Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No Greater Love

There is no greater expression of love than when a person values the life of his friend above his own and is willing to spend time loving them.

We should all have someone one in our life that we are willing to love the way the Father loves us.

There are several instances recorded in scripture where someone with faith called out to Jesus and He stopped and turned to them. He never rejects those who call on Him with faith in their heart.

Even though He was on a "mission" He stopped and took time for others in need. He is no longer on a mission He is with the Father ever interceding for us, it is we who are on His mission and for our mission to be successful we must do "Even Greater Works" than He did.

He has so many lost children He is longing to have call on Him in faith and we carry Him within us. We must be Him to them while there is still time.

Lord let me be sensitive to your leading, hear them when they call and turn to them with the love you have for them...

Greater Works

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works....."

Most believers read this verse and immediately think of all the things Jesus did like walking on water, healing the sick or raising the dead but I think we should look more closely at what is recorded about His life and ministry. He did perform many powerful miracles but what He did most was spend time among the people.

It was His presence and the time He took to "Talk" to individuals and to groups that is the most common narrative recorded about His life. His time with the "little people" transformed the lives of individuals and ultimately the world. Whenever anyone called to Him or sought Him out He stopped what He was doing and talked to them or prayed for them.

His acts of compassion expressed through spending time with people changed the world and did more to show who God is than any of the miracles He performed. Some of His last words to us in the gospels were 'just as the Father sent Me, I send you', and "Go into the world and make disciples", both of these verses mean to go among the people and reflect the Father to them through spending time with them and loving them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Prophetic Revelation

"Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.”

Believing in God gives us the ability to see from His perspective, that of eternity. When we get to the place where we can look beyond our circumstance and see the potential we have to impact the Kingdom the supernatural strength to stand will rise from within us like a flood.

When we are standing in our faith in God and the prophetic begins to flow we must take action. Very often standing is not the end of our 'mission', we are to take action. We are to take and hold the high ground but then charge the enemy and take back what was stolen.

To be successful means to advance the Kingdom and without Divine revelation we will only see a minimal advance at best. It was Jesus who said "On this rock I will build my church", and it was not Peter He was talking about, it was the revelation Peter had received prophetically. Today more than ever we need to not only believe in His prophets, we all need to seek prophetic revelation.

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Prophetic Time Table

"....People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes....."

 I am more convinced than ever that we are about to see a flood come that will sweep away the sleeping.

I am becoming more and more convinced that the rise of Islam, and the embracing of it by President Obama and Progressives around the world, will usher in the counterfeit 'one new man' and that the anti-Christ will soon be revealed. In my gut I believe the 'man of lawlessness' will come through Islam and because I lean toward a post tribulation rapture I believe we must be prepared to go through the period of time Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24.

Even though a time of tribulation is at hand and persecution is on the rise for all who refuse to accept Islam there is great hope for the future. The fulfilling of scriptures foretelling the evil we are witnessing is evidence that we do not hope in vain. Jesus predicted the things we are living now and He said "When all these things begin to happen look up because your redemption draws near".

It should never be frightening to those of us who have faith in Jesus Christ because we know these things must happen before the true "One New Man" can be revealed. We know that Satan, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are just a counterfeit of Jesus Christ, His Church and Israel being united to become the One New Man.

Keep alert and pray for our eyes to be open with an eternal perspective so we do not become overwhelmed by fear for our mortal lives in the days ahead. We are not mortal beings, we are eternal and we must take hold of that perspective. It was that perspective that gave the 'Human" Jesus the strength needed to endure the suffering of the cross. He saw the future benefit to the Kingdom of His Father and went willingly to the cross and suffered a violent death.

We are a blessed generation, a generation I believe will see Jew and Gentile believers joined together as a single body. The pressure produced through persecution on both of us will inseparably merge us into one body and when we become one the return of the Lord as our head will usher in the millennial rein of Jesus Christ. Take heart His return is very near!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Peace Through Strength

A journalist who was captured two years ago in Syria was released today. I know it is just coincidence but very soon after US generals and Congress started talking about attacking Syria his captors decided to release him. If I wasn't such a simple man I might connect the dots and come up with a picture that resembled a "Peace Through Strength" kind of thing, but I'm just a simple redneck who's not well educated and thus not qualified to draw such conclusions...

Politically Correct Prayers

As more and more Christians are being slaughtered and silence continues to be this administrations response we as believers must do what we can to put pressure on politicians to demand action, but above that we must become violent in our prayers. If we continue to be politically correct in our prayers we will likely see 'politically correct' answers to them and the slaughter will continue and increase.

We sing songs of David's mighty men and their deeds and Joshua marching around Jericho, we post pictures of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Jesus returning as a Warrior but when it comes to taking our prayers to where the "rubber hits the road" we tend to retreat back to the "Baby in the manger" instead of the warrior on the white horse, or the "King of the Jungle" pouncing on his prey to kill and devour it. Read the prayers of David some time and see how he asked for his enemies to be dealt with. He considered his enemies to be his Gods enemies and he did not ask for mercy or kid gloves to be used in their destruction.

Maybe it is because I was trained to attack and kill my enemies during my Marine Corps training that I feel so strongly about this, but I see Islam and Muslim Jihadists as not only my enemies but also the enemies of my God and therefore I must confront them with lethal force in the spirit and if necessary in the natural realm. I understand that we are to love our enemy but I also know that there is a "time for love and a time for hate", a "time for war and a time for peace".

It is not possible to have peace with Islam, it is an ideology birthed in the bowels of hell and has been unleashed against all mankind. If it is not confronted with deadly force it will not stop and it cannot be appeased or negotiated with, it must be treated as a cancer and it destroyed completely.

We must throw aside politically correct prayers and allow a "Righteous Anger" to arise within us and begin storming the gates of hell and we must do so now before more innocent people are slaughtered and more innocent people are deceived into Islam. We are the "Army of God" and it is time to act like we are warriors and take the fight to the enemies camp and plunder it showing no mercy for the evil we face.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Murdered American Teen

Hamas confirmed this week that they murdered the teens that began Israeli military strikes against them. One of the teens they murdered was an American citizen which means they committed an act of war against the United States. There should be the same vocal outrage by the media as there has been about the journalist who was murdered by ISIS, and this administration should be planning the same retribution against Hamas they "promise" to deliver to ISIS, but the teen was a Jew so.......

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Foresee Another Little Smidgen Coming...

A Federal judge has ordered Eric Holder to hand over the documents he is being held in contempt of Congress over. When released I believe they will prove that Obama once again abused the power of his office and that he and many in his administration lied to Congress and the American people when they said Obama knew nothing about the Fast and Furious operation. When Obama issued executive privilege in the Fast and Furious investigation he thereby proved that he knew about it because executive privilege can ONLY be issued if the president himself is involved in the discussions.

I will offer 10 to 1 odds that there is some kind of "Hard drive" or other unfortunate computer or file tape issue that prevents the documents from being released........

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Junior Varsity Team Sweeping The Playoffs

A few months ago President Obama was asked what kind of threat ISIS posed to America and if he planned to take action against them. His response was; 'just because a J.V. team puts on a major league jersey doesn't make them a Kobe Bryant'. It is being reported today that ISIS now has 80,000 Jihadi fighters in its ranks and that in the last month alone they have recruited 6,000 of them.

It would appear that the "J.V." team has earned their major league jersey and may very well be on their way to the championship playoffs!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

His Will For Israel

It would appear that President Obama is taking America lockstep with most of the rest of the world in opposition to the State of Israel, a position no nation in history has survived unscathed. This president has done more to destroy relations with our allies than all previous presidents combined, but he has, in my opinion, crossed a line with today’s action to stop funding for her Iron Dome program.

The situation looks bleak for Israel, but it is going to be much worse for all those nations in opposition to her, but all that is taking place must be. Scripture tells us that all the nations of the earth (the U.N.?) will align against Israel thereby forcing her to call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for deliverance.

If this the time spoken of by the prophets of old things are going to get “interesting” fast. I don’t know if we are at that point yet and I believe there is still hope for America and I will continue to do all I can to restore unity and support for Israel. There are enough good people in Congress to stop this president, and I believe they will if we will do our part.

We must pray for the peace of Israel as never before but we must also pray with understanding as well as in the Spirit. It is crucial that our praying does not empower the enemy of Israel by the things we pray. Hebrews says that Jesus is the “High Priest of our Confession”, and though different translations give different meaning to those words I believe one aspect of them is that Jesus must take what comes out of our mouths in faith and perform the function of the High Priest with them. He must take our words into the throne room of God and offer them on our behalf.

We can argue the theology of this but the Word is very clear that there is power in the words we speak. Proverbs says the power of death and life are in the tongue, and Paul says that we should be imitators of God and call those things that are not as though they are. Every prayer we pray are words that are acted on by God, even when the answer is no it is still an action taken on behalf of words we speak. Every war that has ever been fought began with words and every war that has had a decisive end ended with words.

So as much as we all want our nation to be an ally of Israel we must not pray from our own desire but rather we must pray the way Jesus told his disciples to pray; His Kingdom to come and Hill will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. May God have mercy on America as we seek His will for Israel....

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I'm posting this again because the "Storm" is raging now and the dream continues to be repeated. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will bring the laborers 'back' to the fields.....

The following dream is a prophetic wakeup call;

The setting is in the heartland of the nation where grain is grown by the thousands of square miles. Darkness has set in, the darkness caused by heavy cloud cover. The sky is black as far as the eye can see and the air is becoming cool to almost cold. The clouds are monstrous and billowing on the horizon and a storm is imminent.

   I see the Lord standing in the midst of endless miles of ripened oats. He is standing silent looking toward the storm clouds on the horizon. I begin walking to Him and as I get close to the field I can see that the oats are so ripe for harvest that many kernels have already fallen to the ground and are lost and are going to be consumed by the foul of the air and the creatures of the plains.

   As I continue towards the Lord and I am able to see more clearly the amount of grain that has been lost I begin to become overwhelmed with the urgency of getting the combines started up and beginning the harvest before it is too late and much more of His grain is lost but I could not see any of the machines anywhere. My concern grows to near panic as I realize that the combines are so late in starting the harvest process that just the vibration of the giant machines is going to cause much more grain to fall from the hulls to the ground and be lost.

   I hurried to the Lords side and I could see He was heartbroken at the amount of loss that had occurred. As I looked at Him I could see there were tears in His eyes and He had a look of sorrow and disappointment on His face. He looked at me and I said Lord why have you not summoned the harvesters, the oats are becoming over-ripe, we have to do something fast. He looked at me and said “I did call on them to begin”. I asked Him, then where are they, they should be here? As I asked Him that question He slowly turned His head back toward the field and the mounting storm and said with a broken voice, “I paid them in advance for their labor and they have left to spend their wages.”

I just stood there helpless without a combine there would be little more than a remnant that could be saved. All I could do was to begin picking what I could and looking at the ground to try to retrieve as much that had fallen as possible.”

I believe we must begin crying out to the Father to send faithful harvesters and that we need to personally repent for our leaving the fields to enjoy our reward before our work was over or in many instances before we had even started the job.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Civil War in The Unseen Realm

3 years ago I asked the leaders of Abide in the Vine to allow me to invite General Boykin to come to Owego to speak about the threat of Sharia to America and the world. He told us that Islam would establish a Caliphate if we did not take action to expose who they are and what their goal is. Fast forward to today and we are seeing what He predicted play out in Iraq, but it will not end there, it is... coming to America.

We are witnessing a civil war in Islam, Sunni against Shia. The conflict between the two sects is to decide who will control the Caliphate they are both trying to build. Sunni's are the ISIS monsters who are butchering everyone who does not join them and Shia's are still working through "negotiations" with the west while building nukes to destroy Israel and America.

It is much more than an Islamic civil war taking place, it is a battle in the heavens between good and evil that is manifesting in the natural realm. The evidence of the spiritual battle can be seen by those who will step back and see the same battle going on everywhere, even in America. We have two parties who are trying to utterly destroy each other, not with death and bloodshed thankfully, but the goal for Democrats and Republicans is the same as it is for Sunni and Shia, who will control the population.

If there is not a quick awakening by those who are called to be standing in the gap to do warfare in the spirit and those who are working in the natural realm to awaken those in their sphere of influence and if both do not get before their God and seek Him for help, we are done as a nation.

When all seems lost and hopeless in the world, look up because our redemption is near.....The Spirit and the Bride say come.....Establish your Kingdom on earth Lord and destroy your enemies today....

Monday, August 11, 2014

War Weary


  Pundits and politicians alike have been saying for years now that Americans are tired of war, and according to all the best polls we are. After being in a state of war on several fronts since the fall of 2001 we all have a reason for weariness. The scenes of flag draped caskets, constant TV commercials attempting to raise funds for our wounded and news coverage of raging  battles is enough to make even the most battle hardened warriors weary let alone the average American.

 There has never been a time when America has been in a state of war for so many years and on so many fronts simultaneously and hopefully there will never be another period of extended conflict in our future. But the truth is weariness is not a reason to stop fighting a war. In fact by continually saying we are weary and taking polls that reflect our weariness and then publishing those results we embolden and encourage our enemies and add to our weariness.

  There was a time in our history when we fought wars to win them by utterly destroying our enemies. We showed resolve and used the full force of our domestic resources and our military assets to crush our foes, never in an act of aggression but in defending the homeland or helping our allies. We were united behind the cause and unyielding in our determination to win.

  For some reason and somehow all that has changed, instead of fighting aggressively to destroy our enemies we now go to  extremes in order to win the hearts and minds of locals in hopes that they will turn in those we are hunting. We use our technology to avoid collateral damage, and to a point that is ok, but when avoiding collateral damage interferes with killing the enemy who is being hidden by the locals we are trying to capture the hearts and minds of, we do nothing but prolong the war.

 Political correctness and revisionist historians have erased the reality war reducing it to a poll driven exercise in political campaigning and futility that men die for. The world has forgotten what Germany looked like after allied forces destroyed entire towns and cities in a relentless bombing campaign to destroy the Nazi army and liberate Europe.

  Photographs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki being nothing but ash with tens of thousands of burned bodies and thousands of survivors burned from radiation have been hidden from us in their rightful context. Photos of Nazi concentration camps and piles of dead Jews are too gruesome for many so we are sheltered from the discomforts associated with those images. The brutality of the Japanese army and the death marches they forced thousands of soldiers to walk are also too much for society so once again we are over sensitized to the horrors of war. I contend that those images need to be kept in front of all of us so that we will remember that evil exists in the world and as a reminder of why we go to war.

  If we allow media pundits and politicians to continue on the path we are on we will never see an end to the war we are in. And if we continue to have a government that, because of political correctness, refuses to acknowledge that the world is at war with Islam we will not win this war and images of beheadings, stories of mass graves, women raped, children cut in half and hundreds buried alive will be seen on media outlets and the internet for decades.

 “War is hell” and innocent people die and the longer this war wages on the more innocent dead there will be. There can be no sympathy for any aggressor and brute force delivered with overwhelming power is the only deterrent Jihadists understand and that force must be directed wherever Jihadist raises their evil heads.

  So if we are so weary of war why do we continue to allow those who command or troops and who conduct warfare to wear silk gloves when dealing with an enemy aggressor? We must return to fighting to win no matter the cost or the cost will be the free world.

Sunday, August 10, 2014



“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”

 I have been pondering this verse for days now and I am struck first by the fact that something God created could be formless and empty. I don’t understand how that can be and have asked for some revelation but all I hear is that I don’t need to know or understand everything, and if I did know all things I would no longer need faith and of course without faith it is impossible to please God. So I will be satisfied with wondering.

  The other thing that caught my attention is the phrase “darkness covered”. I looked into this and found that the word darkness has the same or similar meaning as ‘chaos’; “complete confusion and disorder; a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything”, Webster’s Dictionary.

 After God created the heavens and the earth chaos reigned, but while chaos was in ‘control’ “the Spirit of God was hovering” over it.

  My mind tends to wander down ‘rabbit trails’ and while running after one of those bunnies I began to relate the conditions on earth today with Genesis 1:2. The whole world is in a state of complete confusion and disorder with no one in control. The things we used to take for granted, safety and security are no more and it is impossible to know who the “bad guys” are anymore or who is an ally of whom.

  Many believers I know are struggling with a sense of hopelessness and despair because of the seemingly unrestrained progression of evil. The slaughter of believers by the tens of thousands, Islamic terrorism on the rise, the war between Israel and Gaza, corruption in our own government, wars and rumors of war and outbreaks of plagues have all sent shock waves of fear through many. A moral and subsequent financial decline of America leaves little hope for their children’s prosperity and recent polls indicate that for the first time that a majority of Americans do not believe the next generation will be better off than the present.

 Just as was the case when the earth was first formed and chaos covered the ‘deep waters’, when God speaks order will come. Deep is calling to deep now and if we hear His voice and respond to the call to go into the waters with abandonment seeking to immerse ourselves in Him, He will bring restoration.

  All that is necessary for the evil and chaotic turmoil engulfing the world today to end is for God to speak. When He says “Let there be Light”, His light will emerge and every name that is named and every force arrayed against His purpose will bow to His command.

  As it was in the beginning, darkness and light are indistinguishable and intertwined. Many believers are so entrenched in the world that the light they carry within them cannot be seen. But soon He will “speak” and at the sound of His voice darkness will be forcibly separated from the light and the light will overcome the darkness.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Rise Of Hatred

As I watch reports of the war between Israel and Hamas from multiple news sources I am struck by the reaction of people in nearly every nation around the world. It is chilling to see how the hatred of Israel and Jews has reached the boiling point.

I do not understand how anyone can hate an entire nationality for simply defending it's people against an unprovoked attack by a terrorist organization. How can an Islamic terror organization that is directly tied to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, those who brutally slaughter Christians and anyone who dose not accept their ideology, be defended by world leaders and a former US president. Very few presidents or prime ministers have forcefully condemned the protests.

Jewish businesses are being looted and riots are breaking out in the streets of major cities around the world. Israel's flag is being burned by protesters and anyone who dares to show support for Israel is physically attacked.

Only the willfully blind cannot see that what they are doing to and allowing to be done to Israel is exactly what was done to Jews in the 1930's by Hitler and his National Socialist party. Shouts of "Gas them" and "Rebuild the ovens" should send shutters down the spines of all who see and hear the hatred on their evening news or in their daily paper, but instead relative silence reigns.

If the majority do not stand up and condemn this insanity now then history will be replayed and the death and destruction of the Nazi regime will begin again very soon. This time when the attempt to annihilate the Jew and destroy of the nation of Israel begins the result will be much worse than the 1930's.

I believe we are at the end of the age when all nations will, possibly via the UN, align together to attack Israel, but this time the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will manifest and destroy all who oppose His people. Never before in history has the world seen the current level of chaos manifested. This is not a time anyone should be on the wrong side of history or align themselves against God. Personally I would suggest that those who do not know Jesus Christ begin to investigate the possibility of Him being what and who He claims to be.....

Monday, August 4, 2014


So it is being reported that there is a patient in NYC who "MAY" be infected with the Ebola virus. NYC is the "Melting Pot" of America and if Ebola shows up there and begins to spread it could be the "Smelting Pot" that ushers in death at Biblical proportions throughout America and across the world.

At a time when America has been undermining Israel and mocking God it would be a VERY good idea to make sure you are where you should be with Jesus and in fellowship with the body because we will need each other. The government will likely try to hide all further information from the public, but rest assured that if it is Ebola we will find out

Ebola And The President...

  At least 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi, there have been hundreds murdered in Mexico, information was intentionally leaked on several occasions that put the lives of our elite special ops troops and the lives of their families in mortal danger. There has been no public out cry from the president about the Marine in a Mexican jail, or the Sudanese woman that was sentenced to death for marrying a believer, or the tens of thousands of Christians in Syria who have been slaughtered or those in Iraq. All these things and many more examples of how the current administration thinks, and everything they do and say is proof that they only care about how they look to their political base. There is nothing they won't do to make the president look good, even murder.

Having said all that, I don't believe for a second that Obama allowed the two people infected with Ebola into the country because he is a "compassionate and caring human being", it was for one of two reasons;1.) the obvious political points he gets for looking concerned for and being compassionate toward  human life (in my opinion, the only life he cares for is his own political life). 2.) He is working with, or at least allowing, Jihadist the opportunity to take advantage of a very dangerous situation by storming the hospital and gaining access to the deadly virus to contaminate as many Americans as possible in any way possible. I know the first is absolute truth, I hope and pray the second is not. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Takeover By Civilization Jihad

From an article in "It Is Time Israel" By Nonie Darwish;

(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in Canada, Australia, the U.S. And Britain To elect the heads of Government by themselves! Rest assured they will do so… You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA. Dearborn Mich. Is one and there are others….) ( Britain has several cities now totally controlled by Muslims)

I think everyone in Canada, Australia, the U.S. And Great Britain Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While Canada, Australia, the U.S.A. and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America, Australia and Britain.