for the children." All statistics will be thrown under the bus, guns will be demonized and lawful citizens will be portrayed as supporting the universal background check and "Assault weapons" ban.

  I do not support the universal background check or the ban of any weapon. There are enough laws on the books now that are not being enforced and any new ones passed will do NOTHING to stop a criminal from committing a crime with a gun. The ONLY way to stop ALL gun crime is to completely remove ALL firearms from the entire country, including law enforcement and that will not happen.

 Every new "Compromise" made with these gun-grabbers is another chip out of the Constitutional right to bear arms. We are guaranteed under the 2nd amendment the RIGHT to "KEEP" and BEAR arms and those rights "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".



Here is the definition of Infringe from Websters online dictionary, pay very close attention to #2 and apply it to "SHALL NOT BE"! : in·fring·es; in·fringed; in·fring·ing

 1 : to do something that does not obey or follow (a rule, law, etc.) [+ obj] ▪ infringe [=violate] a treaty/patent ▪ They claim that his use of the name infringes their copyright. [no obj] (chiefly US) — + on or upon ▪ They claim that his use of the name infringes on their copyright.

 2 : to wrongly limit or restrict (something, such as another person's rights) [+ obj] ▪ Her rights must not be infringed. [no obj] — + on or upon ▪ He argues that the proposed law infringes upon our guaranteed right of free speech.

  I wrote and posted this on Face Book yesterday and as predicted the president did exactly what I said he would do. As I watched him give his propagandized speech I was not in the least bit surprised by the way he portrayed the misinformation he has been spreading through the media and by having America’s favorite “Crazy Uncle Joe” give interviews and speeches all over the country.

 It must be said that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans who lack the ability to use critical thinking or have not followed the debate on guns. It therefore falls on those of us who have been watching or listening to the rhetoric to get the correct information out where people can or hear the truth.

 The second amendment clearly and emphatically states citizens have the right to “KEEP AND BEAR ARMS” and that those “RIGHTSSHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. As can be seen in the definition from Webster’s Dictionary the word ‘infringed’ means to wrongly LIMIT or RESTRICT. Any effort by the president to force congress to pass restrictions of any kind on guns or gun owners is unlawful under the Constitution. I would contend that even the taxation of particular arms or ammunition would fall under the definition of restricting as would forcing a gun owner to buy insurance on whatever gun they may own.

   There is no need to give a definition for the word “KEEP”. The framers were specific in the words they chose to write into the “Supreme law of the land”, knowing full well that their words would at some point be challenged or twisted by a corrupt government. Clearly the president is doing exactly what our founders predicted.

  It is going to be a difficult challenge to get the truth out to the public but we must try! Obama is using propaganda to convince the public that some 90% of Americans support “universal background checks” to purchase a firearm. If the number is even close to that it is because people are unaware of the definition of “UNIVERSAL” or the slippery slope it is on top of. Because of the way the proposed law is being drafted a universal background check would mean that there would have to be a national registry of all firearms and their owners to be able to know where those weapons are at all times. It would mean having to prove where every firearm came from by means of original receipt and  it would apply to family members meaning the guns your grandpa bought and is now trying to pass on to you are  illegal firearms and he and you are felons.

  Regardless of what is being said the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and any alteration of it MUST be done through a constitutional amendment ratified by 2/3 of the states. Everything Progressives from both parties are doing is a ruse for gaining control of our God given right of self-protection. Removing firearms from citizens only empowers and emboldens criminals and puts children in danger of exploitation by criminal elements of society and government.

  There was no push to ban weapons when it was the government firing on college students in Kent State Ohio or at Waco Texas or in Ruby Ridge. In all three of these cases the government was found to be at fault and yet no punishment was doled out for the murders of men, women and children.

  SAVING AMERICA from this attempt to undermine the Constitution will take each of us contacting our respective representatives and demanding that they defend or amend the Constitution.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

  I can’t help but wonder why the media, including FOX NEWS, continues to give President Obama the “Benefit” of the doubt on the way he is handling the economy. I realize that many in the media are as much of a Progressive as Obama is, but with the inflexibility he has displayed in dealing with sequestration and job creation I cannot believe they think the American people are stupid enough to not see the lies and misrepresentation that he has and continues to tell through them. FOX NEWS is more surprising to me than the other networks because they seem to have some actual investigative reporters working for them.  

 To this point in time I have only heard one commentator on FOX refer to the so-called rightwing conspiracy theory that Obama wants to crash the economy in order to implement his Marxist society. The actions of this president show absolute incompetence if he is not purposefully trying to destroy our economy. His peers have been recorded on video and audio saying they are trying to do exactly that and yet there is no investigation by the media or any attempt to show the evidence to the public so we can decide for ourselves whether that is the case or not.

  His ties to Islamic nations and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular are very disturbing to me also. As President Obama is in Israel speaking he seems to have “Seen the Light” as far as the relationship between America and Israel is concerned.

 I have watched his actions and listened to his words for the last 4 years and what he is saying now is not what he exhibited in the past. What has changed that makes him say Israel has the right to defend herself even if she has to do it unilaterally? Why is he suddenly giving Israel the “Green Light” to attack Iran and why is he so strongly telling Iran and the world he will act against Iran or at the very least allow Israel to do so to stop their Nuke program?

 He has seemingly become Pro-Israel but at the same time he is making bold proclamations in Israel he continues to pursue policies in America that are as destructive as they were the day he took office. I do not trust him for a second and would advise everyone to not get caught up in the deception he is famous for. Watch every word and analyze every action he makes because he is at heart, a Progressive and Progressives are masters of propaganda. Pray that he has truly seen the light and is abandoning Progressivism and is speaking truth and that I am wrong about him.

  A word of caution from scripture; there will come a day when men will reject the truth and want to believe a lie so God Himself will send a great delusion so strong that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived! If President Obama attacks Iran and wins favor with Israelis and then ratifies a treaty between Israel and her adversaries be prepared for 3 ½ years of relative peace followed by 3 ½ years of tribulation unlike anything seen since the beginning of time!  

 Regardless of the rhetoric coming from the president and the media, DO NOT let your guard down this is an evil man!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

  I have often said that we cannot allow Progressives to establish the narrative as we fight the over reach of government into our lives. We are seeing a daily push to control nearly every aspect of our lives and each new assault on our liberty causes us to pivot and guard from another angle leaving the previous area unattended.

  We are allowing government to expand their power because too many people are not paying attention to the bottom line; Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  Progressives have drawn the lines of battle so that they can direct the outcome of the war. They have defined the outcome we are striving for and we as a whole have bought it. We constantly say we are fighting for the “American Dream”, and that is true, but the dream they have defined for us is a dream that will end up haunting us and future generations if we continue to fight for that dream.

 The dream that Progressives have sold us is the “traditional” house with a white picket fence two kids and a dog in the yard. And don’t forget the two car garage with a pick-up truck, a family car and a boat next to it. Of course there is the 401k, the C.D.’s, credit cards, line of credit on the checking account and two weeks of paid vacation every year.

  All that this dream has done for America is to produce a populace of uninformed, uninvolved, distracted voters with an entitlement mentality. It is by design that this narrative has been spoon fed to Americans. The agenda Progressives have is not a short term plan to gain control but a generational and global plan to put the elite in power to rule over the peasants.

 With the agenda in its final stages, the media and Progressives have begun the process of eliminating those who will resist the takeover of individual liberties that will stop their ability to brainwash children with the concept of collectivism removing individual responsibility and ingenuity. They know if they can diminish the validity of the Constitution they can institute an alternative doctrine of “Fairness” that plays to the unique American Spirit of goodness and equality.

  Progressives view the Constitution as a document of ‘negative liberties’ just as many view the ‘Ten Commandments’ as a set of negative laws that limit human freedom and impose moral standards that are contrary to the desires of human nature. Neither could be farther from the truth. Though both put limitations on man, they do so because the authors of both understood the nature of the human heart. If left to themselves men will fall into corruption and will impose devastating and oppressive laws that will, and always has ended in death and destruction for millions while enslaving those who remain alive.   

 We are not fighting for the right to bear arms or to pay a smaller percentage of taxes or even to be able to exercise free speech or freedom of religion, though they are a product of what we are fighting for they are not the ultimate goal.

  The goal we are fighting to regain and restore is the real American Dream; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This dream is only achievable if we understand and take the narrative on the offensive and leave the defensive strategy to Progressives. Logic must be at the forefront and must be focused like a laser at any and all false narratives being propagated by Progressives.

  The weapon being used successfully by our enemy is something called ‘Social Justice’, and on the surface it is appealing to the compassionate American Spirit. The trouble with social justice is that it does not allow for failure and sets the standard for success. Equality is only true on the level of our humanity and the way we treat each other. Equal justice for all is a standard America is founded on but it does not mean that we are all equal in our abilities, but that we are judged by the same standards. The rules are and must be the same for all which means some of us will fail at some things and not others. Failure is as much a part of life as death and no amount of legislating or rule changing can ever change that no matter what Progressives try to tell us.

  We must begin to speak truth to fallacy and reset the narrative and let it be known that we know, understand and accept the ‘American dream’ as originally established. That dream is simply to have the right to LIFE, LIBERTY and THE ‘PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS’. Our founders never intended for us to be denied the ability to fail because failure is a great teacher and a part of the human experience. They believed that our rights are God given and cannot be regulated or administrated by or through government and they were and remain correct.

 We were established under the idea that we can as a people ‘self-govern’, and for almost two hundred years were doing pretty well at it. It is time for conservative values based SOLELY on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights to be the one and only standard we allow as acceptable in discussions of legislation. Any new law or regulation should be held against these documents before being considered for approval.

 Our responsibility is to put pressure on lawmakers in very public ways. We must flood their social media with demands of compliance with our founding documents. We must know and understand those documents ourselves so that we can accurately and intelligently point out where they have violated said documents and suggest an appropriate change or complete removal of their proposed legislation or regulations.

 I believe also that it is critical to know and understand that our founding documents were mirrored from principle’s laid out in the Bible and the founders were all believers in Divine providence and relied on the wisdom derived from scripture and prayer in writing our founding documents.

 SAVING AMERICA will depend on patriots who are willing to stand and speak and who will acknowledge that Divine providence was involved in establishing the republic and is necessary for the restoration of our republic for future generations.