Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Rise Of Hatred

As I watch reports of the war between Israel and Hamas from multiple news sources I am struck by the reaction of people in nearly every nation around the world. It is chilling to see how the hatred of Israel and Jews has reached the boiling point.

I do not understand how anyone can hate an entire nationality for simply defending it's people against an unprovoked attack by a terrorist organization. How can an Islamic terror organization that is directly tied to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, those who brutally slaughter Christians and anyone who dose not accept their ideology, be defended by world leaders and a former US president. Very few presidents or prime ministers have forcefully condemned the protests.

Jewish businesses are being looted and riots are breaking out in the streets of major cities around the world. Israel's flag is being burned by protesters and anyone who dares to show support for Israel is physically attacked.

Only the willfully blind cannot see that what they are doing to and allowing to be done to Israel is exactly what was done to Jews in the 1930's by Hitler and his National Socialist party. Shouts of "Gas them" and "Rebuild the ovens" should send shutters down the spines of all who see and hear the hatred on their evening news or in their daily paper, but instead relative silence reigns.

If the majority do not stand up and condemn this insanity now then history will be replayed and the death and destruction of the Nazi regime will begin again very soon. This time when the attempt to annihilate the Jew and destroy of the nation of Israel begins the result will be much worse than the 1930's.

I believe we are at the end of the age when all nations will, possibly via the UN, align together to attack Israel, but this time the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will manifest and destroy all who oppose His people. Never before in history has the world seen the current level of chaos manifested. This is not a time anyone should be on the wrong side of history or align themselves against God. Personally I would suggest that those who do not know Jesus Christ begin to investigate the possibility of Him being what and who He claims to be.....

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