Sunday, January 12, 2014

Republic vs. Republican

   I listened to a conservative talk show monologue tonight and was rather disappointed by how RINOish this very popular host is. He is right that republicans need to stop cutting each others throats, but he failed to mention who is doing all the mud slinging. I believe it was John McCain who called Ted Cruz and Mike Lee 'Whacko Birds' for opposing the Obama care roll out and wanting to defund it, then delay it, now look who is saying the same thing. I believe it is Peter King who is saying Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are dangerous and don't deserve to be in the Senate. It is Carl Rove and Mitch McConnell who are spending millions to destroy Tea Party candidates with negative campaign strategies and not running on the record of their candidate.
I have not heard one Tea Party member of Congress sling any mud at anyone, they have stayed true to their convictions and for that they are demonized by the old guard.
It is the old guard, Speaker of the House John Boehner, that is failing to pursue a select committee to investigate the IRS targeting of Tea Party conservatives, which, to me, says they want to allow the IRS to continue shutting down their competition.
  To be fair the host did have a couple good voices on to follow up his talking points. I think want this host and many 'Republicans' forget or just don't understand is that we are where we are because they, establishment Republicans, keep compromising with Progressives. Each compromise takes away a small piece of our liberty and leads to another compromise that takes away another little piece, and the cycle keeps going as we spiral out of control and into a Socialism style government. Republicans need to remember, or be taught, that the core meaning of the word "Republican" is Republic which means that their mission is to preserve the Republic not the Republican party.

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