Wednesday, January 8, 2014


 The new book written by Bob Gates is one of those ‘tell all’ books that confirm what most astute thinkers already knew. As expected, Gates says that the Obama administration is primarily a politically driven group of ideologues who will do anything to keep and increase their power to control.

  There is nothing in the book (I have not read it, just read clips from it) that I believe is false, what I find hard to accept is how Mr. Gates was able to sleep at night knowing what he knew about the ‘President’ and his advisors.

  Mr. Gates was the Secretary Of Defense, the man hired to oversee and enforce the Presidents military policies, but above and beyond that, he was responsible to defend and protect the Constitution. He knew that the President was sending men into war without being committed to their mission but for political reasons. He also admits that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said, in front of him, that they opposed the surge in Iraq purely for political reasons.

  Mr. Gates confesses that he knew the ‘Commander-In-Chief’ was derelict in his duty to act in the best interest of the United States and instead made his decisions based on political opportunity. He remained silent and did nothing to protect troops being sent to their death when he knew they were being used as political pawns to manipulate an election. He could have, and should have, exposed the treacherous policies of this administration but chose instead to be used by Obama and Clinton as a political pawn himself.

  I question his motive in writing this book and I question his character and integrity in continuing to carry out the political agenda of the President when he knew full well that men and women were going to be wounded and killed for political gain.

 There is no doubt he will gain a monetary profit from the sales of this book but at what cost? How many human beings, military and civilians, died due to his silence? How many billion tax dollars were spent ‘not’ fighting two wars? How much stronger did Al Qaeda become because Obama was able to propagandize the American public during the election cycle? How much greater is the threat to national security because of Al Qaeda’s growth? How much grief and nightmarish trauma have the families of the dead and wounded suffered? What is the likely morale among our troops who now know that their Commander-In-Chief is looking out for his political wellbeing at their expense? ……..  

  To be fair, I also question the character of every General officer, especially the Joint Chiefs, who have the same knowledge of Obamas actions and continue to remain silent. Without any question, the deliberate cover up of the murders of “at least” 4 Americans in Benghazi and the lie that Al Qaeda had been decimated was for political gain. Leaving men behind to die for political advantage should be a line no commander would stand for. Where do these General Officers draw the line that demands them to do the honorable thing and resign?  

  I am glad that Gates decided to tell the public the truth about this administration but I am disgusted that he stood by and allowed our military to go into harm’s way knowing many of them would never return home or if they did they would be scarred for the rest of their lives.

  I long for the day when the men and women who hold the highest ranks in our military stand for principle and honor and put their duty to defend the Constitution above their duty to serve the President. This book only reinforces the many reasons Americans have no faith and trust in their government. SAVING AMERICA from the people who are in power is the duty of every citizen with any sense of morality and integrity.

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