Thursday, August 14, 2014

His Will For Israel

It would appear that President Obama is taking America lockstep with most of the rest of the world in opposition to the State of Israel, a position no nation in history has survived unscathed. This president has done more to destroy relations with our allies than all previous presidents combined, but he has, in my opinion, crossed a line with today’s action to stop funding for her Iron Dome program.

The situation looks bleak for Israel, but it is going to be much worse for all those nations in opposition to her, but all that is taking place must be. Scripture tells us that all the nations of the earth (the U.N.?) will align against Israel thereby forcing her to call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for deliverance.

If this the time spoken of by the prophets of old things are going to get “interesting” fast. I don’t know if we are at that point yet and I believe there is still hope for America and I will continue to do all I can to restore unity and support for Israel. There are enough good people in Congress to stop this president, and I believe they will if we will do our part.

We must pray for the peace of Israel as never before but we must also pray with understanding as well as in the Spirit. It is crucial that our praying does not empower the enemy of Israel by the things we pray. Hebrews says that Jesus is the “High Priest of our Confession”, and though different translations give different meaning to those words I believe one aspect of them is that Jesus must take what comes out of our mouths in faith and perform the function of the High Priest with them. He must take our words into the throne room of God and offer them on our behalf.

We can argue the theology of this but the Word is very clear that there is power in the words we speak. Proverbs says the power of death and life are in the tongue, and Paul says that we should be imitators of God and call those things that are not as though they are. Every prayer we pray are words that are acted on by God, even when the answer is no it is still an action taken on behalf of words we speak. Every war that has ever been fought began with words and every war that has had a decisive end ended with words.

So as much as we all want our nation to be an ally of Israel we must not pray from our own desire but rather we must pray the way Jesus told his disciples to pray; His Kingdom to come and Hill will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. May God have mercy on America as we seek His will for Israel....

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