Friday, January 31, 2014

I wrote a Facebook post yesterday about natural gas fracking that caused a fire storm in my private messaging. I had more than a few challenges to my statements. More than a couple people challenged my motives and my seeming trust that the drillers would be more trust worthy than the government. I could not respond to every p.m. individually so here are my reasons and motives for endorsing drilling for gas here.
  This is the original post I made;
"Question/challenge of the day; Hydraulic Fracking started in 1948 in Oklahoma and has been being used ever since and in the last 15 years has grown exponentially. Here is the question; According to the EPA, is there even ONE VERIFIED case of fracking contaminating aquifers anywhere in America? (Here is a hint, nope!) There is absolutely no science to back up the anti-fracking position, it is propa...ganda directly related to C.A.P. (Center for American Progress), the TIDES Foundation and about a dozen other organizations seeking environmental justice. I checked to see what ALL the big name antifracker have in common and came up with a couple familiar names; Of course Mr. Al Gore is in the middle of it making BILLIONS, then the infamous George Soros and the Clintons. I wish those who have bought into the propaganda would do their own research and call out the lies and deception. Go to the EPA site and go to Youtube and look for the testimony under oath where the head of the EPA admits to Congress there is no evidence at all to show water contamination caused OR related to fracking. This whole issue is a part of Agenda 21 which is about controlling population and redistribution of wealth."

    First and foremost I am a believer in Jesus and I am involved in several ministries that are struggling financially and our church also has many ministries around the world we support that are in need of greater financial support. When the drilling begins believers who actually tithe will be pouring money into the Church that will be used to build the Kingdom of God. I personally have pledged a percentage to support our Church in Liberia and to Dugit in Tel Aviv, Israel. I already support Dugit monthly but I would love to exponentially increase the amount to help bring the gospel to Jews in Israel. My wife and I have been struggling to live paycheck to pay check for a number of years and as inflation increases it gets more and more difficult to keep our heads above water so I do admit that I would enjoy being out of debt personally but that is secondary to me.
   I was also challenged about the safety of the process and possible environmental damage done by the process. I am one who believes that God is directly involved in what is happening in the world and that He has called the Church to rise up and support His work. I also believe He put the gas there for this time and for His purpose; to build His Kingdom and to prosper His people.
I have no doubt that He is able and willing to keep the whole process safe and preserve the water and environment from contamination if His people will only ask and keep asking Him to. He purified the water for Israel and provided water from a rock while they were in the desert and my Bible says that He never changes, that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, therefore He can be trusted to do for us what he did for Israel. I have much more faith that my God is able to protect the environment than I have faith in a drilling company or the government to screw it up.
   There were four comments to me that were basically concerned about the aesthetic aspect of drilling. For me I would not like it much but the drilling process does not last that long and when I was not wanting to have the scenery disrupted I got challenged by God. The challenge was a choice between me not having to be inconvenienced by the traffic, the noise and other drilling related issues or the kids in our Church in Liberia continuing to have only enough food for a meal per day or less. For me, there is no comparison to the need for the children in the orphanage eating and having shelter and clean water to me having to see the scenery temporarily disrupted.
   In everything I post the Kingdom of God is my first priority, even if I do not mention it directly. Many people who read my opinions are not believers so I do not press the spiritual side of things in very many posts. I try to provide challenging, informative and at times provocative perspectives to stimulate thoughtful conversations that lead to the truth. I am not always right and do not claim to be and I welcome any and all challenges to my writings. Having open and honest conversations based on facts is a good thing.
I hope this helps to explain some of my reasoning on the fracking issue.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

       Obama The Socialist Dictator

  As everyone predicted President Obama wowed the nation with his ‘oratory wizardry’ in the House of Representatives. From beginning to end, his presentation of the State Of The Union speech was typical of his narcissistic brilliance. He held his Progressive ‘comrades’ in euphoric bliss as he made promises that would strip them of their Constitutional powers.  

  In no uncertain terms the president told Congress and the nation that the Constitution is not going to get in the way of him or his Progressive agenda. He vowed (not that his word is worth a pound of salt) to take action with or without the approval of Congress, which nullifies the checks and balances between the three branches of government and effectually castrates Congress.  Even more appalling than the president declaring his dictatorial intentions was the rousing standing ovations and rabid applause from members of Congress.

  The one issue that has many low information voters in giddy expectation to the point of near orgasmic euphoria is his promise to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. They actually believe that they are going to get a raise because the president signed an executive order.

  The truth of the matter is that executive orders only apply to federal employees. This particular executive order will only affect contractors who work for the federal government. I cannot imagine that there are very many (if any at all) contractors working for the Federal government that are not union employees making at least $25.00 per hour. The useful idiots are in for a rude awakening very soon.

  The whole event last night was a farce, the real State Of The Union is, to say the least, dismal.

 The lies and corruption of this administration are without comparison in presidential history. Some of the lies he told last night and continues to tell on the campaign trail are going to get many Americans killed by Al Qaeda related terrorists groups who he said have been decimated and are on the run. He is a danger to the republic and should be stopped but our willfully castrated Communist Congressional representatives are too busy adoring their Messiah to recognize the threat he poses to them or their constituents.

  I believe we are about to see the civil unrest in our streets that Francis Foxx Piven has been calling for since the Occupy Wall Street movement failed to morph into riots. None of what this president is doing is by mistake or out of ignorance, it is all a part of the Progressive strategy to destroy and “Fundamentally Transform America”. They need chaos to take control and implement their ‘utopian’ plan for a New World Order.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Many in the crowd had seen Jesus call Lazarus from the tomb, raising him from the dead, and they were telling others about it. That was the reason so many went out to meet him—because they had heard about this miraculous sign. Then the Pharisees said to each other, “There’s nothing we can do. Look, everyone has gone after him!”
Some in the crowd had actually seen Lazarus come out of the tomb a...nd they were telling others about having been there when Jesus called him out. I don't know how many were in the crowd outside the gate when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem but because it was the time of Passover it had to be several thousand.
God had not spoken in some 400 years so the people had been under the teaching of the Pharisees, who enjoyed being the only ones to handle the scriptures and to be the ruling authority over them. When Jesus spoke there was "Something" different, He spoke with authority that was unlike the religious leaders. That authority in His voice was because He knew His father.....
I think the central point of these verses is that so many people left the market place, the streets and synagogues and went out of the city to meet Jesus and worship Him solely because they had been told about Him by someone who had had an experience with Him. Some may have been healed of disease, some may have been delivered from demons or had blind eyes open. Others may have only seen or heard about the miraculous sign, but they told others about it.
When we share our reason for following Jesus it changes lives. Even the Pharisees said that once someone had seen or heard the testimony of a "Believer" about Jesus there was nothing they could do to keep them from flocking to Him. It is the "Blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony" spoken in boldness that will draw men to Jesus, and when people hear truth it will set them free from the atmosphere of dry religion.
Today, be bold and be alert to the opportunities you have to share your experience of having seen God work. Speak truth to power and watch as people leave the market place and streets to come to see this man called Jesus for themselves.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Status Quo

I am disgusted with the status quo in government and very disappointed with the lack of involvement in government by the average citizen. The meeting I went to tonight with Congressman Tom Reed (R NY) was poorly attended and pretty much dominated by a Progressive who admitted that not only did he NOT vote but that he is not registered to vote.
  The meeting with Congressman Reed was about what I expected, a meeting to justify the status quo. We need more Trey Gowdy's, Louie Gohmert's, Jason Chaffetz's, Ted Cruz's and Mike Lee's in congress! We need a Tea Party revolution to get rid of light weight pacifists or America is over. Congressman Reed showed himself to be an amateur when it comes to playing politics with Progressives. He actually thinks he can find "Common ground" to negotiate with them. They are hell bent on Marxism/Socialism and will not stop "compromising" with the likes of Mr. Reed until he has nothing left to compromise.
 I voiced my concerns about the corruption in Washington, from the N.S.A. spying on American citizens to the need to impeach Eric Holder and James clapper. I shared my disgust with the continued spending of money we don't have and the many unconstitutional acts of this president only to be told that Mr. Reed shared my concerns and was "working" on them.
  His response to my opinion that men like Ted Cruz who were actually doing what they campaigned on was that Cruz and others like him are doing what they are because they want their "5 minutes in the sun", which implies that they are liars and frauds.
  I am fed up with the status quo from my 'so-called' representatives and I will do everything I can to remove every pacifistic 'go along to get along' politician from public office. The republic is under attack from within the walls of Congress and we must make a dramatic change of tactics or we will cease to exist as the worlds most free and unique republic. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Return To The Fundamentals

  Sometimes it behooves us to look back in our history and see what our founders had to say about governing the republic they left us to steward. Their foresight and wisdom was something we would have done well to adhere to, unfortunately we find ourselves suffering for thinking we have outgrown the wisdom they espoused.
  As I study the writings of men like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson I see men who understood the ramifications of disregarding history. They were learned men who studied world governments and the fall of kings and kingdoms. Their studies paid off for all mankind as they formed a Constitutional Convention to establish a new form of government that would prove to be the first and oldest government of the people by the people and for the people. As to whether that government will perish from the earth or not depends much on how modern Americans act in the very near future.
  At this point in American history most political leaders remind me of a typical teenager trying to become an adult.  Nearly every teen aged kid thinks that their parents don't have a clue of who they are talking to when they offer advice derived from their personal experience. The attitude of young people is "it won't happen to me", as though they are superhuman and have all the right answers to life.
 Eventually most wake up one day and realize that their parents weren't as dumb as they thought. This revelation usually comes as the now grown teens are themselves parents facing the reality of raising a child that is acting just as they had as a teen. It is at that point that they begin to try to recall the wisdom passed down to them from the previous generation. Its sad but true that few people take preemptive action but instead just try to glide through life hoping that a crisis doesn't arise, but almost always a crisis does come to us all.
  America is at a crisis point now and some people are beginning to awaken and seek solutions to the looming destruction brought on by our own "It won't happen to me". If enough of us wake up and if we act soon enough we may be able to save the republic from becoming a monarchy, but to do so we must be willing to return to the fundamentals expressed by our founders.
  The following is from a speech given at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 by Benjamin Franklin. His warning has been ignored for a hundred or more years but I believe it should be one of the first fundamentals reinstated if we are to save America;

"Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice—the love of power and the love of money. Separately, each of these has great force in prompting men to action; but, when united in view of the same object, they have, in many minds, the most violent effects. Place before the eyes of men a post of honor, that shall, at the same time, be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it. The vast number of such places it is that renders the British government so tempestuous. The struggles for them are the true source of all those factions which are perpetually dividing the nation, distracting its councils, hurrying it sometimes into fruitless and mischievous wars, and often compelling a submission to dishonorable terms of peace.
  And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their situation, for their vanquished competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the people.
  Besides these evils, sir, tho we may set out in the beginning with moderate salaries, we shall find that such will not be of long continuance. Reasons will never be wanting for proposed augmentations; and there will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able, in return, to give more to them. Hence, as all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed; the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less. And this has alone occasioned great convulsions, actual civil wars, ending either in dethroning of the princes or enslaving of the people.
  Generally, indeed, the ruling power carries its point, and we see the revenues of princes constantly increasing, and we see that they are never satisfied, but always in want of more. The more the people are discontented with the oppression of taxes, the greater need the prince has of money to distribute among his partizans, and pay the troops that are to suppress all resistance, and enable him to plunder at pleasure. There is scarce a king in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharaoh—get first all the people’s money, then all their lands, and then make them and their children servants for ever. It will be said that we do not propose to establish kings. I know it. But there is a natural inclination in mankind to kingly government. It sometimes relieves them from aristocratic domination. They would rather have one tyrant than five hundred. It gives more of the appearance of equality among citizens; and that they like.
  I am apprehensive, therefore—perhaps too apprehensive—that the government of the States may, in future times, end in a monarchy. But this catastrophe, I think, may be long delayed, if in our proposed system we do not sow the seeds of contention, faction, and tumult, by making our posts of honor places of profit. If we do, I fear that, tho we employ at first a number and not a single person, the number will, in time, be set aside; it will only nourish the fetus of a king (as the honorable gentleman from Virginia very aptly expressed it), and a king will the sooner be set over us."



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Please join my attempt to get state lawmakers to resist the federal governments over-reach of their Constitutional authority by copying and pasting this letter and forwarding it to your representatives;
Dear Tom,
It is no secrete that Washington is out of control and needs to be held accountable. I urge you to look into the movement to hold a convention of states to retake the power from Washington DC and return it to "We The People" where it belongs. 32 other states are considering the possibility of such a convention and I urge you to ask other conservative law makers in Albany to join the effort before all hope for the republic is gone. The link below will give you more information about the convention. It matters not if it will succeed in New York, just publically mentioning that it is being looked into by New York lawmakers will send a message to the federal government that we are tired of their violating our rights and spending our children's future. It will also show Gov. Cuomo that his disdain for conservatives "has no place in New York because that is not who New Yorkers are" and that indeed "our conservative philosophy" is alive and well and will flourish in New York.
Robert Seymour 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So the "American Dream" is threatened by 'income inequality'? Well let me ask a simple question; what is the American Dream?
I am not a historian and in fact I'm not that well educated, but I have read some of our founders writings and I don't recall them mentioning anything about the government guaranteeing happiness or equating happiness to income equality.
   If I understand our founders writings correctly they simply set a republic in place so that every citizen would have the ability to pursue happiness. I could be wrong but I think the American Dream is simply a people governing themselves in such a way as to provide the ability for anyone to succeed or to fail in their attempt to make a living.
If my assumption of the founders intent is correct then someone is twisting the truth for an agenda the founders would have soundly rejected. I am making another assumption when I say that I think those who are feeding public division by condemning 'income inequality' are actually covertly promoting Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in 1875 and it sounds eerily like what Democrats are 'selling' low information voters.
   I'll make one more assumption before I end this post; If it is true, and it is, that Marxism has failed and left millions dead and or suffering everywhere it has been implemented, as has Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Islamism, then it most certainly will fail and leave millions dead and suffering in its wake when Democrats implement it in America.
   If my assumptions are correct it would behoove those who understand the delusion/propaganda being used to destroy the American Dream to educated as many as possible about what is happening to America and who is responsible for the deceptive policies being promoted.
   If my assumptions are incorrect then just ignore this post and enjoy your day. Do your part as a good citizen and help Progressives provide our poor and poverty stricken citizens with an equal share of your paycheck thereby guaranteeing income equality.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The following are remarks made by New York governor Andrew Cuomo;
“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” Cuomo added that “moderate Republicans have a place in this state” and noted that he can work with moderate Republicans, as they’ve consistently passed his agenda. Cuomo also broke down more of his main issues with so-called “extreme” conservatives, urging them to “figure out if your extreme conservative philosophy can survive in this state and the answer is no.”
So this is what our governor has to say about New Yorkers who don't align themselves with his Progressive agenda?
If I believe life is sacred and is created in the womb by God and deserves to be protected I am an extremist who should have to leave the state.
If I like or own a firearm that is black and has a stock that makes Progressives nervous because it looks scary to them I am an extremist who has no place in New York.
If I hold my religious belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman as it has always been defined then I am an extremist who should remove myself from the state.
   Anyone who does not help pass his agenda is not welcome in this state. Well Mr. Cuomo I am what you call an extremist and I will not comply with your agenda.
   I believe life is sacred from the moment of conception to the end of natural life, however long that may be. I believe that it is the responsibility of government to protect every life.
   I believe there is no such thing as an assault weapon until it has actually been used to assault someone, whether it be a baseball bat or a fire arm the definition is not changed until a crime has been committed.
   I support traditional values as described in the Bible which includes marriage defined as being between one man and one woman. I believe the homosexual is to be loved. I further believe that homosexuality is a sin and should be defined as such according to the scriptures.
   I will fight to oppose your agenda of intolerance and I will fight for the right of those who disagree with you, and also those who disagree with me, to live in this state because this is America.
  America is a melting pot of religious and ethnic diversity and must be preserved as such. The only way freedom and true liberty can be maintained is by preserving, promoting and protecting our founding documents, not by promoting the idea that if we do not support your agenda we should be removed from "Your" state.  
  I believe your Marxist agenda has no place in the governing of any American. I would further suggest that you consider moving to France or maybe Russia where your philosophy is more readily acceptable.

Friday, January 17, 2014

 How many people have ever heard of "Operation Northwoods"? No one wants to believe that an American President would ever think of taking military action against American citizens on American soil, but that suggestion was made in the early 1960s by President Eisenhower.

  Ike was suffering some political fallout from the U2 incident and wanted to leave office with a win and he thought if he could get Castro to do something to justify attacking Cuba he would be able to launch a war that would force the Kennedy administration to continue the war with communism. He actually ‘suggested’ that the Pentagon brainstorm ways to attack America and make it look like Cuba was responsible. The details of Operation Northwoods are available and should be researched by every American.

   When I read about this operation I could not help but think what else our government was or is capable of. It is no secret that I have no faith in America’s political leaders and that her ‘Top Military Brass’ are as corrupt as the President and his advisors.

  President Obama has surrounded himself with unrepentant domestic terrorists, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, racists and active members of the Muslim Brotherhood. All of these organizations are sworn enemies of America and all have been directly involved in attacks on America or have been supportive of those attacks.

 While Obama was running for office he said if we wanted to know how he would govern we should look at who he surrounds himself with, those are his words not mine.

  So who are the people he has around him now? Well his friend Bill Ayers admits he was involved with bombing the Pentagon and a police station and says he wishes he had done much more. Mr. Ayers’ group “The Weather Underground” had a plan to overthrow the American government, and according to an undercover FBI agent the group was willing to kill 25,000,000 Americans who would not conform.

 The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization who openly declared war on America yet Obama has employed them in national security positions with the authority to forbid any government agency, including the FBI, CIA and NSA, from making mention of anything related to Islamic Jihad. We all know of Marxism, Socialism and Communism’s legacy of mass graves and labor camps that have killed tens of millions of human beings from Cambodia to Nazi Germany.

  The ideologies of the people surrounding the President of the United States are all dedicated to the destruction of our republic. I believe that there is nothing they will not do to destroy this nation. The facts are irrefutable that the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy came up with Operation Northwoods to start a war with Americas’ enemy, communism, by killing Americans. The men who devised this plan were men who were willing to do anything to protect the republic they had just defended during the Second World War. With the men in the pentagon now and those giving them orders I put nothing beyond the realm of possibility.

  Eric Holder was involved in a violent takeover of a university building and has strong ties to groups like the ‘New Black Panthers’. On several occasions he has refused to investigate those who support the presidents’ ideology even though there is overwhelming evidence that they are guilty of federal crimes. Government agencies are being used to silence voices of opposition with not a word from the Justice Department, except that there will be no criminal charges filed.

 I say all this to remind myself and those who read this to be careful about believing anything the government says or does that will help their two main agendas; disarming the public and stopping free speech.

  Anything that happens involving firearms, whether it’s a mass shooting at a school or a drive-by shooting that kills an innocent child on the streets of Chicago, do not believe the official story until you have a chance to hear the whole story, and if you can’t get the whole story from multiple eye witnesses then do everything you can to stop any action by the government.

  Their number 2 agenda is shutting down free speech and they are working in subtle and not so subtle ways to silencing us now. The IRS is silencing conservative voices and to a much larger degree the use of political correctness is making many afraid to speak out. Progressives will and do label anyone a racist who dares to criticize this President or his agenda. If you speak out against Islam you are an Islamophobe and very soon speaking against Islam will be classified as a hate crime. The UN is also ready to enact an international law forbidding the slandering of Islam. Do you remember President Obama's address to the U.N. General Assembly where he said the future must not belong to those who slander Allah. Don’t think for a minute that all this is not a coordinated effort by the powers that be to control. The bottom line in all that is and will happen through this government in conjunction with the UN is controlling the population.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

  Bless their little hearts! The House of "Representatives" just passed a 1.1 Trillion Dollar spending bill that will keep them working for another year! They managed to give themselves a little boost in pay while taking some away from our vets at the same time, how clever is that, I wish I was that good at multitasking! Aren't you glad we have people in office who are willing to take money from the next 5 or 6 generations so they can keep up their lifestyle and give free stuff to illegal aliens and low information voters who will keep voting to keep them in office? America is so blessed to have a government with so much concern for the Republic they serve and a commitment to the Constitution they swear an oath to preserve and protect. (Sarcasm, in this case, in not a form of flattery)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

  In light of the Obama foreign policy I think it is important to understand that his policy is setting the stage to fulfill an ancient Islamic prophecy concerning the return of the 12th Imam.

  The prophecy of the Imam’s (Islamic messiah) return goes something like this: During a time of utter chaos in the world when Islam is being attacked viciously and is in mortal combat for its very survival the Imam re-appears on the world stage and marches to Jerusalem with his armies in tow. Upon arrival in Jerusalem he goes to the Mount of Olives where the return of Jesus Christ is prophesied to take place according to Bible prophecy. As the Imam is standing on the Mount Jesus does indeed appear and stands with the Imam, and in front of the entire world He proclaims that the Imam is the true messiah. The two then go down the Mount Of Olives through the Kidron Valley and go through the Eastern Gate and head to the Temple Mount killing all Christians and Jews in the city of Jerusalem.

 Upon arrival at the Temple Mount the Imam then establishes his throne and seat of authority there. After ‘cleansing’ the city of Jerusalem of all Christians and Jews and setting up his throne the Imam then empowers Jesus to go throughout the earth to kill all those will not convert to Islam.

  Fundamental Muslim leaders in the Shia sect (Iranians) believe so strongly in this prophecy that they are not only willing but have publicly proclaimed that they must help to cause the chaos and conflict in the world that will quicken the return of the Imam.

 Only educated fools and ideologues don’t believe that Iran is trying to develop nukes to annihilate Israel. The notion that negotiations with or sanctions on Iran will cause them to stop their nuke program is foolish and dangerous.

  For Islam the highest call is to die for the cause of Allah and his purpose is the domination of the world starting with the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews and infidels. They are very open that they believe the destruction of Israel is necessary for there to be “peace” on the earth.

  The president of Iran has stated publicly that he is willing to sacrifice a few million Iranians in a preemptive strike from Israel or America against them because it would cause Muslim countries to rise against the attackers and further the chaos that will hasten the return of their Imam. Such a strike from Israel or America would mean those killed in the strike would be allowed to enter heaven because they were killed trying to destroy Israel. On the other hand if there is no preemptive strike and they are able to acquire and deliver a nuclear bomb that destroys Israel they believe they are also accepted into heaven because they were able to destroy Allah’s most hated foe, Israel. For Islam it is a win win situation as it matters not if they are killed in their attempts to destroy Israel or if they actually succeed in destroying Israel, either outcome gives them entrance into Allah’s presence.

   You can say I am a conspiracy nut if you want but I believe there are only three possibilities for why Obama is dealing with Iran the way he is. 1.) He is so arrogant, ignorant and uninformed that he actually believes Iran has only peaceful intentions for their nuke program. 2.) He is being used by God to usher in the period of time described in the Christian Bible as the “Great tribulation” (this is a strong possibility) 3.) He is fully aware of the prophecy of the Imam’s return and is intentionally and deliberately using American foreign policy to help Iran’s Shia leadership foment the chaos that is needed to hasten the Imams’ return.

  Personally I am undecided as to whether God is using Obama as He did Pharaoh or if he is fully aware of what he is doing. I lean heavily toward him being aware of what he is doing because of his overt support and promotion of Islam and fundamental Muslims during his presidency. I believe we are going to soon find out which possibility is truth and at that point it will be too late to either stop him or to hold back the judgment of God on this nation.

  I encourage everyone to research what I have proposed and come to your own conclusion about Obama’s foreign policy.    

DOJ Response To The IRS Scandal


  A new report says that the Department of Justice will not bring any criminal charges in the admitted IRS scandal involving the targeting of Tea Party and non-profit conservative political groups. Even though officials from the IRS admitted they purposely used the power of a government agency to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens, DOJ Sec. Eric Holder says he will not file formal criminal charges against anyone in the IRS.

  The GOP leadership, while voicing ‘outrage’ publically, has made little or no effort to call for a special prosecutor or select committee to demand justice. Speaker of the House John Boehner has remained silent, as have all establishment Republicans.

  The silence from so-called conservative career Republican politicians in the House and the Senate is revealing. It is no secret that establishment Progressive Republicans are doing all they can to stop Tea Party conservatives from gaining power. There have been several occasions where Speaker John Boehner, Senator John McCain, Senator Peter King and other senior Representatives have publically chastised, ridiculed and demonized their Tea Party colleagues for opposing the GOP agenda. Speaker Boehner removed every Constitutionally Conservative supporter of Tea Party members and members of the Tea Party movement from all senior committee positions in the congress to deny them any authority in matters of policy.

  Evidence of establishment Progressive Republicans attacking Senators like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul for standing on the principles they believe in and keeping their campaign promises to defend the Constitution is undeniable. They have shown their willingness to use the media and any platform at their disposal to undermine any attempt to return power to the people.

  In my mind there can only be one reason, and I believe the evidence supports my theory,  for the GOP establishment not to demand justice by calling for Eric Holders impeachment and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law for him and those in the IRS who are responsible for using the power of a government agency to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens; they want the abuse of power to continue to silence their opposition.     

   Everyone one of these career politicians must be voted out of office and once replaced by people of integrity and respect for the Constitution they must be investigated for abuse of power and wherever there is evidence of their guilt they must be prosecuted and if found guilty they must be given the maximum sentence allowed under the law without the possibility of parole. If we do not demand equal justice under law for these corrupt politicians there will be no end of government corruption. When Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon a precedent was set that said politicians are above the law, that precedent must be reversed or we are doomed as a nation of laws.   

Monday, January 13, 2014

"It was time for the annual Passover celebration, and Jesus went to Jerusalem. In the Temple area he saw merchants selling cattle, sheep, and doves for sacrifices; and he saw money changers behind their counters. Jesus made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the Temple. He drove out the sheep and oxen, scattered the money changers' coins over the floor, and turned over their tables. Then, going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, "Get these things out of here. Don't turn my Father's house into a marketplace!"
Did you ever consider what was going on in this picture? Those who recognized Jesus, most did not have a clue who He was yet, must have wondered what the heck He was doing when He picked the 'ropes' and began to make a whip. How long did it take Him to make one? It had to be obvious that He was extremely angry, I doubt He just calmly sat and made a whip with no expression of anger or disgust on His face. In my mind I can picture such anger and outrage that the veins in His neck and face are bulging and his hands are shaking as He ties the pieces of rope together. I can see the fire in His eyes as He surveys the temple filled with men who are motivated by greed and taking advantage of the poor.
When He finished the whip He went into action and "Drove" them ALL out. Can you imagine what it must have looked like to see some guy whipping people and animals and kicking over tables chasing them out of the temple? This was no small event where this took place, this was the temple in Jerusalem at Passover where there were likely hundreds of thousands of people gathered for the High Holy Days. He had to have been yelling at them and causing more than a little commotion!
Maybe it's just me but when I think of Jesus this is the guy I see. He is the epitome "Meekness"! Meek means controlled power, not weakness. He was always in control of all the powers of heaven and earth but He never used them for His own benefit. When He did choose to exercise that power/authority He got peoples "attention" and that attention always led people to the knowledge of God. Many rejected that knowledge but none the less Jesus always pointed people toward the Father with His demonstrations of power.
We as Christians would do well to follow the example of Jesus when it comes to the corruption in our world...another early morning rant.....

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Republic vs. Republican

   I listened to a conservative talk show monologue tonight and was rather disappointed by how RINOish this very popular host is. He is right that republicans need to stop cutting each others throats, but he failed to mention who is doing all the mud slinging. I believe it was John McCain who called Ted Cruz and Mike Lee 'Whacko Birds' for opposing the Obama care roll out and wanting to defund it, then delay it, now look who is saying the same thing. I believe it is Peter King who is saying Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are dangerous and don't deserve to be in the Senate. It is Carl Rove and Mitch McConnell who are spending millions to destroy Tea Party candidates with negative campaign strategies and not running on the record of their candidate.
I have not heard one Tea Party member of Congress sling any mud at anyone, they have stayed true to their convictions and for that they are demonized by the old guard.
It is the old guard, Speaker of the House John Boehner, that is failing to pursue a select committee to investigate the IRS targeting of Tea Party conservatives, which, to me, says they want to allow the IRS to continue shutting down their competition.
  To be fair the host did have a couple good voices on to follow up his talking points. I think want this host and many 'Republicans' forget or just don't understand is that we are where we are because they, establishment Republicans, keep compromising with Progressives. Each compromise takes away a small piece of our liberty and leads to another compromise that takes away another little piece, and the cycle keeps going as we spiral out of control and into a Socialism style government. Republicans need to remember, or be taught, that the core meaning of the word "Republican" is Republic which means that their mission is to preserve the Republic not the Republican party.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Every General Officer And Senior Intelligence Department Head Still Serving Under Obama Is Nothing More Than A Brass Monkey With Its Balls Frozen Off! They All Need To Man Up And Either Walk Into The Oval Office And Resign And Then Go Public With His Incompetence Or Hold A Press Conference And Ask For A Nationwide Search For The Balls They Lost!
 After listening to the feed back from former Defense Secretary Robert Gates' book 'Duty', and reading articles about what is being done to our military by the Obama administration and Senate Progressive/Democrats, and many in the House as well, I have decided that I cannot, and will not be silent any longer about the abuses to those who serve our country being perpetrated by those in authority over them.
  For far too long the military has been 'Off Limits' for criticism but no longer for me, I am fed up. For the first few years of this administration I thought I understood why the 'Desk Generals' followed the orders of this president; its what they are supposed to do. Part of their oath is to be loyal to the Commander-In-Chief, but an even higher and in my opinion the most sacred part of that oath is to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  
 This administration has thrown our military, except the "Top Brass", under the proverbial bus and have forced them to take a cut in their pay and in their benefit package after retirement. At the same time our military is suffering pay cuts Progressives are fighting for extending benefits for illegal aliens, and what do we hear from the 'Brass'.....crickets! 
   Three out of every four soldiers who have died in Afghanistan have been killed following this presidents orders. These generals know every thing Mr. Gates knows/knew and yet they continue to follow the orders of a president who knows nothing about fighting a war and who does not take the advice of those who do. They allow their men and women to go into volatile situations knowing they do not have the full support of the president nor do they have the "Rules of Engagement" that will allow them to win.
  These "general officers" have lost the understanding of what leadership is. Leadership is not blindly following a man who has a higher 'rank' than you just because he has that position, that is "Lemming-ship" and it will get people needlessly killed. Leadership is, simply put, being a servant. Public officials, from dog catcher to the office of the President, are to be "Public servants", not serviced by the public.  
 Because these general officers have put their careers above the soldiers under their command I have absolutely no respect for them or the intelligence bosses at the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, NSA or any other intelligence agency within our government. They know who and what Obama is and yet they remain in his "Service" instead of doing what they took an oath to do. A person with honor would walk into the Oval Office, remove his stars, tell the president he resigns and walk straight to the Congress and BLOW the WHISTLE on what is happening. If Congress won't give him an audience then he should walk into a news organization head quarters and blow the whistle there.   
  I do not know what I can do or how to do it, but I will find a way to get the truth out about what these "Weasels-In-Uniform" are doing to our troops. They are guilty of dereliction of duty and to some degree the blood shed by those they sent to battle unprepared or unsupported by the C-I-C is on their hands as well as his.
 We must stop the insanity in Washington D.C. and return this republic to its roots of Biblical morality and place people with impeccable character and unquestionable integrity in office to govern. Those who have and are abusing their authority need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and the generals all deserve a 'Dis-honorable Discharge'.......

Friday, January 10, 2014

During the course of this year I will likely repost this "opinion" piece I wrote for my blog because I believe we are in a critical time of history;
In the current state of affairs in America’s political arena many Christians question whether it is ‘kosher’ for them to be politically active or not. My answer to that question is the same answer I give when counseling anyone who comes to me seekin...g advice on issues of everyday life, I ask what was the position Jesus had on that subject.
There is no issue of life from farming to abortion that God does not address in the Bible, but often you have to study to find the principle on what we consider ‘modern’ issues that are not obvious and politics, to some, is such an issue.
Many Christian leaders are opposed because they claim Jesus never confronted Rome’s rule over Israel which is to a degree true. BUT He most assuredly did directly confront the political structure placed in authority over Jews during His time among men.
Though it is true that Israel was under occupation by Rome the political structure of Israel that was established at the time was known as the Sanhedrin or the high court which was run by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It was the Sanhedrin that acted as the supreme authority over the governing of the people and they were in fact given authority to continue in that role by Rome in order to keep peace in the Land.
Anyone who has read the New Testament knows that when it came to confronting the Pharisees no one could hold a candle to Jesus! My goodness he called them “sons of the devil”, “a generation of vipers”, “white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones” to their faces in front of crowds of thousands of people. He often challenged their “unconstitutional” laws by saying to thousands that “You have heard it said… ‘BUT I SAY’”. He openly reprimanded them for putting their ‘traditions’, which they had made into laws, before the commands of God. He told the people to listen to what they spoke but DO NOT DO AS THEY DO, meaning use critical thinking and discernment to weed out the truth and follow that, but do not follow their example of living outside of the just, or IHMO unconstitutional laws.
Though Jesus never entered into armed conflict with the rulers He did tell his disciples to bring a sword when they left the Upper room. His call was not to be physically involved in resistance because He was to fight the spiritual battle for the entire human race not to deliver the Jews from an unjust occupation by Rome. I believe He had the sword brought to the garden to give His approval of defending against an assault by the authorities and not as an offensive weapon. I could be wrong but it is what I believe and we will have to agree to disagree about the sword issue if you feel differently.
In any case it is very clear that Jesus did not sit idle and allow those in authority to abuse the people with unjust laws that enslaved them and stole from them the liberties God had given to them.
With Jesus as our example of dealing with the law makers and enforcers of our nation we MUST NOT remain silent and uninvolved any longer. It is time to take action with our words verbally and through social media and every other venue available to us. To quote a man who gave his life to confront the evils of his day let me say now “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil”.
SAVING AMERICA for posterity is at stake and Christians will be held accountable for the stewardship of His nation.
 Because our Progressives "friends" have brainwashed much of the population to believe the Constitution says things it does not, it behooves us all to look closely at what the first amendment actually says;
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
  Notice that it is NOT written for American citizens. It is SOLELY written TO PREVENT Congress from writing or enacting laws that restrict religious freedom, a persons right to free speech, interfere with the free press or stifle peaceful assembly to protest  the actions of our government.

 Since Congress, which is the only branch of government allowed under the Constitution to create laws, is forbidden to make ANY law that restricts free speech or religious freedom, no other branch of government has no authority to restrict any of the freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.
  Those in power, in all three branches of government, need to be informed that "We The People" will not be silenced and We demand that they 'Stand Down' from silencing those who oppose their agenda. The use of the IRS to intimidate conservative political action groups is a violation of their Constitutional rights and those responsible must be prosecuted. We must demand that John Boehner appoint a Select Committee in Congress to investigate the IRS and the NSA for abuse of power.
I am reposting this in hope that it will be shared with others who may not understand the role of believers in politics;

In the current state of affairs in America’s political arena many Christians question whether it is ‘kosher’ for them to be politically active or not. My answer to that question is the same answer I give when counseling anyone who comes to me seeking advice on issues of everyday life, I ask what was the position Jesus had on that subject.

  There is no issue of life from farming to abortion that God does not address in the Bible, but often you have to study to find the principle on what we consider ‘modern’ issues that are not obvious and politics, to some, is such an issue.

  Many Christian leaders are opposed because they claim Jesus never confronted Rome’s rule over Israel which is to a degree true. BUT He most assuredly did directly confront the political structure placed in authority over Jews during His time among men.

  Though it is true that Israel was under occupation by Rome the political structure of Israel that was established at the time was known as the Sanhedrin or the high court which was run by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It was the Sanhedrin that acted as the supreme authority over the governing of the people and they were in fact given authority to continue in that role by Rome in order to keep peace in the Land.

  Anyone who has read the New Testament knows that when it came to confronting the Pharisees no one could hold a candle to Jesus! My goodness he called them “sons of the devil”, “a generation of vipers”, “white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones” to their faces in front of crowds of thousands of people. He often challenged their “unconstitutional” laws by saying to thousands that “You have heard it said… ‘BUT I SAY’”. He openly reprimanded them for putting their ‘traditions’, which they had made into laws, before the commands of God. He told the people to listen to what they spoke but DO NOT DO AS THEY DO, meaning use critical thinking and discernment to weed out the truth and follow that, but do not follow their example of living outside of the just, or IHMO unconstitutional laws.

  Though Jesus never entered into armed conflict with the rulers He did tell his disciples to bring a sword when they left the Upper room. His call was not to be physically involved in resistance because He was to fight the spiritual battle for the entire human race not to deliver the Jews from an unjust occupation by Rome. I believe He had the sword brought to the garden to give His approval of defending against an assault by the authorities and not as an offensive weapon. I could be wrong but it is what I believe and we will have to agree to disagree about the sword issue if you feel differently.

   In any case it is very clear that Jesus did not sit idle and allow those in authority to abuse the people with unjust laws that enslaved them and stole from them the liberties God had given to them.

  With Jesus as our example of dealing with the law makers and enforcers of our nation we MUST NOT remain silent and uninvolved any longer. It is time to take action with our words verbally and through social media and every other venue available to us. To quote a man who gave his life to confront the evils of his day let me say now “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil”.

  SAVING AMERICA for posterity is at stake and Christians will be held accountable for the stewardship of His nation.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Well our financial troubles are over and the nation is finally on the road to recovery! President Obama gave a speech today and announced that he is making his 22nd pivot to make jobs the number one priority for the last three years of his administration. He announced that he was introducing a plan called "Promise Zones", targeting five areas of the country that are in particularly bad financial condition. If these "Promise Zones" are as sound as all of his campaign "Promises" we should be in full recovery mode by the end of the 22nd century. At last we have light at the end of the tunnel!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


 The new book written by Bob Gates is one of those ‘tell all’ books that confirm what most astute thinkers already knew. As expected, Gates says that the Obama administration is primarily a politically driven group of ideologues who will do anything to keep and increase their power to control.

  There is nothing in the book (I have not read it, just read clips from it) that I believe is false, what I find hard to accept is how Mr. Gates was able to sleep at night knowing what he knew about the ‘President’ and his advisors.

  Mr. Gates was the Secretary Of Defense, the man hired to oversee and enforce the Presidents military policies, but above and beyond that, he was responsible to defend and protect the Constitution. He knew that the President was sending men into war without being committed to their mission but for political reasons. He also admits that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said, in front of him, that they opposed the surge in Iraq purely for political reasons.

  Mr. Gates confesses that he knew the ‘Commander-In-Chief’ was derelict in his duty to act in the best interest of the United States and instead made his decisions based on political opportunity. He remained silent and did nothing to protect troops being sent to their death when he knew they were being used as political pawns to manipulate an election. He could have, and should have, exposed the treacherous policies of this administration but chose instead to be used by Obama and Clinton as a political pawn himself.

  I question his motive in writing this book and I question his character and integrity in continuing to carry out the political agenda of the President when he knew full well that men and women were going to be wounded and killed for political gain.

 There is no doubt he will gain a monetary profit from the sales of this book but at what cost? How many human beings, military and civilians, died due to his silence? How many billion tax dollars were spent ‘not’ fighting two wars? How much stronger did Al Qaeda become because Obama was able to propagandize the American public during the election cycle? How much greater is the threat to national security because of Al Qaeda’s growth? How much grief and nightmarish trauma have the families of the dead and wounded suffered? What is the likely morale among our troops who now know that their Commander-In-Chief is looking out for his political wellbeing at their expense? ……..  

  To be fair, I also question the character of every General officer, especially the Joint Chiefs, who have the same knowledge of Obamas actions and continue to remain silent. Without any question, the deliberate cover up of the murders of “at least” 4 Americans in Benghazi and the lie that Al Qaeda had been decimated was for political gain. Leaving men behind to die for political advantage should be a line no commander would stand for. Where do these General Officers draw the line that demands them to do the honorable thing and resign?  

  I am glad that Gates decided to tell the public the truth about this administration but I am disgusted that he stood by and allowed our military to go into harm’s way knowing many of them would never return home or if they did they would be scarred for the rest of their lives.

  I long for the day when the men and women who hold the highest ranks in our military stand for principle and honor and put their duty to defend the Constitution above their duty to serve the President. This book only reinforces the many reasons Americans have no faith and trust in their government. SAVING AMERICA from the people who are in power is the duty of every citizen with any sense of morality and integrity.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The following was written by my friend General Jerry Boykin to Speaker of the House John Boehner;

“To the living we owe respect. To the dead we owe the truth.” Voltaire

Office of Speaker Boehner, U.S. House of Representatives
The Capitol, H-232
Washington, D.C., 20515
January 6, 2014
Dear Speaker John Boehner

We write to express our grave concern over the failure of your House of Representatives to extract the truth from the Obama administration concerning the attack on our di...plomatic and intelligence facilities in Benghazi, Libya; and, the brutal deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stephens, U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and security officers Ty Woods and Glen Doherty.

To date, five (5) different committees of the House have conducted separate hearings, uncovering information in a piecemeal fashion lacking professional investigators. The five committees’ efforts are disjointed and uncoordinated. The Obama administration has benefited from that dysfunctional process to hide the truth. Hardly any Obama administration witnesses have testified – publicly or privately. You have resisted repeated calls for the creation of a select investigative committee with subpoena authority. It appears that you are satisfied to allow that state of investigative incoherence and ambiguity to continue. The last public hearing by any of the five committees was held in September – four (4) months ago. The families of the dead who fought valiantly to protect the mission and their families, the survivors, and the American people deserve better from you and your Members of Congress. They deserve the absolute truth from their government. Your failure to get the truth and hold public officials accountable increases the possibility of other repeat attacks and additional failures to defend Americans abroad.

On Sunday, December 29, 2013, the New York Times published a story concerning the Benghazi attacks that directly contradicts the sworn testimony of witnesses who appeared before various committees. Besides the obvious New York Times editorial and political objectives of inoculating Hillary Clinton and her 2016 presidential campaign from further criticism of her failures as Secretary of State, the story contradicts objective truth and established facts in a way that confuses the public. Your inaction and failure to lead on the Benghazi investigation directly contributes to the repetition of lies; a lack of accountability from responsible government officials; and the political advancement of persons who seek to continue to “fundamentally transform” the Constitution and our country. The New York Times recent publication proves the Benghazi story is not “going away.”

Your oversight of the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation has been without any meaningful effect or result. Not a single terrorist in this well-planned and executed military attack by radical Islamists has been apprehended. Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the attack, granted long interviews to reporters in Benghazi cafes, while the Obama administration – and you – have done nothing. Nearly 16 months after the terrorist attack, the American public has no accountability and no plan of action from House leadership. The public is subjected to undisputed disinformation from a White House who calls the terror attack a “phony scandal.” While the White House repeats false and misleading information, you continue to ignore claims, documented by Rep. Frank Wolf, of intelligence officers being intimidated with multiple, punitive polygraph examinations and harassing non-disclosure agreement demands. If Benghazi is “phony” why are intelligence officers being threatened not to speak and subjected to polygraph exams? Why do you stand by passively?

Some analysts believe your inaction and passivity towards getting to the truth concerning Benghazi is because you were briefed on the intelligence and special operations activities in Libya as a member of the “Super 8.” You may possess “guilty knowledge.” We recall how then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi developed a form of “amnesia” concerning a documented briefing she received on so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” – later termed “torture” for political purposes. Are you in the same position as your predecessor? Are you dodging a legitimate, thorough, coordinated investigation of Benghazi because it will damage your political position as Speaker?

You should be embarrassed that members of Congress, and your own party, are forced to file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with Obama administration agencies to get basic information about the Benghazi issue. What a sad and pathetic statement about the operations of House standing committees looking into this tragedy that FOIA has become the last resort of even Republican Members seeking the truth! Are you concerned that the scattershot and untimely efforts of the various committees may actually be doing more harm than good at documenting facts? These are all examples of Republican leadership failures. How are you accountable?

Rep. Mike Rogers and the Intelligence Committee seem to act as defense counsel for the Obama administration. A recent Intelligence Committee weekly update note stated as fact that no arms shipments were being run from Libya, and that no intelligence officers were being coerced not to speak. There is substantial evidence to the contrary on both counts. Why does Rep. Rogers parrot the discredited falsehoods of the so-called “Accountability Review Board” (ARB)? Conflicting accounts, testimony and evidence need to be investigated – not dismissed or ignored. Don’t those contradictions and questions compel you, on behalf of the American people, to take any action to resolve the matter and get to the truth?

Aren’t you concerned that General Carter Ham was suddenly and prematurely recalled from AFRICOM, and then made statements at the Aspen Institute that directly contradicted the Obama administration’s position on the nature of the attack in Benghazi? Why has General Ham not testified publicly before one of the House committees?

The New York Times story reports that the CIA was, in fact, collecting weapons in Benghazi. If true, why was the CIA running a separate, parallel weapons program from the State Department’s $40 million collection effort? Where did the CIA-purchased weapons go? Is the Obama administration arming al Qaeda affiliated jihadists in Syria?

If you wished, you could have publicly engaged Rep. Devin Nunes concerning his November 6, 2013 letter to you, addressing the nine unanswered questions about Benghazi. Instead, there was thundering silence from your office. You have an opportunity to show strong leadership and resolve a national disgrace perpetrated by specific public officials. You are failing.

Your reluctance to lead and resistance to create a Select Committee on Benghazi must end. More than 75% of all House Republicans – with the conspicuous absence of those in leadership or committee chairmen – have cosponsored Rep. Wolf’s Select Committee bill. Few bills in this Congress demonstrate such overwhelming support from Republicans. Additionally, the bill enjoys the support of national security advocacy groups, and the Wall Street Journal editorial board, among many others.

We urge you to bring the bill to the floor for a vote immediately to start effective oversight on this critical national security matter immediately. We have waited long enough. Your approach is not working.

Mr. Speaker, we call upon you to act now and create a Select Committee on Benghazi to investigate all aspects of the United States involvement in Libya, to include, but not be limited to the attacks of September 11, 2012. It must now also include the protracted cover-up the American people, the families of the fallen and those with loved ones serving overseas have endured. The new committee must have subpoena power, capable staff and Members from both parties who are committed to finding the truth, not playing politics. The Committee must be staffed with new, professional, qualified and experienced investigators. It must have resources to conduct a thorough, comprehensive investigation and issue an exhaustive report before this Congress adjourns.


The Undersigned:
(Titles for identification purposes only)

Charles Woods, Father of Ty Woods
Pat Smith, Mother of Sean Smith
Michael Ingmire, Musician/Writer, Uncle to Sean Smith
Adm. Jerome L. Johnson, USN Ret., former Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Lt. Gen. E.G. “Buck” Shuler, Jr., USAF, (Ret)
Lt. Gen. Richard D. Lawrence, USA (Ret)
LTG William G. Boykin, USA (Ret)
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, USA Ret, Chairman, Stand Up America
Maj. Gen. Carroll D. Childers, USA (Ret), Ranger
Maj. Gen. Thomas F. Cole, USA (Ret)
Maj. Gen. Richard M. Cooke, USMC (Ret)
Amb. Henry F. Cooper, Former Director, Strategic Defense Initiative
LTC Allen B. West (US Army, Ret) former Congressman, FL
Capt Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62, USN (Ret), Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
Debra Burlingame, Co-founder, 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America
Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness
Dick Brauer, Col, USAF (Ret), Special Operation Speaks
Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch
Allen Roth, Secure America Now
Joel A. Arends, Veterans for a Strong America
Ginni Thomas, President, Liberty Consulting
Catherine Engelbrecht, President, True the Vote
Anita MonCrief, Black Voters Alliance
David Wallace, Restore America's Mission
Dr. James Pollock, Maj., USAF (Ret), OIF VETx2, SOCOM, Wounded Warrior Congressional Advocate
John J. Molloy, Chairman, National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition
James C. Harding, Col USAF (Ret) National Spokesman for Veteran Defenders of America
Diane M. Sendlenski, Veteran US Air Force, Special Operations Speaks Coordinator
John G. B. Howland, Publisher, USNA-At-Large
Katherine Cornell Gorka, Executive Director, The Westminster Institute
Paul Caprio, Executive Director, Family Pac Federal
William L. Walton, Chairman, Rappahannock Ventures LLC
Sandy Rios, Director of Governmental Affairs, American Family Association
David Horowitz, President, Freedom Center
Peter Thomas, Chairman, The Conservative Caucus
Rear Adm. Hugh P. Scott, MC, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. Bill McDaniel, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. John A. Moriarty, USN, (Ret)
Rear Adm. Robert B. McClinton, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. Don G. Primeau, USN (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Michael Neil, USMCR (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Francis Hughes, USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. John Zierdt, Jr., USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Michael T. Byrnes, USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. William A. Bloomer, USMC (Ret)
Captain Kenneth Rauch, USN (Ret)
Captain Peter A. Hewett, JAGC, U.S. Navy (Ret)
Captain James Knight, USN (Ret)
Captain Roger W. Barnett, USN (Ret)
Captain Gregory Streeter, USN (Ret) USNA ’58
Col. G. Huntington Banister, USA (Ret), and former Acting Director, Selective Service System, 1994
Col. S. Badiner, USMC (Ret)
Col. Gregory G. Raths, USMC (Ret)
Col. Joseph V. Potter, USAF (Ret)
Col. Rob Maness, USAF (Ret), U.S. Senate Candidate 2014, R-Louisiana
Dan Bongino, 2012 Republican Nominee for US Senate, MD
Lt. Col. Ken Benway, USA (Ret)
Lt. Col. Dennis B. Haney, USAF (Ret)
CDR Randolph J. Horhutz, USNA '61, SC, USN (Ret)
Everett Woolum, CMSGT, USAF (Ret)
Gregory J. Rose, USNA '73
Thomas Corboy, USNA, ‘61
Anthony R. Papandrea, USNA ‘61
Raymond H. Clary, Jr., USNA ‘65
John W. Slagle, U.S. Navy Aviation veteran (Ret) Special Agent U.S.B.P. Anti-Smuggling Unit
Sarah Folger White, Former Presidential Commissioner
Dick and Patricia Schermerhorn, Appleton, WI
Lee Boyland, Author, former military officer, entrepreneur, nuclear engineer
Susan Creed Percy, Advocate for Military Families
Dave Hollenbeck, retired CA Highway Patrol
Paul F. Wirtz, Military family, OH resident
John Lillywhite, U.S. Citizen
Gene Andrews, U. S. Citizen
Mrs. Nancy Olbert, Supervisor Criminal Advocates, Daytona, FL State Attorney Office
Dr. Frank Ingels, Military Defense Consultant, MSIC/TETRA Office
Robert M. Trent, Senior Special Agent, USINS and former Marine and Vietnam combat veteran
Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Christians for a Sustainable Economy; OH resident
"Gather together and pray, you shameless nation. Gather while there is still time, before judgment begins and your opportunity is blown away like chaff. Act now, before the fierce fury of the LORD falls and the terrible day of the LORD's anger begins. Beg the LORD to save you -- all you who are humble, all you who uphold justice. Walk humbly and do what is right. Perhaps even yet the LORD will pro...tect you from his anger on that day of destruction."

If ever there were a relative word of the Lord for the Church in America this passage from Zephaniah certainly is one of them. The passage starts out by telling the "Nation" to gather together and pray, but that, though it would be ideal, will not happen at this point so the Lord tells us what we as individuals must do. We must "Beg" God to save us and "perhaps" he will protect us from His anger on the day of destruction.
I (Pastor Bob) believe that the nation has crossed a line that will bring inescapable judgment. I do not know if we can reverse the curse (nationally) that has been brought on us by evil politicians who have allowed evil to be called good and good to be called evil and by corrupt lobbyists who, for reasons of greed, have oppressed the poor and advocated for wickedness. We have murdered, and continued to murder babies by the millions, we have gone from tolerating sodomy to embracing it and teaching it to our children as an acceptable 'alternative' lifestyle, we embrace the marriage of people of the same gender, we are legalizing and promoting the use of mind altering drugs and a thousand other things that are shameful and destructive to any society.
What I do know is that if we pray from a sincere heart with fervent prayers, we 'may be protected' from His anger. It is a frightening thing to fall into the hands of an angry God and I believe He is angry with America, but I also know that His mercy is new every morning, His loving kindnesses never end, He will never leave us or forsake us and His desire is that none would be lost but that all would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for your family and friends, pray for your community, pray for your state and pray for America like life itself depends on your prayers! Your prayer may be the one that turns the heart of God from bringing destruction to America or it may be the prayer that holds His anger back from you and your family, regardless of the reason just pray.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

How did this get past the media? It appears that the reason there has been no screaming for over a year by CAIR and other Muslim groups who wanted desperately to build the Ground Zero Mosque have found a compromise they can live with! Its probably just coincidence that the screaming stopped about the same time the spire was "redesigned".
  Throughout their history Muslims have been viciously destroying civilizations through what is know as civilization Jihad. They assimilate into a culture pretending to be peaceful and productive members of a society until they begin to become a large enough demographic to sway public policy in such a way as to acquire special privileges  for their followers. Once they begin to become a dominate sector of the population they begin to use more forceful means. They are masters of deception and manipulation and they have learned how to use a nations governing  system against itself.
  Once they are successful at controlling a majority of a nations government they move from a faux peaceful take over of a nation to outright slaughter of  all who reject their ideology. Once they have conquered a nation the systematically destroy any and all symbols of that nations heritage. With all the symbols of a nations religious heritage destroyed they build a mosque on the grounds of the most prominent 'Holy' sites. They did it in Istanbul and in Spain they built the infamous Cordoba Mosque.
 There was a major push to build a Mosque in New York City after the attack on the World Trade Center by Islamic fundamentalists but public outcry put a stop to it. Interestingly enough, and I'm sure quite coincidentally, the name chose by Muslims for the 'Ground Zero' Mosque was the 'Cordoba Mosque'.  
 Public opinion and outrage by Americans directly affected by the murders made the Muslim community back down from their demands to build their symbol of conquest. But why did they go silent, a characteristic not common to Islam? I submit that they were indeed able to have their symbol of dominance built. Their Cordoba Mosque was built with American tax payers money and Islam gets it symbol of conquering victory on Ground Zero for free!