Saturday, January 11, 2014

 After listening to the feed back from former Defense Secretary Robert Gates' book 'Duty', and reading articles about what is being done to our military by the Obama administration and Senate Progressive/Democrats, and many in the House as well, I have decided that I cannot, and will not be silent any longer about the abuses to those who serve our country being perpetrated by those in authority over them.
  For far too long the military has been 'Off Limits' for criticism but no longer for me, I am fed up. For the first few years of this administration I thought I understood why the 'Desk Generals' followed the orders of this president; its what they are supposed to do. Part of their oath is to be loyal to the Commander-In-Chief, but an even higher and in my opinion the most sacred part of that oath is to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  
 This administration has thrown our military, except the "Top Brass", under the proverbial bus and have forced them to take a cut in their pay and in their benefit package after retirement. At the same time our military is suffering pay cuts Progressives are fighting for extending benefits for illegal aliens, and what do we hear from the 'Brass'.....crickets! 
   Three out of every four soldiers who have died in Afghanistan have been killed following this presidents orders. These generals know every thing Mr. Gates knows/knew and yet they continue to follow the orders of a president who knows nothing about fighting a war and who does not take the advice of those who do. They allow their men and women to go into volatile situations knowing they do not have the full support of the president nor do they have the "Rules of Engagement" that will allow them to win.
  These "general officers" have lost the understanding of what leadership is. Leadership is not blindly following a man who has a higher 'rank' than you just because he has that position, that is "Lemming-ship" and it will get people needlessly killed. Leadership is, simply put, being a servant. Public officials, from dog catcher to the office of the President, are to be "Public servants", not serviced by the public.  
 Because these general officers have put their careers above the soldiers under their command I have absolutely no respect for them or the intelligence bosses at the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, NSA or any other intelligence agency within our government. They know who and what Obama is and yet they remain in his "Service" instead of doing what they took an oath to do. A person with honor would walk into the Oval Office, remove his stars, tell the president he resigns and walk straight to the Congress and BLOW the WHISTLE on what is happening. If Congress won't give him an audience then he should walk into a news organization head quarters and blow the whistle there.   
  I do not know what I can do or how to do it, but I will find a way to get the truth out about what these "Weasels-In-Uniform" are doing to our troops. They are guilty of dereliction of duty and to some degree the blood shed by those they sent to battle unprepared or unsupported by the C-I-C is on their hands as well as his.
 We must stop the insanity in Washington D.C. and return this republic to its roots of Biblical morality and place people with impeccable character and unquestionable integrity in office to govern. Those who have and are abusing their authority need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and the generals all deserve a 'Dis-honorable Discharge'.......

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