Saturday, September 1, 2012

 What is really happening around the world today? We see the evidence of the age old struggle between good and evil playing out in the news media every night, although for the most part the main stream media hides the real news in favor of mindless entertainment for ratings purposes. The only real sources of news, sadly, are found only on the internet. No one is hearing of the extent to which the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating  not only our own government but also nearly every country around the world that finds itself in the throws of conflict either in out right military actions or being subjected to terror from radical Islam. There have been, to my knowledge, no reports of the crucifixions taking place in Egypt over the past few weeks, or the mass killings of Christians in Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt. There is so much violence and mayhem in the world that maybe the media thinks we can’t handle the truth so they are protecting the public. I don’t know what the reasoning is for keeping the public ignorant of current events, but it is wrong.

  What I believe is happening is of Biblical proportions in the grand scope of world events. I can only give what is pure speculation on my part, but it may actually be reality, only time will tell.

 I am no real Biblical scholar but what I believe is happening fits the scenario from the Apostle Pauls’ letter to the Church in Ephesus and also from the teachings of Islam on eschatology.

 First anyone who has read the book of Revelations knows that before Jesus Christ returns to earth there will be utter chaos preceded by a one world currency, government and religion. Islam is very similar in that it teaches that Islam will be at war with the “infidel” and there will be a virtual bloodbath taking place which will usher in the return of the 12th Imam.

 In Pauls’ letter he describes a time when the Jew and the gentile will become united as one and become what he calls the “one new man”. He describes this event as the mystery of God hidden from the beginning. When that takes place the two peoples, Jew and gentile, will be united into one body and Christ will be the head.

 The push today by the so-called elite to bring the world together under one currency is on a fast track to completion. Once that has been accomplished, in one form or another, there will be a need for a governing body to regulate the monetary system. That regulating system will become the new world order. The last step will be the establishment of a single religion to control the morality of the worlds’ population.

 I believe that there is only one religion in the world that will not sit back and allow itself to be declared a “second rate” religion, that being Islam. Virtually every civilized nation on the planet is fearful of Jihad and has already allowed themselves to become so politically correct toward Islam that they already have become compliant to Shariah.

 Having said all that, I believe we are seeing a counterfeit of the “one new man”. It is happening rapidly in America today. Just as there has been enmity between the Jew and the gentile for centuries, there has been between the Muslim and the infidel. Satan can only counterfeit the true, and I believe that is what we are seeing now. The Muslims and the progressives are joining forces and pushing an agenda of unity to bring about a utopian society that will make everyone equal and at peace. The big problem for the progressives is the definition of peace. They see it as the absence of turmoil and a utopian society, but under Islam the definition is quite different. Islam defines peace as the freeing of men from the oppression of manmade laws and the implementation of strict Shariah Law.

 The Democratic Convention in North Carolina next month will be attended by 20,000 Muslims for prayers. Two of the leaders of the Muslim delegation have direct ties to radical Islam including one who is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

 The trouble with the joining of the Muslim and the gentile is that the Muslim Brotherhood is bound by the Koran to kill the infidel. They are instructed to do what is called “civilization Jihad”, to befriend and work with the enemy until such time as you are strong enough to destroy him.

  The progressives do not know what they are dealing with when it comes to Islam because they themselves are a godless organization. They believe that Islam is a peaceful ‘religion’ that is capable of compromise. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Koran dictates that Jihad is their highest goal and to die for Allah the greatest honor. They are cold-blooded and calculated in their methods of Jihad. Europe has been overwhelmed by both civilization and stealth Jihad, and America is next because of the apathy and ignorance of the average American citizen.

  We are seeing the physical manifestation of a battle in the heavens. The battle is for the re-establishment of a global Caliphate and domination of the world by Islam and the revealing of the “one new man” from scripture. The battle is raging and it must be fought on two fronts, first in the spirit realm through prayer by the saints and second in the physical realm through the political and literal battle front where terrorism is being committed or formulated.

 America is the prize that Islam wants most because we are the only viable opposition to them destroying Israel and the rest of the free world. They cannot defeat us militarily but they are wise enough to know they can use their age old tactics of civilization and stealth Jihad, and indeed have gained much ground in undermining our foundations from within, through those tactics.

  We must take a stand against the ‘invasion’ of Islam into our society or we will lose our republic to the ‘freedom’ brought about by the doctrines of Shariah. Many say I am a conspiracy theorist and that only 10% of Muslims are in the radical camp. I totally agree! There are only about 10% of Muslims that are radical, but once you do the math you can understand my concern. It is estimated that there are 1,500,000,000 Muslims in the world today, that translates to 150,000,000 radical Jihadist! That is, in my humble opinion, a rather formidable force to deal with!

  SAVING AMERICA from this real and present danger is the responsibility of every man, woman and child in this country. We must use every tool at our disposal to defeat this foe and drive it from our shores and from the face of the earth. We have got to take the threat seriously and get on our knees in prayer and to the ballot box and supply and support our troops on the battle field. I urge everyone reading this to find out what you personally can do and DO IT now, our republic is at stake and the future of our children is in the balance.

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