Saturday, March 30, 2013

Been sitting here thinking about the things that took place about two thousand years a go today and wondering what the world must have thought when darkness covered the earth. And trying to imagine the despair and sense of loss everyone who... had believed that Jesus was the Messiah had as they saw His dead body taken down from the Roman crucifix and carried to a tomb. His mother and the women who were accompanied by his brother John had to have been absolutely devastated by what they had just witnessed.
I cannot help but wonder what was going on on the other side. We are told very little about it but it must have been amazing! Those who were waiting to tend his dead body could have had no clue that the one they could no longer have faith in, the one they "knew" was dead was actually having the time of His life taking the keys from our adversary and preparing to make His "Triumphal Re-entry" into Jerusalem! Thankfully for the women they stayed nearby and waited until they were allowed to minister to Him after the Passover. The darkness and despair of the faithful would in just a couple days be pierced by THE LIGHT of the world!
If it looks really dark today, just wait patiently near the tomb where you "think" he is and soon your faithfulness will be rewarded. Do not be surprised if that reward comes in a manner that you find "IMPOSSIBLE", God cannot be put in our little boxes, He is God!

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