Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Please join my attempt to get state lawmakers to resist the federal governments over-reach of their Constitutional authority by copying and pasting this letter and forwarding it to your representatives;
Dear Tom,
It is no secrete that Washington is out of control and needs to be held accountable. I urge you to look into the movement to hold a convention of states to retake the power from Washington DC and return it to "We The People" where it belongs. 32 other states are considering the possibility of such a convention and I urge you to ask other conservative law makers in Albany to join the effort before all hope for the republic is gone. The link below will give you more information about the convention. It matters not if it will succeed in New York, just publically mentioning that it is being looked into by New York lawmakers will send a message to the federal government that we are tired of their violating our rights and spending our children's future. It will also show Gov. Cuomo that his disdain for conservatives "has no place in New York because that is not who New Yorkers are" and that indeed "our conservative philosophy" is alive and well and will flourish in New York.
Robert Seymour 

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