Sunday, January 5, 2014

How did this get past the media? It appears that the reason there has been no screaming for over a year by CAIR and other Muslim groups who wanted desperately to build the Ground Zero Mosque have found a compromise they can live with! Its probably just coincidence that the screaming stopped about the same time the spire was "redesigned".
  Throughout their history Muslims have been viciously destroying civilizations through what is know as civilization Jihad. They assimilate into a culture pretending to be peaceful and productive members of a society until they begin to become a large enough demographic to sway public policy in such a way as to acquire special privileges  for their followers. Once they begin to become a dominate sector of the population they begin to use more forceful means. They are masters of deception and manipulation and they have learned how to use a nations governing  system against itself.
  Once they are successful at controlling a majority of a nations government they move from a faux peaceful take over of a nation to outright slaughter of  all who reject their ideology. Once they have conquered a nation the systematically destroy any and all symbols of that nations heritage. With all the symbols of a nations religious heritage destroyed they build a mosque on the grounds of the most prominent 'Holy' sites. They did it in Istanbul and in Spain they built the infamous Cordoba Mosque.
 There was a major push to build a Mosque in New York City after the attack on the World Trade Center by Islamic fundamentalists but public outcry put a stop to it. Interestingly enough, and I'm sure quite coincidentally, the name chose by Muslims for the 'Ground Zero' Mosque was the 'Cordoba Mosque'.  
 Public opinion and outrage by Americans directly affected by the murders made the Muslim community back down from their demands to build their symbol of conquest. But why did they go silent, a characteristic not common to Islam? I submit that they were indeed able to have their symbol of dominance built. Their Cordoba Mosque was built with American tax payers money and Islam gets it symbol of conquering victory on Ground Zero for free! 

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