Friday, September 21, 2012

  There is a great deal of reason to have hope in our fight against the Progressive agenda to make America equal with the other nations of the world. The powers that be on the ‘left’ are acting like desperate little bullies.

 When a bully is confronted his true nature is usually revealed to be that of a coward who turns and runs. This is exactly what the Progressives did in the early 20th century when they were outed for the cancerous tumor on democracy that they are. They ran with their tails between their legs and hid in the shadows of darkness and evil from which they came. They began to resurface again during the last half of the century under the name of liberals and have renamed themselves again to Progressive because the liberal label became a toxic label again.

  Like the coward who stands back and yells slanderous names and hurls powerless threats in hopes of intimidating the ignorant and the uninformed, Progressives are now resorting to these tactics to try to discredit the real power of the grassroots movement to restore America to her roots. They are much like the waterless clouds or the roaring lion without teeth that the scripture speaks of, ominous looking and loud but without any authority. The truth is that the only power any politician, Democrat/Progressive or Republican, has is the authority that “We the people” give them.

  The political players are losing the battle and they know it. The evidence is not being widely reported in the media, at least not in a positive light. The “Tea Party” is being labeled as extreme and dangerous to America. The facts are that the only reason the government is considering tax cuts and spending cuts is because people started electing non-politicians who are fiscal conservatives and throwing the party elites out, and doing so in large numbers.

   There is real evidence that things like Face Book and Twitter are being monitored and trends are being tracked by the government, media and corporate America. These entities are shaking in their boots because the trends show that Americans are educating themselves in history and are no longer getting the majority of their news from the elite media but from independent internet sites and blogs. More and more people are using social media to share information and news. We are voicing our disgust and disappointment with the status-quo and this is a threat to their job security.

  The current incidents in the Islamic world are being used by the Progressives to push for legislation to shut down free speech and control social media under the ruse of an alleged emergency. Three times in under a week the mainstream media has challenged President Obama on his failed policy which is something that has never happened before now. The 2016 movie and other documentaries revealing and vetting the President more than tripling the expected audience has sent fear into the heart of the beast! They will continue to push the bogus claim that the so called internet movie is the reason for the riots and murders in Islamic countries and the free speech of the film maker is responsible. Their efforts will fail because people are tired of having their intelligence insulted and are calling them out as having lied to them. The constant evasion of the facts and distraction from reality are quickly becoming harder for the elite to get away with and that puts frustration and fear into the Progressive machine.

  The media is skewing the poll numbers to plant doubt and hopelessness into the hearts and minds of conservatives. They understand the power of persuasion and the power of propaganda and they have the means at their disposal to implement both. The fact that these corporations are willing to manipulate the truth to advance an anti-American agenda should be enough to motivate us to write the corporate headquarters and threaten to boycott their corporations and their sponsors products and encourage friends and family to do the same.

  We must go on the offensive and remain there religiously or they will win. We have to begin to speak encouraging words to each other and dwell on things that are positive and uplifting. The Bible tells us to be imitators of God and call those things that are not as though they are. In other words we need to use the creative power of the spoken word and boldly proclaim the truth that this nation is ordained by God to be a nation like none other, save Israel our staunch ally. We need to increase the political chatter on social media and encourage one another with good news. When bad news comes we must remember that God has a redemptive purpose in everything and that nothing takes Him by surprise, He was, is and shall remain on His throne and the government WILL rest on His shoulders.

 SAVING AMERICA will depend on whether patriots will stand and openly and boldly challenge the Progressive talking points. The use of our God given right to free speech cannot and must not be allowed to be challenged by an openly anti-American President, politician in any party, godless Islamic/Muslim nations or by the anti-American organization known as the United Nations!

  Take courage and do not fear we are winning the battle and we will win the war if we do not grow weary in well doing and remain faithful to the end!

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