Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So the "American Dream" is threatened by 'income inequality'? Well let me ask a simple question; what is the American Dream?
I am not a historian and in fact I'm not that well educated, but I have read some of our founders writings and I don't recall them mentioning anything about the government guaranteeing happiness or equating happiness to income equality.
   If I understand our founders writings correctly they simply set a republic in place so that every citizen would have the ability to pursue happiness. I could be wrong but I think the American Dream is simply a people governing themselves in such a way as to provide the ability for anyone to succeed or to fail in their attempt to make a living.
If my assumption of the founders intent is correct then someone is twisting the truth for an agenda the founders would have soundly rejected. I am making another assumption when I say that I think those who are feeding public division by condemning 'income inequality' are actually covertly promoting Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in 1875 and it sounds eerily like what Democrats are 'selling' low information voters.
   I'll make one more assumption before I end this post; If it is true, and it is, that Marxism has failed and left millions dead and or suffering everywhere it has been implemented, as has Socialism, Communism, Maoism and Islamism, then it most certainly will fail and leave millions dead and suffering in its wake when Democrats implement it in America.
   If my assumptions are correct it would behoove those who understand the delusion/propaganda being used to destroy the American Dream to educated as many as possible about what is happening to America and who is responsible for the deceptive policies being promoted.
   If my assumptions are incorrect then just ignore this post and enjoy your day. Do your part as a good citizen and help Progressives provide our poor and poverty stricken citizens with an equal share of your paycheck thereby guaranteeing income equality.

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