Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reposting in light of Barry's speech

A little more on words matter before I go on to other issues. As I stated in a previous post the president has said on more than one occasion that words matter. I fully agree and want take a look a popular phrase he and his progressive friends use. It is a simple phrase and again on the surface it appears innocent and appeals to the average compassionate American.

  The phrase is “social justice” and is often used in the same vain as economic justice and environmental justice. So what is social justice and is it possible to achieve. It assumes that somehow it is possible to make a fair and equal society. It would mean that people with greater abilities and stronger work ethics would not be allowed to “play” according to their abilities but would be mandated to perform at the same level as those less endowed or less ambitious. The rules would necessarily be different for everyone so that there would be “equality” among all players. However the president also says that he wants everyone to play by the same rules, so I think he has a problem on this one!

  The reality is, while I believe all men are created equal that does not mean all are equal in their abilities in all areas of life. It means that all men are ontologically equal. No man, woman or child is more or less human than another and therefore are equal. To try to make them socially equal is impossible to achieve!

 So what is going on with this line of rhetoric! I believe it is more divisive politics designed to confuse the masses and make them believe that somehow they have been denied a basic civil or social right by someone who is more adept in certain areas of the economic system. The truth is the term social justice is meaningless! There is not now, nor will there ever be a socially equal society any more than there can be a society of equal economic status or an environmentally equal world. Even Jesus told his disciples the poor will always be with you.

  I believe those, or at least some of those, who are actively promoting these ideals believe they are championing a noble cause. While the rest are using them as useful idiots to gain power and wealth, they truly desire to see a fair and just world. They are trying to build a utopia on earth that cannot be built by human efforts. The dream is derived from the principles seen in the 1st century church where the believers thought of each other as more important than themselves. They would give up their own possessions to help a fellow believer. The problem the progressives have is simple. The early church did what they did because they understood what love was and they acted out of that love. The progressives want to legislate a heart motive and that simply cannot be done. Trying to force someone to do good always causes men to resist and in many cases rebel against the system. This is why no matter what laws are passed or what taxes are imposed there is always someone who looks for or devises a loophole around such legislation.

 But I digress! My point in all this is that we must understand that those with an agenda different than that of our founders are wiley and deceitful and know a lot about the American heart and are masters at manipulating emotions to achieve their goal of self-wealth, power and control over the public. It is of the utmost importance that we understand the rhetoric of the progressives and are using critical thinking when we listen to them speak.

 Though their goal is to fundamentally transform America into a Socialist/Marxist  nation, we must fight with every ability we have to restore America. SAVING AMERICA must be at the heart of all we do for the sake of our descendants.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

        Christian involvement in politics


  In the current state of affairs in America’s political arena many Christians question whether it is ‘kosher’ for them to be politically active or not. My answer to that question is the same answer I give when counseling anyone who comes to me seeking advice on issues of everyday life, I ask what was the position Jesus had on that subject.

  There is no issue of life from farming to abortion that God does not address in the Bible, but often you have to study to find the principle on what we consider ‘modern’ issues that are not obvious and politics, to some, is such an issue.

  Many Christian leaders are opposed because they claim Jesus never confronted Rome’s rule over Israel which is to a degree true. BUT He most assuredly did directly confront the political structure placed in authority over Jews during His time among men.

  Though it is true that Israel was under occupation by Rome the political structure of Israel that was established at the time was known as the Sanhedrin or the high court which was run by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It was the Sanhedrin that acted as the supreme authority over the governing of the people and they were in fact given authority to continue in that role by Rome in order to keep peace in the Land.

  Anyone who has read the New Testament knows that when it came to confronting the Pharisees no one could hold a candle to Jesus! My goodness he called them “sons of the devil”, “a generation of vipers”, “white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones” to their faces in front of crowds of thousands of people. He often challenged their “unconstitutional” laws by saying to thousands that “You have heard it said… ‘BUT I SAY’”. He openly reprimanded them for putting their ‘traditions’, which they had made into laws, before the commands of God. He told the people to listen to what they spoke but DO NOT DO AS THEY DO, meaning use critical thinking and discernment to weed out the truth and follow that, but do not follow their example of living outside of the just, or IHMO unconstitutional laws.

  Though Jesus never entered into armed conflict with the rulers He did tell his disciples to bring a sword when they left the Upper room. His call was not to be physically involved in resistance because He was to fight the spiritual battle for the entire human race not to deliver the Jews from an unjust occupation by Rome. I believe He had the sword brought to the garden to give His approval of defending against an assault by the authorities and not as an offensive weapon. I could be wrong but it is what I believe and we will have to agree to disagree about the sword issue if you feel differently.

   In any case it is very clear that Jesus did not sit idle and allow those in authority to abuse the people with unjust laws that enslaved them and stole from them the liberties God had given to them.

  With Jesus as our example of dealing with the law makers and enforcers of our nation we MUST NOT remain silent and uninvolved any longer. It is time to take action with our words verbally and through social media and every other venue available to us. To quote a man who gave his life to confront the evils of his day let me say now “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil”.

  SAVING AMERICA for posterity is at stake and Christians will be held accountable for the stewardship of His nation.



  So as I sit and contemplate the recent legislative actions both by New York State and by the federal government I cannot help but wonder how their thought process works. I wonder if they really believe what they are saying or if they are intentionally misleading the public with propaganda and half-truths.

  There have been numerous mass shootings in the last few years; however, violent crime has decreased over the past 20 years (FBI crime statistics). Each time a person commits a violent crime with a firearm, unless it happens in the Presidents home town of Chicago where by the way there have been more people killed with firearms than U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan, politicians and the mainstream media spare no effort to disparage the gun owners of America. There is always an effort made to exploit the tragedy to further the Progressive agenda of disarming America by politicians and the media.

  I think what bothers me the most about Progressives is the way they try to promote their agenda. They don’t want an open debate about their views; they always use rhetoric and emotion to sway the people. It is obvious they hate the constitution by the way they demonize anyone who thinks it should be the supreme law of the land. When the President says the kind of things he said during the 2008 campaign it is obvious, to some of us at least, he thinks those of us who have a belief and faith in God and own guns are out of the main stream of America. When in 1995 Rep. Diane Feinstein says to a reporter if she could get the votes needed in congress to confiscate all of our guns it would be “Hand them ALL over Mr. and Mrs. America” it becomes clear they want to do away with the 2nd amendment. Why then will they not have an open debate about repealing the 2nd amendment?  Let’s have an open and honest debate about whether or not the Constitution is still valid today and whether it indeed is the foundation of American society.

  Instead of discussing things with logic and reason it is always the same response, make more laws! Never mind the fact that the afore mentioned city of Chicago along with Washington D.C. have the strictest gun laws in the country and yet they also have the highest gun related crimes, we just don’t want to bring that up.

  Everyone ‘should’ know and understand that criminals do not pay attention to gun laws, yet making new laws that only affect law abiding citizens is all the government ever dose to stop violent crime. So how is that working for them, why not just make crime illegal! I ask any thinking person to explain to me or anyone else how keeping me from having an AR15 will stop a criminal from having one. And please, while you are explaining that to me, tell me how disarming me and leaving only criminals with “illegal firearms” will make me safer than I am as an armed citizen.

  What the Progressives are making their argument with is non-sense and if you or I were to go before the public and say the kind of things they are saying we could very well be made to see a mental health doctor. Using their logic I could expect that if I were to stop eating candy and other sweets Al Gore and Michael Moore would lose weight. Or if the President or Nancy Pelosi were to take an aspirin my head ache would leave. Maybe I’m nuts but this line of thinking is absurd to me.

  So I go back to my original question of where does Progressive logic originate. I suggest that there are only two possible answers to that question; either they believe what they are saying, which if true means they are incompetent and therefore unqualified to hold public office. The other is that they are using propaganda to further their agenda, which if true means they would have been breaking the law and should be charged and tried for treason, but they had the foresight to repeal said law in May 2012. Propaganda was outlawed after the 2nd world war in light of what the Nazis did to the German people, however, said law was “updated” to allow the practice (The US government is trying to unbind the legal regulations against using propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting the American and foreign people in controlled psy-ops.

The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.

These laws made propaganda used to influence foreigners and US citizens illegal. Without these laws, disinformation could run rampant throughout our information junkets.

SMA defines the prohibition of domestic access to influence information through a variety of means, from broadcast to publishing of books, media, and online sources by restricting the State Department). The fact politicians voted to allow the use of propaganda against American citizens should send a shudder of fear into the hearts of us all. This action by the federal government reveals to the thinking public that there is a hidden agenda to “fundamentally transform America”. It is sad and frightening that the enemy of America is actually the government itself.

  SAVING AMERICA just got much more difficult!

Monday, January 14, 2013

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good" (George Washington)

  In my humble opinion there can only be two choices that would explain what is happening today concerning the debate among politicians about an Americans right to keep and bear arms; one is because they are ignorant of the reason the founders thought it important for the people to be armed, the other is they are fully aware and have an agenda they know will be challenged by the people.

  If those who have been entrusted to guard and protect the Constitution are ignorant of the history leading to the necessity of citizens being armed they have no right to be charged with protecting it. I believe every politician should have to show a reasonable command of our history and that of the documents they vowed to up hold and defend.

 I believe there is reason to suspect that the government has nefarious reasons to mislead the public about the reason for gun control but I won’t go into it here. One needs only go back a few decades to see what our government is capable of doing to its’ citizens during a “crisis”, Japanese internment camps, Kent State, Ruby Ridge and Waco to name a few.

  The debate taking place in congress and the White House is being done on false pretenses and is designed to undermine the Constitution. The politicians are saying they want to protect “hunters” rights, making it sound like that is why the 2nd amendment exists. The 2nd amendment exists expressly for citizens to resist a tyrannical government, not so people can hunt. Any suggestion to the contrary by politicians is proof of their ignorance of or their agenda against the Constitution and they should be held to account for either or both.

   Dianne Feinstein (D Ca.) is on record saying her goal is to confiscate all arms from us. She is not alone in her desire to accomplish that goal but those with that agenda know they cannot achieve it in one legislative action so they will tear the Constitution down the same way you dismantle a wall by hand, one brick at a time. One “compromise” after another until they are able to get gun ownership to only a handful of citizens to resist them is what they are doing as we sit by and eat the propaganda being fed to us by the Progressive machine known as the mainstream media.

 Whether you own a firearm or not you should be alarmed by the tactics being used to usurp the rights guaranteed to every citizen under the Constitution. If you think it will stop with the 2nd amendment you fool yourself, Look at what is happening in N.Y.C. with the mayor controlling everything from how much soda you can buy to the restriction of pain killers in hospitals. Progressivism is ALL about allowing the “elite” to exercise control over the masses. If you are ok with being regulated out of your liberties then sit back under your new spirally light bulbs and enjoy the “Matrix”, but I will speak out and refuse to comply with politicians who are stealing my liberty and bankrupting my grandchildren.

Sunday, January 13, 2013



There comes a time in every man’s life when he must take a stand for what he ‘knows’ is right. When that time arrives there is a strength that arises which is beyond his capability of performing in his natural mind. His knowledge of right and wrong and good and evil becomes his driving motivation as he looks to the future and sees the consequences of remaining silent in the face of evil’s forceful advancement. His love for truth and  desire to leave a better tomorrow for posterity releases an ability to sacrifice his own wellbeing for that of the greater good of society. The natural instinct for survival is overridden and suddenly he realizes that he must sacrifice himself for something far more valuable, his sacred honor and love for truth and moral justice.

  There is a need for the generation that is alive in America to today to rise above perceived reality and see through the delusion that has come upon American society, and indeed the entire world, through the actions of a very vocal minority. We have been brainwashed by an agenda derived from an evil ideology that has destroyed every nation in recorded history.

The ideology has had many labels throughout history but it is as old as time itself. It is based in the notion that man is not other than himself but is sovereign and therefore has no need of anything but self-fulfillment. Nothing could be further from the truth than this; it is a delusion from the heart of evil itself.

  The word delusion is a synonym of deceive which means to “lead” from the truth into error, to mislead the mind or the judgment of the mind, to mock or frustrate the hopes or aims of the mind. It is a false belief or persistent error of perception occasioned by false belief or mental derangement leading to wrong decisions”. (Webster’s dictionary definition)

   It is clear that the American dream, which has nothing to do with being successful in acquiring wealth or fame, but is the belief that through Divine guidance we are capable of governing ourselves, is under attack by the same enemy that caused Adam and Eve to be deceived into believing they were not who they were.

  The Biblical account of the events that took place in the Garden of Eden shows how Eve was deceived into thinking that she was not what she indeed was. The serpent told her she could be like God “if”. The reality was that she was already like God; made in His image. He was able to confuse her identity and caused her to be “led” away from her destiny by the promise of something that the serpent could never deliver on.

   Just as was the case with the original deception, America has been deluded into believing she is something she is not. We have been lead away from the truth of our founding history and been sold a bill of goods by a progressive narrative that has destroyed our sense of right and wrong and good and evil. What was once considered common sense is no longer common among the American public and especially within our government. Everything the last generation believed to be the essential and basic fundamentals of America are being systematically mocked and replaced by Progressive ideologies.

   The ideology of Progressivism removes the possibility of hope outside of government programs and thereby frustrates the hope that is born in the heart of man from his creator. King Solomon stated that God has placed eternity in the heart of man (Ecc.3:11) which means that within all people there is a desire to discover a ‘thing’ greater than perceived reality. Progressivism presents a false belief and persistent error by ignoring the reality that man is a spiritual being that is destined and indeed driven to be free and innovative.  

  By removing hope from man the Progressives have caused frustration in the hearts and minds of many people which has led to wrong decisions resulting in everything from financial distress to mass murders. When there is no hope, vision or sense of purpose for the future in the heart of man he is destined to perish because of the decisions he makes. The word perish means a slow decay which is precisely the current state of America. The word decision means to award victory to one side over another; calling good evil and evil good!

   I believe people are beginning to awaken to the God ordained desires within their heart that have been being filled with the things we have been led to believe was success; money, power, position, popularity and the accumulation of ‘stuff’.  One more definition worth noting is the word success; success is the fulfillment of original purpose. The original purpose of man is to be in relationship with his creator and NOTHING will ever be able to substitute for the fulfillment of that purpose.

  As we realize the state we have been led to and the consequences of remaining on the path to decay we will be faced with the decision to stand against evil and risk everything we have for our posterity or to award victory to those who would enslave our minds to hopeless dependency on a governing system that cannot fulfill the promise of a just and humane utopia. It is time to re-evaluate our state of being and realize we will be what we are becoming if we are not willing to change our direction. Once we determine we desire honor and moral justice we will receive the strength to stand against evil, and in the face of righteous anger and determination, evil will shrink away and fade into the shadows. History shows that though evil will fade away, it will try to return under a different label but with the same intent. It is imperative that we instill honor and morality to the next generation so they will recognize evil whenever it appears in any form. This can and will only be accomplished if the current generation leads from the front by example and shows the benefits of living an honorable life in the pursuit of happiness through self-government.

 In my opinion there is no other way we can recapture the heart of God for America and remain the republic He established than to confront the evil we face with boldness knowing that it is by Divine appointment we have been awakened at this time. I hope and pray that others will soon join the fight for the restoration of this great republic and SAVING AMERICA will realized in our lifetime!

Thursday, January 10, 2013



 As an avid hunter and gun owner who loves shooting sports, I am very concerned about the exploitation by the government of the recent shootings of innocent Americans. I find it disturbing to hear the talking points being espoused by liberals and Progressives promoting the idea that all the murders are the fault of guns. The logic of this argument is insulting to the intelligence of every citizen. The idea that a gun killed anyone is like saying that forks and spoons cause obesity, or cars cause DWI.   

   The truth of the matter is that people kill people. In England gun ownership is out lawed and yet the murder rate by firearms is more than 10 times that of America per-capita. There is actually a law being considered that would outlaw kitchen knives in the UK because the murder rate by knives is ‘sky-rocketing’. The ‘Rev.’ Al Sharpton just proposed the banning and confiscation of firearms and when asked what happens when the guns are gone and people start murdering with knives, his response – ‘then we go after knives’! How stupid can our society get!?

  In every one of the shootings that has taken place there have been two common denominators besides the fact that a firearm was the weapon of choice; all were committed in “GUN FREE ZONES” and all were perpetrated by mentally unstable/ill killers!

   The question to be asked is not so much how did these people get hold of guns, anyone who wants to use a firearm for a crime will find a way to get one, even if it means going on the internet and getting instructions on making one, but rather what are mentally ill people doing out of a medical/mental facility? The answer is because a number of years ago our brilliant leaders decided we could not afford to treat them so hospitals and mental institutions were closed or funding was drastically cut. There were literally hundreds if not thousands of mentally ill persons thrown out into society with no forethought of the unintended consequences we are now reaping in the form of dead Americans.

   The blame for the murders does not belong to guns or gun owners but to the legislators who put financial benefit above public safety. The shifting of blame from those responsible for allowing people who are a danger to themselves and to society on to the second amendment is cowardly and IMHO criminal.

 Rhetoric like ‘no one “NEEDS” a clip like this or a gun like that’ is no more than propaganda to promote a Progressive agenda. If we allow the agenda to remove or further restrict a constitutional right to succeed we will be sorry! No amount of legislation will stop the killings of people by people who want to kill. We as citizens would do well to use critical thinking when listening to any and ALL politicians who are playing to the tune of those who want to control our lives.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

                          FULFILLING THE AGENDA


  The Progressive movement is one that seeks to destroy capitalism and bring about a Marxist style of government. The tactics they will use are callous and limitless with no concern for any individual’s liberty or wellbeing, their only concern is the fulfillment of their agenda.

  Recently I saw an interview on the internet during which an EXTREMELY rightwing man was advocating a forceful confrontation with the government. He boldly and brazenly spread what he claimed are facts, but he has no absolute evidence to back up many of his claims of government conspiracies. I concede that much of what he says makes a lot of sense and I too believe we are being governed by corrupt and dangerous elitist ideologues with their own best interest front and center. But a lot of what he says falls deeply into the category of ‘conspiracy theory’ and is dangerous to the uninformed public.

  The man is a ‘fairly’ well known TV and radio celebrity known for his outspoken distrust of the U.S. government and the U.N., which is a view I share with him. Where I separate myself from him is not his mistrust with the institutions but rather the method and delivery of his message and his solutions to the peril we are in.

   The interviewer was able to achieve his goal of portraying this man as an “Extremist” nut case who is hell bent on committing violence and encouraging others to follow suit. When confronted with the need for guns to be removed from the public sector or at the very least controlled by more laws and regulations the gentleman flew off into a tirade with shouting and promises of swift retaliation toward anyone who attempted to limit his 2nd amendment rights. While his passion to defend the Constitution and the liberties it guarantees is highly commendable the way in which he expressed his stance on the rights provided under the Constitution was less than eloquent.

   Whether the man is ignorant of the Progressive’s tactics or is just trying to bring some ratings for his radio/TV programs I don’t know. What I do know is one of the favorite and very successful tactics of the Progressive machine is to ‘demonize’ and marginalize the opposition.

   Since 2010 the Progressives have been trying to portray the right and the Tea Party in particular, as radical extremists who employ and advocate violent tactics to achieve their goal of limited government and lower taxes. The interviewer did just that with this interview. You can bet that this man will be used as a “poster boy” for the Tea Party by the Progressive propaganda machine.

   Though I agree with nearly all of the accusations the man makes against the government, I completely disagree with the way he is advocating dealing with the threat they pose. There very likely will come a time when we will have to take up arms to defend the Republic but this is not that time. We are in an unfavorable position by not having the bully pulpit of the presidency or the full force of the media to give a fair portrayal of who we are.

  I believe it is imperative that we use every means at our disposal to demonstrate to the public who we are and what we stand for and why.

 The average Tea Party follower does not have the ability to reach the masses with the message we embrace so we have to rely on what we do have. We must live the values we espouse so as to influence those we have in our sphere of influence. Venues like Face Book, Twitter and other avenues of social media are powerful tools that must be used to counter the narrative our adversaries are spreading through society.

  Progressives have been at work undermining western civilization for many decades and have a clear and effective plan to carry that goal through to fruition. The plan was tried in the 1960’s but was found to be unattainable because the ‘powers that be’ had control of the political realm, and the media at that time was still an actual “news media” that had not yet been overtaken by a Marxist ideology. Everything has changed since that period of history and the Progressives now control both the political and media realms. The deck is truly stacked against conservative/traditional values in favor of Marxism.

  History shows undeniably that violence will be used to bring about as radical a change as is proposed by the Progressives. Because they know from experience that Americans are for the most part, kind, benevolent, rational and tolerant people, they cannot be the aggressor in a violent takeover of America. Their goal can only be achieved by winning the political argument with the public, which they are beginning to do, or by revolution. The political argument will, I believe, fall apart when the people begin to feel the restrictive effects of the over regulation of government which will leave revolution as their means of fulfilling the agenda.

    As I stated earlier the American people will not support a first strike by the government, case in point, Kent State University. Progressives welcome violent revolution and have and do support and employ violent revolutionaries around the world and in the current administration. They will continue to provoke the fringe and extreme elements of the ‘self-proclaimed’ Tea Party type by any and every means in their arsenal until someone strikes out with an act of violence that is directed at the government.

  Once someone makes that move it will give them all the justification they need to use all the information they have been gathering on every citizen to link together all whom they deem a threat and begin implementing the mass arrests of gun owners and sympathizers. Their plan for linking together Constitutional conservatives and labeling us radicals has been going on for the last 4 years by the current administration.

  Everyone from war vets to Christians to those who support the concept of constitutional government has been named by the Department of Homeland Security as terrorist threats to the government. Legislation has been passed and executive orders have been signed dealing with the imprisonment of American citizens for an indefinite period of time without charges or trial. 

   I cannot go into length about the frightening aspects of what this government has already done and what I believe they are capable of and are willing to do to complete the take-over of America because of the sheer volume of possibilities. I can say that they learned during the 1960s that they can only accomplish their goal by controlling the perspective because perspective is reality.

   As we continue to speak out in opposition to the transformation of America we must keep our minds focused on the fact that we are a unique nation founded on Biblical principles and only by using those principles will we be successful in our endeavors. We are a nation of laws and it is by using those laws that we will win. God will not sanction a violent revolution started by us, He has given us the laws of this land and we must abide by them.

  Our first line of offense is prayer and we must pray with fervent intercession on behalf of the republic and those who are in leadership. Ephesians 6 tells us that we are not wrestling flesh and blood, but the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This must always be in our minds and we must use the weapons He has sanctioned to battle those forces. There may come a time in the near future when we will be forced to move into civil unrest as did those who marched on Washington during the civil rights battles of the 1960s, but even then we must not move into violence.

   If we follow those who advocate a “pre-emptive” strike we will be destroyed and our cause will fall to future generations to fight after God only knows how many years of suffering. The fight is only just beginning for us because the Progressives have been moving largely unopposed in the shadows and with the propaganda machine known as the press covering for them. Our mission is clear and our goal a worthy one, but only a firm reliance on Divine protection and preservation will see us through this war. I hope all who read this will understand the importance of using the tactics first used during the 2010 campaign season of peaceful, yet bold meetings for a redress of grievances. It was those public meetings with our congressmen and women that began the awakening of the public to the Progressive agenda and it will be those kinds of confrontations that will be effective in continuing to awaken the public and expose the strategy being implemented against America.

  If we continue to make our voices heard in a rational and peaceful way we will overcome. We must understand also that the Bible says that the Meek will inherit the earth. The meaning of the word meek is not weak or timid; it literally means “CONTROLED POWER”!

 SAVING AMERICA will depend completely on our ability to control our emotions when confronted with the opportunity to react to provocation. We must not react, we must respond with the power of meekness!

Friday, January 4, 2013

              Faithfulness to principle and fellow Americans


The recent publicized shooting incidents have given the Progressives an emergency situation, or as they prefer to call it a “crisis that can’t be wasted”. The sensationalizing of murders by the press is just another propaganda opportunity for the feds to push their goal of disarming Americans in much the same way many other countries have disarmed their citizens for the purpose of control.  Don’t get me wrong, any murder is a horrible thing but to use such crimes to promote a long delayed political agenda is not only wrong it is a morbid and blatant display of evil.

  In recent weeks the anti-gun lobby, made up of mostly Progressives who know little or nothing about firearms beyond the fact that they know they don’t like them, has begun an all-out assault on the second amendment. Politicians from both parties are spreading propaganda about the dangers of citizens being in possession of so-called assault weapons and are demanding more control over law-abiding gun owners and in some cases the confiscation of all firearms which is a violation of their oath of office in which they swear to “defend and protect” the constitution.


   Even though every statistic proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the presence of guns in the private sector is a clear deterrent to violent crime Progressives continue to insist that guns are the problem. They are given free media attention to promote their talking points which is fed to and believed by the uninformed masses as truth. There is no doubt what their end goal is, all one needs to do is listen to their own words and it will leave only one conclusion, they want a disarmed citizenry. In addition to the politicians spreading their propaganda there have been several calls for the murder of NRA members and the forced confiscation of firearms from all citizens by many mainstream media moguls and Hollywood hypocrites.

   If history is any indicator of things to come we are going to see an all-out assault on the second amendment resulting in the further dividing of America with the intended result of a massive government intervention and ultimately a push for the forced confiscation of all firearms and the imprisonment of all who resist the unlawful and unconstitutional order to surrender their arms.

  There will be many who will resist, myself among them, and likely be made examples of by the Progressive propaganda machine. This will be done to disparage gun owners in general and to sow fear of reprisal into society for all others. As was done in other Communist and Marxist take overs they will bring false accusations against the alleged offenders to justify their prosecution, if they are taken alive.  A prime example of this is the recent imprisonment of the man who made the film that the Progressives tried to pass off as the cause of the Benghazi murders. One might think that the Hollywood film makers would have protested the governments’ quick action in blaming an artist but then again they are “owned” by the Progressives and their agenda is of more value than a single citizen.

  As events unfold and the war on the second amendment heats up there is going to be a need for Americans to stand together and resist the overthrow of the Constitution.  Knowing what the goal of the enemy (progressivism) is will be necessary to defeat them. They will come after gun owners first then they will come after another group they feel is a threat to their agenda. It always happens that way and will again, that is why we must inform as many as possible and learn to use critical thinking when listening to anti-gun talking points.

  If you stand by and allow fellow citizens to be bullied by the feds you will likely be next and then your neighbors and friends. We are a nation of constitutional laws and if we abandon the principles we have always held dear we will cease to exist and will become a Marxist state that will imprison our children and their children.

   We must do all we can to instill the values we were endowed with by our creator through our founders to our children and any who are in our sphere of influence. It is important to know what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution says about the limits of the federal government and the liberties it guarantees every citizen so you can challenge those violating them.

  As a Christian I know what value God puts on honor and faithfulness. In the Old Testament Jonathan stood by the soon to be king and covenant friend David when King Saul was trying to kill David. Even though it cost Jonathan his life he stood by his principles and as a result his child was saved and lived in the house of the king for the rest of his life. His faithfulness to a friend got his name and character recorded in scripture for hundreds of millions to be inspired by.

   Another example found in scripture is that of Jesus’ mother and two other women whose names were also permanently recorded for generations to read about. The three women were Mary the mother of Jesus, Joanna and Mary Magdalene. Their example is, to me, one of the greatest revealed in scripture. They watched as Jesus was publically executed and were devastated by the site of seeing the one whom they loved and had placed all their hope in die before their eyes. They were stunned by the betrayal and abandonment of all those who had just days before sworn allegiance to him even to their own deaths. There is no indication in scripture that anyone including his mother had any hope or faith left in the ‘man’ Jesus. But despite the fact that he had ‘failed’ to fulfill their expectations the women stayed faithful to him.

  During the Sabbath they made preparations for the proper burial procedures and on the morning the time had come to go care for their son and friends body they left together for the tomb. I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow they were going through as they walked to the tomb to honor him that morning. When they arrived at the tomb instead of having to find a way to open the tomb to care for the dead body they were met by angels declaring that “He is not here, He is risen”. It was their faithfulness to another human being, and a dead one at that, that allowed them to meet the Risen Savior.  

  It is this kind of faithfulness that will be necessary for America to survive the attack being perpetrated by those in the so-called ‘ELITE’ class. The attacks are only now beginning to be felt, but as the days and weeks come they will intensify in viciousness and sheer volume. The enemies of America are determined to take control of every aspect of what has always been normal life. We must be resolved in our minds and hearts that there is hope for our future through faithfulness to God, each other and the principles we share as a people.

    If we cower in fear and allow the arrest and conviction of gun owners to take place without protesting and if necessary storming the halls of congress in the same manner as the unions did in Wisconsin then we are not worthy of the name “American”. It is my hope and prayer that patriots all across this nation will recognize the evils being unleashed against our very identity, and collectively with one unified voice shout “WE WILL NOT COMPLY”. Every U.S. veteran took an oath to protect the Constitution and there was no expiration date associated with that oath. We who took that oath must prove ourselves worthy of the oath we took and rise up in defense of the Constitution, if we do not then we are no better than the 99% of politicians assaulting the foundation of this great republic.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Those who ignore politics place themselves and every other citizen in the hands of corrupt politicians who will legislate the freedoms and liberties of our descendants away and sentence them to live under tyranny! The time for burying heads in the sand or saying apathetic things to remove responsibility and there by guilt for non involvement in the politics is over. It is time, in fact past time for everyone to rise up and be heard, not just by politicians but by neighbors and friends and family. Sitting back and "praying" for God to do it all is un-American and I contend unbiblical. God ordained the establishment of America and He inspired the founders to write the documents that protect the liberties He alone has given to us. Among the inspired words written were "WE THE PEOPLE" and "GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE", not some people but THE PEOPLE! Non-involvement is a lazy cowards way of fulfilling the sin of greed - "ME, MYSELF, AND I"! What America is about to go through is NOT GOD'S WILL, it is His permissive will and we will be held to account for not being the stewards He commands us to be. 2013 will see opportunities to see Glorious things happen but only those who are willing to LIVE REV.12:11 will experience the joy of the Lord that gives us the strength to continue. Those who are too busy with their own little world will hear the same words the servant who hid his talent heard from his Master. It is not too late to switch sides (you are either with Him or against Him) and stand up for the Republic God ordained us to be citizens of! EVERYONE HAS A PART!